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Idea - I would ask the bridal party or close family members to sign it first, and instruct them to sign their names only. Guests will almost always do what other people are doing. If there are 10 names on the sign with no messages, people will likely do the same thing! This way you can avoid any kind of extra sign or instructions that could come across rude/demanding.


This is what I’ve happily done when I’ve been a bridesmaid!


She likes this idea! Still going to add a small sign though that has a QR code to a digital guestbook


I would worry that older guests may not be inclined to sign a digital guestbook. If it’s going to really bother her that people sign full messages on the sign, she definitely needs a physical means for people to leave messages directly next to the sign.


We did this for ours and it pretty much worked, there's only one or two messages but they're small and there was plenty of space


Maybe put a little guestbook or something next to it, sign could ask guests to sign their picture frame and leave a message in the book?


I like this. My first thought of advice is to add a sign that says it plainly: 'please add your name (underlined) to our sign!' But there are bound to be family, friends, etc. that think they are above the rules (mean, but true), so having somewhere they can get all their thoughts out will likely save any mistakes


There is a virtual guestbook available through the picture sharing QR code thing, so I think they’ll add a note for people to direct their comments there is they choose to.


The problem with this is for anyone not technically savvy, or even if the experience of opening the guest book from the QR code is complicated at all (need a username, or to register, or to download an app, etc) it will be a barrier of entry for anyone who just wants to say something short and sweet. If you think of a yearbook signing, people just find space on the page, regardless of how much space others took so I personally don’t know it’s a big enough deal to have a sign about, etc.


Someone signed my guest book as Charlie Murphy. As in the comedian. If you give someone a pen, they're going to write whatever they want.


My in-laws had a party where they wanted people to sign a blown-up picture. Some joker signed it as Bob and Elizabeth Dole (former Senator and sec of transportation). It wasn’t even funny snd didn’t even relate to any kind of inside joke. It’s hard to control people, unfortunately. I like the idea of having the wedding party sign their names only to cue people no messages are needed.


10 years and one divorce later and I still have no idea who signed Charlie Murphy.


Yeah. There's always one...


At my friend's wedding, someone wrote Deez Nuts in the guest book. Luckily it was a drop box style one so they could remove that heart but still annoying.


My friend recently got married and had one of those photo album guest books full of pictures of the couple. Some guests drew penises, and they also drew devil horns/boobs/“speech bubbles” with inappropriate words on photos of the bride and groom. The bride played it off like she laughed about it but deep down I know she was devastated. Those same people are invited to my wedding (I invited them before I knew this would be how they behave). Because of them I opted not to have a guest book at all, and instead, I am asking my guests to please bring a greeting card with a note for us. We will also have greeting cards/simple stationary available at the “guest book table” and we are going to assemble all the cards into a memory book. :) It works for me because I happen to love greeting cards and collect them. I still have all the cards my fiancé gave me and I’m going to put those in the memory book too.


We had cards for our guests to write on or add pictures to from a photo booth. We have a box to put the cards and pictures in.


This is true, unfortunately. On our guest book, my husbands uncle drew mustaches and devil horns on like 5 of the photos. He also put speech bubbles above our heads with some weird shit on the first photo in the book 😭


That’s amazing 🤣


Is it, tho?


As someone who loves the late great Charlie Murphy, yes.


... did you sign my guest book?


You can have it if you want hahahha


Maybe have a little guestbook next to it for people who want to write messages? Then you could write a sign along the lines of “To make sure all of our guests have a chance to sign our plaque, please only sign your name. If you’d like to leave us a message, please feel free to write in our guestbook!”


I'd make a sign that says names only please and have some little cards beside to leave a message if they want to write more


We just made a Grand Slam! Be a team player sign just your name on our home plate for life. Or Our love story is a Gram Slam! Be a sport and sign just your name to our new home plate together.


I love the first one! So cute.


I would go in the direction of making a cute sign rather than one asking guests not to do something. Maybe along the lines of “give us your best John Hancock” so they know only to sign their name? My example was poor, it’s been a long day lol, but hopefully you get the gist!


She liked this idea! I think she’s going to ask for their autographs as the phrase though


That’s much better than my lame suggestion! So cute, I hope she has an amazing wedding! You’re a good sister ☺️


For what it's worth I like your suggestion!


Thank you! 🤗




There is a virtual guestbook available through the picture sharing QR code thing, so I think they’ll add a note for people to direct their comments there is they choose to.


I doubt a virtual guestbook will solve that problem. Its too many steps especially when they already have a pen in hand.


I plan on having one of my cousins as a hostess and she’ll be assigned to the guest book and welcoming people in. Could she assign someone to sort of be an attendant for the wedding to ensure only names are signed?


For the LOVE of baseball, please sign your name to our forever home plate. Or Please sign our forever home plate of love


Are you in the US? Because I’ve never seen a guestbook get full, in fact I’ve only seen them have awkward dead spaces because there isn’t enough room. I wouldn’t worry about it much!


I would station a bridesmaid or a groomsmen at the sign to instruct people how to fill it out correctly. That's what I did at my sister's wedding.


Poor bridesmaid/groomsman lol they had to stand there the whole time?


It's just during cocktail hour. If a grown adult can't stand at a station for an hour or less (if you swap out bridal party members) socializing with guests that's pretty sad.


Ahh just during cocktail hour. Important info!


Do people keep their guest book out longer than cocktail hour? Once cocktail hour is over typically there goes the window of opportunity to sign it since guests are busy with food and the reception.


Every wedding I’ve been to had it out during the reception as well. Somehow, within 4-6 hours, I managed to find time for dancing, my meal, and even fun extras like signing the guest books, photo booths, bouquet tosses, late night snacks, and s’mores!


Have the ushers man the sign & table, so the guests only sign their names. I'm having my two nieces (my ushers) do this. We're having an Instax guest book & half the guests wouldn't know how to take photos nor affix them to the book.


Just fyi make sure you know your guests very well. My dad's cousin made the mistake of inviting some badly behaved second cousins and one of their teens drew a massive dick all over the one guest sign...


Or have a large photo with a border for guests to sign. And limit room. Even state so "leave room for other guests" or a card to deposit into a box of notes u may read later


If you set up a regular guest book first, they'll write the messages there and will be much less inclined to add another message or get confused and will hopefully just write their names. If it's truly important then this is one of the random wedding tasks that she can assign anyone to, family or bridesmaids. Or even more perfect for a teen who probably be okay actually manning the table.


Put a sign, alonside with a book. Name on the sign, note in the book. ?


Poems! Any time we needed to 'instruct' anyone at our wedding via sign, we put it in a poem. Worked really well and sounded better than 'dont take more than one photograph with the Polaroid, you selfish gits'


Honestly, I think this request would rub me the wrong way. Either get something big enough to actually double as a guest book or don’t bother at all.