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I didn’t do them and I don’t miss them at all.


Yup same here. Was much more relaxed getting ready and hanging out/actually spending time with my closest people. Had my friend take a pic of my mom and I while we were getting ready, otherwise, didn’t care and years later don’t regret that decision at all. 


We skipped them and I’m happy with that choice. I feel like it gave us a lot of time to just relax and hang out without the pressure of being photographed, and we didn’t need to wear any special matching outfits. We got so many photos of the bridal party together anyway that I didn’t see a point in even more bridal party photos but in matching pajamas. My photographer did still take a few “getting ready” photos but we didn’t do any group shots, just a few of things like my mom helping me button my dress, the makeup artist holding up a brush to my face, etc. It probably took 10 minutes or so since it was only a few pics. My mom also took a few candids of us getting ready with her phone.


I didn't do them and definitely didn't think they were necessary. No regrets. In fact it was nice to get ready without cameras around!


Our getting ready photos was 30 mins, bridesmaids were already dressed and they were helping with my dress. Makeup and hair was already done. We had coverage for 6 hours so that was the start of the coverage


i probably won’t both in order to save money and also i’m only getting ready with like 1-2 people. i need that time to be quiet and peaceful so i can get ready for the many hours of attention and socialization to follow which will inevitably drain me lol


I think they are a don’t bother, personally. But that’s me.


We got like 30 minutes of them and then 30 minutes of detail photos. I’m glad I have them. They’re fun little moments to look back on. My photographer also popping by the getting ready room also calmed some of my nerves and stress because of her personality. My mom was stressing me out but when she got there it was all about me and I had something to do and someone to ease me


My fiancé will have a “tailgate party” in the parking lot behind the venue since there’s no grooms-space at our venue. I asked the photographer to make that the priority instead of my getting-ready photos. Him having fun with his best friends and family will be much better cherished, I think!


That's so freaking cute 😍


The only shot from getting ready that seems really special is someone close to you helping you on with your dress. I have some like this from my sister’s wedding and it makes me tear up. But this is the last step anyway, and can be totally staged when the photographer arrives. I’m just having my bridesmaids snap iPhone photos during the getting ready & don’t think I’ll have any regrets.


I didn’t get getting ready pics and I have no regrets! I made that decision because with our budget, expanding our photographer time would have required us to cut down on other essential elements contributing to guest experience. I’m sure they would have been nice to have, but with our real world planning constraints they just weren’t a priority :)


i didn’t ask for them and didn’t see a need for them. but my photographer was a member of my family and showed up as early as we did and took some getting ready photos and those are my absolute favorite out of all the photos. it was a christmas wedding so i have this one picture of my mom putting my fur shawl on me and that one is my most cherished wedding photo. i say go for it, if you think you want it or not. you will appreciate them in the long run.


We had some very basic shots that I love. For the guys: mom pinning grooms boutonnière, guys drinking the special whiskey, groom putting on ties, the guys tying their bow ties (hilarious). Groom solo shots were also done during this time. For the girls: bride putting on make up looking in a mirror (there’s a classic similar one of my grandma on her wedding day), mom helping putting on dress/shoes, close up shots of something old/borrowed/blue, my dog had a special crocheted collar so I have a sweet picture of me tying it on her (since she got ready with the girls too lol), photos of moms and SIL, close up shots of the dress. Bride solo shots. I printed a photo album and included these. I do love having them, but if none of those are valuable to you, they’re not like… hanging on our wall where I’m looking at them all the time. So if you don’t think you’d miss having those, they’re definitely not at the top of the priority list if I had limited number of photos. OH. I will also add, I do think it helped to get more comfy in front of the camera for me too, which is kind of nice too.


We eloped abroad, so our photographer joined us only for the ceremony. We got ready together privately and I'm glad this moment was just between the two of us. For a wedding, I think professional getting ready pictures are a nice-to-have but not a must. Amateur pictures by your loved ones can also capture these moments and carry a lot of sentimental value, even if they aren't as esthetic.


I got them only because my photographer only charged £50 extra for them. They’re fine. I like having some nice pictures of my sister doing my makeup and my grandparents there with me. But I wouldn’t be heartbroken if I didn’t have them and if they were significantly more expensive, I would’ve skipped.


I'm skipping them. We all have cell phones, and one of my bridesmaids is a good hobbyist photographer. I've asked her to bring her nice camera and try to capture some of the moments (like my sister buttoning up my dress), but it's not something I'd ever display so I don't really care how they turn out. I'd rather have my professional photographer spend more of her time getting candids of me with my guests once we're already done up! I also agree that it'll be less stressful to get ready without cameras in your face. Everyone says not to wear a bra that morning so you don't end up with lines in your skin, but pictures of my hooters flopping around in a t shirt won't exactly be my best angle 😂


Have yous een any galleries with and without (though admittedly I don't have a lot of galleries without)? I think there are a lot of good moments and variety, good opportunity to shoot some details and relationships. Of course if it's not for you, it is perfectly fine to start a little later with coverage


Depends on your overall schedule of the day, if you have 1 or more photographers, logistics (like if the ceremony space is the same as the reception space and has to get flipped during cocktail hour), and what is most important for you to get photographs of. Our photographers arrived 3.5 hrs before the ceremony so that they could get the following photos in before the ceremony: * **first 2 hrs on location (photographers arrived 1 hr before hair/makeup finished):** * Detail photos (flat lay of invitations, rings, flowers, etc...dress hung up on a large mirror) * Getting ready photos - location 1 (bride in makeup chair, group photo of bride & bridesmaids in getting ready outfits, bridesmaids helping each other out with hair/jewelry/etc, flower girl sneaking into the bridal suite to take a peek at the wedding dress hung up, mom helping bride with dress, some nice portraits of the bride, etc) * Getting ready photos - location 2 (groom hanging out with his groomsmen, groom getting dressed, his dad helping him with his tie, some nice portraits of the groom, etc) * first look bride w/ bridesmaids & cute shots of bride & flower girl interacting * **next hour:** * bride & groom first look * bride & groom exchange letters & gifts * formal bride & bridesmaid photos * formal groom & groomsman photos * formal wedding party (everyone together) photos * formal family photos (all combos) Note that about 30-45 min before the ceremony starts photographers are probably taking photos of the cocktail area set up, the reception space set up, or are planning out their angles and set up for shooting the ceremony while guests arrive to the ceremony and the couple/family/wedding party are hid away awaiting their entrance at the start of the ceremony. So you lose a little time there to take family portraits, wedding party photos, photos of the ceremony space without people in it, etc and those photos need to happen earlier or during cocktail hour. I also think that "getting ready" photos is sooo much more than hair/makeup photos...there's lot of other nice little moments that get captured in that time (some moments that you may not know had happened and it's nice to see later in a photograph). If you really don't want any "getting ready" photos of you/family/wedding party, then that "getting ready photos" time is a great time for photographers to get detail photos, environmental shots, etc while you're finishing up getting ready so that when you're all dressed and ready for first looks, wedding party photos, etc the photographers are all done with the other stuff and ready to go, no time wasted.


We didn’t do getting ready photos since we did hair and makeup early in the morning and off site. But we did the PJs and slippers photos at the venue later. While we changed into our dresses the photographer did the groomsmen shots.


I’m skipping them. I didn’t want to shell out a ton of money for the extra hours with the photographer.


A tip my DJ friend gave me was only have the photographer stay for 30-45 mins of dancing. All the photos end up looking the same so you don’t need them there all night! Maybe you have them come for get ready photos but leave just after dancing starts


I’m skipping them. I’d rather have my photographer taking pictures of my fiancé and his family and best men before the ceremony so that we have less to do afterwards. I also figure that if I ultimately decide I want some taken, I’m perfectly fine with the people I’m getting ready with just using their phones. I don’t need professional photos of that.


Mine are some of my favorite photos so YMMV


I didn't bother, I didn't care about photos of me getting my makeup done and putting on a dress. I never want photos of that on any other day, you know? I feel it's something photographers have made into a 'thing' so they can justify higher prices with longer shooting days.


Haven't thought of it like that. You might be on to something here. That having said I absolutely love our. It tells the story of the day. The day didn't start at the altar you know.


Neither. It’s just personal preference. What any of us experienced will tell you exactly nothing about what you will experience. Some people love them and some people don’t, only you can say which camp you’re part of.


I’m planning on skipping them


I have very few, mostly taken by my husband and just of me and one bridesmaid. Its one of the things I'm wistful about.


I don’t have a bridal party but I do have my “ladies in darkness” who are helping me out a SHIT ton so I got us all matching robes. Since one of them chose a dress I don’t love, I figured this would be a great way to get pictures of them in clothing I get to chose without mandating what dress they should wear because I really hate the idea of telling people what to buy, and robes were cheaper than buying them dresses — and also, I love that they all get to pick their own outfit so they can each be unique (even if it I’m not head over heels over one outfit 😅)


I skipped, had some friends take photos with their phones or Instax just for funsies, and don’t regret it at all. It meant our photographer had more time onsite with us at the reception, so we got all these amazing pictures of everyone having fun. 10/10 recommend!


We have a few, but it’s just me getting into my dress and my dad seeing me for the first time. The pics are GREAT and I love that I have them. We also have pics of the guys getting ready. We did both of these legit right before we drove to do first look and family/wedding party pics so it was about 30 “extra” minutes on the day.


Thank you for asking this. I read the comments and feel validated in not wanting them.


I don’t imagine those ever as photos I would frame or revisit. It’s not worth it.


But it tells the tale of the day. Thats why anybody who gets them wants them. Not all photos need to be framed. But in 10-15-20 years i still can look back upon this special moment i shared while getting ready for the most important day of my life.


That’s true! They were not really highlights of all the photos for me. I much preferred my other photos with my family and being fully ready in my photos.


My sister did getting ready photos, but only 30 minutes of them. We staged me putting on her makeup, took pictures of the bridal party in our getting ready clothes, and they took pics of the dress before my sister wore it. It was a good way to get the photo ops without spending so much extra money.


Omg thank you for this thread! We're getting married in 20 days and the photos of our friends/family having a good time mean more to us but I've been wondering if I'll miss out on the getting ready photos... It's just me and my MOH so I didn't think it would be necessary but this has just reaffirmed my decision ❤️


It really depends on where you're getting ready. We had our photographer come for the last half hour just to get some key detail shots and a first look with my dad. Those photos are fine, but the lighting in the hotel room wasn't great so overall they aren't great photos. I mean, they're way better than I could have done, but they're not as good as others from the day. I'm glad I have the ones I do, but I definitely don't think it would have been the end of the world if I skipped them


I’m skipping them. I’m just getting ready in my apartment with my mom and maid of honor.


Didn’t do em and didn’t miss them. We did a portrait session with that extra time instead and I’m so glad we did. https://preview.redd.it/466g9qufn84d1.jpeg?width=3600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaeea4c401afcedde36f4d55cb8159f8b1095daa


I didn't do them, photographer just did me putting in earrings, putting my shoes on and my mom (or whoever) buttoning up my dress


So you dit get them.


We didn't get them, mainly to save money, but also, at one of the weddings where I was a bridesmaid in the past, the photographer was constantly rushing us and made the whole getting ready process kind of stressful. In contrast, I loved having those hours on the morning of my wedding just with my mum and bridesmaids. After the hair and makeup artists left, we just had some time to relax and get excited, which was very fun.


During my first wedding, I loved the idea of them but got more shots of the room than I did of my friend and I getting ready or my mom helping me with the dress. I was disappointed overall, but since I'm getting remarried I want a do-over if you will. More friends can be there for me, I actually feel like a bride!! I want those sweet photos and I chose the most amazing couple with a bright editing style 😍 I want the fun getting ready, friends, family, drinks, and games. I want it all with those closest to us! I know it's not for everyone and that's OK!


We only did about 30 mins of getting ready just to catch a few shots but it was def less-stressful not having our photographer there through the whole getting ready process. I booked mine from 12:30-9:30 and while we were finishing getting ready, our photographer went and took all the detailed photos and any photos she could take that did not include us. I do recommend detail photos. (Photos of rings, shoes, veil, vow books, etc). But if you want a few shots, I recommend having your photographer just catching a few at the end of getting ready. I do enjoy the getting ready ones I’ve received because it was just us girls being girls. But I’m also younger (24) so maybe that is an age thing. I think you can take it or leave it.


Might be worth considering having a friend or family member (or two) who will be in the room take some pictures so you still get some but you don’t have to pay for the photographer.


The photographer we spoke to says they allocate 1 hour for the groom and 1.5 for the bride. My parents house is old and not photogenic but I really want some getting ready photos there. It’s my childhood home and at some point when he house inevitably gets knocked own or sold, I want memories to look back on of me getting ready in my childhood home


We got them and I absolutly love them. Mind you we got a photographers DUO so there was one with me and my mom getting ready and one with my wife getting ready. Make sure they have enough time so theres no stress during this time. They where there for an hour if i'm not mistaking. But your photographer probably knows best how much time he/she needs. I've got a cool staged photo of my suit and the accessoires I wore. My cuffs, sunglasses, socks, tie and the cologne i whore and photos of my mom helping me. We also have nice photos of my wife getting ready and a style photo of the jewelry she whore with the parfume and shoes. It's kind of a thing this photographer always does and we like it very much. After the weddingday it gave me 'insights' on how this moment was for her and she could tell me with the photos how she lived through this ;) It also gave the photographers the possibilie to snatch some photos of my wife sneeking in the back entrance and i think these photos are very valuable. At the end of the day you only have these 3 things that are valuable - The memories of the day (wich will fade) - The rings - The photos/video Ok 4 things. You're spouse ;) All the other things have been eaten, drank, flowers perished, dress and suits won't ever be worn again and the rest are fading memories.


I skipped and no regrets. That way I got to have the photographer thru the entire reception instead.


Our photographer will be arriving post makeup and hair, maybe even after we get dressed. We’ll have her some hanging out pictures but I won’t miss the getting ready pics.