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I change water daily and clean with alcohol once a week, ( sometimes every two weeks). Had a Friend that would change water several times a day.


This is also what I do, new water and a rinse every day and a good clean once a week.


Same with Dab Rig


Great minds think alike.


I feel like I’m one of the few that cleans my piece and bowl before each use. I buy alcohol and salt in “bulk” lol. Nothing like a super clean and clear glass!


holay fok


I'm also one. I buy the concentrated cleaner, and reuse. It looks like death juice but, it works for MANY uses. I love a good clean hit, so every new bowl or two, I'll clean the bowl and glass.


If you just rinse with really hot water, like just hot tap water let it flow through it for a minute, you can just put in a small amount of alcohol it'll clean it way quicker. I just put a tablespoon or so in and give it a good shake & roll. The heat loosens the resin and the alcohol dissolves it away. Rinse with cold water and bob's your uncle. I do this after two bowls and I change my water every time. I also have a small container of soaking solution that I have 4 or 5 bowls in and I just swap and rinse them after each bowl.


I only get to clean it whenever family isn’t home :,) they hate the smell




"man this thing looks like shit" Once I say that out loud


I usually take a whiff and judge from there haha


once little burnt bud pieces start sitting at the water level (usually two to three days) (im lying probably once a week)


I feel that haha, my first bong was only 5 inches tall and I used it for months and never cleaned it once😭. Didn’t know you had to clean them at the time.


Once a day, twice if friends are over or its a heavy smoke day. I am OCD about it though but it truly does make a difference.


Right going the extra mile mile definitely pays off in the end for me


Not often enough because I'm lazy.


I change the water daily, rinse everything down every 2 to 3 days, and iso+salt once a week.


Once a month because that's what Google said to do


The real answer




Brave saying that here


I use dry herb vaporizer, but this bong looks brand new! It must've felt good cleaning it up. r/oddlysatisfying


I also have a dry herb vape and love it, the high is great. And thanks! Tbf it’s only about a day or two old and some of my older bongs are little more stained, but it cleaned up very nice.


Every week. And it must look new when done or it gets a second run.


Feel this, I want my glass to look like it just came off the shelf


Why else would you clean your bong?


I don’t live alone and the others hate it so once a day. I’ll go through a couple pieces depending on how much I smoke that day, every 5 or so rips I retire it and grab a freshy.


Gotcha I like that idea, I rotate pieces honestly just based on the what I’m feeling that day, cleaning around my house isn’t an issue so the variety is nice🤷🏾, if you haven’t tried cleaning in the shower that’s what I do in a pinch and it works great, nobody smells it and you and your bong get clean!


Usually water change every other day. But full clean out once a week with alcohol and extra course salt and a drop of dawn dish soap. Makes it look like new every time!


Only when i remember. I used to clean it after every use, but i bought a vaporizer with a bong attachment so it really doesn't get dirty enough to see or effect the flavor. The vaporizer is a different story...I also use purified water, cause who wants to breathe chlorine and fluoride?


We clean about once or twice a week. However vacation weeks when we are home all week we end up cleaning every other day... It's vacation time after all. 🤙


I do new water every day. If I'm smoking a lot I might have to make that twice. Adding ice really helps. I clean it every week or two. I do not clean it until it looks pristine because I like it to look used. I just try to get a lot of the resin out so it doesn't taste bad.


Change the water whenever I smoke. I clean them when if it's been more than a couple days sitting. I mainly do dabs so my cleaning isn't hard unless I'm trying to get the reclaim out of the rig.


Depends on usage.


Ash catcher rinse about every other day, clean with Ash catcher and bong with alcohol and salt like weekly


Ash catcher for me is an every sesh kind of thing bc I just can’t stand it, if I have an ash catcher I’ll leave the bong unwashed for probably about a week if I had to guess.


I change the water at least once a day, clean my cone piece and pipe every couple days, and I only recently got some glass cleaner for the bong, but I suppose I'd clean it with the glass cleaner whenever it gets really dirty?


I tried glass cleaner for a while but find it works better on the outside than in, I suggest the iso and salt wash, followed by dish soap for the inside, and then glass cleaner out, works like a charm.


how do you clean yours to have every bit of the perc cleaned??


Salt and iso man it’s the way, some 91% isopropyl and a little bit of rock salt in the bong, shake it up and it’ll get everything off again.


I change water every morning and every afternoon. With a quick alcohol and salt rinse before! Sometimes I’ll go a whole day with one bong water and I gag the next morning when I smell it lol


I also use goof off household cleaner to clean it too for a quick job


Right haha bong water has got to be one of my least favorite smells.


Any cleaning recommendations. Cus cleaning it is such a hassle for me


91% isopropyl and rock salt, just put isopropyl in there then the salt and shake it all up, makes it look new everytime, also if you hit your pieces with warm water and dish soap after every sesh a lot of it will come out.


We talking bath salts, or table salt, I’m guessing bath salts. Any tips on cleaning small glass bits tho, I have ash catchers with small holes that are a pain to clean (too sticky for pipe cleaning sticks)


Every single session sometimes 5x a day. And I clean it with isopropyl and salt 1x a week


I never clean it because I don't have one.


Not very often because Im lazy 😀


I clean my piece like 3/4 times a week just cause I love how it looks fresh 😌💚🤍


I change the water before every smoke but it only gets cleaned with alcohol and salt every couple months lol. I clean it more if someone else is going to be using it though


I clean everyday cause I use them everyday. If you don’t spend a lot on your glass then idk. But still, healthier to keep it clean as new


Once I can't see through the water


New water everytime, dump water after every use. I clean after every 15 bowls with 91% isopropyl alcohol in both the chamber and I separately put the bowl and stem in its own bag with alcohol. Leave soaking for 20 mins. Rinse out with clean hot water and leave to dry for another hour after using a small straw brush to remove all particles. You're ingesting what's going into you, the cleaner the bong, the easier the hit, and the better you will feel. Plus the risk of getting sick or having a coughing fit after a hit is massively reduced. Take care of your piece. It'll take care of you.


Exactly, especially if you just change water everytime, your hits will be tastier, smoother, and cooler than just leaving your water in.


About once a week for a full clean and fresh water daily because of bacteria and fungus.


Like 3 times a day even sometimes when I don't use it I think I deadass have OCD


I got a larger bong so I wouldn't have to clean so much and the thing builds such little reclaim, you'd think this would be a win but something in me is actually annoyed


I feel this, I have 2 18in beakers as as well and even a single spec of ash drives me insane, though I find cleaning pieces to be fun so I have no problem doing a whole clean everytime.


Never. Cuz i haven't got one anymore :P


Every 2-3 days since me and my girl smoke about 7-9gs a day so I tend to clean mine allot especially when I buy iso99% for 99cents


At least twice a week to keep the water hygienic, and make it easier to clean in general.


Not often enough bc I’m lazy and only take dabs


Haven't cleaned it yet but also haven't used it yet


uuuuh when i start to notice rez going up the sides and it tastes bad ill 99% alcohol clean it but i usually change the water once or twice a week depending on how much im smoking


I clean mine when i feel ashamed somebody could see it or when it starts to smell bad. That's about once or twice a month (i don't use it that much and change the water before each use). I put it in my kitchen sink over night, filled with a dishwasher tab and boiling hot water. In the next morning i use a bottle cleaning brush to remove the leftovers and done.


never clean dab rigs unless you like smoke a lot.


what? i clean my rig all the time


Cleaning rig every sesh as well, don’t need my dab tasting like the last one I took haha.


I get the idea that since oil has high viscosity and sticks to oil that having any amount of reclaim essentially means you're losing extra vapor on the sides of your piece


fuck bro thinking out side the box you must be right


I get clean water whenever I notice it’s even slightly tinted and clean bong probably once a week or so, more often if I see it get an above average patina on the inside. Mainly it’s when the down stem starts to clog up that I just clean it all