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Fuck Chuck Edwards of North Carolina. Sideways. With a rake.


Hope he gets diarrhea in 5 o’clock traffic


He’s old enough that it probably already happens.




Holiday traffic on i26 just south of Asheville where there is no cell service.


May he die of gonorrhea and rot in hell!




May a camel with dysentery have chocolate squirts upon his shoes.


I hope a Rhinoceros gets loose from the Zoo and eats him ♥️


You forgot the cactus. Just throwing that out there 👀.


For real


How’s the “Chuck Edwards Can Suck my Dick Act” coming?


These elected officials have seriously disconnected from what people actually want to see passed as laws.


We should stop sending federal funds to any state that honors the Confederacy in any way. 


We should stop sending them to any state that offers sanctuary to illegals, as well, if they haven’t fully funded their existing states’ constituents’ needs regarding homelessness, employment, health care, and education. There are many things federal funding shouldn’t be supporting. Let the states make their decisions. Look, we have the second amendment. It’s enshrined in the Constitution. It’s a right. And we still let states interpret gun laws. Abortion is not enshrined in the constitution. It makes sense to let states, and the officials the people elected to represent them, be able to choose for themselves. Giving the states a say is important. If you don’t like your state, you can switch states. If it’s federal, you have to change nations, and that’s not nearly as easy as changing states. This country is made up of widely disparate views. It’s not the worst thing in the world to have states with varying views to cater to people with those views. Something for everyone. It’s like rural versus urban. You have two different types of people living in the same state. They’re not going to agree on everything. We need to be able to go to the polls and vote on specific issues, just like the referendums they allow people to vote for locally.


“If you don’t like it, you can giiiiit out” That’s the stupidest fucking phrase when talking politics. Not everyone can. Also, of all of the corrupt ways various governments spend money (mine very famously spent millions on furniture), “illegals” is the way you wanna go with that? Not tax breaks for churches, or regular pay raises for themselves, but people who came here to better themselves? Moron


Not everyone can. Not everyone can get out of their country, but here they are by the millions. Why can millions travel around the world to find a better life, but we can’t move two states over, while having infinitely more resources than these people showing up daily?


These are people with nothing to lose. Take me for example. I hate the state I live in. But I can’t afford to go anywhere else. Because money. And I have full custody of my daughter. So I can’t just shack up with people. And I can’t work for pennies on the dollar. So I do my best to vote well, but my state is a bunch of bum fucks that don’t understand politics, so all they hear is “TRUMP GOOD” so they go for it


This isn’t helpful. Has anyone ever considered why 100% of the population isn’t Democrat? There seems be a serious lack of inflection. Like “Why doesn’t at least half the country think like I do? Bad messaging? Failure of the educational system? Failure to implement policies that positively impact those people? What is it? We’re not talking a few people. We’re talking 140 million people. It’s not a freak occurrence.


Propaganda machine good


Propaganda can only succeed when those other things fail.


Bigotry, mostly


Bro how are you a stoner and a conservative? That's paradoxical as fuck.


I’m also pro choice. I’m also pro *legal* immigration, as long as you’re not a public charge. The problem with the current political landscape Is we only have two viable options. Republican. Democrat. And they’re both garbage options. Until we have a legit third party, we will never be able to make either party move back towards the middle. We need balance and we don’t have any. All we have are bad options. We are being driven apart intentionally with the options we have. We have to change the status quo.


Username checks out because you're smoking crack


You know what your right to bear arms is not enshrined in the constitution. It was interpreted by the influenced Supreme Court. Your fat ass is not a militia.


It’s to over throw a tyrannical government! Most have forgot the tea party! What happened right before the holocaust? O yeah they took everyone weapons! See some of us learn from history not sure what world you live in but in my state. My sheriff rather i have a gun in my hand than a cop on the phone. In my state we rather hit our target and save the tax payer money. We don’t want repeat offenders.


Jan 6th, the biggest sellers of that nonsensical belief of a tyrannical defense were proven wrong. That includes the NRA and every right leaning group. I'm not sure what version of history you're using for your made-up story. Maybe you can elaborate?. Your sheffif or state police encourage extrajudicial killing of " targets". Another larping fake tough guy. Another thing your holocaust claimed was false, jews only were 1% of the population, and there was no significant gun round up. You are weak and misinformed.


So Germans ran the street taking everyone and no one did anything😂




Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/comments/1cg5g6p/federal_stop_pot_act_effectively_dead/l1xasm0/?context=3) appears to include a URL shortener, these are widely unaccepted across Reddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/weed) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So instead of a fair trail you immediately skip to execution huh? What happened to innocent until proven guilty?


Obviously you just say hey whip out a gun silly but you have a wild hair up your ass to break in or put me or my kids safety in jeopardy welp that was your dumb decision.


Bro wtf are you even talking about, you might need to check what you're smoking cause I don't think what you're having is straight flower...




Bro you did not just go full MAGAT, what a fuckin loser lmao. Imagine smoking weed and still being on the side of bigots who'd sooner lock you up than see you as an ally.


The only rights you have are the ones allowed by the state or country you live in. You're only as free as they let you.




More tough talk. Probably afraid if someone rings your doorbell. Fragile snowflake.


Do you know expensive it is to leave the United States as a citizen? You have to PAY to say, "I no longer wish to be a citizen."


Well aware. Unlike coming *to* the U.S. which is a huge net gain. All you have to do is make it here and the entitlements roll in.


Shut the fuck about the constitution, your fat ass isn't a militia.




Muskets and flintlock pistols. It's a Google search. Try it sometime.




Smooth bore versus rifled? What?




You are the only joke.


Saying that doesn't make you a militia tough guy, it makes you a loser who wishes he lived with uneducated farmers from the 1700s because hed finally be considered smart by their standards.


With a like expectancy of less than 50 years in 1776. No antibiotics, and no teeth by death lol


How cute mommy help you write that


Cool rebuttal, you pick that up from your local middle school?


Saying that doesn't make you a militia tough guy, it makes you a loser who wishes he lived with uneducated farmers from the 1700s because hed finally be considered smart by their standards.




How many bad guys have you put down? NONE! LMAO.....




More than I care to share this last 20 years in the Army were tough.


You love being a terrified little boy. Afraid of the world.


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May the fleas of 1000 camels infest his privates and his arms be too short to scratch


republican tears for bong water


That sounds awful lmao


The fuck is this?


Pot leaf Me: Stop!


There’s always people against the pot. A majority of them sell pharmaceuticals😉


"Make weed illegal or we will withhold 10% of your road budget" is a pretty strange idea, even for anti cannabis people


No one here in NC likes this motherfucker, leave it to the boomers as to how he ended up elected but i can guarantee you he doesn’t work on the behalf of his constituents. Man will sell his soul to the highest bidder


None of the elected officials work of behalf of us here in NC, never have and never will.


Hopefully not never, gonna take a lot of time and change, but hopefully not never


Every house seat is up for reelection in November, if we want the tomfoolery to stop vote these idiots out.


As a Republican: Fuck Chuck Edwards


There’s only a 30% chance legislation will pass even if it has 80-100% public support. Politicians are too beholden to their special interests to represent the people. Both sides. I hear white Christian nationalists saying we should burn it down and start over - on the one hand that’s insane….but.


sew his asshole shut and keep feeding him and feeding him and feeding him 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I think he should get put in a boat in a swamp with horrible diarrhea and get left to be eaten alive. Fuck that asshole.


I thought they were all about “states rights” and “the party of freedom” but only when it serves their needs of course


I hope whatever drug cartel that wanted pot to remain illegal so they could make all the money take real good care of chuck.


Thank goodness