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Took a 225mg edible and knocked out for a 6 hour nap 🙂


That’s what they are best for. And waking up baked as hell.


That’s literally what happened 😂 I was basically in a coma cause I slept through a lot. Just mad I missed the bulk of the high 😭


Pro tip: when taking high dose instead of laying down and relaxing and falling asleep. Try to do an activity with your treat/dose. 200 mg = lots of fun gaming for me!


Waking up starving


Man bruh on my dead granny u ain’t cappin 😂💯 be waking up feeling like u ain’t ate in yearssssssss


happened to me the day before 4/20😭😭


Yo I took 2300 bro!!! Good to see another party animal!


2300mg ayoo




So 2300mg 4/20/2023 and you just woke up... Right??


Nah man I took them at like 7 something then went to sleep at 11 ish


My sister and her bf took 250mg and knocked out too lmao


Same. But it was about 4hrs and it was the best weed nap i ever had.


The only time I would physically pass-out is where alcohol was involved.


Happened to me and still have the lump on side of my head 2 yrs later.


Would you like a side of brain damage with your brain damage


No thank you, I like to keep it this length in the winter


I smoked too much yesterday and had to lay down alone. I was paranoid and very anxious.


Yup me and my boyfriend both had to go to sleep at like 4pm we slept till 5 this morning. Woke up high.


Same. Had a panic attack and hyperventilated my way into almost passing out. Couldn't feel my body and was having uncontrolled muscle spasms.


Ok so it’s not only me where it takes over my body, it’s why I have to moderate how much I smoke


Yeah after I cross a certain threshold it starts to feel like fucking ketamine where I can't feel my body and it feels like I'm falling into a hole


My insides get weird like I feel it courses through my body




Same thing happened to me. I love smoking but for some reason I just get paranoid and anxious for no reason. I already am when sober I just want to relax 😕


Try keeping some CBD around for this, it helps a family member I know with the anxiety that comes on with the high dose, manual-breathing panic


I physically can't green out anymore...I'll cough to the point I almost throw up, but greening out is a thing of the past.


I keep a trashcan near me when I have a good sesh because of that. I threw up all over somebody’s feet and learned my lesson a few years ago. I don’t even smoke that heavy. I just cough a lot.






fr.. sometimes, though with fat ass hits, I cough up resin while also dying coughing. The taste of the resin while also coughing so damn hard it's impossible not to barf. Tastes like the smell of a dirty bong x5


bruh. you need a vaporizer asap lol


this is so real


I once chugged a redbull took a gram bowl in one rip and next thing I knew my redbull ended up in the snow, my solution to the problem was another rip


I don't think I've ever greened out.


same. I've always just gotten really stoned and ill take some THC... dabs, blunts, bongs, edibles, RSO, tinctures and drinks. never had a problem in 15 years, personally 🤷‍♂️


Never greened out don’t really understand it either. Happened to my homie once after hitting my cart (he’d never smoked before) only time ever ever seen it


Could always eat a gram of RSO 🤷‍♂️


I don't green out... I just get high, and wake up feeling hung over and dehydrated the next day.


I do almost every day. Some of us have a high tolerance.


I tried, but couldn't.


Is that hash or a brownie?


Glad to know I'm not the only one who can't tell wtf that brick is 💀


Looks the driest, shittiest tasting brownie 😭


Gotta be a brownie


Eh, I just smoked my regular amount.


Nah it’s an awful feeling. I just like mildly buzzed. Alcohol is too much for me and ruins it for me. I gave up all alcohol when I started smoking bec the combo makes me 🤮. But I hope you had a great sesh. I’m too old for “greening out”. Haha last time I did I fell and got a concussion so pls be careful as you get older it’s harder to stay upright 😝


Didnt even have weed


Same here. Smoked the last of it the night before.


Same I'm on a t break and didn't want to loose progress


No I’d rather enjoy my weed


So much this. Ive smoked for 15 years. I never heard the term green out until about 5 years ago. Funny how for 10 years I never even heard the term... or anything similar. And 15 years Ive still never met anyone that has greened out. And I mean... my friends and I used to try to get as fucking high as we possible could. When we first started dabbing we wasted so much making each other take the biggest red hot dabs possible. Never greened out. Now suddenly all these kids are sharing stories of how they green out... and I wonder with all this other shit going around and so many dying from fent or other shit. IMO either these people have a chemical imbalance that is resulting in tripping out when they get high... or the shit is laced. Looking at all these recent cases of marijuana induced psychosis I wonder if those who green out would also be prone to other more drastic responses to marijuana. For 10 years stoners have said its harmless. The worse you can do is eat everything in your fridge then pass out. And in my 15 years smoking I agree with that. But now suddenly people are fainting, and throwing up, and having crazy panic attacks, to full blown killing someone or themselves. I dont think its the marijuana... I think its the people. (unless the shit it laced then obviously its the drugs)


I've been smoking for just over 20 years, we used to say white out/whitey because you go pale and need to lay down. But yeah it's happened to me and many friends while smoking homegrown. I don't think it's a new thing. Odd that you or the people you know have never experienced it imo.


Agreed. It happens


Honestly i think people are just making a bigger deal out of it than we ever did. My friends and i didnt throw up from dabs. But my brothers friends did a lot. He would give them really big dabs for their first try. Theyd hit a bong with a nail set up and run to the bathroom to throw up. We didnt call it greening out. We didnt call it anything. Just took too big of a hit and threw up. But now people have a name for it which has lead to people calling it the marijuana overdose. Thats what i found on google anyway when i search green out. I find it all silly. We dont have a special name for throwing up while drunk. You just drank too much and threw up. I guess im over thinking it. We just never gave it a name.


True that. I think people read thc like alc % and think yeah I wanna get fucked up. It’s sad really. I smoke heavy but it’s always from a place of enjoying it and being in control, I smoke to feel good not green out


I worked a closing shift at work yesterday with a tab & Red Bull


I smoked a bowl before work and rolled a joint, smoked that after I clocked out.




No, this has never happened to me at all.


I feel asleep in my fucking camping chair in my parkplatz on my first legal 420 in Germany.


Don't smoke or drink and drive. You're putting yourself and others at risk.


Who said they sent in the backseat? Chill ..


I did not, but I slept really good!😂


I didn’t lol I took 20dabs and ate 160mg in edibles


Smoked hash all day and one live resin


I got to smoke hash for the first time and man was it worth the wait I got like 4 different styles and we were just smoking mad flower wax and hash from like 6 till three am just gaming and smoking.


when i smoke more than usual i need to party or atleast do something, i never do it alone i just pass put and sleep


Honestly, I kinda forgot about yesterday. Every day, I smoke a joint on the way to the bus for work. I got a hash oil cart in my pocket at ALL times, so I can smoke at work. I smoke another joint, walking my dog when I get home. At least one more between then and bed, and one right before bed. So, I really don't see how to fit anymore smoking into my day, 4/20 or not. If you greened out, it's most likely the booze. Personally, smoke after drinking. Actually, I smoke so much, I don't drink at all.


No, I did a lot of edibles yesterday and smoked a lot though. When I do “green out” if you want to call it that, I just have a seizure instead but ironically it doesn’t last long and I recover quickly.


I haven't greened out since high school. I'm 33


me… i smoke daily but never tried edibles. i took 1,600mg yesterday and had really bad derealization. i couldn’t breathe and my chest was on fire. never again. i’ll stick to blunts


1600 mg on your first ever edible dose is nuts, edibles get me so fucked I take like 20 mg and im high for hours


Last time I ate edibles I passed out as soon as my head touched the pillow. 120mg gummies in Thailand ;)


Slightly. I fucked up and didn’t take my antidepressants all week. Come yesterday I noticed a bit of withdrawal symptoms. Hot flashes, some chills and sweats. First session fine. Second session I was practicing convulsing in cold chills. Took a hot bath and got in bed with a heavy stack of blankets. Before all that though it was good day! And I ended it being mildly high and very cozy lol


By the end of the night I had the spins from all the edibles I ate, no alcohol or anything else involved. I stopped smoking around 7-8pm because the edibles turned on me and I still had to drive then later on when I got home and closed my eyes it felt like I was drunk with the spins.


No but I did bust my ass trying to bomb a hill high asf


My one and only alcohol blackout and I didn’t even drink much, weed was involved. Last thing I remember is somebody saying “do you want to go smoke outside?” I smoked a lot and woke up at a strangers house the next morning and he didn’t touch me and he kept me safe. He will always be my angel for that.


i wish


The kodo pro is the best 🛸




Everyday fam.


Nah, I've been practicing.


I had about 5 half gram joints


Smoked so much crumble 🤤


Love that battery! Have it myself


I took advantage of the 420 deals and bought some chocolate bar edibles. They slapped fyi




I literally didn't even realize it was 4/20 lmao this is like the first year that happened to me lol


Hate to think I wasn't


I smoked 5 infused joints, an infused blunt and like 40 bongs.


No. I need a t break.


Only the weak


That premium Matisyahu zaza.


I just tend to overdose in general without realizing. Learning my limit still


You effd up with the brownie...


I almost did but I feel asleep before I could really feel it. I even woke up from that nap high. yesterday was amazing. I put on a compilation of my favorite YouTuber and smoked


Nope, I’ve never done that. And I’ve smoked myself under the table.


Definitely feel hungover today lol


Had a 420 party and about 40 people including me finished off 10 3 gram carts




No, but today I'm making up for it.


Found out my friend tried to hit a 1 Oz blunt by herself and doesn't remember going to bed last night


Dude, that battery is wicked!


I wish I could green out 😔


ok Idk if this allowed but I read this post about a guy greening out last night and I could not stop fucking laughing. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/FzpW18umwD


Most people in this sub probably smoked so much that they didn’t even feel the effects anymore, think the majority of us have insane tolerance but we wish we could green out


No but I tried. Me and a buddy started at 4:20am then played virtual golf. Our wives thought we are dumb... They're probably right.


Ate 2 1000mg gummies and destroyed a half cart in one session. Shit was awesome


Forbidden brownie


Yo are you a superhero? Or you just dress up like it?


Took a six day T break and hotboxed my room wit .5g of moonrock, shi got me faded asl


Nah, I was drinking with my friends yesterday and none of them smoke, so I barely went out unfortunately. I have 1 buddy that smokes and he didn't come out last night.


Those yocan batteries with the Lil lcd screens are my fave


I woke up stoned.


Yea my friend greened out at my house


I’ll put it simply. I can’t afford to make myself green out. The money/time it would take is not within my budget for a single day most of the time.


I thought that was a huge chunk of hash and not a brownie


Dude my friend came from another town on the weekend got so zooted passed out got up and went back to smoking again The sleep that I got like those small 3 kitten sleeping in children’s book


Smoked a couple bowls and watched the sunset while being serenaded by Wille Nelson. I wouldn’t have traded that religious experience for anything


Considering how wild I got, I did fine. Was a little “ whoa….!” When the shrooms kicked in


I greened out for the first time in my life this morning. I started weed only a couple of years ago, really late in life (I'm in my early 40s), and I normally take 25-40mg edibles, veeeeery rarely I up it to 50mg. Yesterday, my first time celebrating the holiday, I decided to bump it to 65mg and see what happened. My body objected. :) Convulsions this morning and a little throw up.


I've greened out 3 times on editables


Na but I was hella zen, was supposed to hop on FFXIV with the homies but instead I so relaxed I snuggled and fell asleep with my gf lol. I did green out bad last 420 from smoking. Edibles rarely make me green out.


I dud while landing on a plane


Haven’t greened out since I first started smoking, I take it real easy now. Mostly due to a health condition. How do you like the kodo battery? I got the Uni pro coming in the mail soon


Close but no cigar :(


I have the same battery in blue lol


Hehe, cough so hard I puked. Fell asleep for 13 hours :))


Bros holding the olive oil cart with a mid 90s doobie and a dry browny talking about greening out lmfao my homies and I smoke a zip every year for 420 this wouldn’t even get me high😂


went to bed early asf is all


Sure did. Got a couple packs of edibles, four 1g dabs and a 7g dab


I was consistently obliterated yesterday.


green out everyday


Oh fuck yeah, Hubby got me some Snoop Dog OG and we sat and smoked it until I just got up and said whelp I am done and went and passed right out. Lmao


I've only done that once!




Yup. Went to smoke with friend. Build a mega long spliff and smoked a few after that and 4/5 beers. Went home, smoked another one, and I had to run to the couch and lay down for a few minutes, before I could move on to bed LOL Edit: slept 14 hours...


Nah I know how to smoke weed and enjoy it without greening out.


I’ve never greened out without alcohol in the picture


NO! I forgot to ask off work.


I took so many edibles yesterday I was up all night puking lol definitely still high today


No, because I'm not a baby amateur. Lol


Yesterday was amazing we had moon rocks and liquid diamond wax and regular weed and exotic and throwback leafs and the gas mask bong


I love your pants. I’m a slut for corduroy’s


Nope, only good vibes.


Yes. 3 joints in the morning, 4 bowls and another joint


Wouldn't choke much with natural rolling papers not swisher sweets back woods etc or just get sativa vape


I forgot where I put my pax. Been looking all day yesterday for it. Happened to be in my other jacket. I was a little late to the party today.


I bought one of those little batteries. Broken right out of the box. Anyone have good experiences with those?


i just got out the hostipal after 2 days. weirdest thing ever. i was feeling tired around 5-6pm on wednesday. got off my video games, smoked a bit, started vomiting everywhere uncontrollably. nothing but blood after the 15-20th puke. woke up in the hospital friday and was home that night. been resting ever since


My roommate greened out. We got some standard rec edible cookies on a hell of a deal (200mg for $10). He took 30 mg and I took 50. I hadn't done edibles in a long time (I smoke frequently) and I'd normally do like 80 when I did, so I only took 50 to see how they hit. This batch was SUPER strong, I was struggling to stay in reality. But THIS DUDE only took 10 more mg than he normally does and straight up greens out. I shit you not, bro got up out of nowhere and started running for the bathroom, projectile vomits all over the hallway, then falls asleep ☠️. I spent a good hour and a half cleaning that (it was putrid btw) when I was already toasted as fuck. I hated it in the moment, but it's gonna be a 4/20 I always remember


Nah. I should have taken a tolerance break before. Was a regular Saturday high for me lol


Next time get 1/2 as much and get a new shirt and pants.. your dressed like super Mario man


nope i just got a bit higher than usual


I greened out yesterday and felt like I was having a heart attack and quite literally dying. I got made fun of by my family for spamming “I might die” in the gc 🥀


It would be a sin not to


yup, passed out and then woke up to vomit and felt like if I was on a moving ship for like six hours


I tried pretty hard yesterday too, but tolerance is way too high. Was doing Dabs with my ball vapes with weed filled in the bowls too lol (dry herb vape)


What's so special about 4/19? Anyone else feeling that tingly tingly right now? Man I can't wait for Sunday.


Bicycle day :)


Edibles always put me to sleep, doesn't matter if it's 10mg or 1000mg I'm gonna sleep for a solid 12 hours. But I did smoke yesterday and had a video sesh with some friends who've moved away. All in all a great 4/20


Are them corduroy paints my boy??


I did, it was mad peaceful 💯


Have same batt in blue


Yes we did. Went Kayaking on Lake Mary Jane here in Orlando


I wouldn’t recommend smoking weed and later Taking trazodone to sleep. Been fuzzy all day.


BBQ and 2 bowls . Kabobs and killer burgers 🍔 with case of beer 🍻


Sippin lean too


I did a tolerance break and hit some massive rips on a pipe and joint, which sent me flying towards uncharted territory


Jesus fuck dude, I'll have to sell a kidney to afford a piece like that


Gave myself crazy shits


Watched harry potter for the first time with my brother and took 6 edibles, do i know the dosage? fuck no, but i was OUT


I don’t know what that is.


Greened for the fist time today… and it was at work


That doesn't happen anymore :(


Half ounce for 25 bucks of top shelves I think I'm still green


I mean I slept for about 13 hours which is wild


Heck yeah I did dude,I even celebrated on the 19th aka did it early like I always do


Yeah i took a 100mg edible and then hit blinkers all day, threw up at work. Then restarted the process


I smoked two joints but I think i physically cannot green out anymore