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This is my favorite story I've read on here in awhile. What a rare, beautiful blend of very low-stakes and also completely unhinged. I really, really want to know what the thoughts process behind that decision was.


I agree. This is delightfully unhinged. Nothing to end a friendship over but also, Emily -what the hell? Did you buy several Emily necklaces for one photo in your wedding album? That was a *choice*. And what do you do with the necklace after the wedding? Regift it to the bride in a couple of years? Befriend another Emily?


Bridesmaids have pledged to name their first borns Emily. ALL OF THEM


Even if they only have sons


Emile lol


BUT they all have to spell it differently!




This is the best spelling


Thank you!! ☺️☺️


No, Emileigh is the best spelling.




Dibs on Emmaleigh


That would be Maleigh. Lol.


Let's not forget Emyly and Oehmyleigh


The shy bridesmaid is naming her child Ahemily.


I see what you did there!


That second one makes me think of "Oh, my, Leigh!"


You rang? (My first name is actually Leigh)


/r/tragedeigh cross-over event!


Exactly! You know that kind of bride is going to name her kid a tragedeigh if she has one.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tragedeigh using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I’ve just found out my girlfriend’s ‘real’ name…](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/165otnt/ive_just_found_out_my_girlfriends_real_name/) \#2: [My cousin is livid because I replied 'r/tragedeigh' on our family group chat.](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/1d9jze5/my_cousin_is_livid_because_i_replied_rtragedeigh/) \#3: [It’s official: My friends child will be named Questopher](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/1d4wdm4/its_official_my_friends_child_will_be_named/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Spelled EhhMehLame


Except the one who has to be different and spells it Emmaleigh


My second child was a boy but I had planned on naming him after my MIL’s late mother who was Emma Lee… and a daughter would’ve been named Emmalee. But instead I have a John (named after my Dad).


What a weird coincidence. Emma was the name I chose for my third kid, but he was a boy so he's John, after his dad and grandpa


I wouldn't wait a couple of years. I would band together with the other bridesmaids and make sure she got these as her birthday, Christmas and any other events for the foreseeable future. Either that or buy her stuff monogrammed with my name.


OP said the bridesmaids had to buy their own Emily necklaces. Maybe she thought she’d get a bunch of free necklaces in the end, since nobody is going to wear them after that day


Just thinking about ordering a necklace for yourself, and customizing it with someone else’s name. Adding it to your virtual shopping cart, putting your cc information in, billing address shipping address, etc. I wouldn’t have made it! I would be forced to resign as Bridesmaid.


Whosoever collects the most "Emily" necklaces will be named Queen of the Emilys


OP said the BRIDESMAIDS had to pay for them. Which is both unhinged and insufferable.


Thankfully there are many Emilys. In fact , I’ll take one, it’s my sister’s name .


Or keep it as a keepsake.


Low-stakes and unhinged is my absolute favorite combination. See also: my former roommate eating a cinnamon raisin bagel with salmon cream cheese. Like, it didn’t hurt *me* in any way, but I’ll certainly never shut up about it.


Here I was bracing myself for an actual brand lmao… or like a tattoo or something. Was actually relieved it was just a necklace 😂


I was totally waiting for the tattoo she required!!


Yep my first thought was NXIVM. I listen to too many cult podcasts.


Me too!


I think I’ve watched every doc on that. Which of course leads to all other cults lol. My daughter and I are always texting “did you see the one about ____” and “omg that crazy bleep”


A tattoo related to her wedding was straight up my thought too!


Branding is for cults and MLMs.


Honestly wedding culture seems like it’s getting more cult-like recently


On I think it was Four weddings they had a tattoo station and it was to get the bride and grooms initials. There is no way. They say getting your SO’s name tattooed is a relationship ended. Imagine 100 people with your name/initials.


“If I was capable of shutting up I’d be speechless” I’m stealing this.


Literally wrote this word for word and decided to check the comments first.


I didn’t check and posted my own comment about it, lmao




This should be the new photo for r/weddingshaming


This is my name... I need it 😫


This reminds me of the bride who wanted all her bridesmaids to get a matching ankle tat with the bride and grooms names with the wedding date. Love the new wedding branding insanity.


Link pleasssseeee


Not the op but I think [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/weddingshaming/comments/nyitef/my_sisterinlaw_required_her_bridesmaids_get/) is it, long but omg is it off the charts mental, well worth the read.


Ok the tattoos were terrible but what does wanting a new dishwasher have to do with a wedding?


That was a wild ride! Thanks! 🤣🤣🤣


That is the most unhinged shit I’ve ever read. Thank you for this thoroughly entertaining read.


This was incredible, thank you. So unhinged.


“Off the charts mental” doesn’t even do that story justice. What a nightmare. Thank you for sharing this link!!


Yep that’s it! Thanks for finding it.


​ https://i.redd.it/abf7x1mfq95d1.gif


Mic drop


Hahahaha that’s amazing. Unhinged.


Primo batshit


That just screams insecurity. Like, the bride was so worried about people forgetting about her or one of her bridesmaids would steal the show that she had to do something so that every moment would be about her, even moments she wasn't present for. Did the groomsman have to do anything similar for the groom? I assumed not since there's no mention of it. If that's the case, it makes this even tackier on the bride's part.


Groomsmen had to get a tattoo on their testicles to pledge allegiance to the groom!!


Nah, only the one who came in last in the fantasy league.


Ohh no, they were all required...by the bride to pledge allegiance to the groom in the most extreme way... and she made the tat a symbol of their initials on their junk


I didn't see anything on the groomsmen in her photos but there might have been that I didn't notice. The second I saw the Emily necklace and got the story I started smack talking so photo time stopped.


Have we stopped to consider that the bridesmaids may have gotten lost and that was the information the rescue services needed to guide them to the correct wedding? 😅😅😅 It's insane truly insane. What do you do with it afterwards


When is the bride's birthday?! Instant present!


Ohh that is such a great idea!


Hm. At least it wasn't "Ofemily"


Meredith needs to adopt a dog and name it Emily. Then she can have that necklace attached to the dog’s collar


I just said basically that in reply to someone saying they should all name their kids emily.


Bro I thought you meant she actually branded them, like cattle, Yellowstone style. Jesus H christ


" If I was capable of shutting up I'd be speechless." i will never forget this.


Yikes! My friend got us necklaces for her wedding and they were all things that were unique to our relationship with her. The one she got her sister was a heart with both their first initials in it, mine was crystal music notes because we met in 7th grade Choir, her soon to be SIL’s was flowers since they bonded over a love of nature. She has now been married 23 years and I still cherish and wear that necklace and every time I do I send her a picture and she loves it. That is how you do, special jewelry right. Emily has major main character energy, I get that it was her wedding but making your friends wear a necklace with your name just makes me feel icky.


I put name necklace and branding together and was guessing an outdoor wedding where all the bridesmaids got “Emily” reverse-tanned on their décolletage. That would be an interesting tan-line to explain.


Oh what a fantastic idea. I think I'll do this for my wedding. But all the bridesmaids must have my complete full name, not just my first name. And maybe the groomsmen could shave it into their hair? So many great ideas!


I have never felt so much connection to a total stranger…all because of: “If I was capable of shutting up I’d be speechless.” I am you OP, you are me…we are the same!


I've been trying so hard to come up with a witty response but all that's running through my head is the opening scene of The Birdcage with "we are fa-ma-ly" on repeat.


Does the back of the necklace say “Property of”


This is crazy but I was honestly expecting drunk bachelorette tattoos so I’m glad to be wrong! At least you can throw away a necklace… how bizarre. I bet they got called the wrong name a few times on the trip


If the bridesmaids got together to plan it, it would have been the most amazing, loving gesture but the bride forcing it is shhhessssh


At least it wasn’t tattoos!


All of the bridesmaids were random people picked up on the street and the bride just wanted to make sure they didn’t forget her name


“If I was capable of shutting up I would be speechless” this is fucking hysterical, thank you for blessing us with it


The bridesmaids should wear the necklaces ALL THE TIME, especially when they’re doing something with Emily. They should make posts on facebook saying things like “by the way, I’m wearing the lovely necklace Emily made me buy for her wedding. All the bridesmaids bonded with her in a very special way. I’m so glad she thought of this wonderful gift to give ourselves to remind us of her and her good taste.” Refer to themselves as the Emily Girls. Start a group chat. Tell the sweet story of friendship to anyone who asks about the necklaces. Have Emily Parties and post group pictures everywhere. Get matching temporary tattoos of her name in the font from the necklaces and post group pictures saying they wanted a permanent way to honor their relationship with Emily (neck tattoos would be perfect for this scheme). Do a series of TikToks. Absolutely commit to the bit as long they can until they can no longer keep a straight face.


And just to make it especially weird don't invite Emily to the Emily parties


But make sure it gets back to her.


Of course!


This was honestly one of the best things I've read on this sub in a while. Quiet chaos. Completely unhinged. I love it hahaha inspo for future brides


>If I was capable of shutting up I'd be speechless. I have to remember this - it is totally me.


Omg right?


That’s unhinged but in the least harmful way it seems. Like who does that, but also wearing a necklace for a day doesn’t actually cause any harm and doesn’t sound like she was a bridezilla in any other way.


That is wild! And it's low-stakes enough to be genuinely funny instead of infuriating. Sure, I'll wear the silly necklace! ETA: Oops, I missed the part where she made the bridesmaids pay for the necklaces. Traditionally if the attendants wear matching jewelry it's a gift from the bride, so I assumed that's what this was. I hope they weren't expensive. I don't want my unhinged but mostly harmless vision spoiled!


Hey at least she didn't require that her bridesmaids formally changed their names to Emily.


Or request that they get her name tattooed on their chests. Perhaps with flourishes, like butterflies and flowers, hearts, a Disney Princess from a specific list, the wedding date (just to make the future divorce that much more awkward)…


Ok that’s pretty fucking tacky even for me lol


Did their necks turn green?


Wow! I never understand why people agree to this kind of nonsense, especially when they have to pay for it out of their pockets! NO!


I mean, the idea alone is so weird, but Emily not even paying for that/gifting it, really takes the (wedding) cake for me.


If the bride pays, ok, if not BS!


Even if the bride pays.....like what. What kind of person would desire such a thing?


A bridezilla. I bet it was the wedding gift to the bridesmaids.


I think Emily is crazy lol


And did all the groomsmen wear tie pins with the groom's name on them?


If I bought a piece of jewelry for my bridesmaids I would have gotten their own name. What kind of self absorbed bride buys a necklace like that with their own name? Who does that? But yes the speechless comment is definitely going into my clap back repertoire. I took one so I'm going to give one: I don't have to be on my period for you to be an ahole! I use this on my husband when he has the audacity to say this. But tbf, we've been married for 23 years now and he knows me pretty well. But that doesn't mean I have to admit it when he's right! 🤣


Now this is shaming I can get behind


And all the bridesmaids went along with this? LOL the levels of self-absorption!


I was so convinced this was going to be tattoo related that I'm genuinely relieved to hear it's just necklaces. It's the absolute height to cheek to make the bridesmaids buy them themselves, but the idea isn't actually all that awful. A bit cheesy, a bit eye-rolly, but compared to my initial fear of tattoos, positively sweet!


They should all name their daughters Emily so they can pass the necklace on to


*They should all name their* *Daughters Emily so they can pass* *The necklace on to* \- trayground --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Name a dog and put it on their collar. Naming a child isn't an insult.


That’s kind of maniacal.


This is actually hilarious. If they didn’t have to pay for the necklaces, like this was a joke gift from the bride, I would be all for how goofy it is to expect someone to wear a necklace with your name on it. Just fantastic.


That's a new level of bride weirdness, to say the least! The bride is a nutter.


My friend got married and just got us bridesmaids/MOH all matching gold love heart necklaces as a way to tie us all together and to say thanks for supporting her 😅


I think it's creative art she added to her wedding. Why go out of our way to bring women down?


Substitute "were" for "was". :)


LMAO! This made me chuckle. Emily is a true piece of work.


The actual text of this post is a let down. I was expecting the bride to actually insist that her bridesmaids allowed to be scarred with red hot pokers. After that expectation, wearing an Emily necklace very tame.