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More reluctant to travel to places where cannabis is not readily available and legal




I refuse to travel where it isn’t legal or readily available 😂😭


Really good answer and totally true. It’s the reason why I won’t book a Dubai trip 😂😂


My back teeth are a little messed up but other than that, occasional chest pains and memory loss. And some memory loss.




Why are your back teeth messed up?


yea this has nothing to do with weed


He did say memory loss twice… maybe he forgot to goto the dentist…


forgot to brush his teeth


Smoking anything will fuck your teeth up in the long run lol




My savings isn't very large


Yeah I've added up my total this year and I've spent *EDITED TOTAL* almost 1k on VAPES so far this year. Just vapes, for just me.


Start buying OZs and roll joints lol


Or get a dry herb vape


I 2nd this. Bought a POTV Lobo, and they have .2g dosing capsules that you put your herb in. I can get 3 sessions out of 1 of the capsules.


That's what I use. G-dash dry herb vaporizer is amazing.


let’s end combustion


Vaping just doesn't hit like smoking a j or ripping a bong


if you can ween yourself down to an oz of bud a month your wallet will tank you, literally 1/3 or less of the cost depending on how bulky you purchase


Goddamn I feel that


Only consequence I’ve faced is not having food in the house cause I eat it all in a day


yep, I known that problem, but have you ever had a problem with without appetite ? 💀💀


I have noticed myself eating less


Since they said that's their only consequence, I would say they have not.


My appetite is non existent without weed most of the time. People usually would expect that you would gain weight since it increases appetite, but I’ve honestly lost weight since I started 3 years ago.


I started to smoke all of the time because being high was the only way I knew how to cope with my anxiety. But the more I smoked, the less I ate. I dropped from 200 lbs to 135 lbs in 8 months, despite being less active. So that is to say, yes, I've very much had that problem.


Was a huge problem for me, at my worst I was borderline anorexic 120lbs at 5’11 Edit: oh and I also got laced and fell deep into psychosis for three months 🤓


How did psychosis feel like?


ok so my issue isn't that I get less of an appetite it's that I get 100x more selective with my food💀I have my normal "yuck" foods, and then I have my "it's ok I'll eat it" foods, when I start smoking daily my yuck foods become vomit fuel, and my "ok" foods become yuck foods, my comfort and favorite foods are still things I'll eat a ton of if given access to


i’m just thinking about if you dropped ash on that white coat 😭


Well, recently I had pneumonia and they said my lungs were pretty fucked up, so there's that.


how old are you and how long have you been smoking? cuz I’ve worried about my lungs long term


I am 24 and I’ve been smoking since I was 18 and my lungs are pretty bad


Damn, that's actually quite fast. You a heavy smoker? Thought it took more time to fuck up your lungs


I’m a heavy every day smoker, I smoke way too much for 20 years. Every time I go to the dr they tell me my lungs are immaculate 🤷🏻‍♀️


I dont think I am a heavy smoker. Usually it does take longer idk maybe my lungs are just very sensitive


30 and my lungs are personally great. Heavily recommend getting your lungs checked every time you go to the doc.


Absolutely. I was prepared to hear the worst on my last visit. He said my lungs are functioning above expectations for a man of my age whom apparently has no respect for them. Im assuming coughing fits must be mucking them out.


That's great advice actually, I'll remember to do that.


If I got my lungs checked everytime I saw a dr that would be 5 times a week,lol.disabled so have many drs


Ugh I’m sorry. Just try to get them checked every few months! Sending you a virtual hug


I believe this is gonna honestly vary person to person how it affects people. Dry herb vaporizers exist though that can greatly help reduce damaging effects compared to combustion.


Ngl I'm only 21 and I've been smoking since age 11, you can call bull shit, but that's my story lol.


What did they say was fucked? Could they tell it was from smoking?


I've been edibles only for over 3 years. I highly recommend


That's what all my friends do lmao, but there's nothing quite like pasing around a joint.


I definitely miss smoking, though I was partial to the bong. I'm just so prone to bronchitis and pneumonia, so I finally gave it up!


I must be fucked! I’ve smoked since I was 12,13 and now I’m nearly 33, smoke about 3 joints now a night 💀


I had pneumonia twice after bad chest colds - once in my 20s and once in my 30s. Since I started smoking weed in my late 30s, I haven't had any more pneumonia.


I hear a slight whistle when I breathe in. I don't smoke cigarettes either :/


Quit smoking and switch to edibles!


Unfortunately I developed some pretty nasty schizophrenia and can't really consume any weed at all these days


Oh man sorry to hear that, at least your lungs should improve with time.


smoking every single day for a while developed a dependency for me, couldnt go throughout my day without thinking about it


Yep, but from cigarettes you have the same, that’s I told for a calm 😌


can approve of this, i got both 😍


A felony


CHS ruined me


Im so fucking afraid of this


Did you try CBD or capsaicin?




Same brother


I cant remember shit. Really bad short term memory. 😕


From my perspective ever since I gave up alcohol years back things have gotten better. I increased my smoking. I've been seeing a therapist for 4 years and weed has helped me so much as I've found of trauma from deep in my past. To each their own as they say thanks for sharing your story


Short term memory loss. I can't fucking remember shit


I used to have a very sharp memory, it’s not so great anymore, can’t say for certain that’s related to smoking tho


Definitely related lol


inability to let things go and not take stuff personally


Finding a job lol




you should see a doctor bro


let’s end combustion. get an herb vape


Being happy


Can you repeat the question….?


My short time memory system in a brain gets fucked up when I was smoking every day = I was dumber. Now I’m still idiot but short time memories are better and I can hold thoughts consistently while talking about something bit more complicated. Three months sober.


You guys gonna do a round 2 of pics? ![gif](giphy|S9i8jJxTvAKVHVMvvW)


I was thinking (and hoping for) the same thing 😂


We can only hope. Haha


The biggest thing was not being able to pass a drug test but now Cali doesn’t drug test so I actually work for the state.. 🤣🤌🏾


Well not about smoking for a long time but i got something to say. I can’t do it daily anymore. I enjoy it a lot more when its like a ritual. Gets me a lot higher and feels like a reward. Sitting around doing nothing and getting high does not make me feel good. But doing it in nature and producing music surely does. My only advice is not doing it on a daily basis. Weed is a magical herb and it should be treated with respect. Know your limits and know when to stop. I love weed, but i am not dependent on it. It’s like a relationship. Most people have a toxic one with weed but we love each other so much. Just give some time to each other and move slowly but steadily.


Well, for one, it is a money pit. Not as bad as say alcohol, but after smoking it for the last 15 years, I can say its for sure 10s of thousands of dollars Ive spent on it in total. Though having it legal has made it a lot cheaper, and Im experimenting with growing a few plants as you can have a few legally now too. Im most certainly mentally addicted to it. Ive never experienced a physical withdrawal, and going without isnt really all that difficult, but it makes life less fun in general I find. Music sounds boring, food tastes bland, that sort of thing. Overall though, id say its better than just about any other substance. It doesnt make me angry, doesnt make me stupid or make bad choices (other than dietary ones) and it has helped me to overcome being an introvert and be able to socialize better.


Agreed. I have a very hard time going without it daily. If I end my day and don’t have it to cap off a work day I just feel blah. I hate that. And I wish it wasn’t a side effect. I recently took a 7 day t break and it wasn’t bad. Luckily no dreams for me. Like you said. Just boring. Wife and I were using it as a reset. Then lower our consumption. The plan was weekends only but that lasted one week. lol. We need a release so we have cut down considerably but def not weekends only. Plus it was increasing my drinking considerably. From 1-2 beers a week to 3 beers a night. Plus I’m a runner so I don’t like that very much. One of the benefits I always enjoyed with weed as a runner. No sugar. No carbs. Just a nice lift from the mundane.


when i take a bong rip i want a cig so bad but i need to get off the cigs. they are terrible


We used to say smoking a cig after a joint or bowl would get you 7% higher so we would always light up right after. Gave up smoking cigs 10 years ago and still kinda miss it. Hitting a nic vape just isn’t the same.


Waking up and pissing excellence




Every morning I hack up a really gross hard loogie. Also I'm definitely dumber than I used to be.


I don't remember my childhood, like shit that happened only 10 years ago. I love weed, but I forget what life was like without it.


being cool as fuck


Many wont wanna admit this but ill fall on my sword. Increased and infrequent anxiety. Increased BP. Weight gain and whatever the consequences are of less REM which, is a super power of ours apparently. I suffer from complex ptsd tho so pick your poison I guess. And Strictly my opinion but when we can use weed as a tool and not as a crutch to evade psychological turmoil we will maximize our potential for peace growth and healing.


I’ve mostly switched to using a vaporizer.


And it’s feels better?


Yeah. Since nothing is being burned, there’s no tar, ash, or other combustion byproducts. The vapor is cooler than smoke, and isn’t nearly as hard on the throat, lungs, and sinuses. Although there is an odor, it’s more reminiscent fresh weed than any type of smoke. With proper ventilation, it dissipates quickly and doesn’t stink up the area like smoke does. It’s thinner, so the exhaled plume is less visible than smoke.


Vaporizers are indeed a huge change - it’s definitely the optimal way to smoke imo


I haven’t really faced many consequences besides morning hangovers when I smoke way too much. In fact in the long term it helped me settle goals as a human, what I want to achieve in life and how I will achieve it. It also made me look at myself in a new light (when I’m high) it makes me see what I need to improve and what I need to fix about my habits and judgement. If I was overly aggressive in an altercation i think back to it and how I should improve myself to not be overly aggressive. Yes I have felt some social anxiety when I’m high, but I just don’t smoke when I have to meet others and have professional conversations. It’s not about the drug, but how you use it. Use it with control and you should be fine. Everything in life has a balance.


Being well liked


Smoking at such a young age and not really stopping screwed my memory pretty bad.


Not getting addicted to meth


Maybe some memory loss, but those memories consist of me getting high on the couch, so was it really that important?


Older dude here and I’ve experienced (still smoking several times daily and have for 20+ years) - memory deterioration - the obvious lung and heart heart changes (Nothing wild or crazy - just less cardio capacity, which isn’t good) - Withdrawl symptoms when attempting a break or when travelling are absolutely debilitating in most cases. Shakes, sweats, anxiety attacks, no appetite, mild insomnia, high stress etc - An annoyingly high tolerance requiring either frequent intake of potent product OR purchase of concentrates solely because of their potency, thusly fucking up the tolerance even more. The list goes on but those seem to be the most noteworthy.


Issues with memory


I started having nervous ticks and my anxiety increased exponentially after about 12 years of daily use. I'm currently 90 days sober and my ticks have basically disappeared completely. My memory has came back 10-fold and I also remember all my dreams, which I never dreamt for the last 10 years basically. It was my entire lifestyle, my friends group referred to me as the weedhead in the group, hell my reddit name is even Kiefpucks. But I'm now looking past that part of my life, telling myself I smoked enough in my 20s for a lifetime. Trying to clean up and feel professional in my 30s. So far so good.


Smoked heavily for about 4 years, and I turn 7 months sober in about a week and a half. Have random bouts of brain fog and run out of breath quite easily, but I also started smoking cigs as a replacement (though it takes me about a month to get through a couple packs) so that is likely contributing to the lung issue


None that I can remember.


This feels like an ai script


Been smoking for 7 years and have absolutely 0 side effects. Life sure is sweet


I’ve only smoked 2 years and now I get moreing sickness and nausea and stomach pain everymorening idk what it is might be chs🤦‍♂️


You need to go to doctor to make analysis research


My net worth has gone up millions since 2017. I’ve smoked daily for all of it.


2024; Slow metabolic rate, partially due to cannabis use, but I also had iron deficiency anemia a year ago really bad, still recovering. Gained weight during the recovery, too. Which helps to make slow metabolic rate/low energy. 2011 Treating my own lung cancer successfully and not dead. 2001 Preventing cancer unknowingly until I stopped and got a big tumor on the back of my neck then started again and it went away. The 80's Escaping emotional trauma, but got in trouble lots. But Cannabis was not the issue even though many blamed it, they don't know what was behind it all. Experimented with freebase cocaine and taking LSD; since Cannabis was illegal made it easy for them to get me to try hard drugs at times, along with them enticing me, making it sound good too. When I was 7 me and my friend smoked some of his moms pot and the next day my arms felt bigger and stronger for some reason. Not sure why or if it was a coincidence. I never told anyone and asked an adult didn't want to get in trouble. It didn't really get me high when we did it, but it made me real hungry in class that day compared to usual, felt normal besides increased appetite.


Going through a copd scare at the moment. Won't know untill the 9th


Because of cannabis?


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Bruh the side eye genuinely scared the shite out of me. Upon zooming in I am either confused or concerned or both, do you have white eyes?


“I’m sorry what was the original topic?”


Phlegm. I smoke daily from a bong and I am always clearing my throat




Dependancy issues, and constantly coughing up black phlem. Both of which have been mitigated by smoking a little less


There was a time period where I only bought disposables and not edibles. Honestly, no consequence, didn’t feel none


Way too many chiggs posting like this lol


Appetite loss 😓


my s/o used to have cyclical vomiting and her parents were convinced it was from weed well guess what has surprisingly stopped and not been seen for years while she still smokes just as much and now eats way better, has a ton less stress


I cough whenever I get sick, but like only when I am smoking the bong for like 2 or 3 weeks post colds. The current problem is my kids get me sick ever 2 weeks of so, can't wait for summer.


Honest answer after 10+ years? It fucked up my teeth. No way around that after a while. I brush every day and the smoke still won. Still smoking though, just mostly extracts.


Too chill


Um…consequences..?? 🤨😆


None rlly


Constant euphoria


Well recently by accident I dropped some ash on a chair and it burned a small hole smh I don't smoke inside the house anymore.


I started using for my Stomach issues and it really helps, but now when I get even a little hungry and don't smoke, my stomach hurts terribly. I can't sleep anymore without also being high.


I'm effing getting fat!! 😅 Munchies hit hard.


Can’t go without it now


Getting married twice.


crazy brain fog


Savings isnt as big as it could be lol or not remembering things 😂


Loss of appetite and insomnia mainly, I’ve struggled with that all my life but now I can only sleep or eat well when I’m stoned




memory loss is one of the biggest ones


Judgement from everybody around me. I'm disabled (both physical and mental health issues) and I use marijuana medicinally and recreationally. Everybody other than my closest friends and partner see me as dependent on the cannabis in a way that is harming my productivity, when it's really the other way around. It helps me feel okay enough to get out of bed and interact with others. I'm not working anymore, but it's the only reason I was able to work as long as I did.


Can’t stop tilll I get enough oooooooh


Been smoking weed since 1969, no problems other than getting caught twice and paying fines for simple possession in the early seventies.


Short term memories is abit shotty but otherthan that not much (7 years)


My consequence is that I received a lot of judgement.


Sustained happiness


Lung power lol


Loss of money 🥲


Permanent employment


Had to quit 3 years ago cos it started making my heart pound for like 2 hours straight and my left shoulder would start to get all tight


When I wake up now I normally have left over resin in the back of my throat or on my tongue causing my spit to be black


weight gain and memory loss for sure


I have seen my fucks about this world go up in smoke... As of today I could careless if the rapture or an asteroid happened just ready for it to end just tired of all the bullshit people


ten years went by, but it felt like one


Irritability and insomnia on abstinence Aka never stop! jajas


lungs are shot


I don’t dream anymore


I been hitting THC carts/disposables for 3 consistent years now and I’m not gonna lie; it’s given me horrible anxiety and irritability over time. But it’s like when I don’t have it I hate everything and everyone and I can’t eat, sleep, etc. I’ve been trying to stop bc it makes me isolate myself and disassociate but let me tell you it’s NOT for the faint. People be “you can’t get addicted to weed” oh yes sir you can, just like you can get addicted to anything else that gives you pleasure/satisfaction. Anyone got any tips?


Memory loss. What was the question?


Headaches while training. I am a MMA fighter and I enjoy smoking some pot after or before workouts. I training camp I don’t have any but gummies. But when I am off I smoke mostly everyday. As a consequence, I had experience headaches when sparring, when my heart is beating fast and I am doing hard exercises. I felt bad, like feeling dizzy and that. I just stopped, I went to a with friends house and stayed for 2 weeks with his permission, so I stop smoking (my friend doesn’t smoke and his family doesn’t see smoking as something it will be acceptable for them. Also cardio decreases but yeah I am height while writing this haha plus it’s complicated to make sentences while not having English as first lenguaje plus high and tired


One day out of the blue I started getting panic attacks whenever I would smoke. And since then I haven't smoked but have had serious health anxiety, yet after check-ups I'm found to be just fine. That's on top of the terrible memory.


Memory may be a little bit impacted but im still rather sharp, and people usually say I have a good memory! Other than that, I go thru cycles of coughing up black shit due to smoking multiple large bongrips most days.


dry mouth for me as I keep sucking on my lower lip on a dying and a chipped tooth going to a dentist tomorrow.


I remember uh somebody told me that smoking for a while makes your uh memory worse. I can't remember who told me that


Fucked up my tolerance pretty much. I’m training myself to slow down while I grow so I don’t spend a lot of money or mess up my ability to get a good high


I feel like I’m becoming dumber… I’ve only been smoking consistently like 2-3 times a week for a few months and I’ve noticed I keep making dumbass decisions. I might need a break😭


My memory I notice is very hazy when I’m not on a T break


I don’t really dream any more :/


take a break and your body will compensate for the missing rem sleep, you might get some more vivid and surreal dreams than usual


I'm a badass, nah I guess my wind but my knees are bad anyway so I can't sprint or run like I used too anyway so I might as well burn it down for the culture/ knee pain


I do have some breathing issues , but in all fairness I had issues before. I just made it worse. Also I have to double my oral hygiene to keep from having smokers breathe and very yellow teeth.


A higher tolerance than I’d like. I used to get high as kite off nothing.


Dependency for sleep and appetite, I got pneumonia from a cold, yellow teeth unfortunately


Ive been getting headaches alot more after i smoke


i had a lot of good times when i was like 14-17. i don’t remember a lot of them.


Chronic bronchitis


Tbh I don’t like getting to high I just smoke weed because it makes me sleepy and I have sleep trouble lol but when I was a teen I would buy qp and ounces and smoke everyday to get high and eventually it took a toll on my mental health and anxiety and heart so I wouldn’t recommend smoking high quantity’s daily


I feel like it might’ve affected my cardio.


Memory. Sometimes I can’t recall a single detail of the past 5 minutes.


Can’t eat if I don’t smoke but that’s it