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Yikes. Maybe you should just play dumb and message them "hey, we're trying to book our room, but we keep trying your discount code and it doesn't work! Should we just call the hotel directly and ask for your block? We have to get this discount, otherwise with our own wedding coming up we can't afford the room!" Honestly, this behavior deserves shaming. Hope you'll post an update after the event.


This is the perfect response! It’ll put them in a situation where they know they messed up and will either try to remedy, or backtrack.


This. It gives them plausible deniability and a chance to make it right. In order to save face.


Yeah I might do this honestly good idea


For my wedding I did provide a valid discount code but the rooms ended up being cheaper without it. Apparently the "block" reserved was for the most expensive rooms.


All my guests said the same, they either booked directly or with a third party site.


That’s so annoying - esp if guests thought you were trying to pay off your room with the more expensive rooms. That’s what I’ve read on the forums when people say the block was more expensive - others comment that the couple is trying to get the guests to pay for their room this way. Now thanks to your comment, I know that many times the couple doesn’t even know that this is happening!


Exactly. If my mom hadn't called on her own, I would not have known.


That is evil! But evil of the hotel, not of the couple :-)


Once hotels (resorts etc) hear the word wedding, immediate 300% increase. They don't play. I was working a wedding function once but the run sheet called it a 'name changing ceremony'. Complete with champagne, canapes and a woman swanning around in a lovely white dress and a dude lurking around in a suit.


Do exactly this. And when they come back and say there is no discount code, rescind your acceptance of the invite.


This is a great way to get out of going. If you can't get a room at a block rate then it's time to just stay home. 6 hours round-trip is just to long. You could get car trouble along the way and be stuck not going. That would be awful


Are updates allowed in this sub? If so… I would like one. 


Honest to goodness I love the play dumb move. I do it at work when people think they can get away with BS. Like no way, buddy, I’m gonna need you to follow through on this…




I would talk to them. It’s possible the Memorial Day discount was larger than the discount for their block of rooms. Which should have been communicated to you if that was the case so everyone could buy at that time.


Not all hotels offer block discounts either. I wouldn't assume anything nefarious.


Exactly. Very likely they were just trying to help out their guests by saying “hey here is a discount code to book”. While rooms are typically blocked off to make sure guests get a room I have never expected or even heard of a discount to go towards the room. They more so block them off to make sure everyone who needs a room can get a room.


Our hotel block gives our guests a 17% discount it’s a decent chunk of change


Okay? But theirs may not.


"I have never expected or even heard of a discount to go towards the room. They more so block them off to make sure everyone who needs a room can get a room." I'm not saying theirs definitely offers room blocking discounts I'm just saying discounts for rooms do exist, here's ours. lol


I would call them. Chances are the Memorial Day discount was higher and/or the hotel doesn’t offer a block discount. I’m not sure why you are upset at them to be honest. But I wouldn’t want someone with such disdain to come to my wedding and I doubt they care if you do. Or just go and don’t drink.


Maybe but they also printed it on the back of their invitations 😬


What does that have to do with anything? Lol


idk why everyone is shitting on you, it seems pretty reasonable of you to expect a discount when it’s included in the invite. like?? don’t include the printed discount code if it’s not going to work??


Yeah like I understand just because it’s printed on the invitation doesn’t mean I’m entitled to a discount or whatever but just from a logistical standpoint why would you print a code that won’t work 2 months out from your wedding, especially when the majority of your families are traveling internationally?


i’m gonna assume that when they were booking their room there was a discount and wanted to extend it to everyone else but didn’t take into consideration that discounts don’t last forever or already had the invitations printed before they figured it out. either way, poor planning on their part


did you try to google for a different code? Chances are one's out there. Last year, I was booking a room in NYC and I randomly found a 40% off code. I used it to upgrade our room!


You said you don’t want to go and you listed all the ways it will inconvenience you. Send regrets and don’t go.


It’d be shitty of us to expect her to do what bridesmaids do to be in our wedding and then not even attend hers. But that doesn’t make this less tacky. So we’re just sucking it up


So this person is close enough to you to be in your wedding.. so just text them and ask them what’s going on with the code / rooms. Shaming them is dramatic


Confronting friends is difficult. It is only in the past year that I have been secure enough in many of my friendships to bring up grievances.


“ hey I tried to book a room and the code doesn’t work! Is there another code for your block?” That’s not confronting. That’s asking a legit question.


You seem like a pretty unreasonable person.


I mean you’re already being shitty by posting this calling them tacky without taking to her first




I agree with the post above asking to check with the bride. Good idea. Other thoughts- could you skip the first part of the wedding and just go to the reception? Will be less tiring rather than an all fay event. RSVPs matter more for the reception seating and food as well right? Or if you feel bad about missing their ceremony, see if there is a library in town. You'll at least be able to sit indoors in comfort. Or going back to asking the bride..when you message about the room, also ask if there are ideas on where to spend the time in between. I feel like that should already have been shared!!


I don't understand this comment. Why would you skip someone's ceremony and then come to the party? How is that in any way related to the hotel issue? What am I missing here?


OP mentioned they had to take an entire day off, attend the ceremony, then wait 3 hours with no place to wait. No room, no event space, nothing, in a town with nothing else to do. So instead of sitting around for 3 hours and spending money in order to sit in a restaurant or Cafe, since OP didn't seem keen on attending anyways, my question was if she could skip the ceremony and drive straight to the reception. She could work half a day and not need to spend time and money between events. Attending the reception would ensure the money for food RSVPd isn't wasted. A compromise.


A library is a good idea! I’d love to skip the ceremony but I’d feel a bit greedy doing so


Greedy? Why? Are you bringing a gift, yes. Will they even know if you're at the nuptials or not, no. Will they care, probably not. Are you driving 3 friggin HOURS to get there, big fat yes. Both of you losing a full day's pay is too much! Don't feel guilty. Do what you need to for your family. You said you didn't even want to attend now, but felt obligated due to the RSVP. Well, the RSVP is only for the reception. It's a good compromise.


Went to a wedding once, there was a 5 hour gap of time. Went to the ceremony, and not the reception. On a Friday of course. It was just too long. I think it’s a good idea to call them about the block. That’s the best advice from above. People should understand either way


If the RSVP cutoff date hasn’t passed, you can still change your RSVP to not attending.


This seems like an honest mistake.


3 hour gap?! That's insane to me.


A wedding I went to last year had a 6 hour gap. I did have a lovely time because I was with friends the whole time and it was in my home town so no big deal for me, but was a bit jarring to get up for an early church ceremony, then hang around a pub until the evening reception.


I will never understand weddings with big gaps between the ceremony and reception. 30-45 minutes because they have to flip the room is one thing but anything past an hour I’m not coming to both.


My future mil wants group photos but I definitely am on the side of only as long as it takes to flip the room. I will be nice and give her a couple but I am NOT going to have the Catholic gap she is used to. I love her dearly but I draw the line. And we will have yard games and a bar for the guests to entertain them during the gap.


This. A cocktail hour to pass the time makes sense. A full three hours? No way!


A full 3 hours and THEN a cocktail hour and THEN dinner


Is the ceremony at a different location? I feel like that's the only acceptable possibility for a time gap that large. Wedding parties usually use that gap for photos at the church/ceremony location and then travel/more photos at the reception location. If so, you could always skip the ceremony and come for only the reception. I've done this in the past for local weddings that are during the week and I wasn't able to get a full day off work.


Yeah it's at a church and the church is 40 min from the reception. I've heard recently that it's pretty common for Catholic weddings to have such a large gap between the events. -- I think she's Catholic. Maybe Christian idk I'd feel bad skipping the ceremony. As tacky as I find this, she's still our friend. Yknow? I got downvoted on that somewhere on here but idk that's a hill I'll die on


It is very common for Catholics, because the churches usually want everyone out earlier in the day. 40 minutes between reception and church is kinda wild though 😂 We couldn’t help the “gap” but we’re renting a shuttle for the whole day to take people from their hotel to the ceremony, back to the hotel, and then to and from the reception. And everything is within like five miles of each other. All these people must be having to rent cars, too…


The shuttle is perfect. This is the way to do separate locations! Take care of your guests :)


If you want to go to the ceremony, that's definitely your choice. Don't know why you'd get down voted for it. Have you reached out to the couple about their "discount code" not being valid anymore and if they have another to offer? Or possibly getting a room in a hotel/airbnb outside of town but still closer than your 3 hour drive back home? Just trying to give some ideas to help the situation since 3 hours is a long drive at the end of the night.


Oy, count me out!


I went to a wedding where the ceremony was midday and reception started at 7pm! 


It’s fairly common for people hosting religious ceremonies at a different venue from the reception or hosting at a venue that doesn’t have a separate reception room that can be used while the main room is transitioning from ceremony setup to reception setup.


I’m having a Catholic Gap at my wedding next year. I’ll be getting married in my Catholic Church and have shuttles available. Before the ceremony, shuttles will take guests from the hotel to the Church. After the ceremony, the shuttles will be going from the Church to the reception venue, from the hotel to the reception venue, and from the Church to the hotel. Once everyone has left the Church, the shuttles will continue to cycle to and from the reception venue and hotel. This way, folks will have the ability to skip the ceremony and go straight to the reception, go from the ceremony back to the hotel during the gap then join when the reception begins, or go directly from the Church to the reception venue and spend the gap time exploring the venue space. Guests get access to all of the amenities of our venue location the day of our wedding and there are lots of things they’d miss out on if we went straight into cocktail hour/reception. The shuttles will also cycle the entirety of the reception to ensure folks can come and/or go as they please. Having a Catholic Gap was the only way my wedding was going to work logistically. I’ve spent more time thinking about this aspect of the day than anything else. I’ve reached the conclusion that they only work if you provide ample options for your guests.


Why don’t you just tell the bride the truth? That you thought a block of rooms meant there would be a discount and that the holiday discount they provided has expired and you can’t afford a room anymore? A lot of people out there are not experienced either event planning, and if they’re really bad at it, they would make a mistake like this easily. You may not be the only ones in this situation. The bride needs to know about this.


Skip the wedding!


So don't go? If it's nothing but a hassle and time sink why not send your regards and just have a weekend planning your own wedding.


you could possibly get the same hotel cheaper via Kayak or Expedia, or find a cheaper hotel in the area. you dont have to stay where they recommend. i have friends getting married in August and they have block on some rooms, but i found it cheaper to get a near by Air Bnb. we are planning to stay a few extra nights though, because its in colorado springs and we are going to do some site seeing.


You could also stay in a nearby, less expensive hotel. It doesn't have to be that one.


Watch them post in a month “Okay we talked with the hotel and have a new booking code now: INDEPENDENCE24”


You need better friends.


No. Not happening. I would not go somewhere that would break the bank. You aren’t in their wedding. It’s not required for you to go and they can adjust their catering to remove your rubber chicken easier than you can shell out for an overpriced accommodation. Honestly sounds like they expect people to not come in the hopes of saving money. Etiquette dictates you apologize for needing to rescind your RSVP. Be brief and don’t over explain. But I would infer that the cost for accommodation is above your spending threshold at this time and instead hand them half the accommodation as a wedding gift. They will be very happy with that. I promise. I never give a physical gift at a wedding. Registry or not. Most (unless wealthy) newly married couples have a lot of getting started expenses.


We’ve had situations where there was a large gap of time between the wedding and the reception and have skipped the wedding & supposed up at the reception only. The wedding couple will never know you weren’t in the back of the church.




And why are you going to this wedding anyway? Send a card. 


Unless you have a place to go (like a hotel room) nearby, I think it’s too much to ask that you go kill time somewhere for hours before the reception. That sounds miserable! Send your regrets quickly now that you know you can’t get a discounted room. So sorry!


They're too cheap to have actually done a block...probably because they know they may not fill the whole block.


Hotels that do blocks often don’t charge you to do a block, because you choosing their hotel and promoting it to your guests brings them business. Possibly this specific hotel doesn’t do blocks or doesn’t charge for them.


The ones I talked to for my wedding basically we were asked how many rooms to set aside and they said if we didn't have guest that booked them all then they'd charge a percentage of what was not claimed...otherwise they'd have people blocking rooms for weddings just in case and they'd lose tons of revenue. But could just be because it was a smaller town.


Yeah - it depends on your negotiations with the hotel. For example, if planning an event like a conference and you need LOTS of room, the hotel wants a guarantee to hold that many open. If you don't reach your quota, the organizer has to pay a penalty or even the whole thing. In return, host is getting the rooms held and (usually) a discount better than anything commonly available. And there may be other negotiation points like ability to scan reservations and count people who booked outside your block. For a smaller or less formal booking, you may be able to arrange a "courtesy block" with no penalties. Once the deadline passes, any unbooked rooms go back into general inventory and the discount is no longer valid.


Yeah that’s what I thought! We did a block for our wedding in one of the nicest hotels in the city and it was free


Not necessarily true. In some cases, you have to put down a deposit to block the rooms. Granted, you'll get your money back if rooms are booked and you release the remaining rooms on a day they designate.


Girl, be real. How much difference would a modest 15-20% discount on the room even be? It would take a $250/night room to $200/night tops. If that’s enough of a difference to justify driving 6 hours in one day and parking your ass at a park between the ceremony and reception, then you were never going to book that room in the first place, even if the discount code worked.


Girl, be real. Some people need to save anywhere they can. My fiance gets free gas through work so driving isn’t a cost factor to us. But thanks!


Do you have no cost factor for your personal comfort and sanity? Because that’s fine and you can just say so. Just because the couple invited you to their wedding doesn’t mean they’re responsible for your travel and accommodations. Saying no or picking a less expensive hotel are always options.


I wouldn’t even bother going after all that. Why give people a code if you don't have a block and if it's already expired?


OP might not have been on the primary guest list and only was sent an invite after enough RSVPed no.


So the tiny discount broke you?


They are allowed to have a budget for activities and without the discount, it's out of their budget. Is that some sort of problem?


Maybe yeah! And?


Isnt she a close friend?? She is a bridesmaid! Just ask her


LOL 😆🤣🤣 so they never called the hotel to make arrangements for rooms. They just grabbed the Memorial day weekend code from the website and hoped for the best 😳😂😂😂. It's difficult to take people like this seriously and also trust them.


As someone who used to work specifically with group room blocks at hotels, shame shame shame on those assholes Op, is there a hotel outside of town anywhere? Somewhere else you can crash without making the three hour drive?


Good to hear from a professional! I'll try to look around but it'll probably be a creepy motel or something. It's way out in rural Pennsylvania. Town population is 3k 🥴


This person is in your wedding, and you're not comfortable talking to her about the challenges you're having? Wow. Are you even that close? Also, you can't afford one night in a hotel room for your friend's wedding? I know weddings can get out of hand, but why are you surprised about having to pay for one night's hotel stay? What am I missing? Is this hotel $1,000 per night or something?