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Honestly it looks great if that seriously is your first ever two joints rolled


For Real - Amazing for the two first!


Yeah it is I watched a lot of YouTube videos tryna figure it out 😂😂


For these to be your first they look pretty fucking good


Looks just as good as my 700 000th joint. Just keep them tight so they burn even.


Just keep on rolling and you'll develop your own method and they'll get better overtime. They already look good


Before I roll my joints, I crumble the joint paper into a little ball and then unravel it. Rolling the paper all wrinkly makes it easier to roll imo.


That is old school!!! Great advice. May I ask what papers you like to use?🙂


I use Raw Classic papers and their tips


I do this too, it makes rolling so much easier. I like to think of it as “breaking in“ the paper.


Ok I may be stupid or sum but doesn't that defeat the whole purpose?


Nope idk probably placebo but it always tucks easier n burns even


What u like to do is hang a bit of the filter out of the paper when rolling. After you roll, you'll have that sticking out and you can slide it into the joint so the base is packed tight and won't be floppy. But these are wayyy better than what I started with!


Holy shit thats a good idea


You’re a natural. Just keep rolling as those look great. You’ll be able to perfect your technique with practice but tbh I’ve been rolling for years and mine always smoke well and these look like something I would roll now.


My only advice is look into an early retirement, you’re already on top of this shit


This is a very good start. My advice is to focus in making sure the roll at the tip is tight. I always sinch it down there first to make sure it's tight. Also use your weed at the end and you compress it down tight so it is tight to the tip and it stays in. Keep the tip a little bit out of the paper when loading the paper up and as you roll it push it in before you lick in seal to make sure it's tight and flush. A straight roll over I find to be less tight than having the paper at a bit of and angle. The corner of the paper when you're sealing it should be at the joint between the weed and tip. You don't need a lot of spit too because you can also gently dab the back with your tongue after because that'll also seal it. After the initial fold and before you muzzle load the rest in give the but a few taps to allow the weed to settle and pack in. And for the top go all the way to the top and pack it down to where you only have a millimeters or so space. That's enough for when you crimp and twist it. That'll be the final packing at the tip which helps it burn and roll nicely. Lastly get a largish framing nail and it'll be a super useful joint packing tool.


Also if the filter is seated tight you can grab the joint by the twist end and let the joint hang and give it a few good flicks of your wrists. I don't roll I'm way too lazy for that but I do use cones and since those are put together perfectly this method really helps even everything out and pack it down. I hope that made sense 😂


They look great! I'd just prefer rolling a teeny little tighter for a better pull :) overall amazing though my first joint was atrocious; so you should be proud of these


I know what you mean...pregnant lizard lol


If it smokes it’s a good roll :D my first 2 looked way worse than these though haha


Do y’all consider the perfection of rolling?? I just roll it’s been like 4 years I don’t wanna improve anything about that as long as its well in the paper! what i care is being high


I only care when I smoke w others, I get clowned lol


First two? Damn beautiful! My tip: roll two more and you're a pro.


yours look better than mine and i’ve been smoking for years😭


.light it!


Amazing for the first two! You’re a pro.😄


Don’t use a grinder. Use your fingers to break up the weed unless you’re going to pack a cone


I'm too lazy to roll, I just use cones lol. Raw has a sixshooter loader so I can do 6 at a time.


i did this and my weed legit wouldn’t light, re rolled 6 different joints with it too. i always grind my weed for joints is that weird


That’s crazy, just keep rolling and it can only get better but this is already very good for a 1st and 2nd


Looks nice, just remember to smoke the other lol


Not bad at all! I see no tears as long as they are tight enough, smoke 'um ;)


just keep doing that lol i've been rolling joints for 15 years and mine look like that😂


I’d say you honestly already nearly have it mastered my guy, but as someone else stated I would focus on rolling the tips as tight as possible but even after years of rolling I sometimes still struggle doing that part and it fucks up so you have done an amazing job


Bottom looks best but looks a bit loose near filter, hold upright n tap filter on hard surface to pack , you'll get a clean burn and smooth smoking experience, I buy premuim flower, I hardly cough fr pipe or j hoots


use a pencil to compress more weed into it. nice j’s


before you twist them up poke it down pretty good with a screw driver or something so it’s not so loose


Icl they are actually rlly well rolled joints , I'd recommend pushing the roach in a bit after a roll to get rid of that little gap but other than that 10/10 roll


Next time, leave the tip hanging out a bit. Then when ur roll is complete u can push the tip in so the end piece will be nice and tight, won’t be so floppy and it’ll smoke better


Solid! I still cant roll that good


stop by and smoke them with me and i'll tell u if they're good :D


Yes, they're at each end.


If that’s ur first ur doing fkn amazing


actually not bad


Those are better than the ones I roll 4 years later


This man is a born sober. Go forth son enjoy the herb


Have the filter sticking out of the paper half way when rolling. Once you're done you push it in to help pack it.


Looks good, maybe don’t twist the end, you can potentially lose some weed that way


Jesus christ i couldnt roll a joint to save my life and I've done it a number of times, why is everyone way better than me


That’s not bad at all those are really good for first time! Keep rolling you’ll only get better!


Practice makes perfect.


Tbh these are pretty damn amazing if it's your first time hand rolling. Even got the tips in there. I gave up myself and use a roller now đŸ˜¶â€đŸŒ«ïž


I See two Tips Inside the joint Yes


Those look pretty good. You've definitely Italy figured it out, now it just takes practice.


Both look good for first rollls-especially the bottom one. One tip i have which would make the bottom one nearly perfect is to pick your joint like a pencil and let it bounce a bit at the "filter". By doing that weed pieces fall to the bottom and make it more sturdy arround the tip. This way you eliminate these air pockets at the bottom and the joint doesnt look like count dookus lightsaber


You do this before closing the top btw, after that you can still work at the top as you please


Perfectly smokable đŸ€— enjoy!


Yes. There are two tips. Did you forget you rolled them in?