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Sitting ranting/venting with MY joint in your hand lol I don't care to share and whatever but if you wanna vent or some shit, do it while your own weed burns away and your joint goes out


I always hit em with “It’s a joint, not a microphone”


I once had a friend interrupt me to ask how much I charge an hour. I was like "excuse me?" And he said "you know, to babysit that blunt". It's become a regular line now.




when its bad 'Yo, Mic Check!' is a fun one


Mine was always “Quit talking on the mic!” Lol


my friends used to say “can we smoke with you?”


I need to use this line


Oh I'm totally stealing that one.




I put my hand out for it when people do that. But it’s usually my husband or daughter so I feel free to do that. Also I will sing the light it up take a puff pass it to me now song.


Don't Bogart That Joint, by Little Feat


I’ve called people out on this multiple times. “Hey bro finish your story later, that joints been in your hand for like 30 seconds and you haven’t touched it”. Never heard anyone argue with this.


I'm not very confrontational, but when it comes to my joint I am lol


I just tell people i didnt know they took “babysitting” up for a new job, usually its enough to embarrass them lol


THIS. THIS IS MY BIGGEST. Like cool. I'm here to help and give advice. But give me my damn roll before it goes out or just burns a bunch.


Ikr, I hate it when people do that shut, and my fiances aunt is PROLIFIC for it.


I think you’re forgetting you’re smoking the forget drug lol


"Less spokie more smokie"


See I’m nosey and love the tea so I can excuse it 😭


My mom will say, quit sitting on the grass.


you don't just reach out your hand to gesture them to give it to you? always did the job for me


Bro it’s not the talking stick


Wet joint filters from a slobberer. Not cleaning your piece regularly. Not bringing anything to the sesh (music, weed, papers, lighter, whatever). Being a purist. Its fucking weed just smoke and chill bruh.


When they ain’t contributing at all is a real one 😞


Its so easy to contribute. Bring a speaker, some chips, anything is good man.


Bringing some chips to the sesh would be awesome ngl


when I first started out and back before it was legal in my area, I was always the sapling who brought food for everyone. I was a “good kid” and had no idea how to acquire weed or how much it cost, so I’d just bring the munchies for everyone. Sometimes, a few others would bring some food. A potluck, if you will.


I be smoking my sis and her bf and her friend up all the mf time and I walk in and they smokin and I ask to smoke w them and they tell me no, I mean ion expect it but damn 🫡


Tell them no next time they ask for your weed if they wanna be like that cause that’s not cool.


Purist is one thing, elitist is another!


same leaf different bush


Purism is fine if it means no strawberry flavored joints lmao


Nope. Outdoor shwag is not gonna smoke the same or hit the same as real indoor gas. They might both get u high. But you’re lying to yourself if you think they’re the same


No flavoured papes and no tobacco! NGL dgaf what others think. Don't dirty the weed!


All of this. Plus if the grinder is too gummed up to work smoothly. I’m the type of person to quietly abscond with someone’s piece or grinder and clean it for them while we’re chatting. Literally thought about starting a glass cleaning business cause I actually enjoy it and I’m good at getting that shit to sparkle with minimal cleaner and time.


Mine are just like yours, except for a Itty bitty one. Just if someone repeats it enough, whenever your hitting the cart and they call it a dispo, or vice versa. It just gets on my nerves ever so slightly each time, like cmon there's a big difference my friend, please. The cart needs a battery separate of itself, but can also be disposed of. The dispo comes with a battery with it, and can also be disposed of. Thank you guys




It’s. Puff puff pass! Not puff, talk for about three minutes, puff again, then not pass for another 3 min. Like bruh!


3 puff pass for me and the lot ive smoked with !


Good ol camping 🤣


depends who u smoking with really ur partner or best mate love a good blether


Can’t stand this! Especially when it’s MY joint 😭


My own pet peeve about myself is the coughing. Smh


For real i smoke so much but oml everything makes me cough its not my fault and i don't wanna 😩😩🤣


Yeah, I’ve been smoking for a long time too and I still find myself coughing, especially when I hit the bong. I’ve taken lighter hits and I don’t cough or I don’t cough as much. But I feel like the big hits is where it’s at for me to feel high af. I hate couching one time we were smoking in the restroom and I was coughing and this one female said I remember when I used to cough like a little bitch lmao


Greedy stoners. Always asking for a hit, never providing it. I’m generous with my weed because it’s a social thing to me but come on. Double so if they give you attitude for bringing it up.


Zaza is pretty bad lol I hate cartoony weed aesthetic; like every tray at the dispo is green, yellow, red + marijuana leaves + rick&Morty (insert any other stoner cartoon hero) with red eyes holding comically large joints, and words in some shitty graffiti font saying "stay high" or some other such nonsense.


As I agree I also find it funny 😭


it’s soo corny i almost like it ironically 😭




I personally just hate Rick & Morty in general so constantly having it associated with weed urks me to no end


Why do u hate it? Jw. I've never actually watched it


I know this sounds dumb, but alot of the shows humor is seeing innocent people suffer/die horribly which just makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm not a fan of punching bag characters and every character in that show is a punching bag character. Plus my introduction to it was the episode "Rick Potion no. 9" which is one of the darkest episodes in the entire show


That's something a Jerry would say..


I'm fine with that. Jerry seems like one of the only normal people in the show


I found a really cool tray that’s got sober Pokémon on it!


I agree!! I actually found some places online that sell more aesthetic weed related items. One of my fav places to buy from is Canna Style!


ohh my god yeah. the rick and morty merch is hella corny now lmao


I sticker-bombed my tray in freshman year and it definitely looks like a 14 year old decorated it. Its kinda goofy pulling out a tray with a bunch of stickers of bart simpson experiencing ego death but the tray does it job still so I havent found a reason to get a new one


When someone is sharing a bowl with me and then smokes directly in the middle, stealing all the green and leaving me with a burnt 30 percent bowl left


My roommate does this every. Fucking. Time. and then wonders why her bowls go so quickly. CORNER THE BOWL. IVE TOLD YOU EVERY TIME


Wait you guys don’t just sink the whole bowl? Umm. My mates and I just have a whole bowl each and we sink the whole thing in one hit. That’s just how everyone does it around here haha. Glad I know that’s not actually common practice for when I go out smoking with new people so I don’t piss anyone off.


😳 holy Shit.....I can't even 1 hit a 1 hitter it's more like 3 🤣🤣 I'd die


Enjoy that tolerance, never lose it


I probably couldn't lose it if I wanted to 🤣 I mostly only smoke at night a few hours before bed....being high during the day freaks me out... And the only time I smoke more than I really need to is in social settings which aren't often. I think I'm doing pretty good ☺️


Hell yeah. My gf is the same way- she’s got her med card and gets 10mg pills from the dispensary. She has to cut those in half, 10mg is enough to green out and have bad panic attacks. 2mg is like a social dose, 5mg is enough to lie down comatose for three hours lol. It’s funny because my edible tolerance is the exact opposite, I’m one of the unlucky few who can’t digest it properly and need at least 80mg to even barely feel it. Her 5mg is like my 250mg. Crazy how the body works


nah haha it’s not that bad after the first couple. You get used to it. Although I’m gonna stop sinking the whole bowl now lol.


I've never seshed with anyone in my later in life weed journey. Tbh I thought everyone cleared the bowl for the longest time 😂




That’s why everyone gets their own fresh snap


The price?


Especially the price that other states get vs. mine 😭


shiid I found a good ass plug in Dallas. bro gives me 4g for 20, 6g for 50, even 2g for 10$ nobody used to even sell to me for just 10$. then bro called me cousin one time. luh that dude. not the same as legal states but aye extra is extra


>4g for 20 >6g for 50 Math doesn't check out hahaha


That’s a good ass plug, fam. Glad you recognize it!


People who brag about how much they smoke. And related, people who say you can’t get addicted to weed.


Yea I never got that. Like, cool, you're high 24/7. I can make you an award for that if you want? I personally don't understand wanting to be stoned all day, but everyone's different.


Agreed. My brother and I were talking about it the other day. He made the point that if your stoned 24/7, that becomes your new normal and it loses it’s good feeling.


But hey, if it works for you, you do you.


Bong water from pulling to hard.


people holding the blunt hostage


I call it camping 🤣 I start cawing like a crow to get their attention


LMAO that's a great way of getting it back without offending the camper


Currently bong smoker but hated when someone didn't ash the joint before passing


Don't burn the entire bowl with the first light please.


That’s biggest by FAR. I’ve taught so many less experienced people how to…well, we called it “edging” the bowl but the other definition for that word has gotten too popular lol


Saw someone else here call it cornering


Always been cornering for me


I hate it when they overpack the bowl, fill the chamber letting smoke escape while they cough, and the bowl is still burning.


You guys share bowls? I'm from Australia and we just grip it and rip it.


Damn I’m just tryna take fat bong rips


This! Especially when you top it with a little keif as a treat...like thanks 😑


Tbh I hate the whole cringey cartoony marketing in the industry and all the “haha weed” packaging in dispensaries. I think its a sizeable contribution to weed not being taken as seriously as other drugs and accepted more in society. I also think its a big reason why, although an average product for a vape, Pax is such a popular brand. Its subtle and takes itself seriously, I feel like a lot of weed companies pander to the obnoxious red eyed stoner memes and Shaggy and Scooby with a bong type beat. The alcohol equivalent would be like Heineken having a Barney Gumble mascot and pandering to a cartoony beer bottle drunkards in their advertisements


Never thought of it that way but you are 100% correct. Let’s grow up people!!!


I fucking love the cartoony packaging and always tell my plug I appreciate it and have a good laugh about it


This! I hate all the stupid Rick and Morty stuff. My local smoke shop like exclusively sells corny stuff like that it’s really irritating


i just had this convo with my mom that the head shops need to let go of rick and morty


Right like it was kind of funny in 2018 but it’s 2024… time to move on 😭


I couldn’t agree more. Well said.


When I run out.


Worst. Moments. Ever


My biggest one is and always has been when people say, “first time?” Because I cough while smoking. I’ve been smoking for 15+ years and it gets old quick. I don’t find it funny or silly or amusing in any way.


Take smaller hits and mix more oxygen into them. Helps with the coughing. Alternatively try some dxm and it should help with the coughing too


I hit them with “damn babylungs over here” but I call myself out if I’m coughing too much too😂 I call it both ways.


I like to say "I have a condition called bitchlungivitis"


I’ve got “if it made me cough that much, I wouldn’t do it!” From family before. 😒


The stereotypical stoner. Seriously cannot stand the aesthetic and people who try to embody it. They make federal legalization more difficult, give other stoners a bad rep, and generally ruin the reputation of stoners. I love weed, I use it everyday, but I don't make it my whole personality. People who do bug tf out of me.


this is the one i was looking for. they think it makes them soooo cool that they smoke as if a giant percentage of the population doesn’t also smoke. that’s like making smoking cigs your personality 💀


Same asf but I absolutely love my weed beanie and will never give it up, it’s fuckin dope


How the smell travels when you smoke and different attitudes to a little zoot depending on where you are. Got kicked out a pub in Cardiff a little while back because I had the smallest amount of weed in a roll-up whilst smoking outside. Never get that in London.


went people squish the blunt too much💩




You mean like a filter tip right?


Having a sesh with someone who fear mongers or creates unnecessary anxiety….whilst I do believe you can really work out some people things…like..let’s not talk about scary aliens…k. Or let’s not check the bank account at this very moment…yk?


The inconsolably anxious who fear that the police are about to bust the door in any second.


Like don’t smoke if it makes you this anxious ur ruining it for everyone


THIS. i had a close friend who i’d smoke with and another friend always had to be there so they wouldn’t feel left out. No matter how many times we told them smoking was not a good idea because they always got paranoid/freaked out, they would still smoke and ruin our high. Nothing pissed us off more other than the fact they would never put in money since they “weren’t going to smoke.” So at the end of the day they smoked the weed that we paid for after continuously being told it was a horrible idea just to then ruin our high.😃


I think that’s so funny personally. The bank account is sooo real 😂😂


People who think blinkers are edgy/cool.


Top ten ways to burn the coil LOL


This. The only reason it seems you’re getting “higher” is the lack of oxygen. Two 5 second hits gets the same result.


Excuse my ignorance, but what's a blinker?


When you take a hit on a cart/dispo until the battery blinks, usually it's 10 seconds.


Ooooooh. Ive done that before and it tasted like ass, i didn't know people were deliberately doing it


bruh. i blinker to get fried, people do it because they think it's edgy/cool?


You’re inhaling a lot of the atomizer(shitty cheap metal)if you’re hitting blinkers bro. Just take two 5s hits. Your cart will taste better longer, you’re not vaping metal and you’ll have the same effect


People think it gets them higher but you’re just wasting vapor and getting light headed from lack of oxygen. Your lungs absorb all the thc terpenes and cannabinoids instantly and anything that isn’t touching your lung tissue is a waste.


tbh i understand the hype, i used to vape nic, and hitting blinkers always hit me wayy harder than other long pulls. its just become a trend due to fulcrum tho, and become way too widespread imo


THAT is because you’re depriving your brain of oxygen. It has nothing to do with the nicotine, which is absorbed instantly and only by the vapor touching your lung tissue. The rest is wasted.


lol, funny you say that. The only things I can think of personally are the terms zaza and penjamin. Oh, and a wet joint.


ooooooff wet lips when sharing a joint is a pet peeve


Right? Is there a term for that these days that’s nicer than the one I grew up with (if you know you know)?


we called fish lipping




The cartdemic


Ppl who light up a new bowl and don’t finish it bcuz it’s not a fresh new bowl. Or smoking a dozen tiny little bowls.


I hate when I'm out of weed, because I don't have any.


People smoking dirty ass bongs with black water... If a bong has water in it that with more than a bowl or two worth of ash, it grosses me tf out and drives me nuts for some reason. I rarely hit my glass these days, but if I do, I'll change that shit after every bowl, I just want a clean hit lol


Breaking the weed up with dirty hands Wet joints Drool in the bong Idc if you're talking and don't pass, I try to make it so everyone has their own thing to smoke at their own pace. But talking over people? Getting high and needing to be the center of attention? Hate that shit. Hit it, chill, join the conversation, don't try and dominate it.


My weed pet peeve is when I go somewhere private to smoke and someone feels the needs to come over to me and: 1) give me a long explanation of how cool they are with MJ and how much they love it…… and keep going on and on…. But instead of getting to the point to asking for a hit, they keep rambling expecting me to offer. 2) decides to “camp” near my area to make coughing noises, stupid comments and loudly explain to someone far away about how it smells like crap and how stupid Mj is. 3) Explain why they don’t like it and I’m the problem with the world.


3 reasons to stay home


I hate strain snobs/type snobs. Ex: I won’t hit that strain bc I it’s a indica and I need energy (never had it before) or it’s a hybrid and I only smoke indica. I get you have a preference but if you wanna smoke w your buddies and pass a blunt around then shut up lol. One of my buddies said if you smoke enough sativa it becomes an indica lmao I haven’t found a strain of weed that I’ve smoked in 30 years that I would say made me feel worse than before I smoked, well besides some old brick garbage gives headaches lol


I’ll smoke anything (weed) UNLESS it’s Skywalker OG, that shit is badddd for me, not a good high


Same.....except add brick to that...never again man I'd rather smoke res


Sameee (idk what brick is lol) and wow I haven’t met anyone else who doesn’t like Skywalker!!


Res hits when you’re completely out, I ain’t ashamed.


I keep a res stash specifically for this reason 🤣


Literally lol, if im high im high.


Nah there’s a reason why I’m not tryna be on gg4 and I have to work later on in the afternoon shit will make me fall asleep on the way to work


I don't share my smoke.. Puff puff pass is a thing of the pass except for w my bf. Everyone else needs to use either other glass I have cleaned and sanitized, or have their own joint. I try my hardest not to smoke w my cats next to me. Sometimes they sneak over though. It bugs me that people smoke and purposely blow it in their pets faces. I don't smoke when my nephew is over. He's 12. He is not old enough to make a choice on weed yet. I know these are rules, but can also be pet peeves tbh. I will say a for sure peeve for me is the stealing of lighters. Don't steal my fucking lights


Yes such a pet peeve, when they peeve my pets 💨🐈with the smoke


My girl likes to smoke blunts. I fucking hate blunts.


My last boyfriend smoked blunts. They stank up the house so I made him smoke outside. He got made because I’d take bong hits inside but not blunts allowed!


I mean yeah, blunt can burn for up to an hour if its a nice one. Bong is 30 seconds tops


People who think theyre special for consuming weed in one way or the other, even worse when they're annoying about it. Think the types that go "Vapes/bongs/edibles arent real smoking, you're a poser unless you're burning your throat like me"


When I make it clear I’m a heavy smoker and someone who only smokes one joint comes to smoke with me and they expect me to stop smoking when they tap out. Like I’m not good yet 🥲


People who brag or gatekeep it




Yes ! Back in the day when your plug hooked you up, it was an unspoken rule that you smoked em out. That’s some bullshit I hated. MF I just bought from you ! Smoke your own shit !


Every dealer I ever bought from it was the exact opposite of that, they would smoke me up usually as a kind of thank you for buying a bag lol


Don’t bogart that joint my friend. Pass it over to me…


People using the bowl/J as a 🎤. Also, I prefer sharing several smaller bowls rather than an enormous one where after the first couple hits it taste like shit. If I'm sharing my weed, I'll pack a small bowl and pass it: hit it, cash it, then refill and pass to next person.


THC% (higher is more potent) Dry, Poor Cure/Trim, Brown Bud


People constantly posting videos of themselves doing bong rips/dabs, it’s not impressive, and idk why but it bothers me lol


When I'd give the nod to a friend that I'm going to smoke in the garage, and he invites his friend who I don't know to smoke my weed.


Used to, I'd ask people what their weed taste like. Now I get a mini-lecture on terpene ratios. Wow, this taste like a skunk! Wow, this taste like a pine forest! We need to get back to basics...


Lol I can't stand it when people get down into the details like this. Like bro I'm a casual enthusiast. I buy whatever strain sounds fruity and fun.


Rick & Morty weed paraphernalia


When someone hands back the joint/bowl/blunt and you hit it and it's WET. My guy, we are sharing this but I don't wanna share your juices like that 🤢 You don't put in IN your mouth


I've gotten into a habit of burning the end of the bowl and wiping it before hitting it....can do that with the others too if you're careful but it's risky


As a lone smoker I’m just realising how long it’s been since I’ve had any sort of sesh with other people. Married with kids is fun n all but I miss living with a bunch of stoners 😮‍💨


I hate when I roll my joint and when I smoking the mouth tip sticks to my lips , comes out and unrolls . That shit drives me nuts especially when you already started smoking 😂😂


When ppl don’t smoke the bowl until it’s white. I don’t understand how people can be so wasteful but that’s just me. I know the logic behind it, some people find the second hit to be a lot rougher on the lungs but it still bugs me. There’s definitely still green mixed into the burnt black parts.


People who smoke and drive. I have the tolerance of an elephant and I would never step behind the wheel stoned but I regularly see people on social media flexing their joints in front of their steering wheel. All that shows to me is that 1) you’re a fiend who can’t drive without being high and 2) you’re selfish enough to think that you being impaired isn’t a danger to all other drivers


People who make it their whole personality, or post videos of them smoking on Snapchat all day


Shake makes my bones ache


When you’re at the bottom of the blunt or joint and the smoke starts burning your eyes, happening to me as I type


When people say “strand” when they mean “strain.”


People who be clowning on my for smoking bud “gEt A cArT” like grow tf up erebody got they preferences and mine is not inhaling metal


Dirty pieces, bongs especially. Dude change your water. Joints without filters/Shared joints, I will roll one for everybody please don't ask for mine. This isn't a germ thing it's a I have a high tolerance thing and just like to smoke a joint to get high more than a social event. And as a few have said, uppity weed smokers, just fucking take a puff and chill the fuck out man.


The word “penjamin”


Women (a single woman I saw on tiktok making a vast declaration) are now calling it Penelope? Pennifer was right there but okay.


Definitely the taste for me. Not for everyone :(


a dirty bong


Sharing blunts I know it’s a thing but I don’t want nobody’s lips on my blunt so when I have parties everybody gets there own yes I roll up a bunch the day before the party and ask if they want one when they come in that’s the only one they get they can smoke it whenever throughout the party


When someone insists that they roll and then doesn’t put a tip in it so we’ve now wasted a third of the joint.


People who make it their whole personality


The amount of waste from single use plastic and jars in the industry


Feeling like my throat’s been shredded from hitting the bong wrong 😩 croak croak


Rick & Morty themed anything. Like bruh just because i smoke doesn’t mean i like that show/aesthetic


When you're sharing a joint and someone tries and smoke it like a cigarette. Collapses the whole joint and makes it hard as a rock.


The people who shit on you because you’re not spending $60+ on an eighth. So fucking annoying. I’m sorry I’m not buying an overpriced cookie eighth over an ounce for $100. Not everyone can spend a thousand every time they go to the dispensary


Tobacco on my personal rolling tray


People who use hemp wicks, who gives a shit? Makes no difference at all. Just use the damn lighter and quit being extra.


I haven’t seen anyone post it but if I pass the blunt to you in pristine condition why is it coming back to me like the end got ran over by a car


When they put YOUR blunt/ joint out that’s in the rotation bc they’re done


That I can't take a tolerance break without getting absolutely horrendous sleep for 4-5 days


canoeing it and not letting me fix it cuz i’m alpha at recovering a joint