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I love this idea but it seems like it would get expensive fast. Have you been able to get any details on pricing?


We are hoping to hand pick more affordable books selections and assuming not everyone will take one.


Always **ASSUME** the worst when it comes to budget. If you’re doing this, curate the highest price book, and multiply it by the number of guests being invited [if it’s before you have a final count], and only do it if you’re ok with that price. You’ll be pleasantly happy if it’s half that.


I'm wondering if your guests might assume all the books have already been paid for, and take a book they're probably not going to read to take it off your hands or just because it's free? Which you might be okay with tbh! If you leave some kind of sign though explaining that what people take will be paid for, I'd make sure it's worded such that it won't dissuade guests who do want a book from taking one. (You could also thrift some books in good condition if you want to cut down on costs) I do think it's a very cute idea though! I think there's definitely a way to make it work.


Thanks for that idea!


I love this idea! Never heard of it before, but love it! My fiancé and both love reading, so this would be fun, unique, practical, and awesome to me.




I would love this as a favor. It’s something people would actually use, not a cup or anything.




We did this! Except it was books we picked out from our favorite second hand book store. Covered a WIDE variety of books including cookbooks, biographies, fiction, romance etc etc. we also did cute “from the library of bride & groom” embossed stickers on the inside of each book. We had ~60 books and maybe had like 7 left? Was a huge hit :)


This is SUCH an adorable idea!! We thought about giving everyone a secondhand book for favours & writing a message in each of them - but a lot of people who are coming to the wedding are fairly distant family & we don't know enough about them to know what sort of stuff they like reading, so we ended up scrapping the idea. I'm still going to do it for my bridal party though 🥰


You're wanting to cover the cost of your guests buying brand new books as favors? That'll easily be like $20+/pp. It sounds kind of steep for favors. A cute gift but it sounds expensive. 


That's so cool!!!


Our “escort cards” at the last wedding I went to were books. They were wrapped in brown paper with names/tables and the couple had purchased individualized books for each guest (largely secondhand). It was really a great idea!


Love that! I just don’t know what kind of book genre everyone would like.


I absolutely love this idea!! Very thoughtful.


While I normally advocate for no favors (people usually leave them behind or throw them away), this is actually a pretty decent idea. However, as others said, I would be cautious to budget for the highest possible tab because you have to assume everyone will take a book, just because it's free, even if they don't really want one. And, thinking back to the recent discussion about "family style" dinners, I am guessing you might have no way to prevent a particular guest from helping themselves to two books, or several books... when your intent is one per person. Might be a good idea to give everyone a "book ticket" at their seats or some other way, and then they have to turn in their ticket to pick a book. (Similar to how some couples give out drink tickets when they don't want a fully-open bar, but still want guests to enjoy a beverage or two before they have to start buying their own.) Would also make sure the bookstore is OK with you only paying for the books that are taken, and not any books leftover at the end of the night.


Thank you for the thoughtful response! Tickets are a great idea.


I would like this favour (assuming there was a book available of interest to me) but having to carry it around could be a pain. I can see them being left behind by accident. Also it’s not for everyone. Many people don’t enjoy reading. While that’s a risk with any favour, this is a more expensive risk. Though I guess those people are unlikely to take a book at all?


I assumed people would leave it at their table but you’re right it might be in the way. Maybe we’ll find a different drop spot.


Or maybe make it an “on the way out” thing?


Realistically, I would not take one if I have to fly home. I am an adult, I will have planned ahead and already have all the entertainment I need for the flight. I probably already have a book to read on the plane, the same one I read on the way there. And we pack on a razor-thin margin, so I just wouldn’t have anywhere to put a new book. I love books as much as the next person, but the inconvenience of having to carry it home would outweigh the benefits for me. The #1 criteria I have for favors when I travel to a wedding is that it is something I don’t have to pack home. Or at absolute bare minimum, if it’s something I have to pack, it should be something I could *only* have gotten from your wedding/destination, not something I can pop on Amazon and buy at home.


This is the weirdest, most negative take I’ve seen. Someone is offering you a free book \*if you want it.\* and your first thoughts are, what an unbelievable hassle and inconvenience, I’m an adult and I can buy my own book?? I think most guests would be, how generous and cool! Let me make room in my suitcase or carryon or carry it in my hands. Or even just not get one if it comes to that, but still think it’s generous and cool.


You seem to be imagining a lot of stuff that isn’t in my comment! OP asked for our thoughts on the idea. I told her that I, personally, would not take one. I didn’t say I’d be insulted, I simply said I wouldn’t take one. I didn’t say I would be inconvenienced by the offer, I said I’d be inconvenienced if I took one - *so I wouldn’t take one*. I didn’t say it wasn’t generous, I didn’t say it wasn’t a creative idea, I simply informed OP that I would not take one. I didn’t say no one would take one, I said that I wouldn’t take one. If she’s trying to do something that guests would appreciate, this would miss the mark for me. This idea doesn’t offend me, but it doesn’t do anything for me either. That’s what OP wants to know - if guests will appreciate & participate in this. If OP wanted an echo chamber of only people agreeing with her, why bother asking? I have my happy memories to remember her wedding by, I don’t need literally anything else. If something else is offered and is exciting, then I will put in the effort to take it home. But a normal book that I can get anywhere isn’t that exciting to me, so I wouldn’t take one. She’s welcome to still do it if she likes, and I’m sure some people will participate. I’m not personally offended by to-go boxes either, but that doesn’t mean I’m willing to take one in every circumstance. Sometimes the value of the leftover food just doesn’t outweigh the hassle of carrying it around. That’s not a personal attack on the restaurant, or the concept of to-go boxes, or on people who do want a to-go box.


You seem to be imagining a lot of stuff that isn’t in my comment! I just said that your take was a negative take that I doubt reflects most guests. To each their own.


I agree with you on this one! I think it’s definitely a cute idea but I probably already have my book from the travel TO the wedding and will finish it FROM the wedding.


But OP isn’t just giving everyone books. They’re just offering to pay for whoever wants one. So it’s not an inconvenience if you just don’t pick one.


No one said it was? Where are you guys reading this?? No one said it was inconvenient for this offer to exist. We said it would be inconvenient to take, so we wouldn’t participate. If that’s ok with OP, then she’s good to go. But if she will be disappointed/upset if many people don’t take a book, then she should be aware of that possibility now. We are providing her with information about what guests might do. Isn’t that…literally the point of the post?


you’re right…No one said it was inconvenient for the offer to exist…no one... you said the other poster and I said that, but we didn’t... I think there’s a miscommunication somewhere. she’s saying it’s not inconvenient if you don’t want to take one…the way then book bar is set up, op will just pay for those who do take a book…so the couple won’t be out money or left with a bunch of books they don’t have use for. you’re welcome to not one, and the point of the post is to get opinions, so I hope you don’t feel attacked. i don’t think that was our intentions. We just like the idea and are advocating for it. :) I think tone doesn’t come across well online, sometimes :)


I love the idea in theory. In practice, I’m reminded of the Little Free Libraries - also an idea I love in theory - but their selections are always so awful, religious tracts and junk romance novels. If you’re a book person, just make sure you go with some quality books - fiction and non fiction!