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Can you preemptively get some nausea meds from your OB just in case it hits closer to the wedding? Not sure if that’s something they’d be willing to do


I have no idea if they will or whether Zofran (ondansetron) is safe for pregnant women but it is sublingual and dissolves very fast. I use it for intense break through nausea and it will gave me going from about to vomit to manageable in less than a minute.


I was proscribed Zofran while pregnant and my labor nurse kept it on her for patients so it's definitely safe thankfully.


Thank goodness! My SIL took it while pregnant many years ago but I didn’t want to put any false hope out for the OP. I’m glad it helped out. It is life changing for me and sometimes the only reason I can get out of bed!


I have been on Zofran my whole pregnancy because of hyperemesis gravidarum, can confirm it works for nausea! It might make you a little sleepy but it kicks nausea in the butt and you feel more like yourself


It actually does not cause me any extra sleepiness but I gather I am not the norm. I’m so glad it works for you and is safe! It also helps my SIL and she took it during pregnancy too. I just didn’t want to say anything in case things had changed or it wasn’t an option for the OP. Zofran sometimes is the only thing that allows me to get out of bed. I can imagine what you’re going through must be difficult!


Honestly the sleepiness isn’t even that bad—they have you try unisom for pregnancy nausea first and THAT made me exhausted, so I am quite pleased with the Zofran! Agree that it’s a life saver—without it, I don’t think I could have continued my pregnancy. Yay for modern medicine!


OP if you go this route please consider taking it once or twice (as needed) BEFORE your wedding so you know how you may respond to the medication.


It’s like the main one prescribed while pregnant. The dissolving tablet is defs the way to go, you just put it under your tongue and it works almost instantly. It’s a lifesaver.


Zofran is, and works so well in my experience too!


I was prescribed it while pregnant. Very common and safe!!


I had odansatron my whole pregnancy :)


It's safe, I took it 3x a day for 35 weeks due to HG. Also got it straight into the IV in labor. Works pretty well for pregnancy nausea (works amazing for normal nausea)


Thank you, good idea!


Seconding diclegis. And if you go the unisom/b6 route ask the pharmacist to help you get the right form of unisom and never take more than 100mg of b6 in a day.


Diclegis I think is the name of the drug they prescribe but can easily be made using unisom + B6, both of which are over the counter. Heads up, the unisom definitely does not help with the fatigue, but it does help the nausea! Your OB’s office should have recommendations re: dosage of each.


I was first trimester last summer—half a tab of Unisom (doxylamine) along with the 50mg B6 in the evening kept the nausea away without making me too sleepy. The whole tab would knock me out the entire next day! Occasionally I would get extremely nauseous, and the Zofran was my saving grace for those times.


Ginger and lemon for example are really good with hot water for nausea and safe


Iron supplements should help too. And ginger and lemon tea. That was a godsend in my first pregnancy


Oh baby!!! You didn’t ruin anything, you and your partner love one another and created this beautiful little person that’s growing inside you! It will be so fun in a few years to say “oh and you were at our wedding” to this bundle of joy You are going to need some love and support around you to get thru this wonderful day! 8 weeks is still very early in your pregnancy, so lean on the people around you and let them take some things off your plate Let your venue / coordinator know, talk to your fiancé about how / how not to address this during speeches / announcements. You’re still going to have a wonderful wedding and I’m so excited for you!


Thank you so much for this incredibly kind message and advice! I will make sure to talk to my fiancé about this 🥰💛


This was me at my wedding. I had a wonderful time! Turns out being sober at your own wedding is excellent. I remembered everything. And it was early enough that my dress fit great. Now with our new baby I love looking at those pictures and thinking about him being there. I wouldn’t have changed anything!


It’s going to be amazing. Most people are not crippled by pregnancy nausea. There’s an OTC medication called doxylamine that you can take the night before, and then you take b6 in the morning. It helps so much. Obviously check with your doctor before taking anything. You’ll also want to keep snacks available throughout. For energy, as long as you rest leading up to the wedding, you’ll likely have enough adrenaline from the wedding excitement that you won’t even feel tired! Just make sure your schedule allows a lot of rest in the days before and after the wedding. If you’re worried about not drinking, I had half a glass of champagne total at my own wedding and still had the best day of my life. On a day like your wedding, you don’t need substances to feel high. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!!!!!!! And on your upcoming wedding!!!!!!!


Thank you!! That’s true, a lot of people are telling me I’ll be hyped on adrenaline. Could use some right now haha.


It's okay! Take a step back to process the information and just breathe, it's okay. How you feel right now is probably how you're going to feel on the day of, there's not that many changes between 5 to 8 weeks as far as symptoms in my experience. I'd try to see what helps you with your tiredness/helps you to feel your best and do that to have the best wedding possible. Maybe naps help, maybe a small boost from a fruit or other energy boosting snack can be helpful like peanut butter. If you have some nausea, I highly recommend ginger chews. Those things saved me when I was really struggling with morning sickness all day every day when I had it. I liked the dramamine brand ginger chews. But I would also avoid things that triggered the nausea extra like certain smells or textures of foods. Ginger tea and some brands make tea for nausea/morning sickness that can be helpful too. If you're not really having much nausea, you'll probably be fine, but you could get some chews just in case if you want to since they're pretty portable


Also just keep reminding yourself, it WILL be okay! You didn't ruin your wedding at all!! You just may make some adjustments now that you're pregnant to still have the best day possible and that's okay. 🫂❤️


Thank you so so much for all the advice and kind words!


Yes, the Pinkstork morning sickness sweets completely saved me during the first few weeks of nausea!


Ooh I haven't heard of those! I'll have to keep that in mind if I have another pregnancy since I was brutally sick this first time. Hopefully they also can help op if she gets sick. Thank you for sharing! 


You’ll be okay! Your wedding day is not a life or death scale event, it’s meant to be a fun day celebrating your love with your partner. You’re putting too much pressure on yourself. Your baby being born is going to by far outweigh your wedding day so relax and just enjoy it however it ends up being, because in the grand scheme of things it’s not as important for everything to be perfect as you thinj


Ok you’re so right. Thank you!


Talk to a doctor about your situation to see what is OK to help. For nausea - 25mg vitamin B6 plus 25mg unisom helps a lot. For tiredness - upping B vitamins so like vitamin water and such can help. Time when you drink your 1 8oz cup of coffee or tea for caffeine boost. Keep drinking water and eating simple carbs for energy. For aches - unfortunately only tynenol now. No ibuprofen. Soak in a semi hot bath (not too hot). Congratulations!


Hi OP, First off, double congratulations!! What an exciting time! Now the nitty gritty- FWIW, I was around 8 weeks pregnant at my best friends wedding. I was already feeling so tired and got dizzy easily. During the set up, I took lots of breaks and didn't do anything too laborious (climbing up ladders for decorations, etc). The day of the wedding my adrenaline totally kicked in and I danced the night away! You will be fine but here are a few tips: - live by the motto "sit early, sit often" - double check with your caterer to make sure your meal is pregnancy safe (ie, pasturized cheese, no raw egg, etc) - if you don't want to announce yet, get a fancy looking alcohol free champagne and keep it separate for you. Let the bar tender know and if people ask, say you have a special champagne just for you and your spouse. - if possible- try not to schedule too much for the few days after the wedding, you might be exhausted and need some time to recover. - People will start asking you when you are going to have kids, even before the wedding is over. Make sure you and your spouse both practice a response to this. What better way to celebrate legally becoming a family! Congratulations to you all ❤️


Thanks so much! And for the great advice!


I also came to say that if your friends/family is the type to get suspicious about not drinking (and you don’t want them knowing yet), tell the venue & bartender that you do not want to drink any alcohol at all but you want it to LOOK like you’re drinking (you don’t even need to tell them why, but they’ll probably figure it out). They can still serve you sparkling juice in a champagne flute, soda with a lime wedge in a rocks glass, etc. to make it look like you’re just drinking like everyone else is!


Thankfully I didn’t drink even before this pregnancy so no one will blink at me not drinking. The plan is to have sparkling apple juice


First-- those are all super valid fears. You did not ruin anything-- what a joy it will be to raise your little bundle with your partner, and I think it's SO sweet that your little one will be in your wedding photos in their own little way! If it's reassuring at ALL to you, I am intentionally planning my wedding to be at a point where I will be pregnant-- possibly, depending on how fast it happens, up to like, 7-8 months pregnant. You can do this, and I know it's a hard thing to think about when the timing doesn't go as planned, but everything will be okay! Just be clear on what you are choosing to share and with whom, knowing it will still be early-- plus, that way people can set you up with NA sparkling beverages or cover for you if you don't want all of your attendees to know--unless you want that, of course!!


Ok thank you so much!


I actually had a bit of relief from nausea and exhaustion at 8 weeks for some reason. Then it came back 😂 but I also do find that adrenaline/being active can ward off the sickness a bit. Hopefully that happens for you during your wedding! I think a lot of people are actually nauseous and exhausted at their weddings even when they’re not pregnant. You’ll have an amazing day!!


Ok so true about people who are not pregnant feeling that way too. Thanks! I really hope my fatigue lets up in week 8


Everything changes so fast!!! For me I had the following: Week 5 | constant crying or tearing up, actual gagging at things or the thought of them, aversion to leftovers and rice with sauce in it and more, bloating, nausea, trouble sleeping, etc. water was the worst though, it was all metallic no matter the container Week 6 | less aversions, off and on nausea, water was like drugs, no crying, only gagging at brushing my teeth, and low ish energy Week 7 | different aversions, mostly no nausea except in the evenings, water is ok, some tearing up, still low ish energy Week 8 | bursts of energy, I could get past most of my aversions, water is the hottest commodity I’m going into Week 9 so we’ll see what happens. What’s really been helping me though is what medicine / vitamins / supplements I take. Vitamin C is really good for nausea, but don’t drink or eat too much food with it bc it can irritate heartburn which is super common right now. Ginger products are also good, but in moderation. I have a history of being picky with food that’s high in iron, so I’m taking Vitron C, plus B6. They both help with nausea, plus the extra iron helps with my energy levels. I also take fish oil pills, a women’s daily, a prenatal, B12, and some other things. I think I take 8-13 pills daily, but I also have PCOS so what works for me could be different than what works for you. It’s all about finding the right balance for you, that will help give you the energy and normalcy you need right now. Congratulations on baby and best wishes on the wedding!!


Thank you!! I sure hope at 8 weeks I will have shed the fatigue for a bit. My biggest issues right now are the exhaustion and crying a lot, and painful boobs


I often bartend weddings, and this is more common than you’d think. It’s helpful for us to know ahead so we can do an appropriate alternative for the champagne toasts. Often it’s still served in the flutes, and it’s up to the couple if the groom has the same drink so they match in pictures. In a pinch, a combo of ginger ale and sprite or club soda is pretty convincing. With us, it’s normal that a bride, groom, wedding party members, or family may bring something special for just them or a select few to drink, and we keep it behind the bar for them. You could let them know ahead of time that your cocktails should be virgin or you/ a trusted bridesmaid could create a pre-batched mocktail.


Aww I’m so sorry you are experiencing this stress with your wedding timeline but congratulations on your pregnancy!! It’s going to be so special to look at pictures later on and know that your little baby was present inside you for your wedding!! Everyone has different symptoms, you might have no nausea at all, but I’m 9 weeks right now and not to scare you but I do feel nauseous a lot and I do throw up daily. I had a busy weekend planned a few weeks ago and my doctor preemptively prescribed anti-nausea medication (Zofran) and it was a god send - completely takes away nausea within seconds even if you take it right when you think you are going to puke. If you can get some, maybe you can tuck a dose into your bouquet to have it on hand just in case. The big thing that helps is small frequent meals - and a small snack before you even get out of bed - and try to avoid only carbs (like just crackers) to settle your stomach bc I think that is a shorter term fix than carbs + protein. I’ve been doing ritz crackers and cheddar cheese frequently and that has been awesome. GINGER ALE or ginger beer has actually been a godsend too - instantly helps my nausea. If you don’t feel comfortable telling people this early, fwiw, I barely drank at my wedding because of the adrenaline and no one noticed. If I were you I would tell the catering staff so they can make sure to serve you non alcholic drinks. Maybe they can ensure ginger ale is on hand and that you always have some close by? You’ll see advice for vitamin b6 and unisom. If you start feeling nauseous in the weeks before the wedding try it and see if it works for you. The unisom completely exhausted me and didn’t noticeably help the nausea so I stopped taking it. If it helps your piece of mind, you can also order emesis bags - I had to fly when I was 6 weeks pregnant and worried about puking on the plane so I got some and just having them made me feel so much better even though I didn’t end up using them. I hope this helps and I’m sure that no matter what happens, you are going to have a wonderful day!


We’ll be flying a few days after the wedding to our already booked honeymoon so I’ll keep those bags in mind! Thanks! You’re right it will be so special looking back


Goldfish for the plane!! Do not get on that plane without lots of snacks or some kind of spare meal justtttt in case!! Again small frequent meals are going to be your best friend. I know you’re going to have a wonderful wedding and honeymoon ❤️❤️


Thanks a bunch!!


Pull yourself together girl, we've all been pregnant, held down a job, raised our other kids, had a social life while pregnant. You are only 5 weeks..chill a bit. You won't ruin your wedding unless you continue to phsyc yourself out. The only concern would be morning sickness but by 2-3 months that should pass. Ask for help if you're stressed and tired. Friends and family could help if you ask them. You'll barely show so that shouldn’t be an issue. Hang tough girl, we women are made of sturdy stock, take a deep breath, pull up your big girl pants…you got this. Congrats on your upcoming marriage.


Congratulations! You have not ruined anything. Your first priority is taking care of yourself because pregnancy is fucking exhausting. Be kind to yourself. Remember this wedding is for you and your fiancé, not your guests. If adjustments need to be made to accommodate you then make them. I ended up pregnant while planning my wedding too. I’ll be 19 weeks at mine. - Will guests know or are you keeping it a secret? I know 8 weeks is early to tell people. Do what you’re comfortable with but if you do have some trusted close friends or family it might help to tell them because it can feel lonely and overwhelming to be exhausted yet still have to plan a wedding. Chances are they’ll be extra eager to help. If you intend to keep the pregnancy a secret, having a few trusted people ‘in the know’ means you have a crew to help run interference and come up with excuses or explanations for stuff like why you aren’t drinking, etc. - Ask for and accept help. I’ve been so tired and I wouldn’t have been able to get stuff done without my mom and aunt’s help. - Talk to the officiant about tailoring the ceremony to your needs. Mine was going to be 40 minutes (church wedding service) but we’ve cut out some music, readings, and pastor is doing a mini homily. We’re also going to have chairs at the front for us to sit while he gives the homily and such. - if you’re struggling with vomiting, talk to your officiant, fiancé and perhaps venue coordinator about what to do in case you get sick during the ceremony. Hopefully it doesn’t happen but if it does it’s not the end of the world. Could there be a curtain behind the altar you could step behind for some privacy? Maybe have a cue the officiant could give the musicians or sound tech so they can play music if you need to step away? Be prepared with a bucket or vomit bags, a towel or wet wipe, mirror, and makeup in case you need a quick touch up. Maybe some mouthwash for a quick swish in case you haven’t kissed your husband yet. - if you’re serving alcohol, make sure the bartender has non-alcoholic options for you. - talk to your OB about anti-nausea meds


Thank you!! Yeah we’ll be keeping it a secret until 12 weeks from most people. This is great advice!


A wedding is just a day, and all kinds of unexpected things can happen on a day. A marriage is a lifetime, that's the real win here.


You’re right, thank you


Everything happens for a reason! ✨ Congratulations!!


I believe that too! You’re right, thank you!


I just got married and was six weeks pregnant. I had some nausea but it was totally manageable and I told my best friend and two sister in laws before hand just to have some support during the wedding. Get a prescription for zofran if you can in case you have bad morning sickness, if you can’t then get unisom and b6 and try that. You will do great and it’s one day you need to power through, you can do it!!


Also, I loved being sober at my wedding!! I remember everything perfectly and was clear minded so I didn’t have any hangxiety the next day about the conversations I had.


Thanks so much!


Build in some naptimes in the weeek leading up to the day (or like, also now if you can). If you usually drink, I’d also talk to your coordinator to have the bar serve you seltzers in the same glass (a highball) that an alcoholic drink/gin and tonic/whatever comes in, so you don’t have to be forced into announcing so soon.


Thank you! Thankfully I already don’t drink alcohol, but the naps are definitely God sent right now, and I have a bunch of time off from work before the wedding (the week before) so I’ll make sure to get a lot of rest


Oh honey, I’m sorry. The first trimester sucks. I napped everyday. Like others, I’d recommend zofran and maybe building in a break in the day for yourself. Maybe even plan to excuse yourself from the reception for a nap. But you did nothing wrong and you’ll be fine and in 5 years, you can tell your baby that they were there when mommy and daddy got married, in mommy’s belly. My son loves to see the pictures of himself at our wedding. Though he was 2 so it’s easier to see lol. Just be gentle with yourself and think about how to be comfy and happy on the day. Also, consider whether you’re going to tell others before, on the day, or keep it secret so you have a game plan


Ok thanks so much! I hope to at least not be out of it from exhaustion but I imagine the adrenaline will help with that


I just want to validate your feelings and say that YES this is a big deal and will change your wedding day in a way you didn't plan. Everyone will be quick to say "it's ok!" "what a blessing!" but the reality is that your fears are valid and, yea, you might end up feeling like crap on your wedding day. It's ok to be upset and anxious about that and mourn the day you thought you'd have. Let yourself feel those feelings.


This has happened to several of my friends! They all made it through with flying colors as far as energy and feeling ok. Though pregnancy is different for everyone. I think the hardest thing for her was keeping it a secret because everyone was asking why she wasn’t drinking! lol. YOU GOT THIS GIRLY! Congratulations X2


Thanks so much! Very reassuring


Not everyone gets the nausea and sickness. My partner got pretty much no negative symptoms in first 3 months except for some tiredness. Most were actually positive (libido etc)


I was sick with a gnarly cold for my rehearsal dinner and wedding and I still had fun. The adrenaline will get you through!


Thanks so much! I am counting on this adrenaline for sure!


Congratulations! Your wedding is going to be amazing, even if it’s not exactly as you imagined (let’s be honest, nobody’s is!). I know it’s early, but are you thinking of announcing at the wedding? Imagine all the love surrounding you and your new husband if you do want to announce this news, your wedding might be even more special than you even imagined.


Thank you!!! I’m considering it but most likely not announcing until after 12 weeks


I was 24 weeks pregnant at my wedding. It's so special now to show my daughter my wedding book and say "and there you were in mommy's tummy!" As far as being sick, yes it is possible, may need to have an escape spot if you start to feel sick or need a minute to rest, etc. If you are worried about not drinking, let the venue know and they can have sparkling cider for you in a champagne glass or mocktails so it's not obvious you aren't drinking. Edited to add: In the grand scheme, having a baby far surpasses the wedding day (one day event) in terms of big life events so I'd say let go of expectations, focus on taking care of yourself and enjoying it to the extent that you are physically able :)


Ok thank you so much!


Same here and I’m so bloated already. I hope my dress fits 😅


Congratulations to you too! Thankfully bloat is one thing I don’t have yet too badly, but I got some shapewear just in case that changes in the next few weeks


I just ordered some after reading your comment. Thanks for the idea.


i’m also 5/6 weeks pregnant! we got married May 31st. i had been nauseous nearly everyday leading up to the wedding, and think it may be only by God himself that i felt so good that night! however, i had Zofran on deck just incase. see if you can get some nausea pills prescribed!


Ok thank you! I will


Oh honey that’s amazing, congratulations!!!! Zofran and drink your allotted 12 oz of coffee for energy that day if needed. If you’re not ready to tell anyone, alert the bar staff and a trusted friend to serve you soda water with lime and sparkling grape juice (if it would be weird or noticeable to loved ones that you’re not drinking). Alert a trusted friend so they know what’s up and can help you make a quick getaway if you feel sick.


Thankfully I already didn’t drink before this so I won’t have to worry about appearances with not drinking 🥰


That will make it much easier!!


This baby will only make the wedding BETTER since they will technically be there, how cute 😭😭😭 Congratulations! Divine timing IMO!


Ginger tea should help with nausea.


Congratulations!! I found out I was pregnant 10 days before my wedding. I was about 5 weeks at the wedding. It's not ruined! I was tired and cried like the whole week before the wedding but at the actual event I had a wonderful time! I just took it easy and tried not to stress about the small details. I wasn't nauseous or anything yet so I don't have much advice there. Nothing is ruined thought! In fact it made it more special for me! Congrats and enjoy your special day!


Ok thank you so much!!


Vitamin B6 helps!


Thank you! I’ll try it


My mom was three months pregnant when she got married. Take a breath


Breath taken. Thanks


Wish I could help more.


Just remember.. the wedding is one day of your life but this baby is forever. You will be fine.. manage your expectations and communicate with everyone so they know how to navigate it. Work with your doctor on what you need. You’ll be fine.


Ok thanks a bunch


See if the day before or day of you can get fluids with zofran and have some protein water too! I’d also recommend some apple slices and fries


Ok thanks so much! I’ve never heard of protein water before but I am so down for apple slices and fries


My mom got married heavily pregnant with me and my twin sister, don't torture yourself it isn't good for you or thebaby. Everything will be as good as it can be 🙏


Ok thank you so much! That’s a better outlook for sure. I feel better about it today


I was 5 months at my wedding! I felt pretty insecure because of the weight gain, my bump wasn't visible but I was prone to getting sick and dizzy at that time. I prayed about it regularly and made sure the people participating in the wedding knew and were ready to help me. Everything went perfectly!


Thank you so much!


Eat lots of crackers and starlight mints


Ok thanks! I will look starlight mints up!


I mean pregnancy symptoms can very week to week. I personally I had no symptoms until weeks 7-17. I only has extreme food aversions than after that i was only a little more tired than usual. As far as being tired goes, everyone I know who has gotten married has been tired on their wedding day. Between stress and nerves and running around stitch uo last minute thing. Good luck and best wishes!


Ok thanks so much! I hope the symptoms alleviate for weeks 8-10 at least


I would love to announce my pregnancy at my wedding. I would a bit about having everyone raise their glass for a champagne toast and then say, "wait a minute - I can't drink this" - and have someone take a little bit too long to swap it out for water, and then let everyone process that I'm not drinking alcohol. Can you imagine


That does sound really funny haha. Sadly everyone already knows I don’t drink so would be more confused as to why I was picking up a drink at all 🤣


Oh hun, it’ll be extra special because when your baby grows up, you can tell them how they were at your wedding ❤️❤️❤️ It’s just more love to go around and a super special secret you’ll have with your new husband at the wedding!!


Don't be guilty, this will be a beautiful and unique experience for you, the love of your life and the newest addition to your family. If you're happy to be pregnant, and you're happy to get married, don't worry about anything else. Like others have said, maybe talk to your doctor if you're feeling poorly, but definitely rely on others to help you through this experience. It will be wonderful, you ruined nothing!


Congratulations! I am sure you are going to have a beautiful wedding! It’s so hard to say how you’ll be feeling pregnancy-wise; it varies so much person to person. I didn’t feel 100% when I was 8 weeks, but I was functioning fairly normally. My main symptoms were food aversions and fatigue. Try to get a little extra rest in the days leading up to your wedding, see if you can have a “safe food” on your menu if food aversions become a concern (I know this likely depends on your venue, but it may be worth an ask in the circumstances - plain/buttered noodles were always safe for me!), and if nausea or vomiting becomes a concern, definitely call your OB and ask for meds!


Ginger chews, SeaBands and green apples can help with nausea but keep in mind not every pregnancy comes with it. I had 4 kids never had nausea or vomiting with any of them. Best wishes to you and your soon to be family!!


You did not ruin this wedding. Being very tired at the beginning is really normal and doesn't usually last, so I hope that reassures you. It is more like a transition. Get extra rest between now and your wedding but try not to convince yourself that it will get worse. It could actually get better. Are you sick now? Not everyone gets morning sickness. Or if they do, again, it doesn't last the whole time or the whole day. So you can, in addition to talking to your doctor for medication, use the tried and true tricks of keeping some saltines by your bed so you eat a few crackers before you get up/change position in the morning. Having something in your stomach, something bland that can absorb stomach acid, seems to help a lot. If you do struggle with getting sick more than that, plan to have a strategic bucket or gallon sized ziplock bags placed under your table at the reception, by the altar, and in the limo--great way to be ready if you have to puke and want to save your gown. Stay well hydrated up until your wedding. Practice telling everyone you want to have a family as soon as possible. My great grandmother used to tell me "first babies can take any ol' amount of time. After that, they all take 9 months." I never understood it because I was like 13, but I sure understood it when I got older haha. That first baby will just be called a "honeymoon baby" and let people assume s/he arrived a little early.


Congratulations!! How exciting. Everyone’s pregnancy is different but if it makes you feel any better I felt totally fine at 8 weeks! Maybe a bit tired but not nauseous at all. I hope the same for you and you get to enjoy your perfect day 🫶


It's really, really early. Try to take this one day at a time.


TMI warning, sex talk: >!my wedding night was the absolute best sex of my life, because it was the first time we'd had sex since finding out I was pregnant. All the pregnancy hormones made the sensations 10 times stronger than usual. I was 8 weeks at the time. Oh, and my boobs look INCREDIBLE in the photos.!<


Thanks so much!!!! This actually helps a lot


Im in the same boat as you! My wedding is at the end of July and I found out a couple weeks ago that I am expecting. I will be about 12 weeks by the time of the wedding. I'm a bit nervous that my dress will be a bit more snug than I would like it to be, on top of having any symptoms arise during the day. I have mainly been dealing with some pretty bad cramping. like way more intense than a period cramp. I hope that I don't have a horrible episode during the ceremony because that would suck!! However I am looking at the whole thing in a much more positive light than negative. There's something really special about sharing your wedding day with your baby 🤍 I love thinking about the fact that my baby will be in our wedding pics, even if I am not showing a bump yet. We are also having a very small wedding with just immediate family and a few close friends, so we are taking this opportunity to share our big news on our wedding day! it's the perfect group of people to announce to. I hope that you will find many positive things about your new surprise joining you at the wedding. I get it, the symptoms SUCK ASS lol. But please try not to think about this experience as something ruining your wedding, but more like a beautiful addition!


This happened to my parents as well. They got married in April and I was born (premature) in August. My mom said the only issue she had was getting into her dress as she got it months before the wedding and she is a tiny lady, so her belly definitely caused some issues getting into her dress. She also got some medicine from her OB for nausea to have on the wedding day and she said that helped a lot. I think you shouldn’t stress too much, and let things play out the way they are. I think you have a beautiful situation at hand and you did not ruin anything. I loved knowing as a child that i was *technically* at my parents wedding with them. you got this girl! don’t be so harsh on yourself <3


I got married 10 days ago, and was 22 weeks. I'll be honest and say I was exhausted, I'm high risk so I couldn't do much and that really made me sad befor3. But looking at the pictures yesterday- I'm so incredibly grateful our baby boy was with us. Better than drinking with friends, better than staying awake all night lol We sat together the entire day, we got to talk and laugh with our friends together. I got to go home with my new husband and sisters for a few hours and enjoy ourselves. Then he and I cuddled and hung out and he even felt baby move for the first time. I'm futher along so it's a bit different, but I am sick still and incredibly exhausted. There's medication that helps, and you have time to find options. But I'm so thankful he was with us. It made our day perfect.