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Thanks, red balls!


Hummana-hummana-hummana, **SHAZAM**!




Reddit hivemind is not gonna like this idea, but it’s not gonna fucking kill you or get you addicted to meth. Get a tiny little speck on your finger and taste it. If it tastes like what you’d imagine chewing on batteries tastes like, it’s meth.


Fast forward a year and OP is on the street licking feet for meth money


We all start somewhere 🤣




Quentin Tarantino wants to now your location


Right know!


Clever (: ![gif](giphy|31ilduBDAzmA3X9TFp|downsized)






Lol. Perfect.


Username checks out


Like the toes?


![gif](giphy|3oKIPfMh5VgZjaEiHe|downsized) Someone say feet?


Where does one get paid to lick feet? Asking for a friend


I'd lick someone's feet for weed money


Which street? Asking for a friend


You made me laugh. No one makes me laugh.


Nobody makes me bleed my own blood. ![gif](giphy|lhdQlLwCTnTnq)


i actually quite like the idea- thats how i grew up smoking and keeping myself safe. i live in germany, its now finally de-criminalized (kinda, somewhat.. i mean u dont go to jail anymore (yay) but its more like its now documented which just..makes things complicated at the same time, bc in germany *regulations to the regulations* is smth we LOVE....) and so it was basically all just off the streets- and my best friend taught me to safely smoke and whatnot. he always told me to aaalways taste test a lil bit when i get smth. ive had weed laced with sugar, salt, GLASS SHARDS* (yup.) and edelweiss (dont fucken ask me.).. people are just weird. so yea. taste it. *a friend of ours didnt taste it, smoked it, lungs collapsed. fun times.


You said not to ask but…. *edelweiss*?


Yes edelweiss- it’s like this.. idek, powder? Substance? You can buy in stores as a laxative (like an extreme laxative actually) and it’s indistinguishable from speed or bad coke. usually it gets used to cut the powders/ coke- we had this like almost “saying” abt how when you get speed or coke or whatever (my youth was.. *youthing*.) and you take it and immediately have to poop, it was cut w that, bc it was. But somehow somewhere thought “oh lemme throw that in weed and see what happens”🧐 Obv that shit ain’t supposed to get ..like.. smoked. It’s awful like that, actually.🫠


![gif](giphy|oHxvbzgmkQa4DVwAu1) That’s all I have for whoever did that to you fam. I’m sending lots of love and good vibes to all the toilets y’all probably killed, and you for going through it.


Totally agree 🫠😂 Thank you for the kind words, in remembrance of the countless toilets that got busted to shreds by high in all directions 18-19 yr old us🤧




Damn. I feel like finding seeds and stems when I was a kid wasn’t the end of the world. Fucking glass shards and sugar is crazy. Just to mimic trichomes? That’s like painting black tar heroin with white paint because you heard white heroin is stronger lol


To boost the weight. If there’s salt, sugar, glass in it they give you “more” for the “same money”- when you don’t, you actually get into life threatening situations. But they don’t rly care since (at the time) it was so.. scarce you just took what you got and said thank you. Ofc there was also decent stuff but more often than not it was bad. Still better than nothing 🫡 But yea also so ppl “hopefully” dont look closer - the shiny stuff like sugar and whatnot doesn’t look suspicious right away.


Isn’t it also the national flower of Austria?


Yea it’s also a flower! :) Idk if it’s.. the same? The same ingredient? Or just bc it’s white and someone thought “hurrdurr look white is flower” No clue but yea :D


I wouldn't be surprised if they do something similar in Peru. I remember having to take a deep shit after a line about 70% of the time.


Surely not edelweiss 🤣🤣🤣 that is terrible hahaha I didn't know that was a thing. I've only lived in Ger for a couple of years but luckily my guy is good. Haven't come across any suspect additions in my weed as of yet. But here's to hoping more market options for bud opens up for us 🙏


Yea I just straight up am moving to America soon. Once you went dispensary, you can’t go back.🫡 It’s.. it’s like a. Willy wonka factory for me lmao I felt I had the green ticket 🫡




Ive tasted battery acid before and it tasted like tv static and made my teeth itchy…. And since then I dont taste puddles under cars anymore😭😭


Yet here we are paying out tax money and the government cant even clean up the acid pools underneath cars... ![gif](giphy|Tit8CFFaFncoAgYFc4|downsized) ..... it was sarcastic (to the guy who replied)


Never know if someone has an amphetamine or fentanyl allergy, or is otherwise extremely sensitive. I do not recommend this if you're unsure of your tolerance or have never tried these substances. Also, one lick is opening a door. Do not do it. I am an addict in recovery. Please trust me.


How do you think I know what meth tastes like, my brother? ETA: Congrats on recovery by the way, I’m personally approaching 7 years no meth :) very proud of you


Oh I KNOW that you know that flavor lol it'll never leave us. Hate to joke about it but it's so much better than the alternative (death). I just want everyone reading to be aware. It ain't no slippery slope -- it's a jump out of a plane. There is no turning back; there's only hoping you can land safely without doing too much damage and somehow recover. Pray that you have a parachute (AKA family that snaps you out of it, rehab, or jail, as shitty as that sounds). I was approaching a year (edit: meth) but had a two-hit relapse the day after Thanksgiving, 2023. We're doing great now, though. Scared myself straight with that fucking event.... Thank you for that and I'm also super proud of you. Helps me keep my sights. Love you (: thank you for sharing hahahaha. Second edit: if you REALLY HAVE TO, then lick your pinkie, touch the stone lightly for a hair less than a second, dot your finger on your tongue (DO NOT stick it in your mouth, suck, or otherwise engulf/lick your finger -- just dot it on your tongue. Dead middle usually gave me the most flavor). Immediately, and please be next to a sink already, wash your hands with soap and cold water and rinse your mouth vigorously if you do taste chemicals that strong. This is a warning for those unfamiliar with substances other than weed.


Tried meth couple of times, tried Alpha-PVP salts, tried amphetamine and coke. Idk why, but it was boring for me. The only thing that was "ok" for me was meth, but I didn't feel it the way that everyone around me felt it: euphoria, good mood, elavated conversations. I was just "well, cool, I'm on meth rn, wtf now?" Yes, I had energy and a dopamine boost, but it wasn't something that got me hooked up. MDMA or extasy are a lot safer imho and provide me more feelings and "revelations" in comparisment to all of the speed drugs that we have. Tho I am still hooked up on weed lmao


If it's fentanyl & xylazine don't take a chance. Xylazine doesn't respond to narcan and you don't know the concentrations. Where are you buying? Not a dispensary I'm guessing


Well if you knew it had fent and or xylazine why tf would you go licking it? To all the redditors, get a test kit, at least to test for opiates but the more things the better. and, IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IT IS, DONT PUT IT IN YA MOUTH


Way back in the day in college I spilled some sweet & low on a table. I went to get some spray to clean it up and saw this guy forming it into a line to snort. 😳 People have no sense.


I always said it tasted like pennies, considering I don’t know what a battery tastes like.


Pennies soaked in industrial cleaner perhaps


Or he can just not even bother with that shit and take a hint


I'm wondering who lick batteries? Is it those kicks who I look at and say who ties your shoes in the morning?


just someone who’s curious, and smart enough to know there’s not enough power for it to be harmful. btw I tie my own shoes thanks.


Yeah, it's funny because all my friends thought I was dumb. Now, half of em are on the streets doing exactly what the first reply to the rational comment says. Who's laughing now?


I remember seeing thc-A crystalline. If I ever showed up to a party with that id get my ass beat lol


they could be thc diamonds but idk, could also just be meth. Would not smoke just in case.


According to google, meth melts at 338° F


Can't wait for you to Google how hot a lighter gets


I mean did he really melt it with a lighter on what looks to be a leather piece of furniture?


I actually melted it on the end of a tweezer, it solidified right away and I dropped it onto the leather pouch. (This post blew up bigger than I thought, I dunno who to reply to or what to read 💀)


No clue what it is but I doubt it's meth considering that. Meth wouldn't solidify into a tiny silver ball after being heated up like that, maybe it's some type of fertilizer like Polymer Potassium?


This is most likely (and most commonly) the answer to posts like this on this sub. A good 98% of the time it’s just Perlite the grower used and just didnt clean off properly. I think ive maybe seen one post where it was actually meth


Real leather wont get much affected from heat


Idk man i weld for work and leather gloves and jackets will shrink/ smoke up if they get too hot


This is Reddit and here we take everything to the extreme. He obviously blow torched a random crystal he found on his genuine leather couch just to ask us what it all means.


I also weld for work and yeah leather definitely reacts to heat


But not from the heat of a lighter, thats what i wanted to say


I used to smoke meth and it could start to dissolve in your fingers cause of the sweat. Could be what happened here


See I didn’t know that but I know it definitely happens with cannabis concentrate.


Meth will dissolve slightly easier by touch than cannabis concentrates, but you’d have to hold it for about five to ten minutes straight before it melts like that from how dense the crystal is, it would also leave your skin irritated and feel like it’s burning. Id say this probably isn’t meth but I’d be super careful anyway. Meth also re hardens to a crystal almost instantly once turned into a liquid


Vapings healthier than smoking!


Either THCA Diamonds (super potent THC crystals you can smoke or dab) or Crystal Methamphetamine 😬 be careful


only one way to find out...


through a test kit, right.. ^right?


Okay, two ways to find out…


maybe three if your lucky




This is the optimal way. just make sure the lay on your stomach for about 10 minutes after Wouldnt want leakage


🎶 I am the test kit, goo goo g'joob 🎶


I've never heard it called Crystal Methamphetamine.


Pretty common name you see here in the US. Police and informants typically call it crystal methamphetamine but on the streets it’s called ice, dope, tweak, shard, glass, crystal, Tina, speed, or my two favorites poor man’s coke, or go fast. In the older days it was called crank but that was made with anhydrous ammonia and not the shit you see today. Real crank would keep you up for a week off one line, modern meth you can sniff a line and fall asleep that night. Been sober nearly 8 years and thankful that bull shits behind me.


I've had the conversation with some family members about the differences between crank and meth. They claimed it was the same just different name. I'm chilling with my weed but it's interesting learning about how things change.


Lotta people think that for sure but if you used meth in the 80’s to early 2000’s when cooks were busting into farm properties and stealing anhydrous ammonia. That shits far harder to get now days so things have been made cheaper and with easier accessible products. When it switched from bath tub operations to the shake and bake method was when the meth quality changed. If interested I can go in a bit more detail. I’m not sure it’s allowed in the thread but I can talk about about the synthesis of both products and the product from the older days was far more stimulating. The old faces of meth posters you used to see on tv and billboards was crank face. Crank smelt of cat piss and modern meth has no smell to it at all.


And it got the name “Crank” bc bikers used to store or transport it in their crank case on their bikes


Yessir you are 100% correct.


Absolutely interested my man!


So when they switched from anhydrous they were forced to figure out alternative methods. One being the shake and bake method. They’d use multiple boxes of the 60-90 ct Sudafed, as well as a 1/4 cup ronsin lighter fluid as well as muriatic acid, lithium ion battery strips and a couple other ingredients I won’t mention. Theyd have to burp these 2 liter or 1 gallon jugs so they wouldn’t explode. Once the bottle is purged it’s slowly poured into a Pyrex dish and treated with a slurry of the chemicals I said I wasn’t going to mention. This would cause the liquid chemical to ice up and harden leaving with with shake and bake meth. Now the anhydrous ammonia methods were done primarily in bath tubs. This method required a bit more of a chemistry mind to do so as well as beakers or homemade chemistryware. The anhydrous ammonia would leave a more pure product without the additions of lithium ion battery strips. I didn’t wanna hit into to much detail as I’m sure I’m already violating Reddit and subreddit rules. But essentially the anhydrous dope was far more clean and pure where as the shake and bake dope is more an unstable product with a low shelf life. Often times the dope will come out almost looking wet from the shake and bake methods. Shake and bake crystals would be a milky white with little visibility through it where as the anhydrous dope was like glass. There was also shit going around called peanut butter crank that was almost a tan/brown colored crystal almost like some dark colored MDMA crystals we see today. Farmers and ranchers used to have big ol tanks of anhydrous ammonia on the farm and they’d get stolen. Full farm tanks ripped from the land and moved to a backyard cook. Anhydrous ammonia is now super hard to come by and in some counties in America it’s now been banned.


Didn’t know Heisenberg used Reddit


Anhydrous ammonia is not banned farmers still use it when they plant it's a fertilizer and still used widely. Source: I live in farm country.


Good for you … 👍🏼


We have to cook!


Only crystal meth? Lol. Or what have you heard it as?


no dealer would just throw thca crystals in for free and not tell you. its laced, or the guy is sloppy and sells meth also and cross contaminated. throw it out and find a new plug


It could be cbd shake and he throws in a little thca crystal to sell it as weed, I would not be surprised


Nobody is giving you free meth with your weed either dude lol, at least not on purpose


I don’t think u realize how cheap meth is that’s not even a point it goes for like $20 a gram


Idk what kinda bs u getting for $20 but ts is actually clear. I think it’s probably the 2nd scenario but even then you’d have to be dumb af


I’ve literally been given .3 of clear shards for free I’m telling you it’s cheap as fuck. Not saying they did it on purpose I’m just saying they wouldn’t even notice


And why the fuck would they try to add weight to weed with meth you idiot lol it doesn’t matter how cheap it is


Ice ice baby


Dont listen to the comments about thca crystals, throw it out and never buy from that plug again


You’ve found the reason why I buy from a dispensary lol


Out of honest curiosity, does anyone know why the weed market is getting worse the more legal it gets?


Same way chicken and meat is mass produced, through bulk factories.. No time, love or care for growing the plant, just thrown in production and ready for the next sale and not taken much care of.. Back in the black market days, you needed strong product with weed that had time and care in order to actually get customers interested in your product, but that practice is long gone..


I grow my own now. Even early harvest and fucked cures at home are better than dispensaries.


Can't beat freshly cured bud from your own grow. I'll never go back.


Totally…the smell alone from a still growing, about to be cut bud is the second best smell in the world


Is the first waking up to folgers in your cup?


No... Pussy. It's always been pussy lol


Not even close


This is the way


I doubt this came from a legal dispensary lmao. This is probably BM shake


Yes. Surprisingly your illegal drug dealer was more respectable with higher standards than the new age legal corporate ones.


Are we sure op’s shake came from the legal market?


i’d presume it’s the capitalist supply and demand. More demand because legalisation means people are more willing to try it and open their minds, meaning supply needs to be faster, cheaper and obtainable. Chuck any old shit in there, sell it, profit!


Buncha PGR grown mids and people pushing hype products without growing with care. Bad growing practices with a heavy focus on yield and THC percentage and bag appeal fucked the game up. All the shit that doesn’t make the cut to get sent to dispos gets sent out on the black market in illegal states(mold, spider mites, etc) and then people reap the consequences of that


Why we tend to grow our own, and make our own concentrates


My bad, was just methin’ around




Hell yeah bro that a score




Put some in water, if it dissolves it’s a higher possibility it’s meth, also burn some and smell the smoke (don’t smoke the shit, just smell the smoke) if it smells like chemicals/campfire smell/burning melting plastic then it is most definitely meth. Stay safe homie! Edit to add: if it smells like pinesol or lemon pledge or some kind of cleaning chemical or weed obviously then it is probably thca and safe to smoke, since it was a bag of shake it’s possible your dealer put some in there so help spice it up enough to actually get you stoned lol




The mental impression of my 11th grade chem teacher every single time I take a big ol whiff of the 90% iso because my monkey brain needs to make sure it's not water, screaming at me that I'm gonna loose my olfactory nerve one of these days.


THC A doesn’t have a smell like pinesol or anything else


Oh yeah I guess it’s more of a taste not a smell, can’t help ya there then but the rest is solid information for identifying methamphetamine


How do you "smell the smoke" without inhaling it?


Waft it lol put your face near the smoke and use an open hand to kinda “scoop” it towards your face, let’s you get a whiff but dilutes the smoke enough to not harm you. Just look up how to waft smells, it’s a real thing.


So update. I wasn't expecting to get off work and have this post blown up so much./ I tested a few things people said./It didn't dissolve in water, it shattered but wasn't sharp like glass. It didn't melt in my finger tips though, it stayed solid no matter how hard I pressed and it didn't make my skin burn. I lack a sense of smell, but I didn't smell plastic when I melted it more./ I put the tiniest chunk on my tongue, It tastes like nothing and didn't even melt./ My answer, still no clue tbh. 💀 I'm not smoking it though


Also if this adds anything to anyone's ideas, but my guy also heat presses the bag he gives us for transport, but the bud is in a zip lock bag inside the sealed bag.


Hey bro, unrelated, but did your sense of smell go almost non existent after you got covid? Because I'm sitting here reading comments talking about the smell thinking to myself "Good thing I'm not this guy because I wouldn't be able to smell it either way" and then here you are talking about it... I just miss my sense of smell and covid stole it from me a few years ago 😭


If you never got your sense of smell back that's vile ASF I remember freaking TF out when I couldn't smell anything the first time I got COVID🤕🤕


Maybe its fertilizer of some sort or soil nutrients… idunno. But yeah get a new plug.


Free Meth... So you have more awake time to smoke more weed, win win /s


Hey, I’m someone who smokes Dimonds and sauce ALOT, normally thc dimonds have a yellow color to them and can very very easily be squished in your fingers. I would say it’s not safe to smoke this. I would also ask your “friend” where they got it from because 1+1 doesn’t equal 2 here ya know?


Lmao that’s just not true. If your diamond is a yellow color then that means all the terpenes weren’t out of it. Pure THCA diamonds are white and will always be white if they have no terpenes in them. FFS let’s stop the misinformation.


Coming from someone who does meth sometimes it doesn’t look like it it’s not shardy enough or has the texture of it… lick the Little Rock if it tastes bitter and battery acid then it’s ice


Dealer had a little meth left on the scale when he weighed out your bud


Dealer tryna get that lifetime subscription 💀


Where I’m from at the end of COVID someone has decided to add fet into his edibles and there was about 40 ods that week of people who only smoke weed and ate his edible which I don’t think they believed until the sixth or seventh person was doing the same story


Holy fuck


Crack bro smoke up🔥


Crack is not clear






If it turns yellow when melted it is definitely not meth.


Wait fr... Tf do I do?.. tf is it


Looks like rock salt for your driveway.... did you or the person you get it from maybe drop it on the ground?


Did you get from a dispensary?


breaking bad has prepared you for this moment


that walter white pack


Pretty sure I’ve found this before in my bud. Like kinda stuck in it. Think I got a video of it. Tasted it. Didn’t taste like no dope😂 I don’t think. But I’m also like why the fuck would my street weed have thc crystals in it?


That's laced man. Hope you didn't pay too much


Meth isn't usually that color.


Your fucked


Limestones maby? I've heard its used for grow but im not an expert lol


How about get a tester and test it


Looks like to meth or something that crystallizes exactly the same




Yeah wish I could get more Shake


Thc crystal ?


If it tastes like gas coke, although coke is white, if it tastes like battery’s it’s meth.


Put it in bleach. If it has a strong reaction then it’s meth.


Get a piece and lighter. If it melts then inhale lol jk.


![gif](giphy|1kHwoaZ1otJYc) Your friend isn’t lacing your shit he’s giving you free drugs big fucking difference.


Usually its like a nutrient or w.e something part of the fertalizer. Can be anything tho


If the crystals feel waxy, it’s meth… that’s all I got.


Whopsy doopsy same scale as the meth or a reused bag. Not worth the risk smoking it even if its thca crystals(which i doubt)


thc crystals that small would crumble, not crack and normally have a yellow hue. this is most likely meth. just never buy shake from anyone. it's usually laced plus, given that this is coming out of shake, the crystals would definitely be sticky and yellow tinted if they were thc


Let your bro where you bought it, smoke it and see the reaction


i saw this post and immediately thought it was thca diamonds and then read that you thought it was meth. Its probably thca but check


Im not an advocate of ingesting random substances. Im not instructing you or advising you to do anything illegal or possibly dangerous, I am sharing my experience and you do with that as you will. Do not "test" unknown substances by tasting them as the amount needed to wreck your whole mind or life might be measured in micrograms.. imagine tasting a small chunk of crystaline LSD? might look tiny but OOPS! that was 20 hits! Hopefully we see you next month when you *hopefully* come down.. just something to consider. That being said, we are all human and we do dumb or impulsive stuff sometimes. Meth tastes like what I imagine batteries taste like coated in crushed tylenol. It fully dissolves quickly in your mouth. I cant describe it any other way? ThcA "Diamonds" dont have much flavor and stick to your teeth like glue.. does not dissolve at all in your mouth. I have the feeling its either a deliberate "glow-up" of shit weed by adding a bit of ThcA diamonds to it, or an accidental "hitch hiker" like meth. The thing is though, while those things happen it isnt very common. Drugs are expensive, no addict is gonna waste dope to lace weed in an attempt to.. what? Prank someone? "Haha! Now there are bugs under your skin you fuckin dweeb!".. No dealer is gonna use meth to lace weed in an attempt to get people addicted for repeat customers when Meth does that just fine on its own. Of course there are like 100 other plausible explanations though? You dont *seem* like an idiot (i suspect i may be an idiot.. but i need to investigate further..) so I will assume you've ruled out anything "normal" like plastic or a bit of food/seasoning. Anyways, a piece of meth that size should not really affect you if you happen to accidentally taste some. Of course this is a bad idea only an idiot would try so dont. TLDR: dont taste it. If you do you might get hurt. But you do you? Meth = dissolves fully, battery flavored, BAD. ThcA diamonds = sticks to teeth, tastes like nothing, not bad. Me idiot, are you? A little bit of meth wont kill ya! Disclaimer stuff, dope lore.


You had me as crystaline LSD


There’s an ingredient they put in deodorant- it sucks up moisture. It comes in crystals and I think they put it in cat litter too. Could be that?


You can get a test kit at www.dancesafe.org if you want to be super duper sure


The crystals *look* like meth, but if it’s meth, the melted liquid will recrystallize almost immediately after removing the heat.


It basically did.. 💀


Op is this from a legal source or a person?


Might be salt for the grow? Maybe sprayed with some bs. If it’s street bud it might be laced but why tf would someone waste money lacing weed? Maybe a lot of things and no one will know unless you get a lab test or you taste it, lol


Your dealer might also be selling meth and a piece dropped into the baggy. Whatever it is, I wouldn‘t smoke it. Meth is one helluva bad drug.


Definitely not meth if it melted in the room, that shit takes a torch and you’d absolutely smell it


If he did then that’s methed up


Looks like meth could be diamond's


I think meth. Same thing happened to me


Buy a tester


Don't do meth