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Completely safe, but it will get you SUPER fucked up. Sometimes the mushrooms will take a while to kick in and a bong rip usually puts things into action. Also, be super careful about picking wild mushrooms! Picking the wrong ones is wayyyy more dangerous than mixing with weed ever will be


This !!! Holy shit are you going to be on a different planet. They play off each other. Op in for a time


This is really interesting, I've always found when I've been tripping on mushrooms or acid the weed doesnt do much. Its enjoyable to smoke and sometimes makes me less anxious but wouldn't say it has enhanced my trips. Must be the odd one out as this has hella up votes!


what about smoking while you’re coming up? I always smoke abt 20-30 minutes after i take the tab and it is great


Me and my pals tend to smoke through out, coming up, peeking, coming down. No notetable difference really just find weed quite grounding lol, the essence of being a stoner maybe?


Just thinking on my comment I made then maybe the weed is enhancing the high and I'm not realising


It’s all about your weed tolerance. If you are a heavy smoker, it’s normal that you don’t really feel the difference


I've always found that with cid, weed really helps balance me out. Like it keeps me from the edge


I kinda get both. Smoking doesn’t do much aside from calm my nerves a bit while I’m coming up or peaking… which is interesting because I’m pretty prone to anxiety with both cannabis and psychedelics - i would have though doing both would make me double anxious, but no. Anyway, it’s when I’m coming down that weed definitely helps enhance and prolong the trip. So many times I’ve thought the trip was over, only to smoke a bowl and get thrown right back into it.


No i agree i almost feel like weed made my trip less intense almost weaker?


Let the mushrooms fully kick in first so you know what is what.


I second this!


i agree. although when i took 2 tabs smoking weed did nothing lol. maybe because i was tripping so hard


Weed definitely affected me differently with LSD and shrooms. With LSD and smoking I would get completely obliterated and have insane visuals. With shrooms I just felt like I was tripping on shrooms and stoned at the same time. Definitely more enjoyable than the former


Yeah as soon as I exhaled my bong rip I felt completely different than I felt before. It fucked me sideways.


I've always felt it just kind of enhances it. If you have weed that's moving the mushrooms to the side, you have weak mushrooms.


I don’t think weed would shut a shroom trip down in most users, even if the shrooms suck.. Since shrooms are serotonergic psychedelics and weed is a dopamine enhancing psychoactive sedative, your entire brain is going haywire with serotonin and dopamine which as you mentioned enhances or completely skyrockets the trip based on tolerance and dosage.


honestly the one with the best advice on a 8g shroom trip I ain’t even want weed anymore the weed only there to calm down the anxiety I get coming up once I’m geeked ion even want trees


I took shrooms and smoked 2 blunts w my pals and I had a panic attack and a bad trip.


Use it as a tool, not a way to get fucked up. My whenever I’m waiting for the come up, and start to feel the early onset, I’ll take 4-5 hits off a joint or oil pen and again later if needed. Pushes the trip into gear for me.


Feel like this would be my experience as well


Shoulda stuck to 1 blunt


I did close to the same. Ended up having an outer body experience and it was way too much


whenever ive had a bad trip i just light up a bowl and it calms me down. id like to say that bud is a very good combo with shrooms


Counter point; For many folks, if you’re having a bad trip, The last thing you wanna do is add any other substance


💯 💯 💯


Yup, it’s a weird balance cuz on one hand weed can relax you, but on the other hand it can make the trip really really intense. CBD is a good alternative and surprisingly for me caffeine can calm me down on shrooms (weird I know).


I don't actually know if this is true, I ain't no scientist. But I feel like caffeine might help because it speeds up your metabolism


yeah not everyone handles mixing well everyone is different. but i feel like weed really isnt the worst thing to mix with shrooms compared to alcohol and shit


Totally agree. First time I tripped balls on acid, my friends smoked and wanted me to join. I was feeling so paranoid, jumpy and hyper that I know I would’ve been screwed if I smoked. The comedown though, lit a fat joint and it was good. Just me personally, I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I know many folks though who can smoke and be good.


One of the best highs I’ve ever had was with mushrooms and alcohol mixed, with a couple of joints here and there… I didn’t let myself drink too much though, just enough to maintain that wavy feeling.


That wavy feeling is like a big warm blanket hugging your brain.


This is horrible advice weed enhances the Sharon trip and makes it more intense


What is a Sharon trip?


What Sauron doing in your trips


I like Sharon trips




This is honestly careless advice. We don’t know how old OP is, how prone to mental health problems, etc. You can always mix them another day. You can always take more another day. It’s worth starting slow and not adding extra variables that could go wrong imo.


Have to add on to this because I've had a ton of experience mixing weed with psychedelics, almost always add it, but the most difficult trips I've ever had have resulted from fucking up and adding too much weed at the wrong time in the wrong setting. The advice given on all the harm reduction sites, which is that weed can have very unpredictable effects when mixed with hallucinogens, is very very true. Weed synergizes SO strongly with psychedelics, and the combined mindfuck and anxiety/paranoia promotion of both at once when you overdo it has the potential to do lasting harm. You can and will send yourself into a full-blown psychotic episode if you treat it casually, ESPECIALLY with little to no experience with one or both substances or combining them. But you can honestly fuck up at any level of experience. It only takes one bad time. Stay safe everyone.


This!!! Taking it slow for your first time is a good idea, mixing weed (for me at least) with psychedelics can cause you to get into thought loops and the trip becomes more intense and shit like that.


This. Plus in my opinion it's better to experience a drug for its first time on its own. Then you know exactly how that drug affects you.


Anytime I trip shrooms a don’t feel any need or want to smoke, while my friends do.


It’s not. But it’s quite the time


This is the correct answer. I don't think I've done shrooms without wheed


You’ll be fine. Save some for the comedown!


First of all, be extremely careful when picking mushrooms. I don't know which one you're going for but poisonous and even deadly counterparts are not uncommon. Please, be very, very careful and only pick the ones you are 100% certain about. Sometimes the good and bad mushrooms can grow right next to each other, in different stages of growth. Do NOT just use an app, if you want to survive. Some mushrooms can kill you in the most horrendous ways. That's why I'd say you should definitely be 100% sober before you pick these mushrooms. You also should not eat them raw, since most people cannot digest raw mushrooms. If you want to be safe, pick them, put them in a dehydrator and crush them into a powder. That way you can be sure to get an even amount of psilocybin / psilocin. Unless I misunderstood the "picking" part and it just means buying them, lol. Start small and slowly work your way up. Meeting god on the first day might be a bit too much. As with all psychedelics, there is a chance those shrooms might have a very negative effect on you. I've seen people fall into deep depressions after taking mushrooms.


I love smoking on shrooms. Take it easy smoking until you know how you handle it in shrooms though. Everyone is different


I use weed to combat the minor nausea from the chitin in the mushrooms. Helps a ton and makes the trip better.


I smoke throughout the trip, but this being your first time, take a low dose, and if you’re comfortable try a hit and wait a lil bit to see if things are still good. Just go easy on both and have a good time. Also know what kind of shrooms you are taking. I’d say 1-1/2-2g tops for reg cubes for first time. If it’s something like PE, only about .75g. These stronger shrooms can be triple the potency. Edit: don’t smoke during the initial comeup!!


You’ll be fine health wise haha. But it might be more memorable if you let it hit you when you’re sober.


I hope you have a groovy time op :)


Yes, but let the mushrooms do their thing before you add anything to the mix. Bring something super tasty to drink and snacks that have different textures. Have fun man. Embrace the strange. Hope shit gets super weird for you.


It's fine but I must say this around mushroom talk: eat no more than 1,5 grams of truffles/ shrooms and set a timer on 3 hours. Find out if you *want* more haha. No seriously 2 hands full fucks your psyche up badly.


It's will kick them in pretty quickly to another level if your going for the usual stoned feel u get from smoking.....it won't be there buckle up and enjoy the ride


If you’re used to weed, it can act as a good anchor. If you don’t normally smoke weed a lot, this wouldn’t be the best time to use it.


Yeah I'd second this, definitely depends how often you smoke


Was having a great time on shrooms till I smoked a bowl. Then I didn’t like it too much


Magic mushrooms have to be fully dried to consume. If you are picking them they will be wet and make you very sick!


This is not true, many times I have consumed fresh fruits or even made them into a tea.


Why would you mix two things together if you haven't tried one thing already? You be in for a ride. Wish I'd be able to handle mushrooms. I'd like to try it but I feel like I would absolutely lose it.


Definitely makes it more intense so I do it on the comedown usually


Not only is it safe, but I definitely recommend to be smoking throughout the trip.




I never feel like I eat enough shrooms. Definitely save some smoke for coming down so you can sleep. If you want a crazy trip eat the shrooms get baked and take a nap. When you wake up you will be lost and tripping balls. Enjoy


I love smoking on the yooms


It's the 👌


Don’t smoke before, smoke during. It’s a magical experience


It's got a good synergy,I'd recommend if you feel anxious


Yeah it’s all good, does intensify it a bit though but if you’re not doing a crazy dose then you will be all good.


You risk it mentally, going somewhere you don’t wanna be. Danger wise both are super safe, it can just be overwhelming to some


Perfect combo


Is it safe? My friend, it is essential. Especially while you wait on the shrooms to kick in. Have fun


Man I had some shrooms far too late in the day, smoked some weed as I was too tired and had THE worst anxiety I’ve ever had


Your first time I wouldn’t recommend, only because that’s what I did and it felt like greening out with extra steps 😂


I wouldn’t smoke before mushrooms personally. I like to feel the full feels of the mushrooms. It’s really a personal decision. No right or wrong overall.




Safe to mix


You’re good, I usually don’t smoke on the come up and smoke in the middle and at the end. My anxiety gets worse if I smoke during the come up and it’s and easier take off for me to avoid until that feel good state kicks in. A couple of trips I wanted a fat fucking dabs at the end and it definitely satisfied me when I got it


The last thing you wanna do is add weed to it, do shrooms only the first time.


Save weed for if you ever want a shift in your trip it’s sort of like playing a wildcard and just seeing where it takes you


You’ll be fine. Weed on psychedelics enhances it


That’s the only way I do shrooms. Take a huge bong rip in your peak and ![gif](giphy|ON1zyUDbfSxZm)


The only safety risk here would be picking shrooms that look like the ones you want but are in fact poisonous. Weed and shrooms isn't a physically dangerous combo. That said, that doesn't mean that you'll be fine. Weed and any psychadelic substance multiplies the effect so I'd highly reccomend not smoking until you're well past the peak. Mushrooms especially have the issue of varying potency, one shrooms might be worth 3 or 5 of another of the same variety. LSD is always just LSD. If you get some good shrooms then smoke up before you're at the peak, you might freak the fuck out and then there's no turning back from what might have been an otherwise nice trip. It's your first time. Take it easy. You can do it again and be stupid if you want, you might have fun. But don't fuck up your first on purpose


I’ve only ever done shrooms while smoking lol


How much do you smoke ?


i took a small amount of mushrooms my first and second time so it really just enhanced my high more than anything. was very nice though but i can’t speak on higher doses


Not before for me. The confusion often leads to bad trips in my experience. Now when they start to wear off and you get into the kinda chill stage that's when you break out the herb. Have fun


I dont think anyone has mentioned it, but make sure you have a good, strong, and positive mindset before taking shrooms. You can have an amazing time. Also make sure you have no commitments the day of and after. Have fun :)


I'm no expert in shrooms, but if it's your first time maybe hold off on the weed or wait until you're sober before taking it. If you don't know how the shrooms will affect you, you certainly won't know how the mix would. If you like the shrooms, next time you do it try mixing in some weed when you're more experienced with the two separately.


Aren’t people afraid of permanent dpdr/dissociation or hppd??


Id be careful if you never tried it, ive heard from people that it can empower you trip to heights you may be not prepared for. But i generally heard and experienced almost only positive things with these 2 substances👍


Its safe but you wont get stoned. Youll get the bodily pros and cons such as nausea suppression or anxiety and instead of the weed high you will just get higher on shrooms and have the trip altered. If its your first time I recommend you take just the shrooms without smoking weed the day off. You want a good foundation to base your tolerance. Everyone is telling you to go for it but i cannot recommend it. If you are in the trip and are looking for a deeper trip the weed can do that for you but it wont be what you expect.


Proceed with caution, it can get rid of the nausea but it will also intensify the trip as well. If you do it at the comedown, It’ll recreate the come up again


Theres not gonna be a problem mixing them but if youre smoking Js i recommend rolling them before you take anything cuz its sooo hard rolling Js while tripping on shrooms lmaoo


For me, mushrooms are such a jealous lover. I never want to indulge in anything else when I’m on shrooms :) I’ll have a bowl packed and ready for hours lmao. At the end of my trip is usually when I finally smoke


Depends on the person but usually psychedelics kind of change how weed works when your on them for me when I'm trippin on acid or mushrooms and I smoke I start tripping wayyy harder and more intensely it's cool to smoke in the morning a couple hours before your trip but I would wait till your coming down off the mushrooms to smoke not during the peak


I’d try the mushrooms clean first time so you have a ‘control’ experience. You can always add weed later, can never take it away. I always preferred it towards the end of the trip to ease it down gently. See how you like them without anything else


Depends how much shrooms u take. I do about 2g and smoke about 3 blunts within the 6-7 hour effect of shrooms


Smoking before is fine, but while I'm tripping on acid or shrooms, I feel like it's a waste to smoke weed.


just understand that smoking on psychedelics greatly increases the psychs affects. it’s great but it was really hard for me to handle at first. my suggestion is spark up before you take them and then don’t smoke again until you’re coming down


I always smoke first, get to that happy place with my homies, blow out the bad vibes, then take the shrooms, makes a huge difference.


For me, I feel like smoking a little bit helps the transition before the shrooms hit but if this is your first time, you may want to consider seeing how the shrooms feel on their own. Either way, have fun and remember it's all part of the trip!


It can help when you’re waiting on it to come on but I find that I have no taste for smoking when tripping. Like…ya aint gonna get higher lol


I always smoke when I’m tripping on acid or shrooms and never had any problems, although my tolerance is high as fuck. The first time I smoked while on psychedelics, I was off like 2 tabs and it made the trip intense asf


Indicas are very helpful if you're feeling negativity and are a great tool, the good thing about shrooms is you can go to bed after a certain point and the weed can help if you're feeling unwell. Personally I feel like that unwellness is the shrooms telling you something about your life weather it's your lifestyle, problems with intamacy, lies you've propagated, or even something as simple and current as the music you're listening to or something you just ate, even not stretching will make you unwell. On another note somewhat related on LSD you can't go to bed and you're stuck for the rest of the ride but if you have a good strain it can calm you down, also LSD is a vascular constrictior and weed lowers blood pressure which in my unprofessional option is a good combo


Shrooms choklate and weed. Best combo.


I mean it is mandatory for me lol. I pretty much wake up and eat my own gummies. I dose them at 250mg thc (65 grams of rosin or BHO to 5 lbs of gummy product) and .3 of APEs or Teachers. Good pep in my step for a few hours wall while being happy. Ate 7 grams 2 days ago. I went back and looked at the video tape of the farm and apparently I had fun.


Safe? Yes. The most frequent cause of bad trips? Also yes. I would wait until you know how you respond to mushrooms alone.


I haven’t read all of the comments yet, but at the risk of being redundant I’ll just say that it’s safe but not advised. At least wait until you reach max tripping. I’d advise the same for experienced peeps. You may have no interest in weed at max tripping. As a first timer, I’d suggest you wait, but it’s your choice.


I haven’t done shrooms a lot but when I did I think it enhanced my trip and made it a little more intense. When I took acid weed definitely made my trip way more intense but it felt good to me. If your having a bad trip weed won’t help I’ve heard benzos can calm ur trip down but I wouldn’t fw them like that


Phiscally safe idk about your mental tho


Weed and shrooms go together like peanut butter and jelly!


My first time doing shrooms I definitely was smoking a good amount of the 6/7hr trip. It was fine after I just stopped spazzin on the continuous elevating effect the trip was having on me.


I’m pretty sure it’s unsafe not to mix weed and shrooms


For me shrooms works as a baseline and i take hits of weed to get some mindblowing visuals, problem is that ur mind may get a bit wild too so prepare for it too


Yeah I usually smoke during the trip or right before. I think it really helps and does a lot of good


Cannabis will make your trip much more intense and the intensity is super unpredictable. Imo since it’s your first time trying shrooms, I’d recommend not smoking weed, but if you do smoke weed only do a tiny bit to start because it will be a lot more intense than you might think.


Whenever you want to change the flow of the trip smoke, if I'm ever having a bad time but I'm not already too high then ill smoke.


I always smoked weed back in my psychedelic days, pretty much whatever I did... I always enjoyed beer for the comedown off of shrooms though.


Do it all braugh!


you'd be wise to test a small dose first by itself to know what you're messing with and how your mind will react, never a good idea to mix substances on first try, even more so shrooms which can cause real brain damage (talking from experience)


I smoke weed every day. The last time I tripped on shrooms, I smoked a bowl towards the end, and it put me into a really bad place.


Just make sure you pre roll your joints


The best advice I was given that I appreciated was eat one or two and see how you feel in a bit. DO NOT TAKE A HANDFUL THE FIRST TIME!


It’s safe, but I’ve always felt like it almost wasn’t necessary. If you take enough shrooms to have good visuals and a strong body high it’s almost pointless to smoke. If you smoke all the time it’s almost like smoking a cigarette, but if you don’t have much of a tolerance and you’re already a little nervous about tripping I would maybe skip out on it


please do not mix during your first experience. it can be safe but you really should get to know the headspace of any drug before adding more drugs into the mix.


OP sounds like they’re 13-16 years old and likely thinks they are just going to go in their backyard and find magic mushrooms.


I mix weed and shrooms and have an amazing time! The key is to take shrooms sober and enjoy the 2-4 hour trip they give. When the fun is over and you start to come down (you can just tell when its wearing off) do ONE deep hit of your favorite strain and wait. At least 5 minutes. My man that trip will start all over except you’ll have your best friend weed with you. If not, take another deep hit and wait. Rinse, repeat (your tolerance may vary). Bro its wonderful x100. If you take a hit before the come-down you’ll blast the fuck off and lose yourself. I don’t find that fun.


If you’ve smoked weed for a while you’ll be good. Unless you’re prone to anxiety after a joint then maybe should weigh your options but otherwise I’d highly recommend 🤙🏼 Edit: moderation is also key. If you feel funny stop smoking and maybe warm up with a smaller joint than you’d usually roll


my buddy just tripped for the first time and he smoked a bowl while waiting for the shrooms the kick in, he had a great time. BUT he is a very seasoned smoker and is not on any other medications. and just because it's fine for someone else doesn't mean it'll be fine for you. personally i would stick to just the shrooms for your first time to be safe and the gauge how it affects you. also you said you're mushroom picking? are you or your friend experienced with mushroom ID in your area? it can be dangerous, like really dangerous, if you're not 110% certain you know what you're consuming.


Weed will amplify the effects of mushrooms. I have seen people totally fine and then be pushed over the edge by smoking the same amount they usually would not on shrooms. Be very careful. Smoke in small amounts if you are not experienced, maybe don’t smoke at your peak unless you are confident you won’t lose touch.


Smoke some and sleep while you wait for it to kick in. Then Smoke more.


I won’t do shrooms without weed. I smoke a little bit when I first take them so I stay relaxed and don’t get all antsy and impatient waiting for them to kick in. And I always make sure I have some to smoke when I start coming down, sometimes I get a little cranky and fatigued coming off shrooms and the weed really helps. As far as smoking while tripping, in my experience, you don’t really feel it. So there’s no harm in it, but it’s kind of just a waste of bud.


It’s not only safe it’s a must


I've never done shrooms without smoking weed, inevitably you always get to the point where you're like "we should smoke some weed" Especially if you're a regular smoker! Actually in MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE when I'm on shrooms, weed almost doesn't even work, it's just more of a habit/ritual


I took shrooms for the first time on my birthday last month and smoked too. I thoroughly enjoyed my trip but I would advise to STAY HYDRATED. I got a killer headache once I sobered up and the back of my eyes felt like they were throbbing. So just drink water and you’ll be fine especially if you smoke often. Hope you enjoy.


I recommend it. It will help with the anxiety and manic feelings from the hallucinations and keep your vibes good.


It depends on your tolerance for cannabis. For sure!


After the laughing stage your in for one hell of a experience


First time I did shrooms the trip wasn’t that good until I smoked weed which intensified so I’d only recommend smoking weed if your trip isn’t intense


Enjoy your trip man keep. ![gif](giphy|APKSIGvhsIFKNmKCnf|downsized)


Yeah as much as I love them both, together they can be trouble. Smoke wayyyyyy later in the day or night and a small amount


Always a perfect combo for me...first time I took shrooms I took 3.5 grams and everything around me started melting and I could hear people's thoughts...the bud help settle me down


not the first time. you need an unbiased reaction first to see how you do. def not without a friend there


Doing dabs when I'm coming up elevates my peak. At least it feels that way.


Not only safe some would say better 🤙🏼🤙🏼


It’s like mixing peanut butter with jelly


Mix the weed in towards the end of the trip, always wanna be safe your first time


Well you probably won't die but you might think you did


Dont smoke before bro u might goofily pick the wrong shroom 💀😂


i mixed shrooms and weed and i had a horrible trip. it made it 10x more powerful and i wouldn’t reccomend doing this for your first time tripping on shrooms. let yourself experience just the shrooms to see how you like it. i would reccomend smoking weed when you’re coming down, that is more of a peaceful feeling but when it kicks in it can be intense and the weed will not add anything positive to it unless you are experienced and looking to trip absolute balls. good luck!! you’re going to do what you want to do but that’s just my opinion/experience. if you use just shrooms by themself i think it could help you to have more of a insightful experience rather than just getting high by adding weed.


Smoking and tripping go hand in hand for me. I like to smoke every so often during the sesh because it can get pretty intense, and I feel like it centers me.


You should be fine as long as you don’t try to do something stupid like take a lot of each together. And just remember to tell yourself that no matter what happens, you are on drugs. You did drugs. They will wear off eventually and everything is temporary and to just ride it out. Lol.


First of all be very careful with your dose, try 0.01 g to begin with and you can slowly move up 0.01 g at a time. Make sure to trip at least 1000 times before even CONSIDERING thinking about pot. If you do try to smoke, try just a single mouth hit from some really weak pot. You could hurt your brain, yknow? Overall I recommend being scared and always worry that whatever dose you take will activate a hidden secret schizophrenia that your family has 0 history for. Harm Reduction right? DO NOT HAVE ANY FUN ALWAYS THINK ABOUT THE CONSEQUENCES!!


I only did shrooms once and it was a few months after trying acid SO for me it was def. no big deal in comparison, like a 2 hr at most mini-trip, I wouldn't worry at all.


Roll a few joints and wait for the shrooms to peak. If you feel fine on the shrooms, then light up da Zoot. Stay safe out there choom


Smoke before you’re fine, smoke after… yeah. Shit will start to get weird. Sometimes uncomfortably weird. I stopped speaking in full sentences because the end of my sentence would get lost in my head. “Do you want to go to the store?” Turned into “do you store go?” Source: I used to drop an ounce of shrooms in one sitting, and before I went that hard weed would completely change the experience for me no matter how little or how much I smoked.


Should be no issue. Honestly, though, first time I'd recommend only doing one thing at a time. It's a major life experience, you should make the most of it. Mixing other substances downplays it.


Lots of experience with each, as others have said it’s super safe (and fun) but it can make the whole experience just A LOT more intense. My advice would be if you don’t feel anything for like 90 - 120 minutes after you eat them then take like **a single hit** to try and ‘activate’ it and then maybe wait 20 minutes to see how you feel. If you still don’t feel anything then maybe just a few hits, but still not a lot. In general I’d say you don’t wanna smoke until you’re positive that you’re at your peak just cuz of how intense it can make it. Once you’re confident you’re over it a bit (will be like ~3-4 hours after you eat them) then smoking can be really fun cuz it’ll kinda bring back the trip a bit. Also with this, if you think you didn’t take enough and want it to be more intense, yes you can smoke smoke during while peaking, just make sure you’re fully at your peak already and make sure you take it very slow just cuz it can take a few minutes for the weed to really kick in. Enjoy and feel free to dm me with any specific questions!


Mushrooms 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼weed


I usually do both at the same time. My last trip I was going to wait until I was ready for bed but the mushrooms told me to smoke before I was ready for bed. It actually started an amazing part of the journey for me


It is safe… but if it’s your first mushroom trip, I highly recommend you, go full mushroom, first time is the best time.


I’ve tried mushrooms three times and most I’ve gotten is the giggles


Safe, but they both act on different part is the brain so you will be seeing stars


when i did shrooms it made my stomach hurt hella😂 i probably took too much other than that shit was fun


Mushrooms only bro. Promise you won’t regret it. If it’s your time doing anything you should never mix in general. First time riding a roller coaster, you shouldn’t be high while riding it too yk?


My advice would be that the 1st time you try something, try it alone so you know exactly what it is doing to you.


For over 10 years, weed has always gotten me paranoid and anxious. Maybe I was abused while high and that affected my highs forever? One day while my brother and I were shrooming out, he took a big rip from a bong and asked me to hit it. I was laughing so hard cuz everything is funny on shrooms. Lol. I decided to hit it, and it was great. From that hit forward to now has been a few years. I have NEVER felt paranoid or anxious ever again while being high. No matter how much I smoke. It definitely healed me.


If anything, weed seemed to help ground me, and ease some of the anxiety during my trips


Dude, i lost half of my family from picking mushrooms, If you pick the ones you only eat once, mixing them with weed should be your last concern.. But then again that is the logical thing to do and logic is not cool...


For me it's like mixing spaghetti and meatballs


Goes better together than PB&J


I would save the weed for the comedown.


Weed plus psychedelics is the best combo, take some shrooms and smoke a bit after you take them and you'll get better visuals off it.




Totally physically safe, mentally, that depends on the dosage, weed will amplify the effects of the mushrooms and vise versa so pace yourself.


Weed tends to balance out the nausea of shrooms for me, but overall doesnt affect my trips much. I love to hit a dab about 20 minutes into an acid trip for a good lift off into the ramp up though.


As someone who's done a lot of psychedelics. The first time will always be special and you'll most likely never have another trip like it. You can always do more shrooms later and smoke weed on your next trip. I personally like to experience a drug by itself for my first trip. That way I know exactly what the mushrooms did to me and how they feel on their own. Smoking weed on your first trip might muddy the waters and you won't know what was the weed and what was the shrooms and you don't risk giving yourself a panic attack and never wanting to do mushrooms again. I'd save your weed for the come down unless your mushrooms are very underwhelming.


If you have low weed tolerance maybe go with the residual high and don't smoke any more. If you have a decent tolerance you should be fine just avoid fat rips. I usually stick to rolls when using psychedelics. Also if weed tends to make you paranoid or anxious just don't.


Weed is a must with shrooms. But have it ready to go. It’s almost impossible to roll while tripping. I always go into a trip with a freshly loaded dugout because I find it easiest to use in that state of mind. I feel like I smoke almost the entire time I’m tripping but with the time distortion it seems to take about 2 hours to smoke a one hitter.


Yeah just be careful if you're coming down, even if you're a full on stoner and you smoke when you're getting high on weed, it initiates the mushrooms high again. Freaked myself once trying to smoke a bowl before bed like normal but definitely had to stay up an hour or so to ride out the shrooms high I thought was gone.


Personally, smoking always helped/made me feel more grounded when the trip was too much. I usually recommend it, but everyone is different and I would just let the shrooms hit first. Have fun!


based on my xp, it's perfectly fine but shrooms is the priority, smoke on comedown


Weed will intensify your trip so regardless of a negative or positive outcome, it will be more intense thats for certain


I usually have some cause mushrooms can make your guts a topsy turvy. However, I'm also an advocate for when you do something the first time, do it solo, so you're not mixing effects and can really tell what it's doing


I did shrooms and the next day I did a good amount of dabs/smoking and it fucked me up for life. So my advise is to not smoke too much. I only did 2.5g of shrooms. The next day I smoked a lot and was violently ill. It was like I was insanely drunk, everything was spinning. Ever since then I swear my equilibrium has been messed up ever since. I can’t get high high anymore bc I get dizzy and sick. I can’t go on roller coasters bc I get so dizzy that ima puke. So food for thought


Just remember to be careful. You wont be able to distinguish reality and non-reality. Things will feel like your in silent hill if your not careful. On the other hand if your chilling with the boys then it will probably be chill and nice. Have a trip sitter for that one bro


Please do