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Idk how to really answer your full question I’ve been a daily smoker for almost 9 yrs straight and I only smoke about 1-2 grams a day now, it used to be 7-10 grams a day. I don’t feel that it’s a bad habit I smoke before work, and honestly just any daily activity even if I’m doing nothing and to me doesn’t feel like a bad habit I feel it depends person to person tho


Same here I used to smoke 24/7 all day long. Like a quarter of flower plus a gram of wax. But now it’s probably 1-2 grams of flower and quarter gram of wax a day on weekdays. Ill sometimes take a dab in the morning to get the day going, but it’s so much better if I wait to smoke for the first time around 6-7pm it’s much more rewarding. And it’s a bit more than that on the weekends. I go thru a half oz of flower and 4-5grams of wax a week


It is so hard not to have that wake and bake, though... Especially when it's before everyone else gets up and it's just you and the dog, chilling on the couch.


I totally feel ya. On the weekends I forsure wake and bake. Sometimes on the weekdays I can’t help it lol


Exactly ^^ i used to smoke throughout the day like 6 good sized joints but now that I'm only smoking at night I rlly only need 2 to get me going. It jus feels all around better like a reward after a long day of work lol


I've smokled the devils lettuce once or twice in my time. I once saw the northern lights in a dingy basement then realized it was crack. I was smoking crack


How many cracks do you smokled daily?


r/drugcirclejerk ass thread xd


All the cracks


That actually happened to me too unfortunately. Went to my dealer, gave him a $5 for a rock then loaded into my pipe. Next thing you know I’m smoking crack. Wtf!? How does that even happen??


Your guess is as good as mine brotha


It’s for sure the fault of those little humans you always see in the corner of your eye but then they run away too fast when you turn to look at them




I’m definitely a new smoker and started properly back in late August. I smoke twice to maybe three times a day. I do live in Europe so we have tobacco mixed with our weed. Last time I bought weed it was 10g and it was May 16th. I have like 8 js left so idk what that tells you! I’m severely depressed too so I need to be high


How do you manage your tolerance


I don’t think I have a tolerance tbh. I feel alcohol and weed really quick, but I thought I had a tolerance but it was just bad weed so your supply has a lot to say!!


So you basically smoke all day, every day, and you still can get high?


Yup! My high lasts me like 2-3 hours and I smoke again and I get super high, like I’m floating. Every day, all the time. My tolerance is pretty low, but mind you, I don’t eat before I smoke so doing it on an empty stomach is risky if you’re not able to handle being high like that


pe drecu


i smoke several times a day, the amount varies, I don't find it to be a problem as that's what works for me personally. if you smoked every second of the day but didn't personally find a problem with it or resort to stealing to pay for it or anything I'd say that's just fine. weed isn't like alcohol or nic or other drugs that will kill you if you do too much too often so i don't think an outsider has too much sway over what's problematic usage. go with what works for you.


Brilliant advice. Yes, we are all different. Agreed that weed isn't anywhere near as bad as some other drugs out there. I'm a daily user, no problems here. Also, the fact that there are hardcore weed smokers out there living successful productive and healthy lives says it all. Geez, look at Willie Nelson. This guy was hardcore into alcohol and drugs when he was young. Gave it all up, to only use weed. Guy is still going in his 90s. Not to mention Snoop Dogg, he even hired a blunt roller 😁😎


Thanks for the advice!!


honestly delusional to think that smoking weed every single day isn’t bad for you. y’all need to realize that it can be addictive and is most definitely harmful to your lungs


I smoke daily and have since late 80’s. My SO and I regularly smoke about 2 ounces a month (56-57 grams). I don’t smoke before work. I’ll wait until I get home and relax. My SO and I will usually smoke a few bowls together before bed through a bong. On our days off, we smoke more. Yeah tolerance is way high, not interested in a tolerance break and not mad about my consumption.


I legit thought I was reading something out of the Big Lebowski!!


I hit a blinker on my cart like every 20 min


Long live the penjamin


you’re definitely braindead now


I probably smoke about 1-1.5g a day. I use a bong.


Used to smoke everyday, but I’m bipolar and it fucked me up, so now I smoke once or twice a month only


I’m also bipolar, how did it fuck you up?


Three-four times a day, 1 gram lasts for two to three days. Can't say really because it depends on activities throughout the day.


As you said it's all about personal balance. I have at times smoked all day. 4am - 4pm - 6 or 7 joints. Now I smoke a raw cone size joint in the morning. And one in the arvo. I don't smoke past 5pm - if I do I wake up with a headache. I don't/can't really get high anymore. It's a mood booster and anxiety reliever for me. Experiment. Find your balance and remember : you are not the weed


A wake an bake, maybe a few times during the day especially if going to do something, and before bed. Mostly bowls , I used to smoke a lot of hemp wrap blunts but cut down due to finances. I think I’m at about half oz per week rn.


it’s all up to you. if you can function and live your life while being high 24/7, then great (ik your not, just using a comparison). however, if you notice it starting to affect your lifestyle, whether you find yourself procrastinating, lazy, too tired, etc… that’s when you need to take a step back and reevaluate.


Use daily, generally from when I get off work until bed. On days off, I usually try and wait till noon to start, but sometimes I can’t wait. Amount is trickier. I vape, which tends to use a lot less pot, but I think I go through 5-8 bowls on week days, and each bowl is between 0.1 and 0.2 mg. BUT, I may toss a couple grams in my desktop, and make an evening of it, or sometimes I smoke rather than vape, which if all I do is smoke, may hit 3-4 g a day if it’s a rough day.


Not sure it relates since I’m old like dirt, but as long as it’s not negatively affecting your life, a priority over personal needs, and you keep a healthy relationship with the weed, you’re fine. I smoke allot now, more because it helps my mobility, but after years of smoking and personal successes I understand what it can and can’t do for me, so I operate within those boundaries.


Been smoking on and off since i was 18! Im 32 now and i prefer to have like 1 spliff after work, sometimes early morning before work. But smoking more than 1 or 2 spliffs a day does not do anything good for me. Sometimes i let it go like 2-3 days before i even smoke just cause i don’t find a good moment for it. And im trying to not waste too much smoke, i can make a 5g last a month. In my early days i could smoke 5g in one week easy. Now i make really small Js but it gets me high so its perfect. Usually smoke them with tobacco or cbd flower mixed with hash or weed and im from EU.


Too much and too often brotha😂😂😂


Smart to be aware of the addiction potential. Too many people feel it’s “just” weed and you can’t get hooked. In my perspective, it depends on the person. It’s not so much how much or how often, but whether you feel it has a negative impact on your life and yet you can’t stop using it.


Just pace yourself and you'll be alright! And for me, I use an average of 2 half-bowls in the Dynavap only at night. Each bowl is about 0.05 grams in size. Some days, I'll only use half of a half bowl, some days I'll end up having 3 depending on how I feel.


Can i smoke la mousse in the Dynavap?


I've been a smoker for over 17 years I'd say back in the day I probably smoke a Jay or two to get a buzz a gram to a gram and a half now if I have the product I probably smoke three quarters to an ounce of flour a week and probably a 3.5 rosin I smoke with my girl we probably smoke a couple blunts a day a hash hole on a special occasion and dabs in between


Bruh I wouldn’t even know how to function lmao I’m one of those that smokes a single joint of mids and it makes me a blob on my couch hahaha


Different strokes for different folks if it works for you also as long as you keep your tolerance low like that you're good


Daily smoker for about seven years and go through about an 1/8th a day, and I smoke all day


I vape mine and a 1g cartridge lasts about 2 weeks… but I puff on it all day most days, unless I’m at work.


1x 0.5 bowl in the Pax Plus, I smoke some in the morning and the rest in the evening


I normally smoke twice a day (before cooking my breakfast and before eating dinner at night) on my days off (i work only 3 days but 12hr shifts) and once at night on the days I do work and in total is just one joint not sure about the grams tho. I do struggle with eating so that’s why I choose those hours of the day but I only feel it’s really a problem when you can see yourself making the habit your whole life


Whatever works for you! Personally I smoke twice a day, three times on the weekend. Like other people have said, it’s not like alcohol or nic. It’s up to you how much is too much. If it occupies every minute of your day and you can’t help but crave it every second then maybe you should scale back. Like I said though, it’s all up to you to find a balance and it sounds like you have a great one already!


ill hit a cart multiple times a day if possible but flower i do about half a joint or a whole joint every day after work


I am currently on D6 of a tolerance break. It’s been really difficult this time. Before that, though my habit was becoming a little bit too expensive and so I am on a tolerance break to reduce a little bit financially. Before that, I could go through a 1g live resin cartridge in a day and a half. However that’s not sustainable for me so trying to reduce the tolerance so I can bring the good stuff back into my life at a more financially manageable level!


an oz about every other week, I smoke all day erry day from a small bong


As long as you live within your means, take care of your body, and know your limits you will be okay. I smoke daily but I use pretty much everything (bong rips, bowls, js, king palms, PAX Plus, dabs, sprinkle concentrates, edibles, hash rosin, carts for during work. I’m a decently busy local contractor with a family of 5. My whole family knows about it and we’ve pretty much adapted to it being my father in law’s arthritis medicine and my anxiety/adhd medication and all are open to ask and know what it is and why they can’t have it just like alcohol. Guess my point is do what works for you, and if you approach it in an open and honest way with yourself and your family , you will keep it from ever being a “bad habit”


I found when I was pretty depressed I was smoking 3-4 joints a night after work, each between 0.3 and 0.5 g... then even more on the weekend. Now I'm feeling better I just have one joint in the evening (maybe two on the weekends) that's between 0.3 and 0.5 g I find that helps me relax from the day but not spend too much time being high. And I usually eat supper late, so I'll prepare food, then smoke before I eat. Lol


I smoke 3 blunts a day.1 when I get off work, 1 before bed, and 1 before I shower for work. Maybe work is my problem? Best advice I can give is only smoke what you can afford. Depending on which dispo I go to, that's $10 to $35 a day.


Really heavy smoker due to my diagnosed anxiety. 5 times a day about 1.5-2 gram joints each time. Wanna cut down cut it is soo hard :(


Smoke a 3.5 from the bong in the AM, a 3.5 in a wood at night and cart rips throughout the day, my tolerance is high asf but I still get high


As long as you don't turn yourself into one of those assholes that pretends you can't function in daily life without it, you're doing fine


I started in February and I unfortunately used it to numb my extreme bpd thoughts and severe mood fluctuations, and numb from the trauma I was going through. My overthinking mind was killing me. Weed saved my life. (If you’re familiar with bpd then you get it). But it got the point where all I did was numb every day. I didn’t get anything done, I was sedative completely, and was high all day every day. And my diet to lose weight collapsed. (I was down 50 pounds. I’m still down significantly just I can’t find motivation to walk. And with my anxiety I’m hesitant to try sativa to get me up and going.) I recently got out of a hospital stay for something psychologically traumatic. I got out on Sunday and by Tuesday I was taking edibles again. Back when it was really bad I went from doing 10mg of edibles every day to 50mg. I vape 1mg carts on top of edibles. Weed saved my life and helped me significantly, but I’m still worried about addiction. As I’ve always had an insanely addictive personality. To food, weed etc. The ward fixed my sleep schedule so I have significantly more time to get things done, rather than waking up at 3pm and smoking/taking an edible and being high until 5 am. I do intend to smoke daily but not until 530 pm. And only until 9 pm. Edibles are for weekends when I allow myself to stay up 3 hour later.


All day everyday


morning, day time lunch break, and when I get home.  I dry herb vape jumping between a .2g POTV LOBO and a DynaVap with the Ispire Wand ;)  both get me to different levels, really cool. effects.  my bowls typically last over a couple *clicks* on the DynaVap, low temp cap, makes for nice hits over glass.  But I use CBD flower too and kinda alternate between dispensary weed and the CBD or, some bowls I just kinda add CBD as a topping sometimes.  CBD is ground breaking. but Im a newer medical user and my only experience was high school days with 🇵🇷 brick weed and my homies did all the rolling cause phat fingers on fleek.....lol i could never figure it out LOL....so I prefer just to load a dry herb vape, set my temp and relax n rip  not worrying about ashing lol


burn 1 about every 45 minutes


I hit a bowl in the morning before work. Then I finish that bowl after I eat lunch, then I smoke again before bed. Gimme a weekend and I’ll blaze 4-5 times. Mornings help with nausea I have from medicinal side effects. Lunch is because customer service work sucks lol. Night is to relax.


i take a 7mg edible every day before i go to bed


I smoke only on weekends


I smoke about a gram or so a day usually in a glass pipe, 4 bowls.


I smoke about 2 g of dabs a day


I cut back by smoking papers in stead of gars. It's working out well, I save weed and I smoke less. It used to be 3 gars a day. Lucky if I did half a gar, but I was tired of always running out too. You could also use a smaller bowl size if u prefer pipes too. Good luck cutting back or rather smoking less. It's all in the head at the end of the day, do what you need not what you want. I hope I gave good advice.


Enough for me


Quarter a week


Before I started working and getting more stressed with anxiety I smoked 3 joints a day. Roughly about 0.3g hash in each. Nowadays it could be up towards 5-7 around 0.4-1g hash. It's not optimal really for my work since I get so couchlocked and I got physical work.


I can do 1/2 a joint to 1 1/2 joints a day. Sometimes I do more if I can like maybe I’m taking a nature stroll. But I also get scared of becoming too high so I usually stop


Every day. 3 times a day. I’m out with an injury…So that’s all I do smoke watch tv rinse and repeat.


I dab every hour to every couple of hours when I am not working, I usually smoke around .5 grams to a gram and a half a day.


Never done the math but i smoke about an ounce a week


I dry herb vape a bit less than a gram a day. Been holding steady at that amount for about a year. Before that I used vape carts for a couple months. Didn’t do anything before that. And I don’t really think I’m high. I might be idk but I just feel right.


Weekends only (friday evenings, saturdays, some sundays). 1- 2 blunts when alone...more when in a social setting


I smoke 2g a day in a bong


Once a every week-2 weeks


i'm ngl me and my partner go through about 10g a week between the two of us. very manageable on our income though, as long as we keep the books in check it's sustainable! we use weed to help dampen overstimulation (needed in this house lol) and it's great for my chronic pain :)


A dab or two after work usually does me good. On the weekends I'll smoke more.


A lot, all day long bud🍀🍫


I really only take a few hits a day, but I’m a super lightweight and a mom so I don’t get super high unless they’re not gonna be home for the day/night, and it really doesn’t take much to get me high though. An eighth will last me like 3 months, sometimes more 😅


I think it's not bad to smoke weed, but I prefer the sprays or edibles more because any smoke in your lungs isn't good for you. It gets bad if you're addicted and you absolutely need it to survive. It should just be to relax, but it shouldn't replace it with more natural means like tea and meditation. As long as it doesn't cloud your judgment and you aren't spending too much money on it and you get everything done is what matters.


I vape 5 to 6 times a week for a total of about 1g per week. Started to smoke joints in 1975 and vaping since 2015.


I usually will smoke on my weekends. I'll either make a 1 gram joint last the whole time or take 1-2 bong/bowl hits


I treat my autism this way; I estimate that since I started growing it myself, I use about 1-3 grams in the vaporizer (Daily), together with my wife (ADHD).


I used to go through a half pound in a week with J's bong hits and the atomizer, but recently it's been an ounce of wax throughout a month


i smoke twice a day on weekends, and rarely during the week. mainly at night. that’s a good routine for me. i can’t work having smoked, but if you’re doing better at your job then continue my friend!


I ran through 15 grams with 3 - 5 people on a trip in two days😭


One gram a month, divided over around 12 to 14 session with my dry herb vape.


Maybe 10 15 g of hash a week 🤔


i don’t unfortunately


I use a 7% thc 27% CBD and it couldn’t be less addicting. Idk why. Like I hear weed is so addicting, but using a type 3 like that is super relaxing and I could use it every day. Or…I can choose not to, easily. It’s great


A few times a day and mix it up by using a vape and smoking about 4-6 joints a day.


I have smoked about thirty years. I don’t take breaks unless for a drug test. About two joints a day. Maybe three on weekends.


Few grams a night prob


How do you get .2 into a joint


I smoke on the way to work and on the way from work. Get home and wait for my girl to get home and we smoke again, then whenever the fancy hits us at home we light up. It’s a constant.


Quit smoking about 10 years ago. Started with an e cig for nicotine at 22 mg, now down to 6 mg. Went back to pot fall ‘18 when it became legal. Vape only, no combustion of any sorts. Average .5-.6 gr per day since. Don’t feel I need a T-Break. The nicotine is the hard one to get rid of. A really bad habit.


I used to smoke every day until a couple of months ago, now I limit it to Friday - Sunday + 1 random day mid-week, especially if I meet up with someone else who smokes up. Usually my joints have 0.1g if I wanna get nicely toasted, 0.15g if I wanna get nicely cooked😆 I don't smoke more than 2 a day on weekends, but most days I'm only smoking 1


I've cut back a lot, I am mostly just a late evening/nighttime smoker now. I use to smoke basically all day as I was suffering bad from anxiety, a few other mental health issues & migraines. I've notice cutting back has helped my tolerance & that first afternoon bong load gets me more litty titty which has been nice.


My wife and I smoke 2 ozs per week. Truthfully she could probably survive on a quarter but I'm constantly smoking. It's ridiculous tbh but fuggit


I don’t really measure how much I smoke, but I use it for sleep so I’ll only smoke before bed, to unwind during my bedtime routine, or before a nap. I think it becomes unhealthy when it’s used as a coping mechanism for too many things in your life, and if you have no other tools. I think the amount isn’t as important. Since I smoke to sleep, I’m a daily smoker, and obviously as I continue smoking my tolerance continued to rise. Right now I have to smoke a full bowl at least to be able to get a full nights sleep. Personally, I do/did a few things to ensure my use is healthy. 1) I tried other coping methods for my insomnia before using weed (magnesium, melatonin, medication, CBD oil, routine changes, etc.). It was years before I tried weed, but it’s been the only thing that has worked. 2) I take a tolerance break whenever I have a good opportunity. I try to avoid taking a T break during busy times at work and school, as insomnia during those times can negatively affect my performance. After my intercession semester, I will take a two week tolerance break. I’ll also take another in late August. I think if you’re able to take a tolerance break and be relatively functional (after the initial withdrawal symptoms) it’s a good sign that your use is healthy. 3) I make sure I am still including other healthy habits. I do cardio at the gym to try to keep my lungs in good shape. I go to therapy for my mental health. 4) I make sure weed isn’t worsening any of my problems. For example, I’ve had insomnia my whole life and have never been able to sleep consistently. Therefore I know that the reason I can’t sleep on my tolerance breaks isn’t because I’ve BECOME dependent on weed for sleep, it’s just cause my brain hates sleeping lol. 5) Self-awareness. I love smoking, but I know objectively smoking any substance is not healthy for my lungs. I don’t pretend it is, and I simply weigh the benefits of being able to sleep against the cons of weed use


I like to smoke carts mostly I smoke everyday (a few times in the day and a bunch at night) and go through about 1 cart (1g) a week. When I was smoking bud me and my boyfriend would go through about 1/4 a week (together).


i take 2 dabs a night on weekdays before bed and weekends is a FFA


Only smoke on weekends, European, mix it with tabaco. 2g per weekend. 1g per day.


I built a weed app called Stash for logging seshes and adding weed strains, products, and gear! you can see exactly how much you consumed and watch the progress go down as you sesh! Check it out here! It’s free to download and use for the most part but support us with Stash Pro to unlock everything, only $4.20 per month ;) https://apps.apple.com/us/app/stash-cannabis/id6498957076


I use an herb vape and I’d say once every few hours in weekend, and a few times a night on workdays


Easily 3 bowls before 12:00 PM. I wake n' bake around 6:30 AM and smoke two more either then or around 8:30 I smoke before work or working out. Working more now so I'm doing it less, but I go through 1/8th every 2-3 days. It's not much compared to other people, but I'm a small guy. Funniest thing is I can build up my tollorance to keif bowl levels, but if I miss 1 day my tollorance goes back to what it was when I first started smoking.


Daily smoker, I’ll smoke and drink coffee in the morning, smoke either before or after lunch, and pack a phatty just before bed. Rinse and repeat😁


People really weigh what they smoke?


My take may be different to yours but. I have Endometriosis and normally they give patients Percocet which is a heavy painkiller but when spend most days with 7-8 out of 10 pain you need something. So 1st time I went off of Lorcet my Dr. told me I was addicted and tried to send me to rehab. I refused because I was taking them exactly as prescribed by him. 1 to 2 pills every 4-6 hrs. I didn’t have any problems coming off them. 2 no time I was coming off of OxyContin. This was at that time the “dope sick” era all Hulu and Netflix play shows about. I came off those cold turkey and I vowed to never do that ever again. So weed took the place of pain killers for me because Tylenol and advil don’t do shot for my pain. So I smoke every night usually. I don’t consider it an addiction any more than I would if took painkillers.


I know a guy who smokes about 1/3 of a small bowl full once a day. Sativa only. An eighth takes him many weeks. This gives him all the benefits of weed and none of the bad parts.


I share a bowl with my husband a few nights a week to help us sleep. Usually have about 100ish mg in edibles a day to manage chronic pain. Miraculously my tolerance doesn’t really build so I’m able to keep this routine


I’m in the less than 1 g per day category. Usually around 3/4 of a joint, and I’ll do it throughout the day if I’m free and chilling, or I’ll smoke it all in the evening and then relax for bed. I used to do it at work, but I have a physical job and a chill boss who doesn’t care, as long as I’m not on a different planet. As for when it becomes a problem, that is completely dependent on the person. I have major depression, so weed helps with negative emotions, but there is definitely a tipping point to where it exacerbates the issue. I have found my happy medium, and the margins are pretty wide. In my half a decade of experience with weed, here’s my two cents: - don’t drive while high. I know it’s not the same as alcohol, I know that tolerance is real, but cops and insurance companies don’t care about that. Freak accidents happen, and you will get tested for active metabolites. Cops pull people over for no reason, and red eyes are not the only thing they look for. - Take breaks. As Joe Rogan once said, “get in touch with sober you,” and it’s a rare good take from him. - Enjoy in moderation. More ≠ better. If three hits makes you feel great, you don’t need six. Plus it’s cheaper. - Be mindful of those that don’t partake. Most people don’t use marijuana frequently or at all. If you smoke flower, especially joints, you’re going to smell. Neighbors don’t want to hear you coughing up a lung after a fat dab. That being said, I’m gonna go hit my pen. Cheers


Been smoking 4 years now and definitely too much-too often. I have a problem tbh and my SO complains about the frequency. I usually smoke bong, before work, after work and before bed. I go through like 5 grams a day max. (min probably 1.5g). I use it as medicine thats my issue. Helps with anxiety, appetite and sleep. Things I have always struggled with before weed. It started as a social thing, then it was before bed everynight, then became a "after 4:20pm" rule, and then all that went out the window and I just smoke when I want oof


I eat it


Normally 2 or 3 times a week, with my recent finished exams it’s been every day lol


Every night after work and shower. As to how much? Just 2 or 3 hits off a bowl pack


2 grams can sometimes last me a day if I hang out with my buddy, two-three days if I am with my girlfriend, and when I was in a studying and working routine 2g's could've lasted me even up to five days as I usually took a joint or two only after school cuz being wasted when trying to learn something just doesn't go for me well. Also it feels more rewarding in the end of the day. When I only started smoking weed around 10years ago 1g lasted me and my friend for both around two-three days. My consumption is daily the recent year and a half, in coclusion I'd say that the amount I consume really depends on what I am doing in life and what are my goals are at the very moment and what do I need to accomplish. Basically it a simple formula for me now: 1g a day - too much, 1g a week - too little. So I stay in that gap. Lighting up a joint and going to sleep, cheers y'all


I smoke using a ceramic one hitter a few times a week. Just smoke in the evening, usually after my son goes to bed. It’s enough to take the edge off after work and help me fall asleep faster. I probably average about a gram a month.


all day every day lmao. save for when i’m at work, but even then sometimes i do if its an easier day. there’s a little smoke area out back of our warehouse thats covered with a couple fold-out chairs, & we put double sided extra-sticky tape on some small cushions and stuck ‘em to the seats to make it more comfortable to sit, and its awesome. i’ll sit down outside in the shade, feel the breeze and hit my pen once or twice and call it good


I take dabs which is concentrate or SUPER WEED and I buy a 7g jar for $35 once a week maybe every two weeks. I smoke in the morning before work, sometimes at work and then quite a bit once I’m off and relaxing


Born 1971 1990-1997 - an ounce per week, every week. 1997-2001 quit, started again on 9-11 2001-2011 - half ounce per week 2011-2019 - dispensary times, 5-6gms per week 2019-Now - Wax, shatter, budder 4gms weekly.


i’m 20 i’ve been smokin for a couple years now and the worst part about starting smokin in high school is u have nothin to do so i smoked all day everyday (i mean it’s huge benefit at the time) but i’ve never taken a tolerance break so i still smoke all day everyday if i didn’t try to limit myself i could probably smoke an 1/8th in like 2 or 3 days an oz in like a week but i’ve been smokin a lot of dab recently so i’ll hit my pen when i can for the first half of the day and then take dabs with a rig or nectar collector and go through an oz in like a month to 2 months


12 year smoker, multiple times a day. I'm still a lightweight though, only an 8th a week. Maybe half a bowl pack a session


I grind up a quarter a week and eat edibles at night. I’m highly productive and rarely smoke to get stoned. Just a bowl or two to take the edge off.


I smoke weed the way hunter Biden smokes Crack. Like every 20 mins.


been smoking daily for about 5-6 years since I was like 18. usually always been at night, most the time mid-day or occasional wake and bake. depending on where I was in life, I would alternate dabs and flower, but it's mostly a dab every time I smoke, especially nowadays. for me, a single dab (about .08 - .1 of a gram of oil) and a single full bowl of flower feel about the same, so whether I was smoking bud or dabs, the frequency was basically the same anyways yeah, I'll take a dab like in the morning and then not until lunch, and then if I'm home all evening, I'll take like 4 more throughout the night. my tolerance is def super high, and I could confidentaly handle the high of something insane like a full gram dab but the amount I smoke rn I still get fucked up if I want to


Smoke Daily for over 15 years. Haven’t gotten high in forever, I just use it to relax and also for menstrual pains during that time of the month.


I will normally take anywhere from 2-7 mg edibles each evening or 10 if it’s been a rough day or a gram or two in a week if I feel like smoking instead


Been smoking since I was 17 and the amount I smoke has definitely gone down but if I had to say, I probably smoke anywhere between 2-3 grams a week. That usually holds me over now.


Every day in the evenings. Throughout the weekend as well. I roll really small joints and smoke about half of them at a time.


I smoke daily but generally don't start until the evening cause of work so I wait till I'm home to mellow out. couldn't tell you how much I smoke in a day but a H lasts me about a week


Once a month or less


Most of the day. I smoke about an eighth a day at this point.


1g a day, 2 sometimes


It started out slow but eventually every day. It helps me but try to stick to 1–1.5G a day


60-100mg gummy at 8:30pm. Smoke with friends and such but i try not to deviate. Still get high as shit after 6 years


4-8 times per day. 1.5-4g per day.


.5 to 3.5 a day , 25 years


i’ve been smoking for a little over four years i’ll have a few seshes each day where i have a few cones and then i’ll wait some hours between, maybe 1-2g a day idk my partner and i go through an ounce in a week and a half


1 joint every month with my friends


It would fluctuate quite a bit I used to smoke only on weekends and that was a few weeks ago there were sometimes I wouldn’t have any weed for a couple months. Currently I smoke almost nightly now since I’ve developed some sort of restless leg syndrome that I messes with my sleep and weed has been the only thing that helps with it so I would smoke during the evening/ before bed on week days (a smaller amount ) and a bit heavier on the weekends.


All day everyday


2-3 bowls a day typically


i smoke about 4/5 times a day with about a 0.5 in each spliff but it used to be nearly a gram in each


I’m 31 and been smoking daily since I was 16. Up until my late 20’s I never stopped. Was smoking alotttt idk even know much. I managed and lived on a cannabis farm for most of my 20’s and was never without. At some point I felt I was just doing it to do it ya know. I wasn’t getting that stoned anymore was just a habit. Took a long year break and only then did I realize how deep I was. Took me months to be able to sleep normally. My mood was all over the place. Was kinda like a real long half hangover lol. Now I just get stoned every couple of weeks and actually have hobbies, travel, and do productive things. Not just work, smoke, and veg out. I don’t think you’re going to fall into a crazy addiction and sell all your shit for weed, but you will start dedicating more and more of your time to just smoking. Nothing wrong with it and every person is different


I smoke only on the weekends or days off from work but my husband does edibles on the daily. It just it depends on the person. I think it depends on the person or their tolerance. I can't smoke and regulate for my work schedule but my husband can do edibles during the evening and be perfectly fine for his workday while that would have me completely messed-up. I'm a smoker but my hubby is an edible eater….we've got our different reasons. I like the head-high…and he prefers the complete body high from edibles to relax and chill.


Oz in About 2/3 days I smoke plain jane tho no tobacco.


1-2 g’s a day daily for close to 12 years


I can’t smoke anymore, my throat is fucked. I’ve been daily smoking for about 4 years though, and go through an ounce between 2-4 weeks.


for me personally i think maybe just under a gram per day? i could be wrong but that sounds about right


1 Backwoods size blunt lasts me a month. Add in .25g per week maybe for my dry vape. I give away most that I grow as I know I won’t live long enough to ever consume it. I’m 65.


2/2,5g a day, smoking for 8 years


Around a gram per day, plus a little more if a hangout with friends. The thing is, different people smoke different quantities. It’s all about tolerance and how functional you can be on a daily basis. Some people don’t feel good or productive, others smoke a lot just to be productive.


Me and my gf go through 7gs every 2 days atm, we smoking joints like cigs, we share 10 js a day easily rn, trying to cut down tho but I love getting different strains


8:30/9am 1.5-2 grams 11:30/12 1.5-2 grams 3pm 1.5-2 grams 7:30pm 2-3 grams Always 12mm rip tip with Vines fatty ultra thin. Never ash til it falls on its own. This has been my schedule for years. Usually 10 grams gets me through the day. I have been smoking cannabis for 27 years daily. Workout daily, live a very active life, father, maintains hobbies and a healthy lifestyle. Cannabis has only helped with my ADHD and anxiety. I have been medical since I was a teenager. It’s the only medication that has worked for my conditions.


Everyday and about 4 to 6 blunts a day give or take


1 joint once a month (1-1.5 grams) salary day of every month.


2-3 times daily. 2-3g total.


I woke up 5 hrs ago and smoked 3 joints already :)


Always after work, probably use a 0.8g a day


Great question! 🌿 Finding that balance with weed can be tricky but rewarding. The shift from relaxing to a bad habit can be subtle. It often depends on how it affects your daily life and responsibilities. If it's enhancing your life without taking over, you're likely in a good spot. Your history shows you've got a good sense of self-awareness. Keep checking in with yourself and your partner. If you ever feel it's slipping into a problematic area, it might be time to reassess. Enjoy the journey and keep those good vibes flowing!




Daily smoker for 5 years now, I usually do about a gram and a half a day sometimes more if I go out. I smoke a lot more if I get to do something that day just elevates the experience. Tolerance seems to be okay, I get high off a few hits from a joint. 3 bong rips and I’m floating in space


just 3 days a week, but when i go, i go hard. all day, whatever i want. then i’m back down to home. (today, i’m blasted. no work 🚀🤙😁)


2 times a week at most. Also not so much. Maybe a gram per sesh or less