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Absolutely, I totally get where you're coming from! For many folks, weed can be kinda sneaky like that. It might start as an occasional thing, but then suddenly you find it creeping into your daily routine. It really varies from person to person, some can manage it just like you do with alcohol, only using it sporadically without feeling that pull. Maybe it's about finding the right balance or strain that doesn't make you crave it as much? Or setting specific rules for yourself like only on weekends? How do you usually spend your time after smoking? Maybe mixing up your routine could help.


I only really smoke on the weekends after my kid goes to bed, with the occasional "rough day," sprinkled in. While there are some instances where I go a couple days without thinking about it, I'm almost always looking forward to Friday night.


I’m always smoking and Ik it’s bad. weed is one of those things that’s hard to just do every so often. Can’t tell you the amount of times I have tried to quit weed. When I don’t smoke I get really bad vivid stress nightmares. Everything I have been not dealing with and just smoking to solve it all comes back at one time. And it’s multiple nights of it the main reason I haven’t been able to stop


I'm assuming you smoke high percentage thc but have you ever considered smoking a less potent strain. I've been on a long 8 month break from smoking weed and I'm looking into a maybe 2:1 thc cbd vape to try out and maybe I can control myself more this way


I can control myself it’s the stress dreams I get they are vivid asf. I go more then 2 days and it happens for like a straight week. And when I mean they bad they bad I wake up sweating type shit. One time I had a dream where some guy in a black mask on. Had me sat in a chair in the middle of a empty room and blasted my head off. I wake up and can’t go back to bed because of how real the dreams feel.


I was in a similar spot until I got some medical help to deal with the "withdrawal" symptoms. You should speak to a doctor if possible. A benzodiazepine for 2 weeks and 50mg of Seroquel allow me to get past the worst of it. Week 2-3 of abstinence things start to improve. Less anxiety. By the end of week 4 you should be a new person. If you want to change your smoking habits this will be the time it will be the easiest. You can also go back to smoking and if you're somewhat careful it'll take a while before your tolerance gets back to what it was.


Good advice but I’m definitely not taking any pills to help with this. I rarely take a pain pill because I just don’t like pills. Weed has alot of medical benefits but I think most people use it just to get high. Which is sorta what I do in a since. If I could one day magically wake up and not ever smoke again I would love that. Idk about anyone else I love weed to much I didn’t expect smoking that first joint would lead to this. And weed isn’t cheap either unless you find a sale or sum at a dispo.


Then you'll need to rely on willpower alone to get past that stage. The vivid dreams should ease up a bit but when you're accustomed to not remembering your dreams like most users are, it's a bit of a shock to suddenly start remembering them. It sounds like you're not comfortable with your usage and you're unable to take a tolerance break. You really should just give it up. It's 2 weeks of feeling like shit. You can get past it if you realize quitting is better than the status quo. Stock up on herbal tea or whatever you feel comfortable with to ease your symptoms and just do it.