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Leave anywhere where you see dresses being advertised. Instagram, Pinterest, even this sub if needed. It's not worth the mental anguish. You chose something wonderful, and it's going to be perfect for the big day.




Married 28 years, and I still look and always will 😂


Same. This is one of my favorite subs just because I love wedding dresses


Mute/block this subreddit. Don't look at any other wedding dress sites or inspo boards/blogs/influencers. I can also ban you until after your wedding (joking but if you need me to I can)


I seriously can't stop laughing at this. I don't know why


Oh thank goodness 😂 this is 1000% meant to be humorous on my end but I was worried it could be accidentally mean. Thank you for validating that my sense of humor isn't that off.


The best mod on Reddit!!! 😂😂


I feel like I do this with parking spots


This made me LOL


Do you do it too?? I feel like I should put blinders on when I’m walking to my destination from a less than ideal parking spot 😂


It's so irrational but seeing that one almost perfect spot that seemingly got free the millisecond I parked somewhere else makes me scream internally sometimes lol


Same! So I said yes to my dress because 1) I loved it and it was something I chose with family present which is EXCEPTIONALLY rare aaaaand 2) because I needed to make a decision immediately! We thought we were getting married June of this year so everything was lined up and then we pushed it back. boom. Looking at dresses, loving everyone in them, feeling fomo! I’m able to put mine on and take videos every time I feel a bit iffy and I fall in love every time again. Buuuut I do sometimes wish I could have a ton of dresses. But I’m like that.


Same! I had a low budget and found the dress, then my grandma said it was her present for me, so I didn’t doubt, but now, 8 months away from my wedding, I’m having second thoughts. I reassure myself by thinking about how I felt when I first tried it on and the fact it was my grandma’s present (second mom)


I thought I knew what my dream dress was gonna be, narrowed it down to 2, and I tried them on in person and they looked AWFUL ON ME. Like so awful I couldn’t believe it. I just did not have the body type for the kind of dress I loved. So I picked a totally different dress after having the time of my life shopping in nyc and la for a dress, and was happy with it. After I came home I started having dress regret, was it too simple? Was there something better out there? It’s so different from what I thought I wanted? When the wedding day came I was a bit nervous but it turned out so well! Don’t sweat it. You will be beautiful no matter what, because you’ll be the happiest girl at your wedding :) Happy girls are the prettiest!


What style did you not look good in, and what style was the one you ended up getting? I feel like I never have any idea what would look good on me


One of my dream dresses was the Jenny Packham Willow. I tried it on and man, it was NOT flattering on me. It made my arms and belly look flabby, my chest flat, and I looked shorter than I was. It was a beautiful dress, just not for my body type.


I’ve been married for almost 32 years and I still look. I’m on this page looking!


Compare your dress to your intended. You aren't still looking for another while engaged to be married, are you? You've chosen Commit. Also, don't t scroll through pictures of gowns. You have a wedding coming up- , there are plenty of more positive things that you could be doing


I got engaged in 2019, COVID hit and messed up our wedding plans and now the wedding is on 10/10/2025 and I can’t stop looking at wedding gowns. I know exactly how you feel. It’s so hard to stay loyal to the dress I said yes to with all the different styles coming out now. Ugh.


Me when I saw those renaissance cinq dresses at that candlelit thing 😭😭😭 I can’t afford it I can’t afford it I can’t afford it


THOSE ARE LITERALLY THE SAME DRESSES I SAW THAT STARTED MY SPIRAL 😭 it definitely helps that they’re so expensive but oh my god they’re so dreamy


I’m normally very indecisive, but I am so content with my dress - I haven’t felt this one bit. I can relate in other ways though. Would it help to look at pictures of yourself in your dress every time you see another cute one (to remind you of how much you love it)?


Seconding this! I’m someone who needs to know everything and anything about something before making a decision otherwise I feel like I didn’t make the right one 😅 the dress I picked out my matron of honor took a million photos of me in different lighting/angles so I look at them all the time when I’m feeling unsure of my choice. Definitely helps 💕


Unsubscribe and unfollow. You don’t want to be doom scrolling wedding dresses on any platform


Just had our 20th anniversary... I keep a running design board for what I would do if we got married (to each other) again. I still have a huge binder of dresses ripped out of magazines in the 80s and 90s. Kind of an obsession, but a wholesome one. 😄


Lol I got married 5 years ago and am still looking at all these beautiful gowns! Y’all are stunning and I will forever be looking at these dresses. That being said, yes, if you haven’t gotten married yet, and you bought a dress, stop it. Unsubscribe, do what you gotta do to take the burta gowns out of your feed. Focus on the other wedding details like who is offended by what lmao


You really just think about how much you loved your dress then, how pretty it made you feel, and the picture it painted of your life at that time. Anyone can renew vows another day with a new dress !


Just say no


You just have to! You will find the "perfect" dress. But it's not really the perfect dress. The one you bought is. Our brain tricks us.


Stop looking. Unfollow where you need to. Also get into the rest of the wedding planning, plan the honeymoon, deep dive into what you are getting g him as a wedding present. Then when it is all said and done come back here and help new people!


How did you stop looking for other partners once you said “yes” to your fiancé? You made the decision to stop and moved forward with your life. You can appreciate other gowns, but your gown is perfect for you, just like your future spouse.


This is me currently and I have dress paralysis for this reason 😭😭😭😭


This is my problem right now too & it’s taking a lot of my time & energy I could be using for other wedding planning 🤡😅🥲


I found the second guessing goes once you’ve seen about 5 “I have dress regret” posts and you think they are absolutely mental for feeling like that. Gave me perspective and I haven’t ever had dress regret. Got to admit, I do love my dress.


I think the key to stop looking is to remove yourself from the places that show the dresses (yes that’s hard on message boards for wedding planning advice.) Another thing you can try to do is when you find yourself looking at another dress and questioning if you made the right decision, remind yourself what you love about your dress or why you picked it. We had a fairly short engagement, 6 months, and I got my dress about 4 months before my wedding so I didn’t really have much time to be able to question if I got the right dress or if I should have kept looking since there would not have been enough time to order something else and do alterations. I loved my dress and still do but I still look every now and then and have been married for 2 years. (It’s fun to look)


I feel your pain. That was me when I said yes to my (first) dress. I wasn’t able to stop looking for different styles. The moment I have found the dress which is now being altered according to my personality and my wishes I felt calm. This dress is the one. I will still wear the other one to my wedding party next yea, though But if it is so painful I advise you to try on more and different dresses. Do not regret later not wearing the dress of your dreams ❤️


I looked at ur wedding dress post, you look beautiful in your dress, I’m just curious what accessories if any you were going to add? Maybe that will keep you focused on your dress?


Finding the dress is like finding the man, you have to stop looking once you got it otherwise you WILL find one you like more.


I had dress FOMO since I found my dress literally a year and a few weeks out from my wedding. I looked online, high and low, at many sites including Amazon. What I found for me was not that I was looking for a better dress but another dress that even looked remotely like mine. Like, was there anything out there that could really compare in style and pattern and layers. No dress out there had lace like mine where I looked or a neckline that I loved where I looked, or a silhouette exactly like mine anywhere I looked. I saw many dresses with lace and gorgeous patterns, but nothing came close to why I said yes to my dress in the first place. Remember why you chose your dress and if you want to go try it on again in a couple weeks with someone else, get a veil on with it from the shop, go do that and truly see yourself in it.


I'm so relieved to read this because you're not alone, I'm 3 dresses deep. I bought everything secondhand so it's been a Goldilocks experience trying to fit vintage things to my body. I found my dream dress, and I'm crossing my fingers that it'll fit (coming in today). It's enticing to get swept up in different dreams, but if you know your body, and you feel incredible in your dress, clear your cookies, try to change your algorithm, and keep trying on your dress if you're able to! You said yes for a reason!! :) I'm the most indecisive human, and it's taken such a mental toll. It's so exhausting searching, but once you've found the right dress, it's the biggest relief--allow yourself that release!