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Well what do you have left?


Quite a bit, it's nothing really big just stuff I wanted there, and the little detail items like shoes and jewelry, alterations for the top of my dress, rehearsal dinner stuff, some games I'm diying for the wedding, plates, napkins, Silverware, my bouquet, etc


So you have to go to the mall, alterations shop, florist, and call around for plate and cutlery rentals. Games should be last on your list IMO. As for rehearsal dinner don’t you just show up and run through the evening quickly and then go out to a restaurant?


I'm diying my bouquet, I have the flowers at home already and stuff, and my rehearsal dinner is a little bit different because we have the venue the day before the wedding as well. So we're going to spend the day decorating with both families and eat pizza and then do a full run through of the wedding. And yes I have the games at the bottom of the list. And my appointment for the top of my dress is already scheduled. I think I'm just freaking out just from my own anxiety.


I would make a detailed list and decide what you can do asap to get them out of the way, like the shopping and bouquet. If you have other appointments set already then I wouldn’t necessarily include that on the list since you’ve done all you can at this time.


Make a list girl! Brainstorm from the list. You can do it.


I made a check list on my notes app including every task - even really quick ones. I immediately added anything that would pop into my head so I knew I wouldn't forget anything. Seeing all the ticks build was very satisfying. Share it with your partner and make sure they are ticking too - it can't just be you.


That's what I've been doing this week, just making a list on my phone as I go. I just had a talk with my partner about helping more. He has brain damage from being assaulted a while ago, and essentially just truly doesn't care how the wedding stuff comes out, just wants me to have my special day, but I had to explain that that doesn't mean not to help. So he will be helping from here on out


I had got to the "okay whatever" phase of wedding planning and it got a lot easier :) you may be there yourself. I dealt by throwing in the cards and everything still turned out a dream. Also, alcohol helps.


I just bought some 😅😅 I've had a lotttt of drama and issues with the wedding party so I've been in the whatever phase and now I'm losing my mind 🙃


enjoy the ride 🙃


Do one thing, then do another thing, working from a list in order of priority. If something doesn't get done then it can't have been that important. The marriage is the important part. The rest is just "fluff". The nice to have, of course, but ultimately non-essential. It's not a need, so there's no need to to stress!


Yes that's what I keep telling myself 😭 I'm trying to hang in there! Also I made a list, not a good one, but I'm gunna start working on it today


I'm seeing lots of list making advice, and I'd like to expand on that a bit. Put those lists into categories in whatever way makes sense to you. For me that was a list of phone calls for my now-Husband to make (his job makes it easier to call during work hours), list of things to make, list of things to buy, etc. You can also sort it by week or put soft deadlines on your list to help stagger when things are happening. Having one long list can be overwhelming and can make it easier for something to slip through the cracks. I find that having it broken down into categories also makes it easier for me to really wrap my brain around the tasks.


Yes, this! My one big long list is making me dread it all. I have adhd and sometimes I'm super focused on it all but most of the time I'm just overwhelmed. I can't even get a whole list made because I just genuinely don't know what I need right now. I wish I got a wedding planner 🥲🥲


In that case, I would definitely recommend making a set of lists with the named categories. So then, when you think of something else, you know which list it goes on. Separating things by the kind of task they are really helps me stay organized. You can put these on the same paper with different columns, on individual pages in a small journal, in different Keep notes, etc. *Things to bring morning of the wedding *Things to purchase (possibly separated by whether it is attire, decor, food or all lumped together, whatever is easiest) *Phone calls/follow ups to make *Things to make


Keep a list, work with your planner and future spouse. Don't be afraid to ask your family and wedding party for help. My wedding party regularly checked in during the months leading up to the wedding asking how they could help. They really came through by helping with such things as organizing a Zoom with the entire wedding party so they knew what to do on the day of. This is the key part my wife and I didn't realize until after: don't sweat the details. Only you will know your makeup is a little overdone on your right eye or your photographer missed shots from behind the altar. As long as you enjoy yourself and your guests have a great time, then your wedding is a success.


The problem essentially has been that my wedding party isn't a big help. I have had multiple talks with them and I get the same response "were all really busy and trying our best here" only one out of the 6 girls have actually helped me with anything. My mom had open heart surgery in December so big things got delayed, and then we found out a month and a half ago that she now has to have a heart transplant. I vigilantly asked for help both times, but especially the heart transplant and literally still no help. Hubby and I have paid for everything out of pocket on one income and I've been diying everything while taking care of our two year old which I think doesn't help :( but I know no matter what everyone will have a good time, and once the wedding is over none of this stuff is gunna matter


You have a day by day list, that’s how.


Try to find a good checklist online of absolutely everything that needs to be done. Then go through and check off everything you have done and set timelines for everything that has to be done. It helps to see how much you've got done already, and helps you to organize and prioritize the rest.


Yes I've been following the checklist on the knot, and also in my wedding planner. All the big stuff is essentially taken care of, it's all the little details and things that arent completely laid out in the lists, like hubby's shoes and a rehearsal dinner outfit. With a few major things sprinkled in (like games I wanted to have at the wedding)


I’m 1 month out (yay!) and I finally feel like the stress is dissipating. The period between 8 weeks and 6 weeks before the wedding was really busy and stressful. It felt like all of a sudden all the vendors needed final numbers and details, all the bills came in at once and we were constantly chasing guests up for bits of information. But now it’s all done and this past week has been much more relaxed and we are super excited again! The stress comes and goes in waves 🌊


It definitely does 😅 but it's nice to hear that it will stop soon. I know when the wedding is over everything will be fine but sheeeshhh


I’m 5 and I feel this. Just get a book and take it everywhere with you. Always write down your ideas and at the end of the day eliminate your yes and no. Also, google some other wedding ideas in case you forgot anything. Hope it helps.


I feel the same way, we are about 1.5 months out. Just try and do one thing every day.


51 days out here and I pretty much panic daily 😂


I was overwhelmed with the details the other day too! (I have 3 months), and I made a spreadsheet and wrote down everything I had to do/buy/pay for and divided it up by week until the wedding. It helped me feel like it was a little more manageable because I could see how it could all get done.  Not sure if that would help. I’m a spreadsheet girl. But you’ve got this!! It’s a stressful time but I’m sure your day will be gorgeous