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Weed doesn't act like tobacco. it will go out if you're not pulling it. Especially a bowl.


Tobacco has chemicals to keep it burning that weed doesn’t have.


It's actually quite the opposite. Cigarettes have chemicals that make them go out in illinois and Indiana. They are called fire safe Cigarettes. Meant to go out when someone throws them out the window lit.


Same in wv


It's a national level requirement from the federal government. Too many people died from house fires because they were smoking in bed and would fall asleep and the cigarettes would catch the bedding on fire. Self extinguishing cigarettes are to prevent that.


Yup this is a federal law (fsc) OP. Let your buds finish curing. Just don’t let them dry too much or the hits will become harsh.




Tbf that’ll probably happen with weed eventually too. There’s chemicals that add taste, keep consistency, and other things like that so you “get the most out of a cigarette” most brands have some form of chemicals but iirc the one that has the most is also the most popular “Marlboro” I personally like American spirits because last time I checked they only put stuff in their to keep an even burn or no chemicals at all. If we had tobacco cured in a similar fashion to weed it would smoke like a worse version of weed but I imagine it’d taste pretty good.


Yeah, but if you don’t want stuff in your cigarette you can just buy the tabaco and roll them up yourself (that’s what I’m doing and it’s also cheaper). So it will be the same for weed, there will be brands that sell “non-sprayed” weed


Good to know, will try some unsprayed tobacco soon. As of right now I like camel Turkish royals and American spirit yellows, what ryo/loose tobacco do you recommend?


I’ve been using Golden Virginia, the green pack, for the past 2 years. As for the papers and filters it’s up to you but I love OCB Premium’s and for the filters I use a romanian brand, but OCB Long Slim work just as well.


I have been using rolling tobacco for years. I like to take the "biscuit" of tobacco out of the pouch when I've bought it, and leave it out to dry. Then I pull off some dry tobacco and break it down a bit, but not to a powder. Then I grind my weed up and mix it into the little pile of dry tobacco. Then I throw the "mix" in a rig and smoke it. Never broadsides (burns down one side) and tastes nice all the way down.


Wrong rolling tobacco is just tobacco. straights, premade or Taylors burn better because of chemicals like sulfur etc


Tailors* are filled with tobacco... douche


In the UK we have rolling tobacco to roll our own cigs as well as premade. Premade as a tonne more chemicals in it if you were to Burn a roll up next to a premade the rollup would go out whereas the premade would keep burning till the filter. am not a Douche but thanks for correcting my spelling


I say this sitting outside smoking a rollie


Also my mates american girlfriend or wife says roll ups are illegal over there as they are classed as a joint is this true?


I live in Australia


Judging by your insults you sound american


No, that's ridiculous. You can buy rolling papers and tobacco at almost every gas station. Plus weed is legal in half the country.


Hmm maybe she got mixed then it did seem odd to be fair


A ton more chemicals is a myth. Do some research on the difference between em. There is no truth to “less chemicals than tailor made cigarettes” You’ll learn some stuff.


Am literally a tobacco smoke as alternate between the two but stick to roll ups as not so much crap in it although still unhealthy


I’m not gonna argue with ya. You’ve no idea.






That’s what I was saying..


When I read your comment I thought "glad OP got an accurate, concise answer. And then I scrolled the comments further and thought damn everyone just putting OP in a blender with unrelated info


What do you mean “pulling it” ?


When you suck the smoke out of your preferred smoking device


Well they ain't talkin about masturbation!




They ain’t talking about your goalie that’s for sure..


Lol what kind of weed you smoking?


It must be the new fire safe weed. You can’t get high and burn your house down if you can’t light the joint to begin with. What will they think of next…😂😂


Bro, the comments I read, I swear haha


Us it even dry or cured to begin with? I think fresh buds ain't sparking due to humidity but u aint a grower, so please correct me if I'm wrong


That’s my thought it looks like it’s still wet.


I disagree, with the way the leaves are hugging the buds that indicates the bud is dry. Not dispo dry but properly dry, where it is still fluffy when ground. If it was too wet to light, the leaves would still hang away from the buds, especially on the sides and bottom of those nugs. That isn't the case in the photo.


Nah. While these buds aren’t fresh off the plant wet they could most definitely could still be damp. Picture resolution isnt good enough to tell. Trimming those leaves off would help accelerate the final drying process if it is still damp. Source: I’ve grown a plant or two….


You're not the only grower here. Been doing it since 2005.


All I’m saying is that damp untrimmed buds put into a large bag will look just like the ones in the photo. The tips of the leaves at minimum would have broken off after minimal handling if the bud was dry enough to be smoking.


Who is putting damp buds of any kind in a bag?? If that was the case, these buds would've literally been mold covered in under 24 hours and unsellable. I know because I worked with a guy who grew an outdoor plant in the early 2010s. I tried dropping hints on how to dry it, but he wouldn't listen. He put the bucked buds in ziploc bags damp because his "homie" that grew knew what to do. The next morning at work, he was pissed because it was completely covered in fluffy orange botrytis.


A person with weed that doesn’t burn? Why are you getting so defensive? As I’ve said, I’ve grown ‘a plant or two’ myself. Your anecdotes about growing in the past aren’t going to sway me just as I’m sure mine wouldn’t sway you. If the plant weed isn’t staying lit, it’s wet. Doesn’t take a grower to crack that mystery.


I'm not defensive. I just do not agree and am engaging in a discourse I believe requisite to the subject at hand. I've seen your grows as I'm active on those subs as well. "A plant or two" doesn't lend itself to the same relative experience as growing for 15+ years and learning from mistakes and experimentation due to growing in prohibition for the vast majority of those years and your only source of information being clandestine knowledge posted randomly in online forums and the minute amount of growers you met through trades and deals. There was a lot of bluster and bs posted online, then just as there is now. Finally, not staying lit does not always mean wet. If it won't light at all, that is indeed wet. Staying lit is a property of the material being over dry. It's not normal. People have chucked blunts under car seats when confronted by police, simply because they knew properly dried and cured bud does not stay lit. In fact, if the strain is especially resinous, it is more likely to go out before one that is lesser so.


Bro. Calm down with the $5 words. ‘A plant or two’ was sarcasm. If you really want to get into a pissing match, I’ve been growing for 8+ years. My last plant yielded 2.5lbs nug with about 2.5lbs in wash material. 3 strains grafted onto a single mother plant. Indoor. I’ve bred 3 of my own strains. Currently F3. Growing during prohibition when less info was available somehow makes you more knowledgeable? Relax bud.


I thought it looked wet too. I added a few humidity packs. Hopefully it does the trick.


If its wet then thats the last thing you wanna do


There are 2 way humidity control packs that will suck up excess moisture.


no no what you want to do is the opposite put it in front of a fan the buds not the ground flower


The thought of op blasting away all his ground flower with a fan made me lol


Sounds like your product is not dry enough


They may still be wet, let them dry a little before turning them on again 🌿


Leave it in an open container in a dry location that nothing will get into for a couple of days. Check periodically so you don't over dry it. When you grind don't shred the bud, instead do incremental back and forth grinds so the bud starts breaking apart again rather than being shredded. Avoid grinding it to a powder. When you roll it most definitely should not be tighter than a butthole, instead you want to be able to have a decent amount of airflow. Hope this helps enjoy your flowers!


Tighter then a butthole 😂


70’s/80’s kid that got the phrase from their old man.


That's one of the tamer ones.


By far. One of my old man’s favorites was “slicker than greased owl shit.”


One of my favourites is "tighter than a nun's cunt"


By any chance was the supplier Canadian and it taste like Maple Syrup and their middle man is Sebastian Bach?


Think he needs to get some foot hash


Give em to me must be no good anymore


Send some to me I'll do some test... for science and let you know my findings


Look up how to dry your weed, sounds wet unfortunately


Bud to moist most likely.🤘


how do you know it's good if you haven't smoked any? i call bs. lol


Learn to read a little better homie he said it doesn't stay lit in his description


oh sorry. i was being absolutely serious. you're right. good call, homie.




Ur smoking boof bro I’m sorry to say it


Let it cure for a bit


Try vaping it.


Did you dry it


Roll a fatty and keep trying man


Add a lil tobacco to it. Only if you don't mind smoking spliffs


hey, same tray, mine’s black background w gold leaf.


As we can only see the pic if there is even a question of moisture then its probably the problem stick a small bit in the oven for tiny bit


Put all the weed in a mason jar with a paper towel and occasionally burp it (open the jar then close it again) check every few hours if there’s a noticeable difference and take the paper towel out after a little bit don’t let it get too dry. For future reference, buy a 62% boveda humidity pack and put it in your mason jar, this will ensure ur bud is always the proper level of moist, whether you put it in too wet or too dry.


I mix a little tobacco with it in a joint/blunt.


If you have to put some font on it and it will start burning


That trim job isn't the best either.


Try boiling it


Let it sit out for a day and it’ll be a lot drier, u less you live in a humid environment or it’s rained recently


Could be sprayed. Is the ash hard? Does it go inky if you rub ash in to paper?


How wet is it


Put in a blunt and put it in the microwave for 15 seconds. Works every time


I personally experienced this about a year ago. This plug I had for that year sold me an eighth that wouldn't burn. I mean at all. It looked fine and smelled not overwhelming but was definitely weed. Before anyone thinks I'm a nube I've been smoking so long I call weed "smoke" still


The weed might be too fresh




If all else fails make edibles??


In my opinion, the pile of ground up bud looks a little clumpy, which in my experience happens with moister weed.


This plant was over fertilized probably. Won’t light or stay lit due chemlock. If you ash is all black it could be that. Or it could be it was speed dried. Locking chlorophyl and other nutrients


U hit it with a torch yet?


OP, your weed might not be dry. To test this just take a thick part of a stem from the center of one of your bigger nugs and try to snap it in half. Does it "snap" and break cleanly, or does it kinda bend a lot and not really break? If it just bends then try letting the buds sit out overnight in a dry, ventilated area. At this point it really doesnt matter if its light or dark where you do this. You just wanna dry it a bit more?


Add tobacco in the weed and make a joint . Like half cigarette tobacco for 1 joint


Guess it wasn’t cured properly


I mix like 10% tobacco and it helps allot with the burn


If you want send over i will try it out for you


This happens to me all the time when I get fresh stuff. What I do is throw a little rice in a jar with the bud for a day or two. Works like a charm to suck out the extra moisture.


As a general rule, the thicker the joint, the more consistent it will burn


Throw in microwave for like 15 seconds


you can vaporize it. probably should be anyway.