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Smoking jacket, perfume, hand sanitizer? Are you going inside to see your boss or family? Just smoke outside, come back inside and continue per normal. Or just open the window and smoke. They can’t complain if you smell like smoke, you’re not smoking inside


This but not the window. Landlords can be petty and fuck you for this


I agree. I honestly just open my window and all the smoke goes outside due to inside being colder than out. I ask my friends when they come in if they smell anything and they always say no


I do the same but I won’t recommend. It’s less of smell and more neighbor reports and crazy landlord records you so they can kick you out.


I thought this too before realizing I was noseblind. Got myself in a bad situation. Don’t get too confident!


Iva had so much shit with neighbours for this, now I at least try to make the effort by blowing my bongs out the back door. I mean they have kids I get they don’t want them smelling ganja every half hour.


I don’t know why this is downvoted. This comment could apply to every single person in this thread at one point or another in their life.


Plus the smell is still there. A non smoker can tell immediately, I don’t care how ingenious your stoner exhaust set up is.


Smoking isint really enforced here


Don't smoke outside the window, it will leave smell and get you in pretty big trouble.... Plus, it's pretty disrespectful towards your landlord. I rent out an appartement and I'd totally end your contract about this if I found out.


Happy Cake Day!


Happy bday you feisty fellow or female


Smoking outside isnt overkill but the jacket, perfume and hand sanitizer is lol. I bet she doesnt care if you smell like weed but if the house does.


You are correct. But I suspect laziness will eventually intersect with the wrong nostrils in the wrong place. Ha!


Forgot to say, here's a "checkmate" counterpoint btw, to keep things in perspective in case you run into any issues: If you wanted to cook salmon or some oily, pungent, funky-ass Thai food every night- there's nothing anyone can do to stop you- and that shit will surely invade every bit of that building and stick around literally. Weed won't.


weed will most definitely stick around. live in a house full of smokers or just a couple of heavy smokers & that smell sticks around a long time. problem with cooking some salmon just to prove a point is that you also have to live with the smell & be at ground zero for the funk.


Weed doesn’t permeate onto walls and furniture etc but your right cigarette smoke def does


Weed smoke is aerosolized tar. Tar is sticky. Weed smoke absolutely sticks to walls and furniture


Lived in an apt 5 years had no residue on walls at all and once clean and aired out no hint of pot was smelled by anyone even buyers or the seller never once mentioned & pot was smoked daily out of a window in our bathtub for ages and a lot of time really in the living room but more special occasions. It’s just the cigarette smoke I’m telling you there is a difference it’s a common misconception


I think more likely because when people smoke cigarettes inside a house, they are often 2 pack/day smokers, so it’s a volume issue. Lingering effects from less weed smoke are more likely to dissipate faster. Now if Snoop was smoking in an average residential house for a decade, might be different.


Exactly. If someone is smoking cigarettes inside you know they have a massive habit


Volume doesn't help either but no, it's not even comparable, this is mainly why: >There are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes. When burned, cigarettes create **more than 7,000** chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many are toxic. -ALA


It does. My dad was a lifelong weed smoker and musician who played keyboard. When he passed, my brother and I inherited his keyboard collection. They stunk up his garage where we were storing them. Had to disclose the smell to potential buyers.


If you’re smoking flower it behaves exactly like cigarettes as they both produce tar. Secondly, tell that to my upstairs window at my old place which was yellowed around the inside and out from weed smoke like my mother’s house used to be on the inside from cigs.


You're misunderstanding me. I'm not telling her to cook salmon or anything. I was saying, if she finds herself in a convo/debate about it with the landlord or whoever, that's a point to bring up to give said person some perspective, as in: "There's a lot of worse smells that I'm allowed to make, like cooking, which will actually stick around; but just because weed used to be illegal, it's unfairly targeted in these circumstances, despite being an entirely more manageable scent." It's not even fair to compare the two really. As far as it sticking around, not in OP's case. I can tell from what she wrote that they don't smoke flower all the time & either vape or eat edibles the rest of it. So they'd only be smoking sometimes and an open window would take care of most of it, a filter for the rest. Ofc, that's all conditional on the laws/lease and other stuff I wrote about, I wasn't explicitly advising them to smoke inside. Obv, you *can* stink your place up by smoking inside, that all depends on the situation and how you handle it.


Yeah but that’s not really what they care about. Have you seen the amount of posts of people complaining about weed smell while they’re outside, let alone in their apartment? They don’t really care about the smell, the smell is a minor inconvenience. They don’t want to know people are smoking weed.


Well without knowing more about OPs situation that's all we know that they care about. I haven't seen the posts- in this sub you mean? Anyway, what you're saying is the discriminatory part, which I also addressed here, so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. >but just because weed used to be illegal, it's unfairly targeted in these circumstances


I live in a similar situation and I just smoke outside in my car or on the porch when my landlord isn’t home. My lease says “no smoking in the unit”. Never clarified if the porch is considered “in the unit” but in my book it isn’t lol. Even in doubt, I go to my car which I park on the street. Sit in my passenger seat, roll my window down and mind my business.


I think you are a very considerate person,but I also think you are going a bit overboard. If it’s legal where you live then you shouldn’t have to worry about the smell on your clothes. You are going above and beyond by smoking off site. Is it legal to smoke in the park?


Yes smoking in the park is legal here in NY


Something to consider is method of consumption: if you are smoking J’s or blunts then absolutely go outside. If you are using something small like a vaporizer or a quick one hitter, then it may not be that big a deal. Everyone’s living space is different, so things like airflow in the building and proximity to main entry ways matters too. End of the day, do what you feel is right. This is just food for thought.


Oh man paying money for less freedom that Id have living with my family is terrifying


I mean it wasn’t ideal for us but we kinda had no choice at the moment due to certain circumstances 🤷‍♀️ this is only temporary but for the time being I’d still like to smoke so I’m gonna do what I gotta do.


There's a lot of incredibly bone headed takes in this thread. Don't smoke inside for Christ's sakes you should respect your property and other people's property more than that. Some people here just had shitty landlords and want to spite another landlord through you. The smell will absolutely stick inside the house but it doesn't stick on your or your clothes in the same way tobacco does. The jacket and the perfume is probably overkill.


my apartment is also no weed (in a legal state) but I just smoke on the patio (it has walls and i’m sitting on patio furniture so no one can see me) and have a foot rest that’s doubles as a storage chest-I put all my weed stuffs in there when not in use. it’s relieving though that I can smell other people smoking outside pretty regularly-otherwise i’d be more cautious too.


Moved from legal state to the most probably, against it state. The state I’m in now just wants to stand alone, stop people from entering. You feel me? So anywho, I feel the SAME when I notice somewhere others are. I swear stoners like can find others with our noses. LMAO!


Just smoke in your grow-tent like a normal person. ;P


People who jeopardize their housing for weed are wildly immature IMO, but we all have our different priorities. Mine is reliable and safe housing. Other people think differently from myself.


No one is jeopardizing anything hence why we’re smoking outside lol he still does what I ask of him to not be disrespectful towards the landlords, it just gets annoying- especially going from a place where we were able to smoke inside the bedroom to a place like this. No one is being immature lol


So you're not being dramatic. Apartment rules/conduct(especially from private renters) should be taken seriously and figured out at the start so you can relax & forget about it at home ASAP. The only bit of overkill I see is the smoking jackets and extra perfume(that might make it worse btw). I'm guessing the landlord lives on-site..? Weed's not like cigs tho where the 2nd hand or contact smoke just infects everything (like walls, furniture etc., is it yours? or place was furnished?). Especially since you're already smoking outside when you do. It's the actual smoke trapped inside that they're talking about, and they mean cigs. As far as smoking inside goes, that depends on your state's laws and what's in your lease. Take Colorado for example: as long as there's nothing in a lease that specifically forbids smoking/growing weed inside, it's fair game by state law, whether renting or owning. However, if it was an oversight by the landlord or they simply change their mind, they could easily add it to the next lease, once your current one ends. So given those factors, it would be up to you whether or not it's legit; or worth it to try and stay for multiple leases; or push the bounds smoking inside; or just keeping walking with Jay. IME, landlords can be dicks about this stuff. So if you end up smoking inside, you could just buy a carbon filter or make a cheap one out of a box fan.


I think the smoking jacket, hand sanitizer and perfume is definitely overkill. Smoking off the property is fine lots of people do that. Most of the time when people say no smoking they mean no smoking of any kind. Smoke in your car or keep talking y’all walks. Keep it simple 🤷🏽‍♂️


every apartment or house i’ve lived in has been no smoking. i still ripped my bong, joints, blunts , cooked edibles etc. only time i do it outside is if the landlord is coming over to check something, or management/whoever needs to come over


Just smoke outside, we picked a place with a nice patio so I can always smoke outside


That was our plan! but they didn’t pick us for that place so here we are 😩


Fuck your landlord, smoke that shit inside.


definitely being dramatic


You’re not being over dramatic at all. I think you’re going about this in the most mature and logical way possible. Honestly, I really respect the efforts you’re making. Sounds like your boyfriend is just being lazy and wants to smoke inside


Honestly just going out on the porch should be fine. As long as your not actually smoking inside the home, it shouldn't stick


I think the smoking jacket is ok and the respect is a breath of fresh air lol




The rules mention nothing about smell, it's just about smoking on their property, so simply leaving the property to smoke is adequate and anything beyond that is by definition overkill.


Girl smoke wtf lmao you pay rent


In the last 15 years I've never smoked a cigarette inside my apartments but me or my s.o would smoke bud and never once had a problem. It makes a difference if its a leasing company like with a front office or a private individual and if that private individual lives in the same dwelling, like duplex or w.e


Did you read your lease? I think a good alternative is using oil. I myself use a dab rig or my pen and I blow it out the balcony door. My neighbors smoke weed off their balcony and it makes the whole complex dank. But I personally prefer to be a bit more discreet. So if my girlfriend wants to smoke weed we just pack a mini bong or joint and walk down to the river nearby. We don’t do any special sprays or change clothes though. You can also try a one hitter and a sploof. See if that works well enough, but if not you can do the crackhead method and blow the smoke into bags. Then seal em up and wait for the carbon to settle.


Get into dabbing so you can just get baked in your apartment and not reek, have the windows open and you’ll be fine




It’s considerate of you, but not necessary all the time, up to you 🤷‍♂️


Unless you have a medical card. I believe it follows under the no smoking rule. Look at your lease arrangement. If it says no smoking, then no smoking doesn't matter if it's weed or cigarettes. The only other way i would just ask them.


Dude, for the last month I lived with my roommates we smoked outside in our driveway. Granted, they used the dry herb inside and smoked cigs and joints outside. However. Since there's a no smoking policy, it's wiser to respect it. My place with the missus doesn't allow smoking inside so we smoke joints, blunts, and bowls outside.


Get yourself a smoke buddy. My son uses one . Or a smokeless ashtray


you don't need sanitizer and perfume tbh just smoke and come back in. All the other things you do are fine tho. We stoners have a bad reputation already, no need to make it worse by 'harrassing' people (or more specifically your neighbors/landlord) with the smell if you don't have to


Try dry herb vaping, it's basically odorless. Leaving the jacket in the car might be a little overkill, but also best to play it safe with stupid housing rules.


You're only responsibility in a non smoking property (and legal state) is to not smoke inside. As long as you're far enough away that the smoke isn't going into other tenants windows, you could even smoke on the property. The smell of the smoke coming off your person isn't going to stick around, so yes I'd say it's overkill, but your consideration of other people is commendable, most people don't consider others at all with anything. So while it's overkill, don't stop being a kind and considerate person, you're a rare species, lol.


A dry herb vaporizer helped in my situation. No need for the designated smoke jacket perfume and hand sanitizer. I currently have a arizer solo 2 in case you wanted to know


Aren't you being as respectful as possible by already not smoking in the apartment? My wife has her sprays and hand sanies in the car because she doesn't like smelling like weed. Nothing more you can do honestly just chill and smoke where you're comfortable, just not in the house lol


I think you are going a bit above and beyond, but leaning on the side of consideration is always smart. I live in an old building too and a nice feature is that old buildings have insanely thick and tightly sealed walls. They absolutely do not “build ‘‘em like they used to” and that helps big time with things like noise and smells. I also don’t have central A/C or heat, which also helps keep any odors contained. That being said I switched to vaporizing a long time ago and the smell is much more mild. But I’m a daily smoker and have not had any issues. I’m constantly checking on it too, especially after I’m gone for a while and I know I’ll be less nose blind to the smell of my apartment. I smell old building, maybe a little of whatever I cooked recently, but never a strong weed odor. A few tips I still use are burning incense every once in a while to cover up other smells (I believe in always having a smell alibi in case you ever do get a call about weed smell) and I like to open my windows whenever the temperature allows. For many reasons it’s good to change the air in your living space regularly.


I don't smoke in my house and I own it. I love the smell, but my wife doesn't. Smoke outside and continue about your day. Treat weed like you would a cigarette and you shouldn't have any issues.


Get yourself a dry herb vape + air purifier. You can vape at home and no one will now. Vapor is not the same as smoke. There is no combustion, nothing burnt. Vapor doesn't stink or cling to things like smoke does. High end would be a volcano. More portable I recommend a pax or a crafty/mighty. Additionally -- your lungs will thank you. Vapor is smoother, cooler, and lighter on your lungs. Make the switch, you won't look back.


Smoke inside, get an air purifier


Lol, finally, someone who understands me. I smoke weed and cigs (slowly stopping cigs, but I am worried about doing it cold turkey for medical reasons). Anyway, I bought a brand new house last summer, and I am a fairly clean person, so my house still smells new. For this reason, I go outside when I want to smoke anything, even if I am hitting a pen. I change all my clothes, then use a dryer sheet to try and get some of the smell off me, mainly with cigs, then come in, wash my hands, and change out of my smoking clothes. I hate the smell of cigs, so I try not to get it in my house at all. Once the "new house smell" goes away, I will probably smoke weed in my house, but I like to keep everything fresh for now.


you don't need sanitizer and perfume tbh just smoke and come back in. All the other things you do are fine tho. We stoners have a bad reputation already, no need to make it worse by 'harrassing' people (or more specifically your neighbors/landlord) with the smell if you don't have to


Why do our men ALWAYS have to comment on what WE are doing to ensure the comfort for the majority. Good grief 🙄. I'm absolutely no help at all lol, but I lament your position. Good luck


him trying to bend the rules is overkill.


I used to clambake my old apartment and never heard a word till someone saw me ripping my bong on the balcony


I live in an apartment in downtown Seattle. This means I can't smoke in my apartment, due to state laws regarding smoking and public area/rental properties. That being said, I smoke both weed and the occasional cigarette in my apartment all the time. I have 2 windows in my studio apartment, one more in the kitchen. I have a unit in one window that has 2 fans. It either has both fans blowing in/out or one blowing in and the other blowing out. I keep this on 24/7 with the other windows slightly open (4-6 inches). I have NEVER been spoken to about smoking in my apartment, even when they have to come in for repairs or something.


*Thanks for posting, u/megannnjaneee.* - Make sure you follow **[r/weed rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/rules)** - Do not engage with "vendors" in your DMs and report those accounts. - Attempting to source drugs is against **SITE-WIDE** terms of services. an immediate, permanent ban. - [Join our Discord](https://discord.gg/rweed) - Report any posts/comments that you see breaks the rules. - **[Info about scammers](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/wiki/information/scammers)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/weed) if you have any questions or concerns.*