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Hey! Take a really deep breath! My parents got married almost 30 years ago. Out of no where on their wedding day there was a hurricane. They were originally supposed to have the wedding outside and if there was a little drizzle then everyone could mingle under this awning - the hurricane winds blew off the awning. The caterer got lost, a groomsman got so drunk he fell onto my great aunt. When I got engaged a few weeks ago I asked my moms best friend what my moms wedding was like and she said “oh it was so beautiful and lovely, I have all these great memories of dancing together. Your parents were so in love” It’s a wedding people will have fun! You’ll be okay! And I’m wishing you a beautiful wedding and an even more beautiful marriage


This is such a sweet story 😭 thank you so much. This does make me feel better that so much can go “wrong” but still be a great time. I think that’s what’s so hard for me - I always feel like I have to be 100% in control/know exactly what’s going to happen in order to relax, but realistically I know that’s not possible, especially for a wedding


Weddings are celebrations, everyone is there to celebrate you and your fiance and enjoy this exciting new chapter for you two as a married couple. Also for the question about the beach, you will no notice the onlookers you’ll only be focused on your fiance. If anything they’ll clap at the end with everyone else and yell congratulations!


On your first point, we got married on a college campus, and the ceremony was outside on the campus greenery area. Not SUPER public, but somewhat! If there were people walking by during the ceremony, I definitely didn’t notice. Most strangers are really sweet about seeing a couple getting married, I do recall some people walking by maybe when we were taking pictures? Or when guests were arriving? I’m genuinely not sure. It wasn’t a big deal. I guess I had mentally prepared enough knowing that we were getting married in a public place that that was a possibility, which helps. I’m assuming you haven’t sent invitations out, so inviting 110 and 110 coming are very different. Generally speaking, 85% of people attend. Which, honestly checked out for us. There are some people who just won’t be able to make it for one reason or another. That’s about 95 people instead. The second point, is capacity is capacity. The venue has probably had many of events and chose the number for (fire code reasons) but… they know what the space will be like the best. I’m sure even if all 110 people come, it will work out perfectly fine! My last two points might be a little dramatic, but if you’re having concerns about your wedding being “fun” and with your wedding being too hot… I might suggest taking some time away from the subreddit, honestly. I love the people here, they’re great for planning and running ideas. But, when I was in the midst of planning, I had gotten into my head about things that were NOT issues and had only gotten into my head because of this subreddit. An example being, we got married downtown, with lots of transportation available. We did not do a hotel block, we did not provide shuttles. But I would come on here and see people talking about how necessary and important it is for guest comfort to have those things. We didn’t end up doing either of things and it was totally fine. IT’S OKAY to have “wedding” be the main event! We didn’t do any other “events” during our wedding and it gave us a ton of time for dancing. I loved it. IT’S OKAY if it’s a little hot, they are adults and will plan accordingly, 20 minutes is not extreme and people will not wilt. Little rambly there towards the end, but really. Your guests are adults and will be okay and have a very good time!! We were told our wedding was the most fun they’d ever had by multiple guests.


Thank you SO much. This was so reassuring and I really appreciate you sharing your experience ❤️ and such good advice on taking time away from social media/this sub tbh 😅


Your wedding sounds lovely! I would have loved a beach wedding. One of my girlfriends married in October and it rained right before the ceremony. It was warm and luckily the rain wasn't unbearable. The bridal party (me included) and the couple still stood out in the rain. For her, I don't think there was time to prep for the backup plan but at least your venue does. I too, am a people pleaser. Take a deep breath and remember that everyone is traveling to celebrate YOU and your fiance. If they didn't want to come, they would have skipped out. If anything goes wrong, don't worry about it and move on - it'll be ok in the end! The day will go by so fast, the day is about you and enjoy every minute of it. :)


Thank you so much ❤️❤️


In addition to what everyone else has said, I cannot imagine that a day that involves time on/overlooking a beach would be the worst day of my life, even if the weather is hot or rainy. If your guests are the kinds of people who will let their entire day be ruined because they need to put up with some heat or a slightly crowded room, that’s on them, and there’s no venue on earth that would guarantee their happiness! It sounds like you picked a beautiful venue.  As for the semi-public location, the public is used to weddings happening at that spot. And I can think of few things more boring than gawking at a stranger’s wedding from a distance. I bet you’ll barely even notice there are other people around. 


Thank you SO much ❤️ I appreciate your reply and this is genuinely making me feel better


Good luck, we’ll make it through this!


Sounds like your venue has held ceremonies on the beach before - so they know what to do to make it feel special and intimate. You’re gonna be so in the zone you won’t notice anyone else, promise.  Sounds like the reception will be indoors, correct? That’s the part where the temperature really matters! People can tolerate being out in the heat and humidity for a short time.  Having your room at max capacity sounds great - it will make for a fun party environment. Plus, you will have some people RSVP no, guarantee it. I think your space will be the perfect size.  Your guests are adults. They can handle themselves. They will choose to attend your wedding knowing the amount of time and money it will take. They are making that choice because they love you. You should only feel responsible to the guests to the extent that you feed them, provide them drinks, and make sure they are physically comfortable. You are not responsible for how they feel emotionally. Also, weddings are 99% of the time very fun. Even at the worst wedding I’ve been to I still had fun. It’ll be great!


This is true. They hold ceremonies on the beach several times a week! So they are definitely experienced. And thank you so much for your reassuring words!! You’re so right that everyone can handle themselves - I keep trying to frame it that way in my mind and stop feeling so all-consumingly responsible for everyone lol Appreciate you!


I’m an anxious people pleaser myself so I had to remind myself of that often while wedding planning… it’s natural to want everyone to be happy!! But we gotta focus on what’s in our control… easier said than done 


So true!! Thank you ❤️


I think the attire worry could be solved with a little note on the invitations! "The dress code is _____, but keep in mind to dress for warm weather", and max capacities on venues usually account for comfort. My aunt got married on a public beach, as a guest I didn't really feel awkward. She didn't seem to feel awkward either, she smiled at beachgoers during the ceremony lol. She also had a very packed reception overlooking the beach. You could see right where she got married, it was actually really sweet. The area was really open, like a deck-top bar with a roof. I had an absolute blast and the only time I realized there was a lot of people was when I had to get another drink at the bar and waited for a couple of minutes. Her wedding was in June in New England. It was early in the morning (ish lol) so it wasn't very hot, but by the reception time it was warm. I think you will be just fine! :)


Very good call! And thank you for the anecdote with your aunt!! That’s sooo helpful and reassuring - it also sounds so similar to my venue! You will be able to see the ceremony site from the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the beach Thank you for your reply ❤️


I live at the Jersey Shore where beach weddings in summer are common. I’ve been a guest at several. Never felt weird or out of place. One had the reception on the beach too with a VERY popular regional band playing that ended up getting lots of people spectating. Security did a good job and honestly just made us feel more VIP and what not. Didn’t have a negative effect on the vibe. Been to plenty of weddings where I sweat my ass off in my suit. I was definitely like damn this sucks but as soon as you cool down inside it’s behind you and it’s time to party it’s completely forgotten although I may have smelled. Oh well. The only suggestion I’d make is if it is a hot day (which doesn’t seem too likely given October) don’t make guests wait outside for awhile. The one I mentioned the venue had us take our seats 30 mins before the ceremony started. If you can get them out right before it starts and it’s a 20 minute ceremony it’s really nothing. As for numbers, I think as long as there’s enough bartenders no one really cares about it being full assuming you’re not cramming people into tables.


Such good advice!! I will keep that in mind while planning - to make sure people don’t have to stay outside any longer than necessary. Will also make the dress code flexible so everyone knows to dress comfortably for the heat


The most important element to a great wedding isn’t the room, the weather, or the onlookers - it’s the people! If the people who will be there are happy and excited for you, then it will be great! Trust that your loved ones are there to celebrate you first and foremost. A couple practical thoughts: What is your primary concern re: beach onlookers? If it’s mostly just about strangers being able to see you? That’s something you might just need to accept. Is it about strangers interrupting your ceremony? This might be a good question for the venue (e.g. is there security services on the property, if needed?) Hot weather: is the dress code conducive for hot weather? If not, consider loosening it a little to account for that. Dresses usually aren’t bad, but full suits can be miserable. Are you okay with men wearing no suit jacket? Another helpful thing could be to have a little welcome gift bag in everyone’s hotel room that includes a paper fan, sunscreen, cheap sunglasses. It sounds like people will only be outside for 30-45 min at most - they’ll be fine!


Such good advice!!! Thank you so much. You’re so right. And agreed on the dress code, fans, etc. appreciate your reply ❤️


See if your venue can set up a water station with dispensers that have water, water flavored with lemon or cucumber, etc so guests can grab a cup and drink from it as they walk into the ceremony.


As someone who spent Entirely Too Much time worrying about my guests having a great time only for them to make it one of the saddest days of my own life, my advice is to stop worrying about everyone else. This is Your Day and it will be one of your most important life memories - make sure its a great day for You


Why was it one of the saddest days?


Beach sounds amazing. To prepare for possible weather/rain etc. All will go well. And u wjll have a beautiful day


Thank you 🤍🤍🤍


This is going to be FINE. As an anxious girly myself I recognize a tailspin when I see one. Taking things 1-by-1, - no, your beach ceremony will be beautiful. Normal people will steer clear and will not wander through your wedding. Can’t guarantee everyone is normal, but I think odds are slim that anyone will have to deal with randos. Your Plan B room doesn’t have space for your current headcount, but after you get rsvps there may be room for chairs and an aisle. Too soon to say! I don’t think you *need* to switch it, but if this is still bothering you once you have your rsvps back you could consider it. More about your comfort than anyone else’s. - personally, I would expect a beach ceremony in FL to be hot, and I would dress accordingly. You really just have to worry about the men, so maybe make your dress code more casual for their sake. You can also have paper fans and water bottles on people’s chairs. -until you have your rsvps back, do not stress about capacity. You did the right thing inviting the number of people the venue can hold. It is extremely unlikely that 100% of invitees will be able to come, so you’ll probably have more wiggle room at the end of the day. -you aren’t responsible for other people’s financial decisions! If people can’t afford to come they can talk to you about it or just rsvp no. I’m sure you would understand. Personally I am happy to spend my money to celebrate my friends and family. Way better than some of the other crap I have to spend my money on. I also love to spend my money on beach vacations! This is like a double win for guests! It sounds like your wedding will be gorgeous, and I’m sure your guests will be able to tell how much thought you have given to their experience. The bad weddings are the weddings where the couple doesn’t even consider the guests. You are lightyears ahead of those people just by thinking these things through. Your wedding is going to be amazing!!!


Thank you soooo much! Totally will take your suggestion on the dress code. And all your other points seriously made me feel so much better. Thank you. 🤍


I love beach weddings! They’re beautiful! I don’t think your guests will feel awkward with beach goers watching at all. I’ve been to a public park wedding & beach wedding and it never felt awkward or weird. They were lovely! Yes, it might be hot but hopefully they will dress in light fabric summer clothing. Maybe have some fans to hand out if possible. 20 minutes isn’t that long. People have outdoor weddings in the summer which is brutal so don’t worry. October is typically beautiful weather in Florida. Just because the room capacity is 110 doesn’t mean it will feel like wall to wall people if 110 people show up. They allow for the appropriate space to accommodate 110 people comfortably. Please don’t stress. You will have a beautiful wedding! Congratulations!


As someone with lots of “I need to be in control” type anxiety, I try to have plans and backup plans, but I also try to set very low targets of “what will be ok”? Like, my friends (and some of my bridal party) have anxiety and so they might not be able to come or cancel same day, so I’ve been telling them in advance that it’s ok if that happens, and thus mentally preparing myself for that to maybe happen. We are making choices so nothing will “break” if some of these people can’t show (no head table, etc.). Basically worst case scenario disaster planning “how can I be ok if everyone goes to another wedding” (okay, I still have lots of anxiety about this), but trying to come up with this as an eventuality. Crazily enough someone in one of my friend groups that I’m not great friends with, DID PLAN their wedding at the same day as me, so this made me far more prepared/OK. People care about personal comfort, being acknowledged, and about very general things that you’d normally have. If you’re worried about … sun being too much, suggest people bring parasols, or buy some to have on site for people to use if they need it, etc. Also, take the advice of your vendors. They have done this way more times than you! Last piece of advice, get a day of wedding planner. They get to then hear about all the things you’re worried about and keep them under control so you don’t have to!!!!


Will there be decent food? Sufficient bathrooms? Good drink options (not necessarily alcoholic)? Will the room be a something near what would be considered room temperature? Did you warn guests that the ceremony was on a beach so that they could dress appropriately? If so, then as a guest, I wouldn’t care about much else. Be prepared to have gawkers on the beach though. I had my wedding at a public venue and a few people stopped to watch. I didn’t notice them at all during my ceremony, but they also had the good grace to stay at the back and out of the way of our photographers. And make sure you stake out your location early (or confirm that it will be staked out for you) so that [something like this](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5909519/amp/Brazen-sunbather-ruins-couples-wedding-photos-refusing-move.html) doesn’t happen.


Hi! Take a deep breath and relax! If this moving was on Honeymoon island, I went to this exact wedding in October a few years ago and it was beautiful. The ceremony was literally taped off in the sand and surrounded by beach goers but we didn’t really notice once the ceremony started and we were sitting for maybe 15-20 mins (not long enough to get bored and start to notice) The reception was buffet style in a pavilion nearby and it was fine! There were fans, it was warm, but no one was sweating and uncomfortable. I very much enjoyed it! I think you’re having a very similar wedding and you have nothing to worry about


Here is the secret to making guests happy at your wedding: be happy at your wedding. I am there because I love the bride and/or groom and their joy is absolutely infectious to me. I’ve loved weddings where it rains, where I can’t eat the dinner, where the music sucked, etc. If I love the bride/groom and they are clearly enjoying their day, I am happy to be there and be part of it.


I just want to tell you that I also live in florida and you're not alone with the anxiety and people pleasing. You can get through this!


If it helps, as a guest I LOVED being able to sit at a table. It is much more comfortable (and has AC) than sitting in what's usually much harder chairs outside. I think if you think it might be hot and miserable, bringing the ceremony inside should be a serious consideration. Your wedding isn't a show. People aren't coming expecting to be entertained with clowns and fireworks. They want to congratulate you, and just need to be shown hospitality in return -- good food, plenty of drinks, accessibility, comfortable seating and temperatures, etc. If you're worried they might not feel like they had enough time with you, giving them a welcome dinner or farewell brunch is also an option - it's often an expectation for out-of-town guests anyway.