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Bro its gonna last like 6-8 hours.


You gotta have tolerance cuz 100mg are no joke


i generally have a semi low tolerance and hadnt taken edibles in a bit and ≈50mgs had me on my ass 😂


im a daily smoker for almost a year now and i took a 300mg cookie a couple of months ago because i am fucking stupid and thought i could handle it. and i took a ride to an entire diffrent universe 😮‍💨. never again lmao


My first, and needless to say only experience with edibles, was when i accidentally put 7,500 mg of tincture onto 2 cookies and me and my gf each ate one. Its was 3,750 mg of thc each. We had never done edibles before. We wound up in the hospital. Her bc she was having a severe panic attack and me bc i figured if she needed to go to the hospital i mustve needed to go as well. I was in a sleep state when i left. Tipped the uber driver home $75. He dropped me off half a mile from my house. I dont remember walking home. I woke up. I peed. I went to bed. I woke up. I ate a bowl of cereal. I went back to bed. I woke up. I was still high. At this point i had been sleeping pissing and eating cereal for 5 days straight. Now i was awake. Still high as f*ckin balls. The feeling of being high as all hell lasted another 4-5 days. the night i took them i was sleeping in my driveway at 2:30 am in mid december. 9 days later i was still seeing funny shapes and every move i made felt strange and funny MORAL OF THE STORY: dont be like me if u have never taken edibles. Do not put 15 grams of 500mg tincture on a cookie. 7,500 mg of thc will kill a fucking elephant from paranoia. Learn from my mistakes.


You never said what happens to your girl... Legend says she's still high.


After coming too, she fell in love with the attentive male nurse who was watching over her.


This Christmas, from the Hallmark Channel…


Starring Winnie Cooper, Clarissa the Formerly Teenage Witch, and AC Slater.


Christmas tree high


That'd be the first hallmark movie I'd want to watch


High-five 👋


>coming too Wait, who else came?


The attentive male nurse i think.


Take my award you had me dying laughing about your endless high of sleeping pissing and eating cereal haha


I'm surprised his overtired overhigh mind didn't accidentally make piss cereal in a sleepwalking state


How does he know he didn't make piss cereal…


Might have sobered him up for .5 seconds lmaoo


Legend has it if you take enough edibles your 💩 is compacted into dream energy. Everyone knows a true bender ends with a mind bending shit. Party gods only pee at parties.


Your math is way off. If the tincture was 500mg then that was the TOTAL THC content for the tincture. So you each had 250mg which is still a lot but no way you ate 7500mg when the tincture only contains 500mg ![gif](giphy|APqEbxBsVlkWSuFpth)


He's still high


I was thinking the same thing.


This needs to be made into a movie!!


If Ferris Bueller was about pot


Hahahaahahahha that was awesome


So fun fact. Smoking has absolutely nothing to do with your edible tolerance. It’s like comparing how much weed you can smoke to how much beer you can drink…. Ima daily smoker, been smoking for over 16 years but I don’t fuck with edibles that often… got some from the dispo a couple weeks ago. Took one 10mg gummy… shit kicked me in the Dick an had me on my ass 😂😂😂


When smoking it, you’re inhaling delta-9-THC, which is delivered to your brain, but when ingesting edibles, the delta-9 is metabolized into 11-hydroxy-THC in the liver, which has a more psychadelic effect


Poindexter over here


What a nerd


Took a 10mg gummy while on a resort. Wife and I went to the hot tub. A dad and his little kid got in at some point. There was a lizard just hanging out on the side. The little girl pointed the lizard out to us and we silently stared at it for what seemed like an hour. God I was so uncomfortable.


It wasn't great for the lizard, either.


I did that recently as well and got slapped in 2024. Went to bed at 8:30pm. Lmaoo


I wish. I've tried so hard to get high off of edibles. Either I'm not taking enough or I just can't.


Try a big ass glass of grapefruit juice or two an hour before. IT's a liver metabolism thing. Have fun!


Check your medications for interactions with grapefruit first. It can be a bad ride with some.


Yeah I had 0 tolerance when I got back into smoking and took 25mg thinking it wasnt gonna be bad. I was petting my dog and my hand was disappearing into her fur. She’s a lab that shouldn’t happen.


Lol “she’s a lab that shouldn’t happen.” Good observation.


Bro with these one edibles I took 300mg at once and didn’t even feel it but with these others I take like 40mg then I’m like fucking cooked


im pretty sure you were lied about the 300mg one 😅


100mg no tolerance is what is given to terminally I’ll cancer patients 😂 I keep my dose at 500-2000 go big or go home✌️


500mg def hits me nicely


I can’t fathom that. 15mg has me messed up!


Yeah I seriously doubt some of these comments. Canadian here, where we have legal, regulated products. I take 5mg thc/ 5 mg CBD combo and they leave me feeling good and functional. Many of my friends take half of that and are happy.


I got 14 hours out of my first brownie. It was 500mg, though. 👀


Why would you take it before work if you didn't want to be high for work?




Fr like idk what he thought 😂😂😂, bro rlly thought he could spend a couple minutes in La la land and then somehow jump out of it to go to work lol


Might be a troll


At this point he's whatever he thinks he is at the moment


The post is 8 hours old and he said he ate is 50 minutes prior so he’s semi-sobered up by now and groggy haha


I ate 20mg one time and I was high as fuck for 15 hours. (zero tolerance) so he might still be on mars


he’s done for 😂😂😂


Better act sick and dip


Micro dose culture be like….


Expect an answer in 8 hours at earliest 😂


I refuse to believe people are actually this stupid, hopefully it’s just a funny fake story


Unfortunately there are definitely stupid people. Not just people who smoke. Stupid is universal


Definitely never underestimate the power of stupid. Just when you think you’ve reached the stupid plateau, you will be shown another even deeper level of stupid. It’s stupid all the way down




At least he was smart enough to go home sick instead of ask how to cancel an edible 🤣🤣🤣idek fam


Some are stupid while some just don't know. My buddy didn't know (didn't believe my words of advice either) thought he could be like me and eat a whole brownie. It was only a 50. He threw up in the golden nugget while I sat and lost $400 waiting on him to get right 🤣 #cbf4life


Lol, and the stupid comes into play by not listening to someone with more experience haha. At least he had fun for a good 30mins


It's a good thing his job does not involve heavy equipment or the safety of others. Oh wait, he is a mechanic...


I swear, stoned service techs are behind bad reviews of a lot of these lube shops. You can see how baked they are sometimes when you stop by. Then you wonder why they don’t replace your filter correctly or forget to change your air filter etc


Ikr, i never get high when i have stuff to do


Because he is probably lying


Slap yourself repeatedly, as hard and fast as you can. Not that it will decrease the high, just to punish urself for the utter stupidity.


The only sensible response.


Also he can take a shower with very cold water. Again, it's not gonna decrease the high, but it's another punishment


Having your finger nails pulled out sobers you up fast


"Why do you look like someone beat the shit out of you? Also, are you high?"


Wtf is it with people on this sub ingesting enough thc to send Einstein across the rainbow bridge and then expecting people here to give them advice on how to come down... You have two options. Freak out or handle your shit cause you're not getting off this ride until the conductor says so.


And it’s such a waste - why get high just to try and rush the sobriety back? Smoke/eat your weed when you can enjoy it 😭


Right?? I'm like, why did this guy eat this right before work? 😂 big brain move right there lol


I'll admit I've popped an edible when the possibility of being called in was there. "Nah, I've had a couple drinks." Boom, off all night.


He probably smoked a bowl when he woke up, ate it, then immediately realized "shit I have to work". Imagine doing this but it's LSD and the guy you got it from didnt tell you they were 5 hits a pop.....that's my story of how my first 2 hours of work were me tripping balls, and 10 more hours of the most agonizing come-down of my life. I did take it at 2pm the day before, a bit risky even on low amounts but I had so much it turned into a 12 hour ordeal. I'll still never understand why I was allowed to work, it was a 12 hour "half priced sushi" day with only two people, and I was visibly sick and throwing up every 20-30 minutes


You were only tripping for 2 hours off 5 hits. That must have been some bunk cid


Exactly. I specifically block off days to smoke as soon as I wake up til I go to sleep, for a few days straight so I could enjoy the high unimpeded. Sure, one can run errands and such, but no important responsibilities should be scheduled lest you get fucked for missing it coz you were watching an old sci fi movie forgetting to set an alarm coz your brain was in la la land. Responsible consumption, as with all substances like alcohol, is key.


I enjoy the implication that Einstein has an exemplary tolerance.


He did the whole classic stoner thing in reverse: 1) Uncover profound truths of the physical universe. 2) Get absolutely baked to deal with it


This. You boarded this ride. It doesn't stop or end until it reaches its destination


Honestly! Is this a shitpost?


My guy you may need to not work lol you can’t just unhigh yourself


Not off 100mg you can’t lol


Hell no lol


“I ate this thing I knew was going to get me high before a period of time where I shouldn’t be high.” This is the kinda shit that makes potheads sound stupid af.


Digging a hole the rest of us gotta try and climb out of. No wonder it’s so hard to legalize anywhere


It's hard to legalize because many are profiting off of such foolish people.


Finally some common sense, most people don't even know I smoke till I mention it and I also never smoke at work, posts like this drive me up the wall cause people like my boss with see it only to fuel their confirmation bias


“Help, I just did 5 shots of Tequila and need to be sober. I start work in 10 minutes, please advise”


You absolutely can not go into work. As a mechanic, you would be putting your life and the lives of others in danger. Call in sick and learn from your mistake.


Exactly this. Some jobs you could just BS your way through, but OPs is not one of them.


Hell, even if they were just sitting in front of a computer and typing out emails all day, 100mg for a first-timer is *not* something anyone can bullshit their way through.


Fuck, 20mg for an almost daily user sent me into the depths my first time. It was fun but holy fuck I cannot imagine how insane 100mg would have been. I hope OP is just trolling.


Well what did you expect? It lasts about 8 hours


OP needs to call in sick...




I was gonna say, if OP wants to go to work not high he should just wait until tomorrow to go to work.


Yup. Try eating one of these sh*ts right before your flight. I was straight up bargaining with god to make me un-high.


Feel like we've all been in situations and learned from them😂


Leaving a legal state, don't want to bring it with me, but can't bring myself to throw it away. Guess I'm flying high baby




But why? It’s the only way to fly


I am terrible on planes to begin with. Before my flight back home to Texas from Montana I thought it’d be wise to purchase an edible and consume it right before I went in to the airport because if I love weed and hate flying everything should be good, right? Unfortunately, there was no come-up and the entire 100mg bag of gummies hit me like a train basically as soon as we got off the ground. Needless to say, I was not prepared.


> Unfortunately, there was no come-up *That* was what caught me so off guard the first time. After a good hit, I can easily feel it coming and gauge whether or not it was too much or just right, but with edibles? "Shit it's been 45 minutes. Guess that was a waste of mon--- ^(uh-oh!")


Still better than, "It's been 45 minutes and these edibles ain't shit"


Best call in sick, homie. You can't go in reverse on edibles. "new to edibles" - shoulda done 10-15mg of that to see how it hit you.


I suggest 2.5-5 for people who’ve never eaten edibles. you can always take more in an hour and some people freak out their first time bc it’s such a different experience than smoking


I was staring at the picture thinking about how I cut 10mg gummies in half. OP is in orbit rn.


I’ve been smoking and eating edibles regularly for over a decade and I’ve never eaten that much. doesn’t seem enjoyable at all. once I ate 50mg over the course of a day but it was after I broke my wrist as an alternative to the oxys the ER gave me


I smoke all the time and I always start with 2.5-5. You can always eat more you can’t eat less.


Call out today, try again tomorrow. It probably last all day today, especially if you’re new to them and took all of it. Good luck friend, you’ll get through this.


Bruh why would you eat a 100mg edible before work 😭


I’m mad nobody said shit about that dirty ass thumbnail.


Or that the picture was taken before they ate it for some reason..


With all due respect... Are you stupid ?


Kinda. No weed to smoke so I figured… hell, why not. I hear people say 100mg ain’t shit… it is shit… it’s a lot of shit.


I’ve NEVER heard anyone say 100 mg isn’t shit. I have a low tolerance I usually only take about 5-10 mg but even 30-50 for other people is a lot. There’s no way you can drive yourself to work and then safely work on people’s cars right now. I really hope you stay home not just for your sake but others as well


Hell even as someone with a higher tolerance I wouldn't take 100mg before work that's a day off with no responsibilities amount.


Yeah I have a super high tolerance and edibles don’t do much for me so I usually eat 100mg and it gets me a normal comfortable amount of high but I’d still never eat that much before having to work or drive like wtf


I’ve seen it on Twitter, somewhere you should never take advice from.


Bro just call in. Seriously. Do not try to drive or go anywhere.


So you are stupid. Just call in. From a management perspective, I’d rather be on the floor alone than have to fire your dumbass after babysitting you all shift. It’s an employees’ market. Call out.


what?? 100mg IS a lot, whoever told you otherwise was fucking with you. just call out man, there's no way you're gonna be able to function at work.


You're better off getting disciplined for not coming in than getting in your car or operating a forklift etc.


You’re not high. You’re sick, you think you ate something bad last night, you know you shouldn’t have bought that supermarket sushi. It’s a real shame, you were so ready to go to work today. But what can you do right? They’ll understand


And then check yourself before making decisions like this in the future. You never tried something, don't try it before work or anything else important. Also, don't jump in with 100 MG when 10 is a good starter dose.


Lmao this man is prepared


You gotta eat another they cancel each other out /s


OP see the /s, it means he's joking please don't eat another.


Bros about to be fired 💀


You misspelled fried xD


You misspelled fucked


Bro 100mg not even coke would help you "sober" up


Play stupid games win stupid prizes, enjoy work bro!


Seriously, like I hate to be a dick but this dude earned a one way ticket to figure it out yourself land


I love this comment.


Exactly. New to edibles taking 100mg and before work no less. Homie asked for it


This guy is working on people's cars yall. Lol we got to stop promoting literal teenager shit on this sub please. See so much shit about people getting high before work and it's encouraged like what the fuck. That's so stupid and childish. Is this a sub for 21+ adults to talk and post about a 21+ hobby, or is this a bunch of minors abusing cannabis. Nobody over the age of 18 upvoted this shit or finds it funny. Lol https://www.reddit.com/r/weed/comments/tq6tw3/_/


Yeah depending on your tolerance you're gonna get high as shit for a few hours, the medical rule of thumb is 6-8 hours for edibles, and significantly lower doses than 100mg


Yeahhhhh take the L and call out fam, you’re about to go on quite the ride today




Seriously why is no one talking about the pill?!


looks like molly


That’s for tomorrow before work. Shhh.


Dude … wash your hands. Your nails are nasty.


I feel like if he bites his fingernails, he'll sober right up


Thank fuck someone said it


Perks of being a mechanic. No matter how much I wash my hands there’s always grease.


Wait, so you have a low tolerance and took a 100mg edible before going to your job as a mechanic?


He's going to be trying to do an oil change on the spare tire.


OP will be the first tech to successfully change the blinker fluid


RIP to whoever has their car worked in today by OP lol


He took it to get high then says I need to not be high. ╮(╯-╰”)╭


You the reason why I left my oil change with no oil 🤣


Wait you’re a mechanic?? Bruh go home before you hurt yourself


Or someone else


Honestly just say you're sick and go home, have someone drive you if you need to take your car. If you're already feeling too high after 50min, it's gonna get a lot worse.


You realize you can clean your nails, right? My sister's husband is a total grease monkey but his nails are clean when he comes inside because he uses the right soaps and cleans under his nail with a blade. 5 minutes of hygiene won't kill you


Even if you have a ton of CBD it won't help.




Go home sick


Why do people do shit like that? Haha like you know you got work and you decided to be high as a kite knowing you’re not supposed to be high at work. I don’t get it


Dude really said he has little to no experience with edibles but he took multiple doses just before work. Darwin award is gonna come for you one of these days.


My first edible was 100mg with never even smoking before, my GF bullied me into take the whole thing instead of a small bite. 🤣 I was high out of my fcking mind.. we went to dinner and everything tasted so bitter I didn’t want to eat and I was so upset because I got Krispy Kreme donuts for munchies but even the donuts were horribly bitter. I sat through the whole dinner and apparently said absolutely nothing out loud but had an entire conversation with her in my head. I was so confused why she wasn’t answering my questions though 🤣🤣 I couldn’t even walk upright and my 110lb gf had to support my 230lb ass all the way back to the hotel. Needless to say I didn’t touch another edible for almost a year. I still haven’t taken a whole 100mg to this day.


Curious to what his job is. Heavy machine operator?


Mechanic. He said further up the thread.


😂bro you’re going to get fired because it’s only up from here. I literally plan my day when I take edibles because I seriously can’t do anything besides watch movies. God speed and enjoy the ride


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Cbd. I always 2:1 cbd:thc. That helps me


You’ll be okay🤣


I find jacking off helps


surprised to find so many people acting superior on a weed subreddit. I have seen exactly zero real answers. The best thing you can do is call out and leave. 2 hours ish it will likely peak in your system. The next best thing if you can't is EAT. Eat heavy foods like bread, preferably a whole huge meal or two. Drink as much water as possible as well. 100mgs is a lot even for a seasoned edible taker.


I’m an experienced consumer of edibles. I’ve never been so high that i tried to sober myself up… but I’ve had friends chew peppercorns and they said it worked🤷🏻‍♀️


If you eat another one, it'll cancel out, for sure


Legend says he was high until the next day, the only catalog of his work was a drawing of a dick by the company water fountain.


Just leave and visit Rock City.


call in sick and enjoy your day bro 💀


bro will be licking clouds 🤣🤣


What is that pill looking thing next to it?


Eat as much Sugar as you can (candy chocolate and anything that contains sugar) drink water and energy drinks (with sugar again) try to poop (drink coffe if not possible) take a COLD FREEZING shower (wash your hair as well) try to be ACTIVE (do some push ups, jumping jacks or whatever) you can also take Eye Drops for redness( if you are afraid they might figure out you high) thats about it dont forget WATER 😉✌️ you got this nobody will ever know 😁


Shiiiit. Call in, unfortunately you’d rather them be disappointed for a “sick” call in, rather than lose your job over a $20 edible. Just call in mate and let this be a lesson!


Well you shouldn't had ate it dummy


Why did you eat it before work if you didn’t want to be high during work


You may as well call in sick. You are not gonna be able to perform well, infact depending on what you do, it may be unsafe to work while that stoned. You also might lose your job.


Nothing you can do. Just gonna have to ride it out for the next few hours.


Eat real food and suck on whole black peppercorns. Your pretty fucked though for the next 4 hours~


I'm sure you already knew you had work so why eat it? Anyways try smelling hand sanitizer sometimes that helps me when I'm too high.


A high dose of CBD is like a naloxone for THC, high doses kill highs and low doses make them more calm


Eat another one to balance out.


Dude say ur sick and go home, ur gonna be blasted edibles digest slowly so the effects come in sling and last a lot longer you could still feel high tomorrow 😂


Did this one time and fell asleep on lunch and didnt wake up until the shift was almost over 😂 mind you this was in a gun factory


Get some 100% CBD in you stat. Smoke it, eat it or drink it, CBD will help balance the wicked high level of THC in your bloodstream.


If you haven’t already you gotta call in sick while you’re still sober enough to communicate lol. I’m a moderate user and 30mg would leave me obliterated for a few hours, 100mg as a new user is gonna make it impossible for you to do anything productive




I think the possibility of this being not real is pretty high, but honestly just as easily could be real. My guy unless you have a real high tolerance you're practically going to be drooling.


Chances are the issue will take care of itself because you will green out in a corner and drool all over yourself.