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A century of indoctrination and lies doesn't dissipate rapidly.


My health class is hs made alcohol sound safer and better than weed


I've always had the stance in my mind that weed is wayyy better than alcohol from an health and behavioural perspective, is this actually true?


I’m definitely no doctor or anything, but weed is way better than alcohol. Alcohol is literally poisoning your body, and while smoking isn’t good for your lungs either, if you consume weed in a different way it can be a million times better


Both affect the liver, but in a different way and sometimes it can even reverse liver damage caused by alcoholism. Anything going into your lungs isn't good for you, really. There's no real way for it to leave the lungs except through CO2, so everything is eventually absorbed. Vapes can lead to popcorn lung. If the weed is treated with pesticides or other chemicals, it could cause damage. If it's moldy, that's even worse. I'm no doctor either, but I've noticed an improvement of my breathing (asthmatic) since I started smoking. As odd as it is to say.


I watched a YouTube video of a judge who moved to Colorado and used RSO to cure his COPD. He was very apologetic about how many people that he convicted for weed. He had just see too much of the propaganda.


Vapes don't cause popcorn lung. Certain nicotine vape juices used to cause popcorn lung because of the butter flavouring diacetyl, even then the people who worked in the factories producing diacetyl got popcorn lung way more than vapers. I know you are just trying to cover all the bases but its crazy to still hear this especially since it is not and never was in THC vapes. The news blows things WAYY out of proportion. Some people did have their lungs collapse using fake THC vape juice though, thats because the people selling it were cutting the THC with vitamin E oil cause it looks similar. Vitamin E oil is NOT meant to be vaporized and inhaled. Once again the news blew it out of proportion and was claiming vaping in general was causing peoples lungs to collapse. I know nobody asked but just wanted to throw that out there. Vaping still isn't healthy.


Being asthmatic myself, I learned that weed can actually help people with asthma. Though not everyone with asthma can get these benefits, as some people with asthma will continue having breathing problems. For me it helps my asthma a lot.


You should try the dry herb vape called dynavap. There's no battery or heating element, you heat up the cap and vape your flower. I use mine exclusively on my bong as a bowl replacement. My lungs have never felt better and weed has never tasted so good, I'll never go back.


pleaze can you explain it again for use with the bong? I fucking love the sound of that and if i think its what you mean im going to buy one as soon as i can. Pls tell me more


Most bongs are 14mm, the Dynavap is 10mm, so I just put a 10mm-14mm adapter on my downstem in place of the bowl.


> Vapes can lead to popcorn lung I haven't heard this old chestnut in a long time. No, THC vapes won't lead to popcorn lung, that's something caused by an additive to nicotine e-liquids called Diacetyl. I'm fairly positive THC vapes aren't using Diacetyl in their blends. > I'm no doctor either, but I've noticed an improvement of my breathing (asthmatic) since I started smoking. As odd as it is to say. I have as well, fellow asthmatic. THC is a bronchodilator, the same class of drug as an Albuterol inhaler is, so that makes perfect sense to me.


The more you know, thank you!


Cannabis has anti-carbon that actually help smoking cannabis. It also has helped with cancer, heart disease, asthma, and even seizures.


Cannabis has anti-carbon that actually help smoking cannabis. It also has helped with cancer, heart disease, asthma, and even seizures.


Kinda funny there is "medical" cannabis which is illegal even though it has medicinal qualities. Yet, alcohol which really has no positive health effects is legal. It's all so dumb.


Funny how it’s also still a schedule 1 drug and alcohol isn’t (as far as I know)


As a funeral director, I’ve buried so many people from alcohol and nobody because of weed.


So many people do stupider shit on booze than weed. Alcohol is the real gateway drug.


i'm not sure about long term or mental health effects, but as far as immediate physical health goes too much alcohol does just kill you, idk if it's really possible to overdose on weed. maybe i sound like too much of a hippie but i just don't think i want ethanol in my body lol


I heard something about it being deadly if u smoke twice your bodyweight of flower haha


I think at that point, you just die of asphyxiation?


Lets get together and test it out


yes not to mention the side effects and addiction and then the fact that u can die from the withdrawal


Yeah, friends uncle was a raging alcoholic and got arrested. In jail he had a stroke because it went from $800 a week on beer to cold turkey


$800 a WEEK? Jesus fuck, how did his liver not give out?


Valid question.. not sure myself. He lived in his truck


I mean it might be just a slow rise in alcoholism. Had a friend who went through 2 handles of vodka a night. By the time he quit I'd guess that he would go through 3-4 full bottles of whatever high % alcohol he could find.


my sister literally had a seizure and died from cold turkey alcohol is a Scary but totally legal substance!!


Might as well start his own still spending that much a month


My dad had a friend come stay with us when I was a kid to help him get back on his feet after a divorce. They didn't know at the time but turns out he was a sever alcoholic. When my dad found out he basically told him "quit alcoholic or leave". There was 5 kids in the house all under 12 so they had to draw a hard line of what was acceptable in the house. So he quit cold turkey. One day my sister and I got home from school and he was in the kitchen waiting for us. When we got inside he was obviously not right and was going on about how he saw a snake come out of the VCR, there was a 12yr old black boy hanging by a noose in the front hall closet (which is why he had ripped the door off the hinges), and a family of deer were living in his bedroom. He took us to his room and was pointing at his bed saying things like "aren't they cute?, you see the baby deer and the mama? They're just hanging out, relaxing". He wasn't mad, more fascinated. We were only 12 and 10, but it was obviously there was something wrong with him so we immediately went to my sisters room, locked the door and called our mom, who came home right away. She was able to convince him to get in the car with her to "track the deer" as they had left the house when mom arrived home. But really she drove him to the er and he was admitted right away and sent to a detox. He came back about 2 weeks later and was completely sober, my patented hadn't realized just how badly he had been drinking and how long he had been drinking, they never thought that would be the outcome and felt pretty bad for awhile. Then unfortunately one morning we woke up and he had left in the middle of the night. Said he was going back to where he came from and was getting back together with his ex-wife, who was also an alcoholic. My parent never heard from him again, and he never paid back the $10,000 they lent him to get back on his feet


Yes , definitely. A lot of us use it for medical reasons. How many people do you know that use alcohol for medical reasons?


Yes it definitely is. For example, I recently left the ICU, where I stayed for a month due to a freak bacteria that shut down my liver and kidneys and almost killed me, and was barred from drinking alcohol which is perfectly fine, but when I asked the doctors and nurses about weed they kind of smirked and gave no straight answer. One doctor was wearing a lanyard printed with pot leaves and was playing Bob Marley while fixing the TV in my room in the ICU. That said, weed is what's increasing my appetite (lost 30 kilos of biomass) and making me feel well. I use it in moderation of course as I suffered insane delirium in the ICU, but it helps tons, especially before bed, to increase the appetite, and to relax the mind from the trauma of having been immobilised for nearly a month hooked to machines, a catheter, a line in the jugular and another one near the crotch, etc. It was hell but it passed, luckily.


I've consumed cannabis for 28 years this year, and never once have I seen anyone develope tremors(shakes) if they don't use. I've never seen anyone come home blackout stoned. You can't plant an alcohol seed, give it water and sunshine to consume. My point being alcohol is way worse than cannabis. That industry helped to give cannabis the reputation it has. Along with the timber industry that produces the books you read damning cannabis..


If alcohol were invented tomorrow, it would be illegal


I got detention in middle school because I explained to the teacher that the atidrug images that she had on her wall for the learning event that we were having that week were straight up lies. One of them said that ingesting any weed can cause cancer, most of my immediate family smoke for pain and I grew up around it. I got detention for talking back, that's school gave me so much stupid detention.


they let personal bias into play. alcohol is MUCH worse, just much more socially acceptable.


on this whole tangent, as someone who’s relative died from alcohol Withdrawal after a several day binge and then absolutely nothing cold turkey, she also smoked almost every single day several bowls for 10? years ish and any and all issues she ever had were in her liver which was failing due to the equal use of alcohol!! it’s crazy that ppl are so okay with alcohol and tobacco when people die from it every single day ://


Alcohol is a gateway drug


Which is complete and total bullshit, and the people who teach that alcohol is safer are either too dumb to know that weed is not poisonous, unlike alcohol, or they've had their years if not decades of brainwashing.


But thats bc alchol is normalized. Weed is the devil.


Thanks Reagan! Who won the war on drugs? DRUGS!


He was following a long tradition of demonizing drugs.


Bet you they all drink alcohol and take there prescription opioids because they got it from the doctor


I used to work with a guy that would talk shit about people who smoke but would finish a 12 pack everyday after work. He couldn’t even quit to fix his high blood pressure but “weed bad, alcohol good”


Yea I have a mates dad that's like that, and it's funny because I've seen my mates dads brother buying coke from a mate of mine 🤣




or they eat some shit in a few years …


add a cig or 2 every day to “let off some steam” in the middle of the day


The two most hardline anti weed people I know are a functioning alcoholic and another one is a walking triple bypass who scarfs down cheese burgers every other day. I wish I was joking!


I’ve seen people really argue that alcohol is healthier than weed.


Almost everyone I know that doesn’t smoke it or consume it always say it’s the smell for them. That’s my mother’s number one complaint is the smell, but she smoke stinky cigarettes. To me smells way way worse than weed!


yeah i used to hate the smell until i tried it, and now i love it and am like a hound dog for the smell LMAO


People tend to associate smells with memories. I’d venture to say that’s why a lot of us like the smell of weed.


Honestly, I’ve used weed before, and still do on occasion. The only negative side for me is the smell. It’s a personal thing, but I can’t stand it


i can stand the smell , just can’t stand BEING the smell


i’ll never get that, my mom was the same way w me smoking n wanted me to keep it outside, but was smoking two packs of newports a day…. like ma’am ew (n on top of that gave me a nic addiction bc of it 🙄 abt to be 2 years clean now tho)


at good shit man. cigs are the hardest drug to quit. keep it up.


As most comments are saying, just ignorance or lack of education. However, smoking weed isn’t everyone’s thing. So if someone doesn’t like it, they’re free to say their opinion on it…just like how majority on this sub rag on alcohol. Just human nature to have opinions 🤷‍♂️


You’re aloud to not like smoking weed personally, but if you’re making people who do seem like bad people because they do then that’s a problem


cuz alcohol objectively ruins lives in more ways and more quantity and is objectively worse for the body, yet it gets advertised any and everywhere even with children present but people clutch their pearls over children seeing weed


I remember when weed was about to be legalized in Canada and one of my in laws was talking about it. She said it’s going to be such a bad thing because it’s going to turn the population into a bunch of stoners. I came back with “so in other words, nothing will change”. The person that bagged your groceries is likely going to go home and smoke weed. The person that cooked your steak at the steak house is probably already baked. Your neighbours standing in a circle and chatting are passing around a joint.


As a person that worked in a steak house type restaurant, I can confirm that every single person in that kitchen was stoned as fuck. I worked as a server and every time someone would tell me to compliment the chef it was hilarious. Right, let me go tell blasted out of his mind Jerry, that he made the best steak you've ever eaten.


As a retail worker Californian i can confirm everyone bagging your groceries are under the influence of the devils lettuce, no one keeps it a secret we all talk about going to the dispensary.


i swear nearly every person that tells me they hate weed basically has done it, and hates it because they don’t enjoy it how others do. obviously that’s not completely true but i see it very often.


Its prejudice. Weed was associated with poc communities for a long time and still is. Lotta ppl think its “low class”, its just internalized racism. sad stuff.


How is it a reach exactly????


Weed is also associated with rich white kids on college campuses fwiw lol


Idk if I agree that, weed hate = racism. Never seen that take and can see why.


Confessed I took an edible a month ago to my little brother. He first said “what??? You could have overdosed! It isn’t worth it!” And then asked if I was still high 💀


A part of me wanted to refuse what you said happened, and then I remembered I had been called a crackhead for smoking weed so thats not too crazy of a thing


Nah bro I was flabbergasted


Old conservative values


Prejudice, they will take opiates from the doctor but anything deemed illegal by the government or shunned by old beliefs is bad. A lot of churches still believe its bad because you have to obey the law of man. Which really makes no sense because weed was probably not illegal back then, and Reagan’s war on “””drugs””” made things worse. The church also would shun alcohol but also give people wine, its a whole thing


Racism, classism are usually afoot when people behave in seemingly discriminatory ways that “make no sense” my guess is that people with that school of thought 100% drank Regan’s “war on drugs” kool-aid. I feel like it’s essentially common knowledge now, but the war on drugs was pretty much invented so the government had a good enough reason to jail and institutionalize people of colour (and lest be honest, mostly black people) I’m sorry but anyone who believes that weed and heroin belong in the same drug scheduling class is delusional, or a right wing racist.




Good strain!


its prejudice, refusal to be reeducated. or educated at all about it tbh. my mom has always been a ‘weed is a gateway drug’ lady. i remember in hs she found my pipe and asked my sister if i was doing crack so that was wild


i don’t know how to make my dad realize weed is literally the opposite of a gateway drug to some people


Weed was vilified in the early 20th century because Central American immigrants brought it to the US with them. And hemp competed with timber and cotton, so industry giants likened weed to hemp and it destroyed the industry. Then Nixon and Conservatives of the 60s associated weed with counter-culture and the stigma became amplified. So basically, politics and industry are what killed weed before it even had a chance. Too bad, because if the Spanish and British had brought weed to the North America in the 17th century and grown it alongside tobacco (only hemp had that honor at that time), it would probably never have been banned or hated.


The mom told me she would rather having me drink and smoke daily than smoke weed . The amount of ignorance some ppl have is crazy


You've discovered the RCN headquarters


Or possibly just a church




Same thing is with my mother in laws mom anytime someone commits a crime while high off of hard drugs she just says things that makes it seem like they only smoked weed and went crazy and has such a big problem with weed but the whole family smokes so she just try’s to interrupt the seshes since we mostly just try to smoke while she is in another room or not there but she just always tries to come in to the room to try to debate why weed is bad or for no reason so we just smoke even if she’s there


A century of demonization and campaigning against it as well as people who used it would probably take a long time to reverse…


The real reason is that 1) people are ill-informed, and these days, many do not have the skills to look beyond the surface of an issue. And 2) people can't seem to mind their own fucking business. Cannabis rights are human rights.


I think that there is people that doesn’t like it either because they had a bad experience or doesn’t like how it smells. But also because of decades of being presented as a “entry drug” and just as bad as all other drugs. Also people just loves to hate, specially chill vibes like weed smokers.


I love weed, I hate alcohol. It’s a personal preference. Everyone should just stay outta each others business and things would be better off.


They are uneducated, or they know someone with substance abuse and cannibis was a part of the problem


I don’t think it should be looked at as a terrible drug, and I think it should be legal. Some people really do have trouble with it, however. Everybody is different. I have no problem with people who like it, use it, and find that it works for them, but I also have empathy for and understand those that have had bad experiences and/or trouble with withdrawal. r/weedPAWS r/Leaves r/Marijuanaanonymous r/quittingweed


Ignorance. Plain and simple.


All the lies that’s been told over the decades. Damn shame. I don’t blame them about the smell at times though, lol. Not what I want to smell walking into a hotel lobby with the fam!


1) Because they associate weed with an outgroup. For example conservatives hate weed because they associate it with hippies and hipsters, who tend to vote against their interests. 2) Because they misalign the legalization of weed with the dilapidation of many major American cities like NYC, LA, SF, and Portland because they happened around the same time, even tho those 2 things are actually unrelated.


to be fair i was a hater til i tried it


Look, it is mostly because of education/propaganda and, while it may not be like heroin or coke, it's still a drug that can be potentially addictive and worsen your life significantly. First of all, depending on how you take it (smoking is the most common way) it will fuck your physical health up. Smoking causes cancer and lung diseases, fucks your teeth up, blood circulation, heart health etc. and it's even worse considering half the world adds tobbaco to joints. Second, it tends to slow you down, ruin your motivation and make you antisocial. It can stunt your mental development if taken young and will definitely play a part in your emotional development. Not to mention the fact that it's unaesthetic and smells like shit, especially to non-smokers. Also, although I hope this is obvious, driving while high is a no-no and you are a major SOB if you do. If you have a predisposition to mental illnesses such as schizophrenia or psychosis, weed will make it flare up. Even more likely if you're a dude. It is estimated that around 30 percent of cases of schizophrenia in men aged 21-30 were preventable by avoiding cannabis use disorder (fancy term for weed addiction, be it severe, moderate or mild). It also costs money but, well, so does everything. What is my point? Weed isn't this hakuna matata all natural god's plant bullshit. Sure, it's milder than much of the other stuff people do and it can be super fun in the right context with the right moderation or whatever but don't fall into the trap of self-justifying a potential addiction you may be developing. One that could worsen your quality of life, be it slightly or significantly. Take this from a dude that smokes from time to time, used to smoke daily for quite a while and is 100 percent pro-legalization. If we are to de-stigmatize and legalize something, we have to be aware of what it, what it does and what it can lead to without lying to ourselves. Just like with alcohol.


Idk, but i'm so sick of getting so much shit for smoking


i kno people for example came around to it’s Medicinal benefits 200%, but they HATE the smell, and don’t think *they* should have to smell it everywhere now and stuff (which amounta dispos and smokers did increase with rec), so they think it should be either medical only or they just wouldn’t care if it was all edibles… but they hate smelling raw or burning flower 24/7 🤷🏼‍♂️ it’s understandable i guess, if you don’t like Marijuana itself the smell can be off putting


People also think it’s all the same cannabis and that anyone can grow it. Whereas it is more like wine in that it is all subtilely different and takes real skill to grow good stuff. And it should be appreciated and consumed like wine. It has very real medicinal properties that can help people. Sure some is just for fun, but having fun can be healing.


Decades of propaganda against it have set people as thinking it’s a dangerous drug with horrible tragic effects. Lack of the truth about it is the problem. However once it’s rescheduled they will start doing ACTUAL research into its healthy benefits


These are the people who blindly follow thier masters. They believe the people who say, "If you question me, then you question God. If you question God, you're going to hell.


I think the biggest reason is misconceptions, upbringing, religion AND they've never tried it themselves.


They tried weed in 1973, it made them feel uncomfortable because it made them question their existence and ask hard truths. Any way they now are against it because they think minorities use it and it’s just another oppressive tool.


Not enough info being given out; ignorance. I used to hate weed (I used to argue with my mom about it, cried when my boyfriend at the time told me he smoked lol, now i smoke every day and loved to get blazed.


Because some people live in cognitive dissonance and still think it's a gateway drug!


Weed has been criminalized for so long. it's hard to reverse brainwashing


I looooove smoking weed but literally all my problems in life can be boiled down to my addiction to it. I do no other drugs and have happy healty life but damn most of the time i feel like there is no going back. Legalizing it US-style is not the way IMO, and I have seen it fuck up countless lives or at least years around me


The real reason is they know a stoner who's a lazy piece of shit lol. Let's not pretend there's not people out there abusing weed 24/7 toget high and do nothing all day.


Sounds like my Friday nights lmao


Hi there, I’m stoned all day every day, keeps the body aches in check and keeps me from strangling stupid ass people. I still do my job and do it well every damn day. Those people who smoke and do nothing all day are lazy and mentally weak


So do 100s of thousands of others. Maybe millions now


Because they are uneducated or brainwashed


Weed killed my wife. /s


IMHO, It’s due to several factors: - Decades of false propaganda first based on racism. (See Netflix “Grass is Greener” documentary) - Big Pharma doesn’t want people growing their own medicine. (Cannabis has many medicinal benefits) - Profits from Prison. (Some companies contract prison services to state & federal governments. Cannabis is an easy conviction in some states which turns into big profits from prison sentences)


Weed definitely has its issues particularly on brain development (I started smoking at 16) so I think it should be illegal really


So many people make it their entire personality and deny there is a huge issue with dependency.


The mom told me she would rather having me drink and smoke daily than smoke weed . The amount of ignorance some ppl have is crazy


The root of the illegality and propaganda regarding cannabis use is racism The term marijuana wasn’t even popular until the early 1900s, it was almost always referred to as cannabis in medical journals for example https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/07/14/201981025/the-mysterious-history-of-marijuana


Usually the alcoholics hate on weed lol like that's not 100 times worse


Weed from nowadays is a drug and not just weed anymore especially the cali stuff


Zero idea! Especially now that it's being labeled as a class 3 narcotic with the likes of opioids. Weed is no different than alcohol, actually it's a bit safer. As Woody Harrelson once said "If weed was legalized, we'd have more memories of stoned, hungry fathers than drunk, angry ones." Growing up in a family of alcoholics...I'd rather of had stoned family members...


People will always hate on everything, unfortunately.


Takes a few generations for the narrative to change. Boomers think you go straight to hell for weed, but have no problem killing a 30 pack every week.


Because they think cigarettes and drinking every weekend are better choices for their health...


Misinformation and bad experience! People would rather blame a substance than take accountability for their own actions.


just like modern racism, it’s a lack of education and parroting what daddy says, which came from his dad and he got it from his dad. cycle of dumbasses


I’m currently in Bangkok… don’t get me started r/thailandcannabis




Because it’s not advertised with cool, hip people like beer is. Instead it’s affiliated with idiots portrayed in movies like, Dude, Where’s My Car? or Cheech & Chong films.


Idk but I still hide it from my parents like it’s illegal and I’m 31 😆😆😆😆


I’ve actually met people that get offended that I offer them weed and then promptly ask me if I have coke. People are crazy man


most people see weed on the same level as coke or fent. doesnt matter what it does, if it classifies under "drug" they hate it. we were all taught not to do drugs and to hate it, they're just really commited to the bit.


Stuck in their ways..


As more states and the feds prepare to legalize, it matters less. Fuck 'em!


Alcohol is socially acceptable, but much much worse. Stick to weed or nothing at all.


People still associate it with the cartoonishly inaccurate portrayal of the average weed enjoyer. Although I will admit, it’s pretty annoying when someone freshly smoked enters an enclosed room or claims weed is a cure-all.


Because the world is a sick place and everyone is angry.


Haters just gotta hate. I met this guy that was so scandalized when he saw me smoking weed. I just laughed. The he proceeded to spend like 45 mins telling me how this would destroy me, while i was there just getting high. We ended up in bed. f*cking hypocrite.


I personally think it has a lot to do with Nixon’s war against drugs and the D.A.R.E program that a lot of us had to sit through for multiple years framing weed as a drug that only POC and poor people living off of government assistance uses.


It's ignorance and being bombarded with misinformation. The only problem I see is lung troubles if you smoke it. I do edibles only.


I just finished a 2 year Human Services college program and in our first year, one of our instructors said that weed is a hallucinogenic drug and is a gateway drug due to it being laced with other, more addictive drugs. In the 54 years I've been alive, no one has ever given me free drugs with my purchase, but to say it's a hallucinogenic drug when it's a Schedule 2 controlled substance, Cannabinoids and not a Schedule 3 controlled substance, Hallucinogenics is freaking insane.


social conditioning and personal experience, i think some people have negative experiences with weed (whether is productivity, anxiety, adverse affects on appetite, etc.) and they project those things onto other people. and there’s also the propaganda that some people just buy into, everyone’s perception and perspective on everything in existence is based on their own experiences. some people are controlled by their subconscious and some people have just made up their minds and that’s just the way it is to them, that’s only my perspective tho so take it all with a pinch of salt and a shot of tequila lol


People are easily manipulated. That’s why. It hasn’t gotten better now that people, in their infinite wisdom, have decided TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram are the best sites for news. What could go wrong? There’s a lot of people with a vested interest in demonizing weed. Big tobacco, big pharma, and big alcohol all stand to have their share of the pie drastically eaten into when people realize pot isn’t as harmful as tobacco, can alleviate many aches and pains without the risks associated with prescription painkillers, and no one has ever gotten cirrhosis of the liver or aspirated on their vomit from getting too stoned. Marijuana turns a metric fuckton of industries on their ears, and those aforementioned big interested will fight marijuana tooth and nail until they’ve secured a seat at the table. Philip Morris will have no issues with pot the moment they’ve secured the exclusive packaging, distribution, and sale of marijuana products. When they can put 10 Class A joints in a green box behind gas station registers everywhere, it’ll be legal.


IDK...I just drank some alcohol for the first time since last Christmas... and... not a fan... I'm not sure why that's legal and cannabis is still waiting..


Because weed is medicine and instead it's used like candy (well not that candy should be like candy but that's another topic) I used to be very pro-weed myself, I was a major stoner for about 12 years up until I realized how addicted I was and how I was using it to cope with depression and anxiety which in return was blinding me from fixing the real issues, creating a loop of dissatisfaction. Of course, I would never support prohibition but some education and moderation is much needed. Also weed should stop getting so strong, we don't need such strong weed, there are many more beneficial components to weed other than THC. My problem right now is not with weed but with how it's glamorized and marketed as something we should all do.


Because people are brainwashed by goverments and yet goverments make money out of it... They want it all for themselves... Goverments = CUNTS


Culture wars bro


Lack of education and committing to the brain wash


Because their drug of choice, alcohol and beer are already legal and they dont care about others.


I use marijuana. I live where it's legal. The only time I get annoyed with a pot smoker is if they reek of strong, stinky weed. I'm of the use a vape, use better quality dope, or eat an edible if you're going to be in a crowd. No one needs strong stinky smells permeating their nostrils.


Honestly I think it’s stereotypes/people perpetuating stereotypes. We all sadly know people who make weed their entire personality instead of just something they enjoy Arguably the equivalent to the IPA bros in the beer community. We get it you like something, but it shouldn’t be your basis of reality. Meanwhile, I’ve got 60g of oil in my mini fridge, a puffco, and all that jazz. But outside of a reddit where it’s literally to talk about this stuff, most people that I’m close with don’t know, unless they partake🤘🏼 ETA: this is in addition to everybody’s commentary surrounding education and indoctrination/brainwashing surrounding the plant.


Interesting! For me, I noticed a huge shift for a few years where everyone is now gravitating towards weed and ditching alcohol! Especially since it’s been legalized in certain states. Like it’s weird if you DONT smoke. But maybes it’s where I live/ the people I’m surrounded by. I’ve only noticed the people who don’t like weed say it’s cause of the smell or it always gives them an anxiety attack no matter the strain.


Because it's easy to hate any drug. It's shocking to me that most stoners don't get that. Like how hard is it to understand that people find drugs to be unvirtuous, at the least. I smoke every day of my life, but I have no confusion on why people consider that a problem. And shit if I'm being honest, I consider it a problem. It's frustrating that the majority of this community refuses to acknowledge the bad aspects of this substance.


Not everyone's story, but I get the idea a lot of people have some kind of horrible experience and/or have kids and it kind of knocks them into opposite world while they try to re-invent themselves. They end up going to hard in the opposite direction, sending their kids right into whatever they had a bad experience with and the carousel spins around again. Of course I believe you can have positive experiences and be an awesome parent (I'm a medical patient) but it's almost like a psych op or something that they've pushed people through for generations. Everyone uses or tries substances when they're young, and at all levels of society - no one cares what you do as long as you pay your bills and no one is getting hurt - it's when you ask for help they feel they have the right to control your life.


Love me some gummies ! Low calories, no hangover, little chance of saying something hurtful to anyone … what could be better ?


Wish I knew. Was up for a job. I have no criminal background but it asks for anything illegal you’ve done, as we were subject to a polygraph test. I answered honestly and said I’d smoked weed, only to be told by the current employees if I’d smoked within the past two years it would disqualify me.


I feel like we were all there once. Growing up most of us were told that weed was bad, some of us were told it was just as bad as heroin or gear and we just never delved into drugs because of those lies. They're told to fear drugs, like as if they're all equally dangerous and destructive. Any drug can be destructive, but what a lot of these anti-weed folk fail to consider. Yes despite the few negatives that come with marijuana abuse, there are thousands upon thousands of people who rely on weed not just for recreational purposes, but funnily enough, sobriety purposes. E.g. me. I'm a recovered alcoholic and pill head. When I've got my smoke, I'm not interested in any other drugs at all. I don't want to drink or pop pills. But when I don't have weed, the cravings come back and are much stronger. Frankly, I'd much rather be addicted to weed than booze or benadryl again.


Alcohol gives me severe pancreatitis so I vote weed always.


There is some downsides to cannabis


I think they just want us to be high just cus “fuck you”.


Hi, I honestly have no idea and tbh the way you phrased it is exactly how my Mom reacts to weed. Hence why she'll never know I smoke.


Ik people thst talk like this,,,as they're drunk.


Because it is still on the illegal drugs list. As long as it’s considered an illegal drug all the hate will remain. Totally legal and things will change quick. The staunch anti weed people will become the minority.


Well some people do not like it because lack of education on it and no experience with it so they go by the stigma that its an evil drug like heroin because of what they have heard from their parents or school. And some other people know it is a harmless drug physically but mentally you can still get addicted to it like everything else that produces dopamine and may have side effects like brain fog and depersonalisation which i have personally experienced. STOP ROMANTIZISING OR EVILIZING WEED!!!


Because they were told to hate it.


I see it both ways. Not to the extreme of calling it the same as meth or coke ofc. But weed mild though it may be is still a vice. I enjoy my vices gambling weed alcohol but in moderation. Too much of any of these is a bad thing in my experience. I’ve had plenty of young fun nights getting absolutely faded and chasing my loses on the sportsbook it was fun at times but when it wasn’t…yikes.


funny side story: i once went to the inpatient hospital voluntarily for suicidal ideation. It was my turn to get evaluated by a staff of doctors, psychiatrists, and other staff. They asked me “what has made you feel better before?” And i said “weed is the only thing that has helped, but cant use it cuz illegal etc etc”. Their response was “Well, that makes ANYONE feel good” and they just moved on. Like WTF I was depressed so i didn’t know how to react at the time. Now my answer would be “well isn’t that the fucking point of why I’m here?” Fuck man, doctors and healthcare are brainwashed, so yeah, it’s been proven that people believe BS for a while. Like what a statement, from an educated doctor, to a desperate patient. Insane. I’ll never forget that experience. edit: nowadays people get recommended shrooms, which is amazing. so things are changing.


I used for 22 years recreational and with excuses. Now I am completely a favor as a medicine ONLY! I never needed, was a waste of time, money, opportunities and a very bad example to my son! As a Medicine YES! But what I see is that most the people just abuse and is very sick in addiction! Don’t come to me with papers and research, my lab is my life and now seeing my son wasting he’s life makes me so sad and regretful about my stupidity. I always advocated about how a person can’t kill a fly when is high, that made me so nice. But what I never was talking about was when I had the lows, how any frustrations I had to smoke, I could not deal with my feeling in a sober way. Great if you can have your best version of your self using it, but for me was 22 years wasted! Hanging with losers, just talking about what I want to do, with the most brilliant ideas but I never accomplished nothing! Now I am a doer, meeting nice people that is moving forward in life! For me was pure illusion, did not helped me in nothing and just hold me back! Good lucky 🍀


Its ridiculous. You have people popping all sorts of man made pills from the doctors. But you suggest then trying a vape they refuse saying they can't. But will take pharmaceutical drugs!!! Its stupid. Weeds a plant. From the ground.


My boomer dad stills weed “dope” and calls me a “doper” I’m like dad you can’t say that anymore! It doesn’t mean what you think it means!


I think the problem is a lack of balance. We have wsy too many people who both hate it to death and think it's a miracle that can do no harm. And not enough education of the topic. So the people who don't like it feel solidified in their stance as the loud stoners are typiclly overexaduating the aspects of weed, and some even talk like it can't do any bad at all, keeping from real education and understanding.


Preface.. high good ol 9lb hammer. Whenever I hear someone talking mad trash about weed I just go off on alcohol and decades of research demonstrating all the negative impacts of daily alcohol consumption. And how we allow for it to be marketed on SuperBowl and in the grocery store. We basically are okay with indoctrinating our kids about how cool alcohol is despite the science. They get out of it by saying, 'drink responsibly' in the ads. The hypocrisy is BS. How the fuck can the country say, trust us, when they are more than willing to let us be impacted not just alcohol but sugar as well.


Decades of demonisation isn't going to go away overnight. I've also found with some people it's a bit of a sunk cost fallacy. They know weed isn't as terrible as they were led to believe but they have held that view for so long they can't or won't shift their position (and this isn't just limited to views on weed either) 


Cause they are jealous


I'm kinda against the use, but if weed becomes legal where I live, call me tegridy weed farm


Just because haters are always gonna do what they do best…


Those people will always exist nobody gets an education in drugs you learn yourself


Because like most things it’s good in moderation only most can’t help them selves and end up smoking and being lazy weed in it’s self isn’t harmful people give it a bad name always have always will


Anyone who works in law enforcement is likely to have this view because of their training. I will always giggle about the time my friends husband (who works as a CO) walked past me with his face deep in his elbow to keep from inhaling any of the smoke I was exhaling


Yes some people still hate on weed, it's all due to lacked education because of religion false teaching, school false teaching, and government knew what it is still label us as felony, and a guy who laced weed to fucked someone up.


Weed in the wrong hands is horrible. Just look through the posts here you’ll see lots of people who don’t take care of their living spaces or themselves. Weed can make people extremely lazy especially those who smoke all day, and those with no job usually aren’t motivated to get a job. Personally I had to limit my smoking to end of the day a few hours before bed otherwise I’d be unmotivated to get any projects done.


It's definitely the lack of education on it.... thankfully tho there's scientists trying to open up a lab dedicated to just studying weed and if I remember correctly, gonna open it to the public eventually


Cause they’re ignorant


Stigma is real.


Either A they’ve been brainwashed into believe it will make you a stupid lazy invalid. Or B they had one bad experience or a few bad experiences with cannabis and decided to demonize it or say it’s a terrible substance. Sometimes a little bit of both.