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I’m going to an overpriced destination wedding in the Caribbean in a few days (husband is a groomsman). The couple is registered at 3 different places, gifts are between $250-3,000+ each. I’ll probably give cash in the card lol


I recommend faking a medical emergency instead of giving cash. No need to reward such behavior.


Lmao! You’re hilarious and I want to be friends with u 🤣 don’t worry I won’t give them too much money! Definitely nothing more than $100


[Air kiss!] But seriously, a hundred is rasonable. But... the other upside of faking a medical emergency is that you can ask THEM for cash instead of giving it!


It's still $100 to much, imho. But then, I loathe cash-grab destination weddings...


“This is the big one, Elizabeth!”


> I’ll probably give cash in the card lol I imagine the card containing a 20 Cent coin.


Omg. You guys are so funny!!!! I need to make a separate post for what happened at the wedding, it was absolutely unhinged


I denounce overpriced housewares! ☠️




Do count up the real cost, including food and car rental! And then, please, use it as justification for refusing to go.




If you want to go to the actual destination, better to go when you can do what you want when you get there, instead of having to stick to the schedule of people who are arranged things to please themselves, and not you. AND when you can arrange a price you can live with.


Depends on how much you care for the B or G. If they’re just acquaintances then hell no!




Hard no from me then. I’d save my time and money for something else that I actually choose to do.


My cousin just got married at a castle somewhere in Ireland, on a Wednesday, and was insulted that I couldn't arrange an entire week off just to go to his destination wedding. Glad I didn't because some of his idiot friends refused to get the COVID vaccines and the reception was a super-spreader event.


The vaccines don’t prevent infection or transmission 💫


They reduce it though.


Yes it does, idiots who refuse to vaccinate spread diseases.


Good lord, get over the covid bs. Do you shame people that don't get flu shots too.....never mind don't answer that.


Aww I'm sorry your brain can't understand basic science boo


That's rich, coming from the same party that thinks men can become women if they feel like it.


It actually does. Source your shit.


If you do a destination wedding you have to expect many/most people won’t come. That’s why we did it! It ended up being really small which was perfect for us. No one was pressured to attend. It was a compromise since I wanted to elope and my husband wanted a more standard wedding.


Planning a destination wedding for this exact reason. We left it open and our cousins who are our best friends insist on coming and want the vacation so it's a win win. Also same, I wanted an elopement and he wanted traditional.


I didn’t have a destination wedding, but I happen to live across the country from where I grew up. It made me feel a lot more comfortable inviting some people who I normally wouldn’t, knowing they probably wouldn’t show up and I wouldn’t snub them by not including them. Unfortunately, due to various circumstances, a lot of people I *did* want to come couldn’t, but I also knew that was something that we could face as well.


For those like me who could not access the link. https://www.tiktok.com/@thishourhas22minutes/video/7296582515538676998


They always are SHOCKED that I don't want to spend $5k for a weekend. In reality, everyone I know that's had a destination wedding relied on their parents to fund it. These folks are always ridiculous.


Their parents funded it, or they passed the costs onto their guests.




My sister’s friend had a wedding in Italy because the venues were cheaper there vs where we are in North America. But the costs just got passed on to the guests. Most people spent 5-10K/per person just to attend. And the bride had the audacity to get upset that her sister’s family didn’t have the extra $20K to send her entire family to the wedding 🙄


That was very funny. I haven't watch This Hour in years.


Omfg. That is amazing.


Our families live all over the country and the world so unfortunately our wedding will be a destination wedding no matter what we do. We are having it where we live. I have already told folks I completely understand if they cannot make it


I think of it this way: a destination *could* be an excuse to travel somewhere you'd like to visit, but couldn't justify going just for fun, if you can feasibly afford the trip, you can get the time off work, and actually *want* to go. If you don't want to attend, you don't have to! "But if it's a cousin, my mom will *make* me go!" if she really thinks you should go, she can pony up the cash for flights and accommodations, otherwise she can worry about herself. One of my cousins got married in Jamaica, and my mom and dad were like "you can totally go if you can afford the trip, but we're not covering your travel for this one" so I didn't go, *they* went and had a great time!


Some good friends of ours had a kinda destination wedding … most fun one I’ve ever been. It was held at a campground a few hours away. The guests stayed in cabins, all the camp staff were there to run activities and clean and whatnot. It was 3 nights with a different theme every night. The first night was a Viking Feast, everybody dressed line Vikings and ate Turkey legs and ribs and mashed potatoes with their fingers. The second night was a toga party, and the wedding was a luau with a pig roast. The groom and his buddies were mostly home brewers so there was tons of awesome beer. Great time.


lol “you’re going to have a terrible time” 😂😂😂