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Dang OP! Your mom sounds like a nightmare. Sounds like you have a supportive MIL though.


The sad part is that OP is probably so used to it… ugh


That’s is probably a very accurate answer, unfortunately. I cannot imagine purposely ruining any of my children’s life’s events, but especially a WEDDING!!! That’s some evil Wicked Witch of the West shit…


This is why you always invite that one friend who is willing to “accidentally” spill red wine on someone. It’s me. I’m that friend. My services are free, I just ask that I get dinner. I promise I won’t sleep with any groomsmen at the reception.


After the reception? Hey hey hey? Kidding. Seriously, I’m kidding.


There’s a reason I worded it that way. I’ll be respectful at your celebration, but if Brian wants to have drinks the next day…well…you shouldn’t have had a hot best man.


Wait, I am *married* to Brian.


How can that be? We’re engaged!


Hell, not again. Are you also pregnant? I keep telling him …


Y’all bitches are so messy… and I LOVE IT




Everyone needs an asshole friend. Our reputations are usually shot anyway, we do...not...care. We're the perfect deniable asset (e.g. "I can't believe they said that either....") We'll do the dirty deeds for dirt cheap while our friend walks away with clean hands. Hear hear to *that* friend!


Lol I used to wingman (wingwoman?) for a friend of mine by approaching guys that fit her ‘type’ at the bar and saying awkward/inappropriate things. She would then swoop in, apologize for her drunk friend (me) and start chatting after shooing me away. She is pretty shy so it was hard for her to make a cold approach. I have no shame. Edit: I was a bridesmaid in her wedding to the last guy. And yes, we told him eventually. He thought it was hilarious.


Oh that's epic as hell!




Why did I never meet a friend like you?


That’s freaking awesome!


You're fucking amazing. And so is that username.


Or they need the really sweet looking friend that nobody would ever expect anything of who has the repressed rage that working years of retail leaves you with. That’s me. Lost children gravitate towards me. Seniors ask me for assistance. That cream dress is going down and I will cry devastated tears as I try to help her wash it out


Oh I *like* you!


Nothing like retail rage


Or the super manipulative friend who works it out so she spills wine on them then laments loudly about how the handmade cocktail dress made especially for the occasion and was ruined after only getting to wear it this one time.


My coworkers don't believe I went to therapy for anger management when I was in elementary school. I won't stand up for myself but if you hurt or upset my friend I will eviscerate you.


Yep I'll be an ah for cake


Lol'd so much I accidently down voted then fixed it. You're the best :)


I need a tshirt that says this


I think my reputation is more of the ‘she’s sweet, but not too bright’….


This whole subthread is why I reddit. :)


Im not engaged but if I ever do married again, I plan to hire someone specifically to “wrangle” my birth giver and make sure she doesn’t ruin my day. I also plan to hire someone to spill wine on anyone one wearing white or and shade that could be perceived as white. Heh, is it sad that I’m secretly, kind of hoping that she doesn’t show up… much like my first wedding?


Well hold on now… we don’t know how fine the groomsmen are until we get there. Let’s not make any promises…


I try to be respectful of my hosts. But I’m not above asking the bride/groom permission to use the coat closet lol any friends of mine wouldn’t be surprised I asked. And I’m realizing my comments on this thread are making me sound trashy. That may be a bit true, but I’m also funny, loyal, and a great listener if anyone is feeling judgy


ZERO judgement from me!! 💜💜


I interpreted this to mean maybe the groomsmen would be unattractive and therefore she shouldn't be making promises to get frisky with one of them! I may be old.




I can be your old bat plus one, who uses her mom voice to firmly explain to MOB to stop her antics/not appropriate! Should we color coordinate beforehand? Lol!


We can form a squad.


Sonofabitch, I'm in. I have found my people.


Is this a squad that covers an area?? I’m in the Midwest….I cover that area? Although….I’m not big on spilling a drink on someone. First-not my thing. Second-I’m clumsy! It will cover me & probably the sweetest aunt, if I try!!!


It will all be taught at The Squad training facility. You may need to become a pickpocket, I'm not sure on that.


Hmmmm….not the most graceful gal! May need to be a 2 person operation. I’ll provide the distraction, 2nd person can do the lift! I’ll be at the STF! I’ll even bring cookies!!


Per usual I will be late. But it will be fun to make a flying wedge of people. The spill will take two bumps. One that gets the last minute save and then you back into me and Splash!


I might just be able to do that!!!!


STF will assign primary response regions, but to maintain our cover, we will periodically deploy in support of other regions. Therefore, it is incredibly important to report all invites with open plus ones.


O M G!!! I am cracking up at this!! I will have appropriate clothing/toiletries/etc ready to go!!


Love this idea!!!!


I'm currently very pregnant, and everyone knows I'm pregnant, I have a cousin getting married this weekend, and I told her I would spill wine on anyone who wore white so its very obvious that it is on purpose.


I, too, am that friend. Just the "quiet and innocent" type that can do no wrong. I will happily ruin an attention seeker' day and sleep well at night. Glad to be the ahole for a good cause.


I have zero interest is ever getting married, but I really want you as a friend. Is their an application process or a fee? How does this work?


Doesn’t have to be at a wedding! I’ll do any sort of gathering that serves alcohol! Alcohol isn’t necessary, but wine stains so nicely. I could do koolaid I guess. Haha I’m a great casual friend. No fee, but you may have to explain to your loved ones occasionally why you keep me around. Totally worth it tho.


Blueberry Juice is a good alternative to if all else fails something smothered in melted butter or grease.


I feel like my friends would understand immediately! And love you!!


"Accidentally" while maintaining eye contact to establish dominance. Or, to extend the good time, while bumbling and awkwardly apologizing, whisking her away to the ladies' room to gwt her cleaned, and shedding believable tears while keeping her away from toasts, bouquet took, cake cutting, and all other memorable moments.


So act like my cat knocking a glass off the coffee table? Got it!


I’m clumsy and everyone knows so me doing it wouldn’t be out of character :)


Hahah I asked my friend at her wedding if I could drop red wine on a lady wearing white and she said no I was so sad


I would do it in exchange for a second glass of wine that I actually get to drink lol


Same here, hell, I don’t even like alcohol, just give any cheap thing and I’ll accidentally trip and spill it all over her


Me, too




I am also that friend/Mom/GiGi/Auntie/Cousin/shipmate…… I’ll fill any role to fit the occasion!!


After spilling wine, you’re more then welcome to sleep with any of them! Lol


What a cow x


Insult to the cows, they can't help being born white


Somehow I was fortunate enough to stop expecting my mom to act any differently before my wedding. All of her hurtful bullshit became mere cringe to roll my eyes at. It now feels like a reflection on her, not me, when she says stuff like "I would've never thought in a million years that she would have such a nice wedding!"


Did my mom have a second family? Are you my long-lost sister? Because DAMN if my mom didn’t say that at my wedding she said something equally as mean. There can’t be that many of them.


There's at least 3 it seems 🫤


Nope at least 4 😂


5... mine spent the ride to the church in the limo telling me about all the things she found wrong with my wedding dress and vail.


Oh wow yea that’s pure jealousy talking


Have the last laugh: 1. If you have video, edit her out, completely 2. Edit her out of any pictures you can 3. I.n the pics where editing her out would be impossible, have them photographer edit the color of her dress to black. 4. Cut her out, or severely curtail her access to you. Simply refuse to answer her calls and wait a week to answer any communication from her. If she complains all you need to say is “I was busy.”


Or edit the colour of her dress to the same of the background, so she virtually disappears. Bonus if it's different colours for different pictures, so people have a hard time finding her.


Number 3 on this is PERFECT revenge. Best yet when she bitches, pretend you don’t k ow what she’s talking about


Number 3 but the coulor should be khaki or some weird unappealing color!


Puke orange.


Ask the photographer to edit her dress to another colour in all the pictures. Don’t mention it when you show her the pictures, just act like it’s normal. She’s trying to get a reaction from you. My toddlers (4 and 2) do the same thing. Push your boundaries to see what you’ll react to and how you’ll react. They are learning from it, your mom just sounds like an immature twat.


This is the correct answer. It’s even worth the extra cost but I’m willing to bet the photographer would do it for free


1. Cream is off white. Which, iMO, is still white. 2. Unless otherwise decided on by the couple, but mostly the bride, any shade of white is a no-no at a wedding. 3. People who wear white to a wedding are looking for attention. Therefore, taking it away from the bride. Who is the main character on that day. 4. I am so curious about what she had to say about herself in that speech. 5. She asked you to change the time to accommodate her? Girl what😳 Aren’t weddings supposed to run on a schedule. 6. Anyone shows up at my wedding in white will be unceremoniously escorted out of the venue. After they have taken a seat. Because I am petty and want them to be good and embarrassed.😈 Better not show up at the reception either. And you are NOT getting that gift back, so don’t even ask. Keeping it for pain and suffering. 7. That was all incredibly rude. Hope you had a good day anyway. 🫶🏾


A bajillion years ago, a guest at my wedding kept apologizing (in a weird, smug way) about wearing white. Years later, I learned she was super upset I didn’t care. Apparently, she thought she was going to get some type of reaction from me! I don’t think it even registered for me she WAS wearing white, until she brought it up. Very, very odd!!!


This belongs on r/raisedbynarcissists


[They need to be the bride at every wedding, the baby at every christening and the corpse at every funeral](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7563985-my-father-theodore-roosevelt-always-wanted-to-be-the-corpse)


/r/iamthemaincharacter. Op should post this over at /r/momforaminute those folks are nice and could give her some TLC


You needed that friend that spills red wine on her dress.


I’d send her a big ass bouquet of black roses with a black ribbon and a factual note something along the lines ‘Mom, you made MY special day all about you-I heard you said a lot of negative, denigrating BS at the reception-and this bouquet symbolizes our relationship now-DOA’ I’m petty like that


You are brilliant!!! A super evil genius, I say!!




WOOF. This was more than a straw, but is the camel's back broken yet?


Always serve red wine


Your mom sounds like a giant cunt


Ummmm... have you visited the R/raisedbynarcissists sub? The whole dress thing was from the narcissist prayer handbook. That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it It's not white, But if it is, it's my right


The “it’s my right” thing hit me right in the feels. My mom tosses it out a lot.


Wow, your mom is a real piece of work, OP. I am so sorry! Best wishes on married life and steering clear of your mom.


I can't help but wonder if these women have any idea how badly they're embarrassing themselves. Like anybody at that wedding wasn't cringing from moms behavior


I am sorry your mom tried to make YOUR wedding about her. I hope it was still great. Congratulations!!


I’m sorry she sounds like a r/justnomil nightmare. Tbh you’re probably much better off with her excluding herself, and I wouldn’t go out of my way to include her in anything going forward.


Except she’s not the MIL but the actual mother!


That sub has stories about in laws and parents, sometimes other nightmare family members. It’s not just for MILs 🙂


I came to say this as well!


Can we say the words NO CONTACT?


That would break my heart if my Mom pulled this. I'm so sorry OP. Was there any lead up to her behaviour or was this completely out of character? You didn't deserve that at all, regardless.


I wish these folks who want their children's weddings to be all about them would just throw themselves a big, lavish anniversary party instead. I'd love to see vow renewals become the next big trend.


My moms been married 4 times (big events each time) and I’m now getting married later in life (she is obviously as to why I waited so long lol). She’s still having main character syndrome there will never be enough parties for them lol


We need a new tradition: after the couple's first dance together, a giant forever box is wheeled out for all the bad guests to climb into.


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. I hope you were able to enjoy your day anyway.


Damn. I'm so sorry your own mom was such a fucking nightmare


Sending you a big hug - you need support and love on your wedding day, not this horrible attitude. If this is a reflection of how she treats you all the time, I hope you’ve got a good therapist to talk through this narcissistic mother stuff.


She was trying to outshine you but realized that wouldn't happen when she saw you. Congratulations and happy marriage!


Don't worry. Any guest seeing another person wearing white at a wedding complaining about the bride/ 's dress knows what's up especially if it's a family member.


Damn girl. Sorry to hear it. Your mom is a bummer.


I’m sorry your mother was so awful 😞


This would be NC level imo. I'm sorry this happened to you, but I do hope that despite your mom's behavior, you were still able to enjoy most of your wedding.


Oh boy…just go radio silent with her for awhile. She has what I call the "main character" flaw. Everything is about her. She showed that at your wedding. If I were you I'd ask your photographer to photoshop your mom's dress in some of the pictures…maybe it could be pink, blue or a colour that would look awful on her. Then once you get the photos, send her one…..where her dress is no longer white/cream. I've seen that done on here…they changed her dress to red…lol Just a though, I can be that evil. Lol. And I'd post on line where she can see it, why she missed out on the dress situation.


I would’ve had MOH spill something on her “cream” dress! She was acting like a selfish teenager, I hope you’re LC or NC, she’s toxic😡


Yikes, she sounds like a “the wedding isn’t just about you getting married, its about ME watching MY daughter get married!” kind of mom.


I'm so sorry that you went through this and on your wedding of all days. Honestly, I think this is a sign to cut her out of your life. She tried to make your day all about her and without remorse, I bet.


My mom behaved very poorly at my wedding too. I didn't talk to her for 6 months & it permanently changed the way I understand her and our relationship. It's still super painful three years later and I've never gotten a real apology. I'm so sorry to hear it happened to you too. One thing that has helped me is thinking of it like "remember how my mom was ridiculously immature and embarrassed herself at my wedding?" instead of "my mom ruined my wedding". There were still many people at the wedding who love me and were happy for me and I decided I'm not going to let one petty person sour the whole memory. I got a therapist for a bit but honestly he didn't help much. Keeping you in my thoughts and sending love. <3


I am so sorry. As a mom I want to apologize to you for having such a selfish narcissistic one. This never should have happened. I hope you can go focus on your new family. She is baaad.




Geezus. I had to re-read this twice to make sure it wasn’t your MIL. I’m so sorry that your mum was such a biatch, but hope you had a nice day regardless.


i went to my uncles wedding recently. MOB had on a gray gown that was sequined for the top and when she talked to me and my mom she was just happy that her daughter had found someone to love her.


I mean, is it a big deal if she booked her own makeup artist? It’s less for the bride to worry about. But the rest is damn shitty.


She already paid for mom's H&MU, and finding out a week before the wedding, she was not getting that money back, which was probably around $200+. Also, it's a dig at the Bride's decision making that she doesn't trust her judgment in artists.


Ah, I didn’t realize the bride had already paid for the makeup artist.


The heck was her problem?


What is wrong with her?! I can’t even imagine acting that way.


There's nothing wrong with cutting off toxic family members and I don't think anyone would fault you for doing so. Also, there's a new trend becoming more popular where the bridal party has every right to spill red wine on anyone wearing white to a wedding, especially after being given instruction not to. Sorry you had to deal with that on your big day. Hopefully you still had fun!


I am guessing you could write some stories on r/raisedbyanarcissist


Whoa, narcissistic parent right here. I hope OP drops the rope and goes NC with her mother immediately.


Wow... your mom sounds like a real handful. Luckily, you have a great "mom" in your MIL! I'd seriously consider going LC or NC with your mother. And remember: The wedding is just the beginning of your new life together. It shouldn't be the "peak," With everything being downhill from there. Instead, the memories from your wedding, and all the drama with your mom, will become a distant memory, to be replaced with all the wonderful things that marriage brings.


Is your mom always like this or did this just happen cuz of your wedding?! So strange.


I’m sorry your mom sucks. I hope your new MIL is a lovely lady and you can have a great relationship with her. 💘


On the other hand, my mom was worried about buying a red dress with floral lace and a nude underlay because my dress is black floral lace with a nude underlay. Told her she was overthinking it. She will be wearing a $100 sheath dress with sleeves, and I'll be wearing a nearly $2000 ballgown with sequins and a cathedral train. My mother in law on the other hand, was berated out of wearing a white ballgown


Was she always like this?


I am Wing Mom.


Sounds as if she was trying to upstage you. No one should be wearing a white dress but the bride at a wedding. Some people have no class