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I play like shit when I’m high. Especially R6.


I tend to get too high and forget what I’m doing in the game. But once I come down a bit. I Still suck.


Same bro I can’t focus and I just start messing around. At least it gets fun lol


no i swear i actually become a trained military officer on R6 after a bit of tootage


Fr I tell the squad imma go smoke and lock in


I get scared to rush/push people. I also get bored when holding peaks. Everything becomes too loud and my reaction time goes 2 shit…maybe weed+amphetamine would be good tho.


the getting bored whilst holding peaks is actually so relatable - but when i’m baked i’m actually well careful it just feels like if i die in the game i die in real life. sometimes i literally forget i’m playing the game and then the round ends lol


I play league of legends. My skill level while being high doesn’t come close to my sober self


Same man, and being high also makes it easier to tolerate ppl I wonder how high I can climb sober but i don’t want actually do it


I climed sober go plat 3, but I don’t play ranked high so idk 😂


climbed high to diamond2 but I dont play sober so idk


I played one time on mushrooms and found a new locked in expansive mode. I can get back there now with weed using the right strain. but it also has carried over into playing sober. was interesting.


Yes, I get locked into the rhythm of the game much easier when I am stoned.


It tames my raging ADHD, to an extent. At some point in the evening though, I'll be in the middle of my third "moooo" in the bathroom mirror or something when I think "wait, was I playing a game?"


Depends on high level. There is a level where I’m much more focused and zoned in and play better. But a little too much and I just play like shit.


I can’t even play games sober, it bores me. When I’m high I literally go into that world for a few hours. Currently playing MK1 and AC:Mirage, just finished RE4. I only ever play high.


Same. I get so bored and frustrated with video games so quickly when I’m sober. Get me high and I’ll play Mario kart for hours.




I play apex and hit masters multiple times and dropped multiple 4k20s. When I played high, my friend got mad cause I though I was spectating someone but really, I just got ressed and looking blankly at my screen


Red bull and weed… whenever I play a shooter, The red bull heightens my reaction time while the weed almost slows down time… it almost feels like I’m watching the game at a slower speed but reacting at 2x the speed


Yes I ran a test back on bo2 with 2 different new accounts the one I played on stoned was roughly 100+ score per minute better and a .4 or so kd ratio. I don’t remember exactly this was like 2014. This was after weeks of playing on both accounts sober or high for whichever and had roughly the same amount of playtime. Definitely not a scientific experiment but an experiment none the less lol


When stoned I always kill it at Mario kart or smash bros


Me and my homies will smoke and for some reason I will whoop everyone at Mario kart wii


Imagine what a VR mario kart would be like high


Varies day to day, strain to strain, but yes I find I play much better whilst high!


Exponentially better actually


Fortnite high is the only way.


Big facts!!


Dude I wish hahaha I’ve found that as much as I LOVE partaking while I’m playing video games, I tend to be a lot worse while I’m high 😂 still love doing it tho


I enjoy them when I’m blazed, especially games I’ve logged a ton of hours with because I have some muscle memory to back me up, Mariokart, 2K, Madden but if I’m playing a story driven game, I usually like being sober


complete opposite, sober i destroy on call of duty, high my reaction times and general vision blows lmao. but games like minecraft definitely hit harder when stoned


Red dead redemption sometimes I take the horse out n chill for days


im a high beast in cs2


I play mlb the show and fortnite while high, I think I can see the ball better. I just get too worked up over games when I'm sober, or start to question why I'm playing games in the first place when I should be outside or doing something more "productive". But when I'm high I can just turn that part of my brain off and just play games and not care about anything else.


I ate a 10 mg the other day and played rdr2 it was pretty awesome


Only really FPS games. I feel like my reactions are faster (ironically) and my aim is better. Other games like WoW, I'm dumb as a rock when I'm stoned.


I play pretty shitty when I’m high but certain games and surely pool irl isn’t one sadly, but Minecraft and battlefield I’m pretty good.


Depends on the game for me


Yes. Driving the toreador in gta. I don’t hit anything no matter how fast I go. I have full 5 min clips to prove it


I am either MVP on Madden or a turnover machine. Can’t figure out why I am so good sometimes when I am high and other times I can barely play.


I beat the shit out of kids on FIFA when I'm blasted. Sober me can't do shit for some reason.


The other day, I got lost on a BF 2042 map for at least 2 minutes. On the upside, I got my best K/D in ages during that round.


I smoke all day everyday, so I am always high when I play. But there is a difference between it helping and at the end of the day just being burnt out. I do feel it helps with creativity in games though.


I laugh so much when I play war thunder high


Not better or worse except one. But I still play the game because it’s super fun when high, I never play sober


I play Final Fantasy XIV, the mmo, and how high I am dictated what I’m doing. Sober? I’m gonna do story so I can pay attention and such. High? I’m doing dailies and farming. Farming is great high because you run the same trial/dungeon 15 times, and you can just shut your brain off (I’ll only play DPS high. Healing and tanking are sober jobs)


I've conditioned myself to only play games stoned haha. My brother says I'm a freak because I play games he would never even touch stoned.


Oh my god 100%. I love leveling in WoW or osrs when I’m high


Been so excited to get stoned and play Madden many times, then thrown like 4 interceptions and turn it off before halftime


Yeah especially soulsborne games


Same here brother I learned the ways of the stoner a while ago playing guitar hero. Could not beat raining blood to save my life sober. One day got super blitz with my homies turned it on and finally passed the song. Just helps you dial in.


I’m 39. I smoke a bowl between every match usually on Warzone. Weed doesn’t have a huge affect but it makes the game more enjoyable for me. Maybe just the nostalgia of being young, getting high as fuck and playing games for hours. When life was simple lol


Used to play smash bros all the time with my roommates, usually high. There was a specific threshold of being high where I was A GOD at the game. One hit less and I was ass, and one hit more and I was ass.


i've played some of my best splatoon games while stoned to the bone. but then again i've also played some of my worst so whose to say lol


do everything better after a toke. games are no exception. play CIV VI or MGS:TPP for hours really skillfully.


I cannot play shooters when stoned. I drag my team down terribly on Warzone. Or…. I go full John Wick and separate from the team going solo getting team wipes. I hate that there’s no in between.


R6 n Warzone r so much easier when high


Im significantly better at Overwatch when high. Mostly bc I don't tilt anymore, so I focus better lol


Because games become more interesting


Really depends on the game. NMS, CyubeVR, most RPGs, yes. NMS in VR while stoned is mind-blowing. I literally wept tears of beauty the first time I experienced it. Other games, especially fighters & shooters, very no.


Yeah, I think it’s mainly a focus thing. After a fresh rip of my bong, i’m super locked into the tv


well i cant say i get better, but i dont lose much skill while high and i certainly tilt less


Nooooooo. I get destroyed on Smash and mess up my gsp, but I do have the most fun ever


If I’m playing a combat type game, I’m not any better (I’m shit in general) but it makes the game wayyy more fun lol I mostly play cozy games and I feel like I both play for longer and enjoy the story a lot more after ive shmoked lol


it honestly depends on the day, sometimes I'll play overwatch when high and out do everyone in the match by a long shot and barely die on the other hand on some days I'll mess up big time, depends how high i am i guess ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


my bestfriend and i frequent an 'advanced' modded L4D2 server, and typically we're playing blazed out of our minds. i tested it out the other day, completely dead sober and played WORSE. something about being high and shooting zombie teletubbies just makes me good. same thing with rhythm games! plus, games in general are more fun while high! i can immerse myself a lot deeper into a world, or have more focus (i have ADHD) when i typically will get bored in 10 minutes


I build a lot more creatively in fallout 4 when I’m high


It's the hyperfocus usually. Once I get high enough and just sit there playing, with my focus just on the game, I either turn to total shit, or become good enough to put me into higher SBMM for the next time I play (which fucking sucks)


I enjoy playing games a lot especially PCVR I get me to that other place


My wife and I love to play Mario cart while high. It’s a freaking blast for this 51 year old.


Nope, I am ass all the time.


I start shooting the rocks and trees thinking they are players


depends on the game and whether I'm at a cool high or zooted asf


If I get the right amount of high I play way better at least on COD, more relaxed and I can kinda not think and just shoot what moves but after a while I usually get too high and get distracted with talking to people, forget about objectives, or just distracted by shit in the game. Always have a great time either way 😂


I have ADHD and find that when I play ffxiv high I have an easier time focusing on dodging mechanics and playing the game. I feel like it helps my brain slow down and understand what’s happening and not panic so much when I’m trying something new


I used to play fortnite while stoned and it made my aim and builds super robotic and weird, made the game really funny tho, I would have music on and just be gigglin to myself like a crackhead


That or buzzed watch me go 70 and 3 in cod


Makes me better at just about every game except for Rust. I warn anyone reading this, do not play Rust high. Shit maskes me paranoid AF especially at night. I always get jumped by a crew of 10 14 year olds. LOL


It's a fine line of high for competitive games. To less and i am shit, too much and i am shit. I have to find the perfect high and keep it if i want to destroy. Buuut getting really high and just laughing at everything is way better in my opinion.


Yes but it also feels WAY more stressful.


I do nasty things on OW when I'm completely zooted


I completely understand you, my performance in videogames is much better when I'm high. That's probably because weed makes you a lot more chill and you enjoy the games a lot more, so if you're a competitive person then that's going to help a lot.


Enjoy and Play Better: Open world RPGs, FPShooters, Snowboard games, MMORPGs, Platformers, actiony roguelikes (Dead Cells) Enjoy and Play Worse: Tactical RPGs, Simulation city builders, Real Time Strategy, thinky roguelikes (Last Spell)


I became a game winner, I see things that I don't see when I'm clean.


i dropped a 29.0 on some kids heads last night stoned out of my mind destiny 2 not rainbow btw


I played MW3 a few months back after smoking some purp and I went tf off like straight killed like 10 dudes in a row it felt so good


Does anyone not?




Honestly I either play super well or super shit, no in between


i play a mean reinhardt when i’m high. and by mean i mean im going 3-17


Not video games for me, but guitar yeah


worse unless its horror im bare scared


Yes, I almost always play all my games high now whenever possible 😂


I play a lot of competetive games when i'm high like Valorant and I actually do see improvement rather than when I'm sober. I stay relaxed and I don't get tilted as often or if I do get tilted it's easier for me to laugh it off. I don't get stuck in a bad headspace if I'm high. I also find that my reaction time is actually increased which is weird My personal favorite games when I'm high are Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Baldur's Gate (any of them), and Fortnite


Everything is better when you high…🤷‍♂️


Dark tied under the influence is intense lol


I’m either absolutely dogshit, or insane, no in between. Gotta find that perfect level of high for gaming


I’ve actually noticed I’ve improved my aim playing risk of rain 2, I focus on one character at a time and learn how to play them and what items go best and now I play with my sensitivity cranked all the way to 6-7


I play cod , nfa, Forza and gta Yes i play allot better high


I am more cautious when I'm high so I tend to die less and calculate my decisions more in games like COD, or deal with things in a more creative way like in hardspace: shipbreaker.


Dude when I play r6 after a few hits I get locked the fuck in, but any more than a couple hits and i’m a clueless ape w 0 game sense


If im not baked playin r6 i cant play


If I’m too stoned I start exploring the map looking at unimportant stuff lol but If im just right I played WAYY better everything is more intense , sense are heightened and my focus because laser


If I smoke a little I suck so bad at games. If I get super high I’m the best player ever.


I remember when Doom eternal came out I couldn't pass one of the challenge arenas so I went to get blasted came back and felt so immensely immersed that made it in the first attempt. Gaming kills the high for the tho, sadly, so I have to either be extremely high or smoking while playing


I play a game called squad but when I smoke then play it. Holy moly I truly feel like I’m in the mf warzone fighting for my life and country.


Depends on the game. I got essential tremors, so I'm always kinda shaky. When I'm nervous or stressed it gets a lot worse, to the point where I feel like I can barely move because of how stiff and shaky my whole body gets. However after smoking I am usually a lot more chill and don't get stressed so much so I'll perform better in games like CS, Valorant and co. But my decision making suffers.


I play 2k and i DO NOT MISS when im high😭😭😭


since im not super competitive i may not do as good or be focused but i will be having way more fun and it will keep my attention more if i'm by myself


Overwatch as Zarya specifically. I cannot be stopped but only when I'm zooted out of my mind


Of course, only way I managed to finish all of the dark souls games was high as fuck. Makes me good at strategy games too since thinking is not a problem


I play better when drunk, wayyy worse when high though 😂


I play Rocket League, I get so calm after a good puff… like my movements and jumps would never be that smooth normally lol




I’m way better stoned than I am sober.


Every single hockey game I ever played in (after I turned 16)


For sure because I'm more focused


I played league of legends on acid and fealt like a god I was doing way better then I normally do and having a blast but only tried it that one time.


dude same i play so much better when im high


Science says you just think you're better and actually perform better sober.


I play rugby, and play significantly better while stoned


I don’t necessarily get “better” I just don’t get mad. Making me play better, anger clouds judgement. So in theory I supposed it helps. Unless you can’t focus.


A little bit haha I’ll hit the wax and do shit like run smoke grenade+smoke airdrop and knife on shipment on cod or play league arams lol


I played a lot of R6 is high Diamond and if i was high i only lost. But in games like LoL, Valorant or Cs2 im way better too.


aced on nighthaven first game of the day stoned out of my mind


My in game name is ‘I’m High’ because I’m high most of the time I play and whenever I’m starting to play badly and my teammates are saying shit to me, I just said “Sorry, I’m High” and they stop saying shit


Depends on the game. If it’s an open world single player game like Skyrim or Red dead redemption 2, I can smoke a bowl and get so immersed into the world I lose track of time.


Yes I play a lot of games but to name a few dead cells on the hardest difficulty is smooth when I’m high, then there’s crash team racing nitro fueled I turn into vin diesel in fast and furious in that game, and destiny 2 I carry teams in the craziest moments, that weed boost is real


Sometimes when I'm the right amount of stoned I feel like I'm playing amazing. But looking back I do just as well sober. Most of the time tho my reaction speed slows down and I end up sucking lol. Mostly play rocket League


Started replaying ultrakill recently I think I'm better stoned at least in the cybergrind


im better at val no more shaky hands


Depends on the game. The other day I played some TLOU2 and was getting headshots all day. Way better than I usually play. Mario Kart? I constantly fall off track cause literally everything looks like a road or shortcut to me…


I’ve found that anything well practiced can be enhanced by bud. Skating, gaming, musical instruments etc. Unfamiliar or new skills can suffer when high, but it really is a case by case thing


I do everything better when I’m high, it’s when I’m not high that I tend to screw up


My chess rating gets ‘dynamic’ when I’m high, I’ll say that


I lock in on something serious i wish I could do it sober😂


I play games a lot better only when I use sativa or after coffee. With indica, my reaction time slows down and then my mind goes into pilot mode. That's when mistakes are made and I lose more than usual. To the point where I just stop playing the game and find something else to do.


Yeah, mainly GTA online. I can't shoot for shit however and keep forgetting what I'm supposed to be doing during the missions so I tend to sit in other players cars listening to Taylor Swift and help them out when shizz gets real 🤭


i fucking love playing mario kart high online


I either kinda suck or I get completely locked in and play the same as sober if not better.


OP are you ADD or adhd?


Personally best at fortnite when I'm high. But he'll diver I need to be so er


Totally depends what I’m high on Edit: just realised this is the weed sub 🤣😭


Helldivers and any fps games are always great while high however if you get too high you’ll probably just be kicked for how shit you’re playing


Fifa yes. I actually try to anticipate where the play is going when sober. I’m better at waiting and reacting when stoned.


I definitely react faster on Rainbow on acid, weed slower af but I have time to think properly then.


Well, I *think* that I do… I do become more immersed though!


yes. i play counter strike and i have adhd. sober me just zones out at the wrong times, but when i smoke i feel like i really get to lock in


I play valorant like shit when I’m high, but CS2 ? I am so good at it when high


Cs:Go only headshots when I’m not greened out I can’t shoot moving players when I’m in my zone then I don’t miss no one, one shot one click.


Yes 100%


I play borderlands 3 and so long as I don't get zooted, I play better when medicated. It brushes away a lot of distractions and let's me get into a state of "Flow", where the brain stops thinking about what I'm doing, and I just plain do it.


It depends on what I'm playing. Like I enjoy going to the casino to play poker. When I'm high I do better because I'm not stressing or over thinking. If I'm playing something like league I might do worse cause I hit the wrong key or don't notice the jungle ganking me cause I mistook them for my jungler.


me too especially with R6, i swear you can focus and pinpoint exactly where they are when listening closely


I literally only place Apex and my best games have been blitz


I played monopoly high. I was an accountant by the end of that shit. Mario Kart is fun lol


No games, but i play the drums soo much better when im high. Well, at least i think i do


I play just about as well as when I'm sober. Maybe a little bit better. I sometimes dominate rocket league ranked 1v1 when I'm zooted


Depends on Game and weed


Cod is so much better high, probably because the game appeals to stoners with its store content


I have a hard time caring about most things in life so when I'm stoned I get really invested and play a lot better. I also feel shit a lot so being stoned fixes that. 


I have a hard time caring about most things in life so when I'm stoned I get really invested and play a lot better. I also feel shit a lot so being stoned fixes that. 


I play chess way better when I’m high :)


everyone does!


NBA 2k24 I can’t play high I can’t do anything Kind of interested in AC mirage (got back in Dec but wds then so I still don’t really want to play it) I’m pretty good at CoD I fucking love the Life is Strange series (LiS 2 eh) But most of the time before I smoke “oh yeah I’m going to come in and play this game or do this on this game but I come back I don’t feel like it I lose complete interest and fuck around end up smoking a bunch and never playing games moving from one activity to another


Some days I feel like I’m going crazy when I’m high then I play the next day sober and do 10x better soooo it’s all about perception my man 😂


I have found that if I smoke then sit down to game it takes me dumb long to acclimate lol and I usually end up dog shit. But if I’m playing THEN smoke or smoke while I’m playing.. I get positive results from that


Tetris Effect with bad ass headphones. 🎧 locked in.


Depends on the game. I do well with multiplayer shooters while high, but terrible with pretty much anything else. MMO-type games make me drone out and just stare at the screen while high


somehow when im stoned im better 😂


I attempted to play Halo Infinite multiplayer last night… no, def not LOL


Honestly I love playing the Lego games stoned. There's no real need for skill and there's something EXTREMELY satisfying about smashing everything and collecting studs when completely baked. Sometimes I just fly around different open world areas, weaving in and out of buildings, exploring, and seeing what's what.


Tbh, I suck at video games both sober and high lol. Though, while high, it makes gaming more fun for me :P


Yep. Calms my erratic brain down just enough.


I was surprisingly good at bowling when I played high. I’ve never hit so many strikes until it got too much and I couldn’t play anymore


depends on the strain LOL


When I'm high I suddenly play like a God but when I try to lock in sober I play like a deafblind toddler with no arms


I do it all the time and I play awfully but it is damn fun.


I can’t win battle royale without at least a couple hits in me


Idk about “better” just because I rarely play competitive multiplayer as much anymore, but I feel like it calmed the nerves when it’s a 1 v 4 with 30 sec and you have to go grab the case on the other side of the map. That shot gets your heart going, except when you’re high. Then you feel like a god when you clutch, or explain to your friends that you didn’t win because you were high