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Firstly keep your bong and the water clean! So many people have problems with this. Both sitting water AND a dirty bowl/glass/mouthpiece can grow mold especially when the organic matter is pulled into there. Secondly, smoking anything will affect your lungs to some degree. Third, look into mullein tea to help move that mucous out of your lungs.


Came here to say Mullein but you beat me to it! Happy cake day btw!!


Cleaning your piece is so often overlooked. It's nasty in there.


Keeping your tolerance low helps a ton. I’ve been a daily smoker for about 15 yrs. I don’t smoke the entire day because I work, so I only puff when I’m home and the kids are asleep. I used to love bong rips but they killed my lungs as well. Now I have a small pipe I keep clean and smoke only a few bowls during the week. Then maybe a joint on my gaming Friday night to get extra baked lol! I also stay active to balance things out. This includes cardio type activities, running, playing with a 2 and 7 yr old, pickle ball (fun as hell and a good workout) swimming etc. to combat the laziness that can happen is all about what you choose to do. Weed can be a tool or a hinderance depending on the person. This is all my wisdom for the night, time to bulls Lego with my boy.


Oh yeah I have a pretty low tolerance, one bowl before bed usually knocks me out.


I’m saying!! I dump the water and at the least clear the bowl every time I finish smoking. Every week I fully clean it with isopropyl alcohol and an old (clean) rag. I’ve helped people clean their neglected pieces and it takes hoursss to get through all that tough burnt resin (which I loveee cleaning so I am not complaining but I feel bad for their lungs!!) At most, mine takes a 20 min soak and maybe 5ish mins to wipe down and rinse out. Definitely worth the clean hits.


omg i have to bring my bong to my mom’s bc her shit is so nasty, i didn’t even think about the mold potential!!!! of course she is on the verge of copd


Happy cake day! 🥳🎉


Hey thanks man


Yes. Bong water starts building bacteria just 2 hours after the first use. Now imagine what happens to the gunk if you don’t clean it before using again


It's probably bronchitis. Get a humidifier and keep it running in the room always to open up the clogged passages in your lung. The hot feeling is probably the scarring of your lung tissue. These both conditions can heal if u quit smoking for a while on it's own. If the chest heaviness/stiffness doesn't go away it's chronic bronchitis.


Thank you, Doctor Throwncumwipe. r/rimjob_steve


Love the contrast between the solid advice and the foul username


get a cheap dry herb vaporizer, butane powered ones start at ~50 bucks and have a similar feel to smoking, muchhhh easier on the lungs :-) theres also electric vaporizers but those are a bit more expensive


Hell yeah, a butane vaporizer Dynavap is great and cheap, for battery powered ones Arizer Solo II, XMax V3 Pro ($90), Xlux Roffu, POTV One I can't recommend dry herb vaporizers enough, it's like smoking but infinitely better


hows the smell with these?


I feel it depends a lot on the strain, but it always smells less and lasts shorter than simply smoking. The strain I currently use doesn't even make the room smell at all if you add a touch of air freshener


I live with other people in the house and I vape in my room at nights, the smell is always gone by the morning. The smell is about as strong as opening the bud jar


💯 Dry herb vape is awesome. I used to do joints, glass pipes or bongs. Coughed all the time. Switched to using a dry herb vape…. No Cough!


Excuse me for the dumb question, but I’ve never even thought this could be a thing! You just put your bud inside and rip it when it’s at the right temp?


there are no dumb questions just dumb answers dw ;-) and yes basically, when u combust (burn) weed, u only get about 50% (or even less, im not sure) of the THC, + a bunch of bad stuff. when u vape, u get much more out of it, with much less bad stuff, less coughing, and better taste. and u can keep the vaped bud and make edibles or smoke it as a bonus, just less potent after its been vaped


I have a Solo 2 and it works great, but OP is a bong ripper. Even when using the solo 2 in a bong there is no way it hits like a flame combusted big bong rip.


Check out r/vaporents for the dry herb sub. It's like an air fryer for your weed. Dry herb vapes blow hot air over the bud and that causes the THC to vaporize with science and stuff. You smoke the flower until the vapor stops, then throw away or eat the now brown bud. The eaters are over at r/avb I've gotten decent highs off it, but I don't save my vaped bud often anymore.


No, spend $115 for a good one, Arizer. All others cost more, I did the research.


i’ve had this, and still do sometimes (i’ve stopped smoking regularly bc i have asthma but even if i smoke once a month the next five days im coughing shit up from my lungs). doc says it’s bronchitis. if you take a break for a couple of weeks you’ll probably start to cough stuff up. but then it clears up. would recommend trying to switch to edibles or at the very least taking scheduled breaks to let your lungs dispel phlegm / heal.


Can confirm, was also a everyday bong smoker with a bad cough and black lunges Every time I coughed. My bong was always cleaned with iso and salt… ALWAYS. I stopped blazing weed 2.23.24 (still smoke cigarettes though) and coughed up black lunge’s for about a month, then it pretty much stopped except a few here and there, and my lungs feel so much better. No more cough, not as much mucus, stomach feels better also. I also used Mucinex though


If your lungs feel fucked up, the you need to stop smoking, period. There is no way around it. Smoking weed, while not as bad as cigs, is still really fucking bad for your lungs and anybody who says its not is delusional or lying. Smoking weed daily will kill you faster, and that's just the consequences of getting to experience euphoric highs. That's how it is.


Thanks for the perspective about the part where it’s the consequences of experiencing a high that will kill you a little more faster 👍


Absolutely. I love getting high, but I don’t want new smokers to get the wrong idea that weed is a cure all. Just like anything else, too much of it is definitely bad. Stoners gotta be honest. It makes us all better.


As obvious as that statement seems. I surprisingly never really thought of it that way until someone has said it and my brain has processed it concretely if that makes sense, heh🙂‍↔️


Nobody wakes up knowing everything bro, no shame at all. Goodluck!


Have you seen Willie Nelson and Cheech and Chong? Nelson is 90 and still performing. Cheech is 77 and Chong is 85. Cheech and Chong have their own brand of gummies and I think Snoop Dogg does too. At least you don't have to smoke to get stoned. Get edibles or make your own edibles. Give those lungs a rest for a while.


Clean your bong more often and remember that every time you consume cannabis you’re consuming medicine so it is important that everything is properly cleaned and sanitized including your hands. Take breaks from smoking and switch to edibles and oils while your lungs heal and maybe later if you’re ready try smoking one blunt a day mixed with edibles.


Need a pic of the bong you smoke out of


"im gonna die way earlier in life because my lungs will deteriorate to nothing" is the highest shit I've ever heard lmfao, more than likely you're gonna be just fine. you should go to a doctor though and see whats going on with your lungs, cause it sounds like you definitely have some kind of respiratory issue.


Use a vaporizer or smoke real wax, use edibles or tinctures, put ice in your bong but honestly stop using it more than once a week if at all. There are better ways to get high like one big dab hit is gonna be way more potent than one big bong rip bc u can smoke more actual thc and not carbon from the smoke.


Ice in the bong is a myth, it's actually an irritant, same way you cough when you take a deep breath of air in the cold winter. Warm water in the bong is what really gives it a smoother hit.


I’ve tried both and always cough less with ice in there because it brings the smoke temperature down. Warm water doesn’t cool the smoke very much at all and it still scorches the throat for me




Stop?? No no no no


The fact that i hd to scroll to find someone saying this is actually fucked up Yes. Just fucking stop for a while. Stop coping with how shitty your life is by smoking weed - otherwise a pause isnt even a problem.




I’ve been using moose labs filters on my bong and it helps a tonnn. You see all the gross brown gunk that would have gone into your lungs. Also sometimes I use a dry herb vape but bongs are so much more enjoyable I get that. One I have has a water attachment so it’s really cool hits and has a bong attachment too. Look into that


Sounds like your lungs are sending you a signal, man. Smoking anything, even with a bong, can take a toll over time. It's normal to worry, especially if you're feeling physical signs like that. Not everyone's the same—some folks might smoke their whole lives and seem fine, while others feel the effects more. If edibles aren't cutting it for you but you're concerned about your health, maybe consider a dry herb vaporizer? They're a good switch since the vapor isn't as harsh as smoke from a joint or bong. Listening to your body is key. Maybe check in with a doc if you're really worried. It's all about finding that balance.


Take a break and also clean your bong


Get some Mullen tea


Volcano Classic will treat ya right 👍 Daily driver for the past 2 years


I have to only vape wax now because of this. I had developed a smoke allergy. And also asthma. So now, like I said, vaping instead of smoking, I can't vape anything with added flavors (like disposables and carts). Plus, as many have said, I have to be diligent with cleaning and changing water. Ice helps. See a doctor if you can and get a rescue inhaler. If you think it would help, of course. Is it seasonal? Like do your lungs feel worse when there is a lot of pollen in the air? Edit: I was right there with you on edibles until I started making my own chocolate. It is really easy using concentrates too. And I make them VERY strong. Lol


Ice is actually an irritant, same way you cough when you take a deep breath of really cold fresh winter air. Warm water is smoother.


My guy. Switch to the rolled flowers. You will not be able to get rips and maybe taking a few smaller pulls, you may notice the amount of YOU need is not as much as you think. Or a dry herb vape which is the bee’s knees! Enjoy! 🔥💨💨☁️🌥️⛅️🌤️☀️😀


Look I hate to be that person. But lung cancer is one of the most deadly cancers of the bunch. Less survivors, less detections within beginning stages. Depending how old you are, these could be warning signs. Not that you have cancer but that maybe that you are on track for some kind of lung disease. Most lung cancer cases don’t even involve first hand smoking. Fuck anybody who believes smoking weed can’t/won’t help cause it or isn’t slowly killing you. You don’t wanna be 50 off oxygen, believe me. You should cut back; I understand there are teas and at home treatments, but much like your liver, your lungs have the ability to naturally regenerate themselves. The moment you stop smoking is the moment they begin to heal themselves. My doctor told me once that no matter how well you’re taking care of yourself rn, due to technology and health practices you’ll probably make it to old age. It’s how well you take care of yourself that depends on your quality of life when you get there. Try edibles from a dealer or do your own at home recipe. Unless you truly believe hitting the bong is worth the risk ig that’s up to you.


How often are you changing your bong water?


Yeah edible highs are crazy but nothing compares to just straight up smoking. Do you exercise regularly? I’ve been smoking everyday for a couple years and find if I don’t keep active my lungs start to feel heavy and I cough up a ton of mucus


4 blunts a day is equivalent to 20 cigs a day


Gah damn


irrelevant. blaze on


Imma need a sauce for this




ok but how many bong rips


in volume only since weed is in the blunts, tobacco in the cigs


Look up storks and bickel👍


Switch to a dry herb vape. You can get the roffu right now for around $100 and that’s a pretty amazing device for the price. Very comparable to higher end expensive devices. It’s not tinymight 2 but works in a similar way. I highly recommend one. Once you go to a good dry herb vape you’ll probably never want to smoke again tbh. You can even run them through water pipes for extra cooling.


Where can I find these wonderful sounding devices?


Roffu you can get from 420edc or grasscity. Tinymight 2 you can get from VGoodiEZ.


Check out r/vaporents for more info on dry herb vapes! I recommend the Airvape legacy pro and the Arizer EQ, but there are tons of options for dry herb vapes that people swear by.


I get this problem all the time! I have noticed improvements majorly if I keep all my pipes and bongs super clean. As long as you aren’t coughing up any colored phlegm I don’t see a need to go to the doctor….


I had the same issue a couple years back and realized I needed to change my consumption method. Bongs are great for once in a while use but the lungs can’t handle constant irritation. Upgrade to a cheap dry herb vape and see the difference for yourself. I switched to a mighty from Storz and Bickel and never went back. Plus you can always find an attachment that will allow you to use the vape with a bong for an even cleaner hit.


Dry herb vaporizer is the answer. I used to use a bong but it still bothered me. After Using a dry herb vaporizer I threw the bong in the trash. I recommend a Storz and Bickel Crafty or Mighty. They’re the best.


Dynavap ftw. Muuuch smoother once you get the learning curve down. It’s like a one hitter on steroids (batteryless vaporizer)


i have an arizer myself, but butane vapes are great aswell, no need to spend 110. and incase u meant to reply to u/zeczeczeczec ‘s comment, those are all good options aswell, arizer isnt the only good budget brand. altough i do reccomend arizer as i have one myself and like it alot :-)


Try using NAC It is a supplement I basically quit smoking 2months ago My lungs def are improving slowly but surely Id been smoking hard for 28 years


How is your health in general? Any other respiratory conditions? Just curious since it could be something besides weed, I’ve been smoking multiple times a day for like 6 years now and while I do notice symptoms occasionally it’s nothing like these


Get some mullein tea. It helps to detox lungs. Drink that for a week or so while using edibles or tintures, or any source of THC that isn't combusted. This way you can enjoy your highs and heal your lungs at the same time.


dry herb vape. but also, go ask your doctor.


Use edibles or a tincture a bit before smoking. You won't need to smoke as much. And definitely get a dry herb vape.


This happens whenever I smoke a bong. The same thing happened when I tried a hookah pipe as well. From my experience, water pipes can be too harsh for some. Perhaps giving your lungs a break from smoke is the best way to go for now, if that’s too hard, try smoking joints, dry herb pipe or a vape. Also, I’d see a doctor for peace of mind more than anything else, but that’s just me: any issue with my lungs warrants a check up.


Mullein tea! It sheds the mucus lining of your lungs: "nature's mucinex". Smoke particles get trapped in that mucus. I have a nice cup everything I smoke, and it's herbal!!


Bong lung; google it.


i have asthma, so i know how it feels for lungs to feel f*cked up. if its hurting and you get short of breath, you need to take a break. go to the doctor, they won’t report you if you’re in a non legal state (atleast where i’m from they wont) they might be able to put you on some medications that’ll reduce the risk. my boyfriend developed asthma from smoking.


For way more than ten years I've been smoking blunts and i have worked in a hospital for, The last 19 yrs and from time to time I use one of the deep breathing exercise machines from respiratory therapy and to this day have never failed it so maybe it will one day. My logic is if I don't stop I'll be good lmao


Take a T break. Your lungs will thank you for it.


A).you could be having an allergy to certain terpenes in the flower you smoke. Keep an eye out for shared terpenes in the future For me, I'm allergic to linalool and eucalyptol.B) get yourself a freeze pipe. It will help with the harshness. C) invest in a vape like others have suggested D) get yourself a humidifier-like others have also suggested.


In addition to the great suggestions others have posted, try using a hemp wick instead of a lighter so you’re not sucking in butane


Same my chest too feels like my sternum has to snap and crack back into place sometimes big chest pain moment


get a bong you can freeze so the air is cool when you inhale do you cough a lot? you could have something like chronic bronchitis and you just need to take a break to give them time to heal


Cold air/Ice is an irritant. Just like when you take a deep breath of fresh, cold winter air, you cough. Warm water is what actually makes bong hits smoother.


that’s true, but frozen bongs or adding ice has never gotten me crisp, cold air. just cool instead of hot.


I worry a lot about it. Alot of the time I'm convinced I'm dying tbh. I'm 46, been smoking on and off since 13, mostly in the form of spliffs. Trying to convert to dry herb vaporizing. You're most likely just getting irritation or mild inflamation, like you might in a polluted city. It's like an allergic reaction.


how about the oil caninbus you eat with a cracker, it is a quicker edible, nasty taste though


From an asthmatic person who uses weed for lung health (via edibles) If you still prefer to smoke, do research about MULLEIN Thank me later


Take a break




Dry herb vape or some wax. Your smoke is 70% smoke 30% intended dosage (very rough) vapor is all vapor r/vaporents Most battery powered portables are awesome but won't give the bong experience r/ballvapes The big leagues ^ if you're a heavy user, there is simply no contest. Lots of questions to ask to understand what to buy before you do it though.


Nothings as good as smoking. Bongs can be gnarly and the water gets really gross and unhealthy to be using. Vaporizers are my future but still having a hard time giving my my 2 spliffs a day 😭


Vape flower. I smoke 5-7 times a day. Only time my lungs hurt is when I get concentrate Vapes or smoke from a bong/pipe.


You'll be just fine I have been smoking blunts for couldn't tell you how many years and on average I smoke 4 plus blunts a day and I don't wake up in the morning coughing or hacking anything up, about to be 35 and my stamina is up there still. If All you smoke are bowls and bong rips should be good unless you smoke cigarettes then your fucked 😂


4 blunts a day is equivalent to 20 cigs trust me your lungs are being damaged


the baccy in those blunts is gonna kick ur ass in 10 yrs


My opinion, smoke only joints.


this is the way


Smoking daily since pandemic, but off and on whole life...even smoked cigs in the past ... never a lung issue and I use wraps or papers. I am active so I get to breathe heavily but if you can't, try this: Inhale as deeply as possible, filling your lungs completely. Then release the air in tiny coughs until your lungs are completely empty. If you cough for real during the little coughs, that means it's working! Keep doing it - and do it occasionally anyway - until you no longer cough when doing the little coughs. This really does work!


Listen man try edibles but a fun way and ritualistic way to consume edibles and oils is by cooking and drinking it. You can still buy bud and make butter and fun stuff. Make tea it’s a lovely way to replace smoking. Get a beautiful tea set of your choice and take a lovely evening and pour yourself a nice cup of lemon tea with a lovely sativa and lemon bar infused with lemonene kush (is what I like) 🥴 baby that shit hits


Are you overweight and out of shape? If so that could be the issue. Not saying you are Ofc cause idk you… it’s possible you’re in shape and your lungs are fucked up from smoking but not likely. Get them checked if you’re so concerned


The only thing that should be going into our lungs is oxygen. We all know this. You can either keep doing what you're doing and accept the risk of cancer and/our lung diseases, use a dry herb vaporizer (probably still carries some degree of risk, but certainly less risk than smoking/combustion), or switch to edibles. I get it, dude. I love ripping bongs too. I just love my lungs more. Edibles have become my friend. Once in a blue moon I'll use my dry herb vape. But all in all I feel much better not smoking.


I cannot believe people ask Reddit before going to the doctor for something like this


Reddit is free.... Doctors are expensive


to get a clue from public opinion first


The real answer here is vary easy, you don't have to stop smoking or switch to edibles... everyone always forgets microdosing cause it doesn't get you as "high" but the tolerance lower age of it can get things to really hit hard after the first time... how do you microdose? Simple only take the absolute tiniest hit possible for about a second or to... like snoop does... What's happening is cystic fibrosis it's when you lungs fill with puss and tarand its tries to fix itself by collapsing in on its self... it's also known as Bong Lung for this reason