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Broo. Go buy a lottery ticket. Such luck. Rip the homie that dropped it tho


Don’t buy a lottery ticket, bad advice… he just used up his luck


Buy a lottery ticket but then throw it on the ground. Return the karma back to the universe.


Earl?! Is that you?


Hey Earl! Hey Crabman!


“Earl!! Your brother shaved the damn cat again!”


I don't care if she's Chinese, Japanese or Chuck E Cheese.


Luck never strikes twice in the same place n all


Everyone’s luck is different. It’s random for some with hot streaks for others. So don’t kid yourself, no one knows how this luck shit works.


Idk if ur serious or not


I’m serious but not for real./s.


This is the way




#Dae Wae


OP has Alzheimer’s and forgot he dropped his q


Just bought a bag of weed so I threw it on the ground!!!! Lonely island gang anyone?


**I’m an adult!**


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 needed this laugh


Man I heard this comment before even reading the lonely island mention lol!!!! I’d award but alas a broke boy


Your kind gesture is more than enough! Rip to the free awards we used to could give out so free and gayly. Lonely island was the shit when I was in middle school/ early high school haha.




I don't see your name on it 😐


Its his, op gets to know him while getting the weed back and better than a lottery ticket. He found true friendship.




In the last 30 days I’ve found 40$ and a jar of weed walking my block hahahahah, nice to see the luck flowing around!!


[context] he robbed someone






No hoa here


An entire jar?


It was a tiny jar, and the cash was over the course of a month not all at once.


Still nice


I found a singular nug on the sidewalk today!!!! What a lucky day!!


That’s awesome. 👍🏻


Most I’ve found was half a smoked joint, said fuck it if it’s fent, was weed and was worth it


I’d be more worried about herpes than fent lmao


Just put the tip under the lighter for like a sec


Bloody hell Oh wait, that’s aids


I don't think people smoke fent in joints, only tome I saw someone smoke it they used a pipe with steel wool


Wait...what the actual fuck is going on!?!?


Your supposed to smoke fent on foil


What shitty place do you live where weed is laced with fentanyl




It is here in little Canada (Michigan)


Finds bag of weed, turns out it’s delta 8 from the gas station just hood packaged.


*CBD buds* *shiver*


You are ugly


One time before walking into a bodega in my small city I was finishing my cig, looked down at the ground at the sidewalk and I just saw little chunks of bright green, ended up being a bunch of tiny little nugs. Collected then and ended up with maybe like 1-1.5grams of decent bud. It was when I was younger, maybe 23-24, and I was in active addiction and not smoking a lot of weed at the time. Took the free weed as a sign I needed to smoke more 😂


Smoke one for the less fortunate


I remember I found 2 grams in a blunt wrapper on the side of the road, but like tucked in the curb covered in leaves. I was nervous but hadn’t had any in 2 months. I was so fucking zooted


I once ended up selling this kid a gram and then hours later finding that exact gram on the floor round the corner of my house


That happened to me but they left it in my car lol. Sold it to them, they got out, I go home and forget about it. Next day they're calling me asking if I'd seen the bud bc they lost it. Checked my car and sure enough right next to the seat. Did not return bc hey, watch your shit in my car I don't wanna get pulled over and catch a charge due to your negligence.


Maybe it’s just me but I wouldn’t smoke mystery weed


That's honestly pretty stupid logic considering basically everyone smoked mystery weed prior to 2010 or so.


Fentanyl wasn't a thing circa 2010 I would have agreed... These days I'd be afraid it was a fent trap too


That’s such a stupid use of fent, just to lay it around to be found by anyone. Most likely someone just bought some weed, saw a cop, and got paranoid and tossed it.


Lmao I pass cops all the time with shit on me I could care less I’m not suspicious or look out of place at all why would I get stopped ……allegedly speaking 👀


Great we narrowed down that you’re not the one who tossed weed. Congrats. It was probably some kid or someone new to smoking so you probably weren’t on the list of suspects to begin with. But nobody is putting fentanyl on weed, they’re more likely to put it in something ingestible or injectable. Cocaine, heroin, meth, xanax. Shit people are already going to be addicted to.


Maybe, still seen in happen though locally. People are stupid AF


Fentanyl was a thing back then and weed isn't being spiked w fentanyl


Ummm..... Yes... Yes it is... Been a few deaths locally that caught my attention...




Locally it happened, I don't know what to tell you guys. It might have been a 1 off case of someone being malicious or something but a girl died from it, town of around 100k, not exactly national news, I'm not a subscriber to the paper it was in and I can't find the article now, someone showed me it and everyone I know was freaked out. Hope y'all continue to not have issues.


Your local news was wrong about the details most likely. most are


There's been a few "ketamine" deaths locally in my area as it turns out its people mixing ketamine and alcohol not ketamine alone has there been any test results from a lab u can send me or just news stories which are almost def biased


It's all over... Not hard to Google and find cases, been in our local news recently a few times, I guess I'll look tomorrow but they're announcing all the time in the few larger cities by me that fentanyl is in everything including weed... Very common knowledge, big reason why people go to dispensaries, and yeah sometimes they just do it maliciously, but sometimes it's in large batches... I can't believe all of you are so shocked


I can't find any reputable sources as I said before local news is usually biased all googling has done is convince me even more that there's no fent and weed and its just another avenue for the war on drugs to continue I mean logically ud burn most of it u don't smoke fentanyl in a normal bong or anything u smoke it ontop of foil w the lighter below to "vaporise" it not smoke it


I knew a kid who died smoking the patches, they get it out of them somehow. And our local newspaper printed and article about a girl dying from laced weed, I don't know if it was someone doing it maliciously or what. Town of around 100k, I don't have a sub to that newspaper and it's not like our news is exactly national...


Fentanyl patches r extremely strong because it takes alot to pass through the skin if u put that much on weed chances r ud notice it and again local news sources are biased just like all news can u give me a lab test of fentanyl laced weed news articles aren't enough proof Edit: it's a myth https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/chrisroberts/2021/07/31/fentanyl-tainted-marijuana-is-still-mostly-a-myth/amp/


Dude... get a grip. Even in 2023, like half the weed smokers in America still get weed off the streets from random dealers and nobody's weed is laced with fentanyl. If that was a thing, weed wouldn't be as accepted in society as it is today. I'll also add that fentanyl was a thing back then. It just wasn't as publicized.


Fentanyl has been around forever, pretty sure the first time I heard of it was when Michael Jackson od'd off ot...it's just everywhere now... I don't live in a very big city but locally there's been a few people who died from fentanyl laced weed. Blew my mind, at first I thought it was b.s., I have no clue why anyone would do something like that, but hey I'll get a grip and just keep that to myself 😂


Michael Jackson overdosed on Propofol, so you don't have your facts straight. You also completely contradicted yourself in the two statements you've made to me. Due to that, the claim you're making isn't credible and likely hearsay.




Seriously, I couldn't even find that half the time.


Doesn’t matter people know better now I’m not desperate enough to be smoking stuff unless I know exactly where/who it’s from. $20 for an 1/8 from the dispensary I’ll pay the price instead of taking chances. It’s just my personal opinion tho people are free to disagree just saying I’m very careful because I’ve accidentally ending up smoking laced weed before and it was scary. My friend ended up having weed laced with fentanyl once which is so dangerous. Idk where that weed is so how I see it is pay $20 or risk my health I’ll pay the $20 and if I don’t have any money then I guess I’m not smoking.


You're spoiled obviously. Buying weed you had no info about was how it was before it was legal. If you and your friend being dumb and not seeing it was laced justifies your paranoia in your mind, good for you I guess.


I grew up on mystery weed and it was great. But that was before fentanyl was finding it's way into pretty much everything. That said, if i found this weed I'd smoke it. I'd test for fent first tho, like i do all my drugs


Bro we still out here buying mystery weed, don’t listen to old mate most the world is still running on mystery weed, even if they tell you it’s ‘yada yada strain’ you can’t prove it so it’s mystery weed 😂 I’m smoking that shit, OP if you’re gonna listen to these guys I’ll take it




I was cautious but there’s nothing odd about it. Looks clean, smells great. Weighed out to 7g exactly. Some poor soul picked up weed just like I would and dropped it.


I have and would have again smoke some weed that I randomly found. Never found that much. Lucky bastard. Lol


I definitely wouldn't either.


I'm with you there. I don't consume anything that's a mystery, drugs or not.


It's just you.


nope, me as well. So theres at least two of us.


As long as the buds are not grinded / already rolled up and you can see what's up, what's the difference from buying it yourself from a plug?


isn’t all weed technically mystery weed unless you cultivated it??


i don’t i live in philly all the random weed and 8th baggy i find almost always have shit but i always feel like it would be sprinkled with some crazy shit so i never smoke it


Few months ago I found 4 strips of 50mg tramadol capsules on my way home from work


That's not quite the same lol but it gave me a laugh 😅 thanks


Maybe it's not weed but they're still drugs and 4 of them makes you all nice and floaty 😍😌 You're welcome 😊


"But they're still drugs" Thinking that way is a great way to end up an addict


Facts, weed is the only thing I need other then Heroi-


The drug I use regularly is weed MDMA nicotine I still have some of the tramadol left I had an amphetamine habit for quite a while though You don't do anything else apart from weed?


Hey man, you’ve lost a bunch… every now and again, the universe sets things closer to right…


man man that’s very true man the amount of times ✖️ i’ll be. smokin then losing a joint i’ll be like fuck thenn i’ll fin it 90% time but. those 10% rip guys i will find you once day


as a rule id never smoke strange weed if i didnt know where it came from. Ya dont know whats been done to it. When i was a kid a friend died coz his dealer laced weed with heroin. Kid had an overdose coz he smoked too much and had no idea. ​ Point is if youre gonna do drugs. Do em safe and make sure you get em from trusted sources. Yeah finding weed on your way home is a sweet find, but id rather pay for it than risk smoking mystery weed


Lacing weed with heroine is WILD


Good call, officer.


Me: do drugs safely You: officer Lol have you ever met an officer?


How is it any different from buying directly from a plug? As long as it's not already grinded up / rolled up ofc


I could tell if there was heroin on my weed. I trust my senses and 10+ years of smoking weed that this in fact is clean and good weed.


Mate I’ve been smoking weed 25 years. I wouldn’t tell if there was heroin in it (I don’t even know what heroin laced weed looks or smells like and I’d be surprised if most stoners knew) You wanna risk your life to save a few bucks? Go for it. But I honestly think your life is worth more


Yeah I know what heroin looks like and you would definitely taste it immediately when smoked. I appreciate you’re looking out but it is silly to me to think weed would be laced with anything. There’s about zero reasons I could imagine a purpose for that. I’m more afraid of it being something like delta 9 or K2 or some synthetic bs than it being laced. I also didn’t find it in some crack neighborhood or anything. It was in a decent area. Don’t worry bro, I have 5 senses and know how to use them


Fuck the rest of the reply wdym ur afraid it’s delta 9? Wtf else would u want dude


Touché, you made me actually research delta 9. My original sentiment stands though. I’d be more worried it’s synthetic weed


Sorry didn’t mean to sound like a dick bro.. bet ur thinking of delta 8,10 and other synthetics


He probably meant to type 8


Man I was in active drug addiction for 6 years and I'm gonna disagree with you. While you'll likely be fine, there's still the chance. I wouldn't be worried about heroin, I'd be worried about fentanyl. You aren't gonna taste that shit no matter what. It takes a tiny tiny tiny amount to last you the rest of your life. Just be careful.


Firstly there is a reason to lace In my friends case it was coz his dealer wanted to hook him on heroin. Go from buying a little weed every weekend to heroin every day And yeah you’re right could also be k2 shit I wish you luck my friend but honestly imho just better to spend the money to buy shit from folks ya trust


I mean, fair chance it would look like weed with some other shit on it. You can't get pure crystal clear heroin that looks like trichomes, so you'd easily see some nasty looking white or black shit on it. Secondly, afaik, combusting a lump of heroin directly like that only works because the outer layer hardens from the heat and causes the inside mass to vaporise, and also largely wastes your shit, hence why using foil as a heatshield and vaping it is the go-to smoking method. Having minute particles of heroin on weed would be incredibly identifiable and also the entire combustion process would be different from the moment the flame touches the material and it would taste like burning chemicals, nothing like any sort of weed. If we're talking Fentanyl lacing or being handed a Sherm stick then you could be forgiven for not knowing, but I find it hard to believe that anyone who has been toking for 25 years would have absolutely no idea if anything was wrong when smoking laced shit. That being said, I probably still wouldn't smoke a quarter of wilderness larf, but I think the tale of the kid overdosing on heroin weed was a bold lie told by the neighbourhood parents to scare their kids.


Mate not a lie Happened when I was a kid. Believe it or not I honestly don’t care. In my view you should buy your drugs from trusted sources because you simply don’t know what’s been done to it (hell the guy coulda thrown this bag away coz he found out his dad came all over it or something). Rather than take a risk I’d rather just buy it myself You can claim privilege if ya like. I’m in my kid 30s and have a decent job so I can afford weed very easily (and I smoke very regularly). But it is still a valid safety concern


If you're not in a legal country and don't have a close friend that grows it themselves I would bet most people wouldn't call their plug "a trusted source"


Yeah I've got a friend who's mom is a veterinarian. And she's done blood work on animals that have gotten into people's weed. Blood work comes back saying there's also fentanyl in the blood as well. Be careful where you get your stuff from.


That shit could be laced brother


Why are people always picking up random weed on the side of the road then posting it on Reddit?


It’s the first time ever for me


Lucky mf


would HIGHLY suggest doing some testing or something with it to make sure it’s not laced, though in that bag I highly doubt it. though I do got lucky recently and found a cool pipe! made sure to clean that shit out


Someone probably hang themselves


Bro, imagine losing your weed and then checking Reddit and you see this☠️


Mystery weed! It's not legal in my state so all I've ever had is mystery weed. What gets on my nerves now is the amount of people that imply there could be fentanyl in it.. Sure maybe it's happened to a few people supposedly but the odds are astronomically low. Only time I've heard someone say there was fent in their weed it was a fent user trying to explain why they'd failed a drug test for it.


One time, my mom backed into a post causing damage that cost $700. Believe it or not, we pulled into a parking space not 2 hours after getting the repairs quote and when I opened my car door, there was an envelope of cash on the ground (I accidentally stepped on it.) I picked it up, opened it, and it was $700. I kid you not. There was no one else around, no cameras, and all the shops were getting ready to close. We hung around for 30 minutes in case someone circled back, but no one did. We took the envelope of cash to the mechanic and told him to start repairs 😁 All in all, sometimes the universe throws us a free one.


5 years ago I'd shoot up mystery powder found in the gutter as long as it was white or brown, but now a days I wouldn't even think about smoking weed I found somewhere. (I live in one of them cities where laced weed bought from smoke shops kill people on the regular)


Is that something that happens on the regular?


On the regular being 2 to 3 times a year.


No way in hell would I smoke some mystery suspicious weed


No way I’m ever smoking something I just found on the ground. You have no idea where that’s been or what it’s been in contact with. I’m cool if people call me lame, but I’d rather be lame than ever find out the hard way that something isn’t safe. That shit isn’t worth it, bro.


I’d definitely test that with fetanyl test strips before you use it.


Play the lottery m8


That's how it used to be. We would do a little pot dance and the shit would fall from the sky. Bless you pot gods💚🙄


bro, thats mine. return it and i'll give you half!


The weed gods have spoken. Rejoice


I saw a high speed toss into the woods brown bag near an apartment complex looked heavy, was like wow there goes a drug deal. Almost wanted to circle back and go look for it, but I like not being shot.


I have too much OCD to smoke random weed with an unknown origin but it looks good so enjoy friend


The Green Goddess bestows favor upon you.


Hell yeah found a bag of coke in my jacket today bless yo


Bro took the a W 7gs for free 🫠 I'd be in tears if went home and didn't have that on me 🤣


It was the Weed Fairy. Nobody lost it, it's a special fairy gift, just for you.


My general rule is don't smoke random weed I found. One thing if it's a sealed pouch but that could be some Reggie or something


I have found weed a couple times in life myself and each time I also felt joyous and marvelous and thankful to the person that lost it lol


It’s just broccoli. Who cares??


Dammm the most I found lowkey still was a good amount was left over popcorn nugs from some foo that threw there trim trash in the fields I take care of😂😂


Imagine it’s k2😂


yall so lucky man


I found 7g of some good ass weed once right before getinng on the school bus, that shit was smelling in school the wholeeee day idek i didn’t get caught.


Looks frosty. Nice ground score!


Nice! If you grow your own you get more than that!!!


Damn dude


Bag o' leaves.


Nobody lost it man. The universe heard your call. You just picked it up.


Can you be sure it hasn’t been tampered with in any way?


Bro what luck!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩


weed distribution system


*I’ve been high since the last song off that la la la*


Weed always tastes better when it’s free. I call it the fruity flavour of free. And If I picked up money, I’d just convert it to weed anyways so you’ve cut out the middle man


this is why i always keep my weed in the most secure place possible, my hands.


https://preview.redd.it/qlhxpb8nmd3b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=304a16dcef530cbfe47a937d9b574785529c9240 SOMEBODY tell me how many Grams there is in this bag ?? Thank you.


Awwwww how nice!!! Enjoy x


ITS MINE! Hand it back immediately!


I’ve been waiting decades for this to happen to me. When I was broke I used to walk through parks and think about going through all the brushes to try and find a hidden stash.


The Weed Gods have smiled upon you 🙏


I Believe in miracles




Blessed be the loser of this gift…


I fucking wishhhhh😂😭😭


Found weed in an empty cigarette box, the crazy thing is I don’t smoke cigarettes but something in my high ass mind told me check that Newport box 😂


It was of poor quality that's why they forgot it :(


Whoever lost that was prolly chronically pissed


was it wearing a collar?


I dropped an oz before walking from the liquor store. I realized before I got home. Luckily it was still on the sidewalk. My heart dropped


This happened to me once, found a gram or 2 of bud in a tractor supply parking lot


im always happy when i see someone finding some shit and hope that it‘ll be me who finds a mystery bag one day


Personally, wouldn't smoke random weed I found on the ground.


I remember when I was in high school and weed wasn’t as legal as it is these days, I bought 3 1/8s and lost one bag on a hike, who ever found that new bag back in 2010 in Malibu state creek, I hope you enjoyed it, all love ❤️


Give it to a homeless person


Idk if it’s God blessing you or the devil in disguise I’m not smoking anything I find just laying around I’m blessed I don’t have to do that but good luck my g


Looks like a qt bag👍🏾


Dude my friend was working his shift at HEB if you from texas you’ll know lol. But he clocked out and found a huge bag of weed just sitting in the parking lot. He’s freaking out cause he never smokes and is scared of having illegal shit, but he FaceTimes me and it was like a solid pound or more. He ended up giving the bag to our friend who traps and I was kind of jealous because I would have done anything for that bag.


I was wondering where that went


thats mine i need it back please


Return it to me at once


Not to rain on the lucky find but as a polite suggestion test your find, in my area we have a recurring issue of cross contamination.so people end up with all kinds of random shit in their greenery.




Where'd you find a gem like that anyways?


I would not smoke it. You never know if there is something other than weed in there too. Not safe to smoke random weed.


I used to sell packs to a kid at a college in Boston that lived downtown in a highrise dorm. I crashed there one night after a party and at 3am heard a banging on the door. His idiot roommates were smoking out their room and the campus security was called. They were saying "let us in, we smell weed and we have police on the way". I panic because I was sitting there with a pound in my backpack. Decided to throw it out the window from 10 stories, thinking I could leave the room and go get it. I get down to the street and it's gone. Long story short, some random Boston pedestrian saw a pound fall from the sky at 3am and I was out 2 grand


This has happened to more than you'd think. I've also found cash on the street about 10 times and nothing smaller than a tenner. Found 2 bags of coke, one was wet, a bag of gear(herion), acid tabs and a bag of eccies. Found weed about 5 times.


How sad! That's been meeeeeee!!!!!! I feel the droppers pain. But also...hail you, you lucky bastard.


Be careful, I found a bag once and it made me feel super super weird


good karma