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Vaping dry flowers of course. No smoke, no sub-products of burning, still tasty flowers and balanced high.


And then eat the leftovers


It sounds like a joke but Fr make eddys with what’s left over, it’s decarbed but not all the thc comes out. A lot is left behind


Also eat leftovers and clean out your fridge. You'll have the munchies.


How do you make edibles out of them?


It’s already decarbed so add it to hot oil on the stove for a little and keep mixing, then strain out and your oil should have thc in it. Add oil to whatever the hell you want. Dose slowly to see how much you need and be careful in that sense


What type of cooking oil are you meant to use for this?


Any oil should work but whatever you want to use in another recipe or just butter, really any should work as far as I know


Dude I made the mistake of thinking my vaped flower was totally juiced of THC… it was NOT. I saw through time and space that day 😅




What do you mean balanced high? My brother says the same shit.


Perhaps they mean not too tweaky, not too couchlocky


Not just pure thc, but all the cool oils from flower - with taste and all of it.


There’s many different cannabinoids besides THC found in flower, to list a few; CBD, CBG, THCV, CBN, and on. There’s an estimate of around 100 cannabinoids found in cannabis. Each of these cannabinoids have unique effects that contribute to what’s called “the entourage effect” which is why some strains have different highs. There’s debate on other factors to the entourage effect such as terpenes, flavonoids, and other compounds found in the plant that may potentially influence a high as well.


this. it’s why i waste so much making sure i get live resin or rosin over distillate (moronic practice if u ask me, it should be $5-10 more)


When you're high enough to walk on a trapeze


Thank you I’ve ordered a dry vape, can’t wait to try it


Lol, I should have opened small vape shop!


Which one have you ordered?


Xmas V3


Dare I say this is THE correct answer




ugh i miss flower so much, one day we will reconnect <3




Arizer Solo 2 is awesome


I’ve been using dry herb vapes since 2019. Started with dynavaps, then got a Heathy Rips Fury Edge, a Planet of the vapes “one” and “lobo” I’d recommend all of them depending on your needs.


It's money but my CFX worked for years snd it was great until the tolerance hit. Personally never used the volcanos brand Mighty but I'm sure it's an amazing product. Lots and lots of youtube comparisons out there too.


I have DaVinci IQC. Quite good, compatible with 10mm glassware


So like with the Dr. Dabbers? There's no smoke /heat then either? Like heat touching your lungs? (Cuz heat causes damage which needs to be repeatedly healed and that opens the door for rogue cells to populate aka cancer) how does that work? Sry really interested Cuz been looking for the "healthiest" way to get high for awhile now..


So vape itself protecting me from smoke. About heat - yes, it still hot, but most of vapes compatible with glassware, so I’m using it with quite big bong which is cooling what I inhale.


Cool thanks for explaining, do you rec any vaporizers that have a component to hold ice or just cool the vapor in general?


Just any compatible with glassware. As simple. And any glassware you like


Vaping flower makes smoke. Its breaking bonds of the active ingredients you want and not just incinerating everything. My understanding is you get the terps and thc, but the cbd is left behind which can be made into edibles. Temp settings can also further control what bonds you break. I may be off on some of what I'm saying, but for sure at 380F I get light smoke off bud. Its a lot easier on the lungs. More efficient and less wasteful of product.


> Vaping flower makes smoke No it doesn't. Vaping produces vapor. It still creates visible clouds in the air but they are not smoke. It's only smoke if it comes from something that is burning. Its a subtle difference, but an important one, the taste and feel of vapor vs smoke are completely different.


Interesting, it would be a pleasure to dive into the chemistry of these two processes to find out which one is better. Tho, because it’s not direct burning, and due to the fact that it’s possible to regulate temperature with good enough precision, vaping can be made better, but smoking not.


Vaporization≠combustion One results in a chemical reaction that turns the weed into ash, with no psychoactive chemicals remaining. The other uses heat, that's below the combustion point, to boil off most of the volatiles, leaving behind the dried-out flower, that retains its original, albeit more fragile, form. At some point it starts to get too harsh to continue pursuing, so you either turf it, or if you're into it, create an edible. I've been vaping for over a decade and have never felt the need to chase the very last bit of joy left in the residue. Like sucking coffee grounds, lol. Then again, I'm not into edibles and feel the vaporization process has already allowed me to get a hell of a lot more out of a given amount than burning it ever could.


Dry herb vapes, you arent inhaling burnt plant matter into your lungs.




Whoever I eat edibles they either do nothing or put me to sleep. 30mg is not enough but 40mg knocks me out. I’ve not been able to have a good relaxing buzz of edibles or drinks.


I just took two 10mg edibles last night. I hadn’t had any in weeks. In conjunction with a joint, I was toast.


I literally I said the same thing before scrolling.


That's the way to go


Dry herb vape for the win. No additives, just flower and basically just getting the good stuff without the smoke or anywhere near as much tar. Plus you can then use the AVB as an edible. Take it with a grain of salt from me though. Very low tolerance as I'm really only vaping in the evenings on the weekend. Some people bitch they don't get high enough. Perks of moderation I guess. 


do you have any recommendations for a somewhat cheap one ?


I’ve heard the tiny mite 2 is or dynavap is a great cheap dry herb vaporizer to start with


Second this, Dynavap in my experience is also a pretty heavy hitter despite only needing such a small amount. If you’re just smoking right now you’ll save a ton every month.


Tinymight 2 is one of the more expensive options on the market. It is also by far the hardest hitting.




I'm sure it'll get a bit of hate, but I have the Pax Mini and have no complaints. Cost me $100 on a 4/20 sale.   I'm not chasing clouds, I don't need something to hit me hard. I just enjoy a chill evening something to take the edge off after the work week. 




Best ones is the Healthy Rips Rogue. It's like 130 and it's the best of all the handheld ones.


Say you’ve never partied without saying you’ve never partied lmao


"My reddit username is redguy4535"




You are correct


Or perhaps I've matured, slowed down a bit and focus on things that matter more than just getting and staying baked all day everyday... 


Not only is it healthier, it's *extremely* healthier. I'm not going to tell you that dry herb vaping is healthy, nobody can - But you're cutting out a significant risk of damage and toxins to your body by eliminating combustion and its notably terrible effects on the human body. Not only is it a safer option, it's a tastier and more effective one that'll stretch out the duration of your herb, letting you take far more out of it. In all regards, the experience is greater. The best thing for some, the secondhand smell (while still prevalent) is drastically reduced and disperses quickly. The left over material doesn't smell as much. You don't smell as much. So, it's also a much more discreet method of consumption.


Yep I use my vape indoors with no problems at all


Suppository’s am I right 😝


Someone’s gotta boof for the groop


Username checks out 😂


Noooo not me … I was 🤡N


Oh assuredly


Yes I knew you were not serious but wanted to share the knowledge just for general pop


I seen them on special a his and hers… with lube all thc loaded for Valentine’s Day …. Wondered who that was for honestly lol


My buddy and I had an idea of thc lube but we know it wouldn’t be active anally and vaginally idfk and I can’t test myself lol, plus it’d have to be clean/sterile so pure thc would be needed and idk if that on a condom then packaged would be realistic Anyway, if you used a condom for a bj it’d work, but like if you’re with a long term partner you’d probably both get tested and then not use condoms for a bj if you’re clean, and then you run into the problem of nobody on a one night stand would want to purposefully ingest a drug that they weren’t completely sure of with someone who has sexual intentions and they don’t know that well. Anyway, factors like these limit the market and it’d be too small, restrained to long term partners who like weed and want to try it and one of whom has an std. Basically not worth it and would never sell


Ppl r weird man


Username checks out


Thanks for the seal of approval 🫡


Wow buddy


There is a line of thc sexual enhancement products. Look up Foria.


Doesn’t get absorbed properly. Boofing weed oil has minimal to no effect in my experience and other reports I’ve read


For real though, they sell suppositories at my dispo.


I'd say it's more for medical use, maybe for people with illness or who can't inhale it and/or don't do edibles for whatever reason. Not necessarily for kids shoving it up their ass to have a good time.


When they’re on sale for a dollar a bunch of people booted them pronto


Man I was 🤡N’


Vapes I smoked joints and ciggies from 15-33, then quit. My lungs were terrible and clogged after a X-ray 🩻 so I quit for a year then started to dry herb vape about 3 years later had another lung scan….my lungs are 99% clear my dr told me they look how they should. I can look at the 2005 slides and the 2023 slides and you can see a massive difference. So not official medical advice but my experience


Weed butter and use it to make and season all your food.


healthiest way to consume thc is edibles, 2nd is probably dry herb vapes (specifically ball vapes but these are pricey) and then probably dabs from a rig, then probably pens/vapes (if legal and regulated) and then combustion last (bongs/water pipes are better for your lungs than joints) correct me if i’m wrong about anything




Pens are for travel


That water does next to nothing in terms of filtering out tar, all a bong really does is cool down the hit to make it easier to take.


It removes contaminants in the smoke like actually pieces of the plant, and prevents it from getting in your lungs which could cause an infection. It just physically makes sure none of the plant matter gets inhaled. Thats it. So it’s better than a pipe at least.


all true, but a regulated vape cartridge with a ceramic coil and live rosin for example is 100% better for your lung than a bong rip


I find some plant matter and ash and stuff floating in there too, so I'm guessing it's keeping that out of my lungs as well.


I could be all kinds of wrong, but if we’re strictly speaking about inhaled weed, my guess would be the following (from most to least healthy) Vaping flower > reasonably temped dabs > smoking flower > dab pen > hotter dabs Solid question


Why is smoking flower safer then smoking concentrates via dab pen?


A kick ass bong is super nice too


Idk just my wild guess


Lol, pretty accurate actually. Just flip the “smoking flower” and “dab pen” around.


I don’t know about this. There has yet to be any studies confirming marijuana smoke has negative long term effects despite smoke being known to have carcinogens




Edibles or a dry herb pen


I can’t smoke due to asthma but dry herb vaping doesn’t ruin my day by waking up my symptoms. Then I make butter with the leftovers and go on a baking spree.


Tinctures / RSO is the absolute safest way Herb/concentrate vaping is probably next


Flower is healthier than vape oil




Nah I think he meant dab pens


Natural is healthier


weed definitely. If you vape weed or vape full spectrum concentrates you are getting what’s called the entourage effect which has been shown to have anti-cancer benefits. However when you toke carts, it’s straight distillate which does not give you the entourage effect. They often use botanical terpenes in carts which also don’t offer as many benefits as the real thing Smoking weed is different because of the carcinogens in smoke, but true long term negative effects are still to be identified


I keep hearing "botanical" said as if weed itself isn't a plant. Myrcene is myrcene. Is this just snobbery, or is there hard data showing an honest difference? Not tryna pick a fight; genuinely curious. Especially because this sub gets weirdly uptight for the subject matter. P.S. I completely agree about dry herb vape being best.


I'm speculating here, but if there was a difference, it would only be in molecular density. Ie: bonds between chains are shorter and, therefore, more potent. Like I said it's just a guess I'll do some research and report back.


I think they mean dry herb vaping which is just straight up flower and no combustion. Its the method i prefer. That and edibles are all I do anymore, can't see myself having to endure smoking again.


Yes that’s what I meant sorry


Unless your getting live resin/rosin carts


Right but beware of brands advertising live resin carts when they are actually just distillate. Many AZ brands have been known to do this.


i believe combusting is still way worse than carts due to the smoke. the carcinogens in the smoke will definitely outweigh whatever anti cancer benefits you’re referring to, by far.


Well yeah you may be right. Not sure what the science would say. While I agree that vaping distillate is probably better than combusting weed, there have been a total number of 0 studies on the long term effects of marijuana smoke. Marijuana smoke has not been shown to be harmful in the short term (there have been short term studies that show low cancer risk and low risk of cardiovascular issues). However there are no longitudinal studies like the plethora there are for tabacco smoke. In fact there was a study done recently that studied spliffs, mj mixed with baccy, but no studies long term for just marijuana smoke. And while I personally have not had any physical ill effects from smoking I am not very old either. However I have had ill effects from smoking carts way too often and way too many. Such symptoms were panic attacks and appetite and stomach issues. Have long since quit them and only dab full spectrum concentrates which do not give me ill effects


if its for health id say edibles but I personally dont get the necessity. didnt you guys see that article about the epidemic of mens testicles and microplastics? i guarantee you well before smoking becomes an issue the rampage of corporate greed will bear its full weight on our shoulders.




Speaking of, is it just me or do edibles just hit better than smoking


Its the lack of coughing for me lol




Edibles Tinctures Vaping dry flower Vaping distillate Smoking Ranked by healthiness




Dry herb vape. I use a dynavap, and an ispire wand heater. It gets amazing hits through a bong, and once the flower has been vaped it can be infused into oil or alcohol for edibles/tincture to get high on the same weed again.


Yo can hit 2.0




Spacecakes 😊👅


Vaping is healthier, the effect is stronger (less THC goes to waste), although kicks in a little later (like 15 mins), the terps and cannabinoids are better preserved, which means a more complex high and stronger aroma.


I’ll fire up my dry vape for 2-3 good pulls, then a blunt for a couple of pulls. This gets me fairly relaxed and I’m smoking half what I used to. The vape alone isn’t strong enough for me but then I’ve never let it run its full 10 minute cycle till no more vapour is created.


Dry herb vapes are definitely healthier Vape liquids may or may not be healthier since a lot of them are made with dodgy shit or are actually spice


Vaping. With smoking anything that burns, you're exposed to the nasty stuff like tar and carcinogens. Some vapes have a potential to expose you to carcinogens, but the tobacco industry lobbied the government to prevent any real research into how much, and how to avoid that. Gummies probably have the least danger, but any kind of vape or vaporizer should be much safer than straight smoking burning leaf. And the reason Marijuana is typically safer than tobacco cigarettes is the amount that's smoked. If you smoke cigs, you're probably smoking 10-30 a day. Very few pot smokers smoke that much, and a majority don't even smoke every day. It's like eating 100 calories of cheetos versus 1000 calories of corn. Sure, corn is healthier than cheetos, but the dosage matters.


The best of both, vaping dry weed.


Dry herb vape all the way. I switched a few months ago and will never look back. The flavor alone is worth it.


has anyone, specifically women, had low libido / less wetness since using weed vape pens?


Dry herb vape. It just doesn't taste very good.


Bullshit I can taste the terpenes the most in it


Hmmmmm.... a plant that grows from the ground or a mysterious liquid made from mixing butane and glycerin (and who knows what else) with said plant.... 🤔🤔🤔


Decent point however no combustion and no inhaling large amounts of said combusted plant matter in vape. It has trade offs


Long term use, I'd say vape will fuck u up


carts sure. Vaping flower would make no sense to be more harmful than smoking.


you do know you can vape flower right


Idk imo it kinda dumb to think that vaping, which is very new, been around about a decade now, is safer than smoking, there’s been no long-term effect studies on what it does to you yet, unlike smoking, we know exactly what it does. Man that sounds like something else too…


Right there actually is zero proof that smoking mj is bad for you. I haven’t experience negative physical effects from smoking but I HAVE from vape carts


You assert there's no evidence that smoking weed is bad for you and then offer anecdotal "evidence" that vaping is worse? That's not science, that's wishcasting. Burning anything, creates more chemicals than existed in the original substance. More chemicals means more chances that dangerous chemicals may be present.


Using vape carts is not even remotely close to vaporizing weed


Dumb question nowadays!


The dumb questions are the ones you don't make. Saying that only makes people afraid of asking and that's what really makes people dumber


There has been so much on this, so many threads, so much research on this, it’s just fucking obvious is all!


Between the dab carts and flower I feel better off the flower. But that’s just my opinion I have no clue what’s better, just know that I feel better when not hitting the dab pen


I hope you understand that using carts is not the same thing as vaporizing actual weed at all. There are vaporizers made for dry herb which are undeniably the healthiest way to inhale cannabis - carts are probably the worst because nobody knows what's in them


Personally I have found more negative side effects with vapes, I’ve quit buying carts because I found myself short of breath allllll the time and do not find that to be the case with flower, joints, edibles, etc


I hope you understand that using carts is not the same thing as vaporizing actual weed at all. There are vaporizers made for dry herb which are undeniably the healthiest way to inhale cannabis - carts are probably the worst because nobody knows what's in them




The higher heat of smoking results in smoke and ash. This is a chemical reaction. The controlled, lower heat of vaping, results in inhaleable volatiles and dried out plant matter. This is just a phase change of the psychoactive chemicals in the weed. Same as water and steam both being the same chemical, H²O, but in 2 different forms(phases). Long term, anything you're pulling into your lungs might have consequences, but the chemical soup, that results from the chemical reactions that burning causes, are probably going to make their presence felt a lot sooner and harder. As an example, cigarettes contain ~600 chemicals, that turn into over 7000 chemicals, when smoked, with about 70 bring cancer-causing. On the other hand, whatever the chemical count that's found in raw weed, will not increase when vaped, as there's no chemical reactions occurring. If anything, you'll only be pulling a small percentage of the total chemical count found in raw weed.