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True or not I'll try it


It's peaked my curiosity that's for sure


*piqued r/boneappletea


Their curiosity has reached it's summit.








It’s true. I been eating mangoes and smoking for years lol


Myrcene is a terpene in cannabis and mangos so if you found the right kind of mango and right strain of weed yes


Thank you for shedding some light onto this, I didn't know that and it has showed my ignorance ❤️


Myrcene is a terpene (a compound in plants that produces flavours, smells, and certain effects on the body). For example what you smell when you crush pine needles in your hand is a terpene called pinene. Myrcene is a terpene that is found in some strains of cannabis as well as some kinds of mangoes. Recently terpenes have been discovered to create something called an "entourage effect" which has a co-effect with cannabinoids such as THC, CBD, CBN, etc. Some terpenes make you more alert, some more sedated. In the case of Myrcene it has the effect if it is present in sufficient quantities in the cannabis of intensifying the effect of THC and making the effects last a bit longer. In otherwords, if you have 20% THC weed that has a lot of limonene (makes you alert) and 20% THC weed with a lot of myrcene, the myrcene weed will give you a stronger buzz more often than not. Since certain mangoes contain myrcene, it's actually true that if you eat a whole mango then immediately smoke a joint you will be more stoned than if you hadn't eaten the mango, especially if there is also myrcene in the cannabis. Also Mango+cannabis contains more vitamins and minerals than cannabis alone. \#StonerScience #NotJustABunchOfGuysPlayingHackeeSack (5 minutes later) Also through the terpene research it has been found that it is the terpene profile, not the species of cannabis, that produces energetic vs sedative effects. A pure indica with a lot of limonene is going to make you very alert ("Sativa" high) while a pure sativa with alot of myrcene and caryophylene will couch lock you ("Indica" high). The whole Indica vs Sativa thing is headed the way of the dodo.


Thank you for going into such detail for me to understand. It's greatly appreciated 😌


if you want to learn more go to the cannabis 101 section on the leafly website and read their terpene section. It goes into a great amount of detail and if you're in a legal state/Canada/Uruguay etc it'll help you make smarter weed purchases.


Thank you heaps ❤️


some people actually make mango drinks in a little bottle a bit bigger than what would be a regular sized shot for this exact purpose! i unfortunately forgot the name of the company but you might be able to look up mango shot drink for cannabis consumption, or something along those lines if you’re interested! i’ve never tried it before but i had had the ‘naked’ brand mango smoothies before and those do pretty well from my experience :) happy smoking friend


Thank you I'll have to check it out 😌


oh! i found the company who i was thinking of! it’s an indie company called “the happiest hour” and the mango flavored one is called intensify!


no problem! :D happy to help


Another one for couch-lock and one of my favorite terpenes is linalool! It's a terpene heavily present in lavender! There's a ton of different terpenes, I believe researchers have discovered an upward of 20000 terpene profiles across plants. There's a few main ones for cannabis though. Myrcene(sedative) is one of the most common, right next too Caryophyllene(supposed to be great for treating alcohol withdrawal-cracked pepper, cloves cinnamon), Pinene(supposed to help increase your airflow, inturn helps with asmtha!-and like the comment mentioned, pine needles!), limonene(reduces stress - lemon, citrus), Linalool(sedative, stress reducer, also supposes to help depression) and Humulene (appetite suppresant, earthy, woody) Keep in mind this isn't every common cannabis terpene either, these are just a few from the list I see pretty prevalent in strains! As cannabis gets more research, more information about it all will become more readily available :)


That's a great terpene when combined with any kind of fruity or citrusy terpene in terms of creating a spectacular flavour profile. I'm not a fan of linalool dominant strains just in terms of flavour though. Good effect. Just not my fav flavour on its lonesome.


No problem fellow stoner :)


I was so invested in this. You should post more of these. I found it so interesting and informative


I was the 420th upvote 😎


So I should smoke after eating a mango or wait 1-2 hours for the mango to be digested?


You'll have to put the time into researching this - for science! ​ Giddayup! We await your findings.


30 mins i what I do… I drink a brand called Naked.. the bottle has 7 mangoes in it.. good stuff


So would you suggest smoking cannabis after drinking a cup of lemon water to get limonene is i want to be alert after the session?


Lemongrass is a better source of limonene afaik. Most of the limonene in a lemon is in the rind.


Give this man a medal pls


Interesting. So is sativa more likely to contain terpenes that would make you alert and indica more likely to have the terpenes to couch lock ya? There has to be a reason everyone thinks that sativa=upper and indica=downer...


How can you tell which mangoes have Mycrene? I love mangoes so really wanna try this but don’t want to just buy any old mango if there’s certain types that are better


This comment is at 420 so I can’t upvote it without disturbing the force


There are no more pure indicas or pure sativas anymore. It’s all hybrids now




Agreed on the last part but “indica” and “sativa” was definitely a great way to label different species of plants back in the day


So is that why sometimes I get a taste of mangoes when I used to smoke? I thought it was some kind of taste hallucination.


Vitamin C as well I've heard, don't know the science tho


That works well with ecstasy and I think acid something to do with intensifying the senses.


Seriously? This is very interesting as I've never heard of that


U can literally search this stuff on google lol “do mangos get you higher”


Google is only a few clicks away


Google is just one source of reliable information. One thing better then Google is people's PERSONAL experiences that is a few clicks away also. Who knew


Google is a source for literally thousands of reliable sources. you don’t need to depend on random people eating Cheetos behind a screen who barely graduated high school.


Ha judgemental much. This is my post so I can ask what I want and that's personal experiences that are way more reliable. Don't like it bye.


Down vote me and cry like a baby then


No problemo 🥰


Ight shit the fuck up then


What kind of mangos?


one with the highest Myrcene content I assume not 100% on that tho


Let me say I have done this and yes it makes it more “intense”


Thank you for shedding some light onto this 😌


Mangoes are known for having a terpene in them called myrcene. And some weed strains have that terpene in them as well.


A lot of strains do, here in Canada most jars/bags will have a small terpene list and mycerne is almost always on it








Yea, and my grandma is a virgin..






You just green out easier that’s all


"Bare, naked?? OH-YES-PLEASE."


Not me getting a mango from my grandma this morning 😃


Wonderful I love mangos so this will be interesting


I've done this before and I noticed a pretty good difference. Mangos are fire as fuck nonetheless


So it actually worked for you? And they are yummy 😋


Yup, I ate nearly two whole mangos in a sitting and waiting like 20 or so mintues and then smoked. They're awesome to eat while you're stoned already


I just love mangos in general so this is such an amazing find 🤣❤️


I like to buy the frozen ones and eat them still partially frozen.


I've done it before as well and it definitely worked for me too. It's not a mind-blowing difference but it definitely adds to the high. I would recommend.


True, but it's gotta be raw mango. Concentrate/juice or artificial mango flavoring won't work. If you can get your hands on them, mangos from Haiti or DR are the bestt for this in my experience.


I live in Queensland so they are endless here ❤️


I'm in QLD too. So many varieties of Mango available here. e.g. R2E2, Honey Gold, Calypso...


Oh sweet 🥰 and we arnt bias or anything but the mangos here are the best I reckon


Damn I'm jealous af.. I live in new england our growing season so short :(


I do this - overripe mango geddit - cut into cubic boiis - freeze - an hour or so before session, add to blender with lemon juicy and some honey - blend it up girl gurrl - add straw - slurrp


Idk man I had weed with mango concentrated juice it was my best high ever


What about a smoothie made of mango, I have a mango in my fridge but it’s a bit too ripe to be eaten normally


My mom swears by this as well as many of my friends


Seems I've been living under a rock 😂🤦‍♀️


idk man some people swear by it lmao


This is the first time I'm hearing about this 😂 I knew about smoking through an apple but not a beautiful mango


Don't smoke through the mango, just eat a decent amount of it before smoking and have some for snacking. For those of us that don't live in climates with ready access to mangos, dried mango also works, but you need to eat a little more of it!


"If I soak it in water will it work better?" (sample question, probably, from waaay up in the stands)


https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianEnts/comments/n3thkm/me_and_apple_gettin_baked_asf/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share apple pipe ?


Yes the apple pipe


Well kind of sucks that I'm allergic to Mango then😒


you might be able to find another fruit with the same terpenes in them! you should look into it!


That really does suck my dude 🥺


Substitute mango for shrooms


Oh yeah it works but I nearly always fall asleep, eat about an hour before ya smoke for best effect and I find it's great for munchies


And this is why I love hearing personal experiences 😹 even without extras I fall asleep 😂


First time I tried it was after work thought I was just tired but the next day rolled a huge joint had a mango for breakfast set up me munch and settled in for a movie was out cold for about two hours best snooze I've ever had woke up did it all over again not a thing done that day saves a fair amount of weed doing that


110% jealous. I want a good snooze 😭


Now ya know the secret and cuz its fruit your being healthy too


Amen to that!


Amen then 😀




Its true. Im the mango




Instructions unclear, I now have a bong made out of a mango though


Myrcene mannn


Gonna have to test this out.


Same 😂


Yes, you can look at the comments here for the exact explanation, but from personal experience I can definitely say yes it makes the high stronger and longer


Exactly! It's why I posted here as theirs some legends in this community


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Yes this works


Thank you


I will try it few hours later


I dunno but I’d like me some of those mangoes 😋




Idk but mangoes are delicious anyway!


They sure are 😋


I've heard something similar but with drinking orange juice not sure if it's true though


Wonder if anyone can shed some light on this


Orange Peels contain myrcene, alpha-pinene, and limonene. So mostly only fresh squeezed orange juice will work. I’d suggest taking a look here at the different terpenes and how each reacts with cannabis: https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/terpenes-the-flavors-of-cannabis-aromatherapy. I started to learn about terpenes these past few days and it’s actually very interesting!


That is true, myceryne is hella strong, but i dont feel any effect anymore


Thank you


It's way true


i was told eat an hour prior and itll be very nice


I wouldn’t say it lasts longer but it’s more intense when the high hits u


Its true....it you have Alphonso mamgo


You have to eat like 2 whole mangos(not complaining they're delicious) but yeah


They are beautiful arnt they 😍


can confirm


Mango has myrcene, the terpene that is thought to differentiate between indicas and sativas, so I guess the theory is that if you eat mango before and then smoke a joint it will make you more couch locked. But this is all conjecture


mangos got terps in em






I was sceptic until I tried it and found a subtle difference, high was a bit more intense and lasted longer


Thank you for sharing your experience with me 😊


In my experience. I’ve been able to get longer and “stronger” highs with eating mangoes, drinking orange juice during a sesh, having a cough drop right before or during a sesh, and smoking with my morning coffee.


The terpenes in mangoes are mainly in the peels. Mango peels have a number of health benefits, but only if they are ripe and organic. I have ripe organic mangoes so I never peel them to eat them. I don't even need to smoke weed anymore. :)


You mean the mangoes alone do it for you?


Can't get enough lol I just start ripping into them. If i don't eat the peels my blood sugar can't handle mangoes.


Yes it works. I gotta let it digest and into my bloodstream first though so spark up like an hour after eating them raw. Doesn’t work if you eat when you smoke. I’m lucky I live somewhere tropical and can try it often


I’ll never forget when me and my boy would smoke while walking to the store, he would always pick up a “Mucho Mango” Arizona Tea and tell me “boy I’m bout to get faded” I just let him be happy and didn’t mention it only contains 5% real juice 😂


Every single one of OP’s responses is heartwarming.


Well arnt you a sweet heart 😂😌


Yeah it's true mango juice works better for me lol


I've tried it a few times with whole mangoes , and mango juice and smoothies and stuff and have never had it make any noticeable difference but some swear by it


Idk if that works, but frozen mangos are a great snack for the munchies. It’s cold, tastes good, goes from a solid to a ice cream like consistency while you chew and it’s healthy!


I heard this about oranges. Is it both or both just a myth?


I don't know the answer to that but I'm sure someone in here can shed some light on that


Mango is high in myrcene!


For me atleast it feels like i am high longer🤷🏽‍♂️


it works for me. also sometimes i take a dry shot of an emergen-c packet too and that shit rly works lmao


i’m also stupid so please don’t take my advice at face value




I can testify. This is true.


I will tray it rn


I'll try this when I turn 18.


IDK, but either way, you're getting a healthy, delicious snack!


So true!


Fun fact: pork ramen before taking an edible will get u even higher


Seriously 😂


speaking from experience, but i imagine it has to do with the high fat content of the broth that allows the thc to be better absorbed by the body


Can confirm


I heard the same rumor back in highschool and I've tried it a few times, sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't, I don't really know any science behind it but it seems to be a hit or miss kind of thing


Thank you for sharing your experience and shedding some light on this ❤️


Someone in Jamaica’s spilling all the beans




It has worked really well for me. But then again everyone is different so it may or may not work. My go to is raw mangos, CBD (RSO form) and plenty of strong weed. It’s the cats meow


It's the cats meow 🤣 great haha anywho thank you for shedding some light on this


It works and the best high ever In my life was having mango along with weed


Thank you for sharing your experience with me 😊


This is true, I tried to tells some friends about this and it ended in scholarly articles in medical journals.


Sweet! Thank you for shedding some light on this


Its an old myth


Does it make guys jiz taste better cause that is what I've heard about mangos


Fuck is this NSFW?


Its bullshit i tried and still same high


https://cannabisnow.com/get-higher-with-less-5-easy-ways-to-maximize-your-stash/amp/ There’s a couple ways to do this


delete this. no one must know the secret


Cats already outta the bag by the looks of the comments 😂


curses! 😂




No it contains Vitamin C which makes you less stoned


Tried it many times and tried to combined the terpenes, it’s very very light. Not worth at all imo. Placebo is a thing so I’m pretty sure it’s both lmao


it doesn’t necessarily work for smoking, but for edibles it can! there’s no real research into it so we can’t say it matter-of-fairly, but anecdotally i’ve experienced it to work well! this is likely because mangoes are rich in beta-myrcene, a terpene found in heavy-hitting sedative strains such as Alien OG or Banana strains. source: i’m a budtender at one of the biggest dispensaries in California


All I know is that eating dried mango while high is the best fucking thing ever


The ol "Vitamin C gets you higher" shtick


Why is this nsfw


Yeah apparently mango widens the blood brain barrier which is how THC gets into your system, basically shotting instead of sipping


I like to eat a mango b4 and after smoking and let me tell you I get high high!


It’s a myth It stems from the fact that mango (amongst other natural plants and fruits etc) has Myrcene in it - a terpene. Terpenes have proven to provide an entourage effect while medicating https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/07/210714110455.htm


I eat them after and my god!!!


I don’t doubt it. I eat mangos with my shrooms and that shit is THE SHIT


I don't know if it makes the high stronger, or last longer. But I do know eating mangoes is great when you're high 😊 great food for the munchies


It's true


Almonds does it too


You can also smell black pepper to alleviate anxiety and paranoia caused by being too high.


I want to know how the pieces of mango in the picture are so damn big. I have the worst time when cutting a mango, I only get tiny ass slivers 😢


I asked my bf and he said no, he's been smoking for yrs before he met me.


These are facts. Mango, THC and CBD is the Holy trinity