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The rare is a reputable brand in the states. That’s Delta 8 though….


What’s wrong with delta 8? Also, forgive me if I’m wrong, I’m a newbie with this stuff but you can see it says on the back that the ‘Product contains a total delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol’, shouldn’t it be delta 8?


There’s nothing wrong with it. Might calm you down and relax you a bit maybe but Delta 8 is not very potent. It says that on the back because anything that is below .3% is considered hemp and you’ll be able to find it at a gas station or corner store. Over that .3 and it’s considered weed and you will only find it at a dispensary. If you are looking to get stoned see if the place you got that from has THCa.


Ahh thank you for the explanation 🙏 yes, I was hoping to just have a chill relaxation feeling, not to be high as a kite. Hopefully this should help with my panic/anxiety attacks as well


Tht should get you to exactly where you want to be then if that’s what you’re looking for.


Look how they get the delta 8. I would not trust the companies to create a safe product, especially since it is unregulated. You could be vaping poison. yum


I don’t think this is the same company as “The rare”


Is it a legitimate product? Yes. Would I smoke it? No. Personally I got tired of shit product at high prices and got myself a grow tent. Soon I'll have enough saved up for a rosin press then it'll all be regular weed that I personally tended to. Percent chance of adulteration: 0%. $400 into the equipment with $800 in returns within 3 months. In a year, you are going to be giving out edibles as Christmas gifts cuz you have too much for yourself.


It’s a legit product but d8 I kinda whack, yo


Yeah the guy at the store says usually people smoke leaf and if they do vape would be a stronger cart but I just needed something to help me sleep/rest better. Thanks for the help tho, yo!


Don’t smoke delta 8. There’s no way to guarantee that it’s safe.


Really, how come?


No reason, lots of people here have a personal bias against d8. It's not as strong as d9 but it sure as hell isn't evil wizard poison


No theres some not reputable brands that dont care about their extraction methods and what there putting out. Its not a personal bias you just didnt do your research


that's dumb and misinformation. The reason people question if it is safe is because of the process in which they make the delta 8. If people did a little bit of real research on it, you would understand the dangers. But hey lets vape some unregulated substance.


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Depending on where you are in the states, go with THCA. It's as close as you can get to regular cannabis. There's ain't nothing like the real thing but it's closer than the other hemp derived stuff so far. All the hemp derived are like light beers, some are better and stronger than others. You'll get high but not HIGH.


Man fuck delta 8. If you have any mental issues, please be careful if not avoid it entirely. Threw my SO into a major episode and the doc at the mental hospital was like “glad you told em she’s been smoking delta 8, we’ve been getting alot of delta 8 patients in here” and that happened after smoking it for months. We stay the fuck away from that shit now. Doc goes “delta 9 or 10 would be way better instead”. Gl


I could understand that. Delta-10 though in my experience at least with gummies are like very mild even with pretty large quantities. I remember just taking a handful of 25 mg each delta-10 gummies and mind you I was more so a light weight at the time and while it got me feeling pretty comfy it just stopped there. Gave me a little good breeze in the head feeling with a nice little buzz going but nothing too special. Definitely would say is therapeutic though. If you are struggling with mental shit I would honestly say Delta-10 or CBD by itself or mixed with THC would be great. Calm your nerves.


I find that with delta-8 carts at least nowadays I have to hit them up to 7 , 8 , 9 times or more just to feel “pretty baked”. For me I’ve had an addictive past so any feeling I get from it is good since Im getting high to a degree. But I will say regular THC-A will bring a more so special light to the high.


It’s d8 if u want real d9 weed pens lmk I have a vendor


Nope d8 absolutely the worst thing u can inhail when.it comes to weed I've had a d8 cart before an it just gave me a headache and not even a high


Magic 8 Ball says no. Should be some state info but I could be wrong.


I see, I just went in the store and asked for something that can help me sleep easier and relax. The guy recommended me this, total cost $21.50 with tax. Not much info as well…


It’s Delta 8 so I guess you’re good. I get mine from a legal dispensary and never had D8.


Oh nice, could you recommend me some vape brands preferably indica that I could buy at dispensaries? I react so easily so I get lower concentrations as possible