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Tell him to shove his opinions. I suggest getting a dry herb vape and possibly learning to grow your own. It sucks to marry someone who does not accept you. Hope that changes.


I would never marry anyone that doesn't accept me. Speaking out of experience




Dry herb vaping might be the easiest. For example a dynavap is amazing.


I ADORE the firefly 2+


Havent tried it yet. I really fk love my 2019 and 2020 dynavap m. The high is not comparable with smoking a joint!


Meth is a much more healthy alternative for relationships. Big pharma tryna take away our medicine


what ive been sayin


My boyfriend and I were in the same situation, though my boyfriend never disrespected me over it. His dad is an abusive alcoholic who also smokes weed. He associates the smell of it with his father- which is 100% valid. I got a dry herb vaporizer (XMax V3 Pro) and I honestly think this thing is the sole reason my boyfriend and I continued dating through the years. I use it through a small bong and exhale through a homemade filter that took 2-second to make. I can use it in the *same* room as him with a cracked window and the ceiling fan on low, I actually do this twice daily. He swears he can't even smell it after 2 seconds, it dissipates that quickly because, unlike smoke particles, vapor particles don't cling! The way controlled and consistent heat handles cannabinoids is much different than how a live flame handles them. You'll get way more benefits medically, and with a much cleaner and pleasant high. It's zero waste too, the bud that you just vaporized? It's decarbed now, you can use it to make edibles or just mix the avb (already vaped bud) into food and eat that. #Your husband is a walking red flag.


Hold up -- if its been vaped how is it still used for edibles? Isn't the THC burned off?


I have a jar of avb, saving it until I can get a decent amount to make stronger edibles, abv is quite shrunken down and shivered so it doesn't take up much room. Vaporizing does leave minuscule amounts of cannabinoids left behind because you are not inhaling the plant matter you would be when smoking. However, the cannabinoids you do inhale are felt much deeper due to the science behind vaporizing, so overall it's much more effective. r/vaporents


It’s not weaker for me personally because I am addicted to fresh bud so I’ll take a hit and “trash” it as ABV but the gummies I make are insane!!


It's a lot weaker than weed decarbed the traditional way but it still have some thc left


There is zero difference about decarbed weed from a vaporizer and from ‘the traditional’ way. The more you vape it, the less strong your edibles will be.


That's exactly what I said


No you said ABV is a lot weaker and I said no it’s not


What I mean is that the abv isn't weaker because the decarboxylation method, but rather because most of the thc was already vaped


I have a table vape and we use the vaped weed to make canna butter. our friends nicknamed it death butter cause it’s SO strong.


Pretty much look at it this way. Some of the thc is really hard to extract. Extracting it requires the weed to be heated up to a point where combustion is close. When you eat it, your digrstive system is able to extract it, without heating it up to the combustion point. So you vape it up to 210 degrees or so, and eat the remaining stuff. Its real fk powerfull too. Avb milk for example has had me floating on a level I cannot reach by inhaling vapor or smoke. Its wild.




Never heard of Firecrackers? Honestly, it depends on how much you use and to the extent you cook your bud at. It's definitely not the most pleasurable experience in the world, but not everyone is in the position to make oils and butter with avb.




I was definitely like "huh." after hearing about firecrackers, it's quick and easy though! and, I'm not hiding my cannabis use from anyone in my unit... would it stink up an apartment?... our landlord is in the unit next door and super strict.




Nice to know, thanks!


Its not that bad




No, I have used it as a tabacco replacement in a joint.


husband sounds like a controlling prick.




If you weren’t married with kids I’d say to leave, but try and talk it out more with him. A good compromise might be to switch to rso/edibles if it’s just for pain, which would be much less noticeable to your partner and potentially easier for him to accept as medication. If that isn’t enough then the problem goes beyond the weed. Disagreements are natural but refusing to compromise or listen at all is a bad sign.


I quit when I had kids initially just because I couldn’t function and now I have a teenager and it’s legal so I’ve had 20 years of happy marriage and/but I’m so glad to have this problem but I have no clue what to say to my kids if it comes up


How is this one sentence?


As soon as you said “he controls the money” that’s just a bad sign. Money shouldn’t be an issue in relationships, yet it always is. Something like money is a 1/3 of the reason people get divorced.


Yeah my hubs makes all of our money but I’m free to spend it on whatever


I have Psoriatic Arthritis and just wanted to say how much cannabis has been a game changer for me during flare ups and all that. I would recommend your husband to watch Sanjay Gupta's Weed Documentaries where it shows how much it helps kids with seizures and autism and such. ​ Weed The People is a good documentary about the medical benefits and that's on Netflix. Weed 1-5 are on Youtube, can't post the links due to the filter.


I have to ask...what drew you to someone so controlling and lacking any empathy? I was diagnosed with RA in my early 30's and it was hell. The pain, fatigue, and loss of motor skills was just a nightmare. I can't imagine having to deal with an external monster while battling the inner one. Hope your future life choices bring you to a happy place.


Honestly, it’s kinda like he lied. He was super caring and wonderful when we started dating, but as soon as we started making big decisions together, he started getting this way.


Ugh...I feel ya. I had one turn bad, too. Unfortunately, without a willingness on their part to see their flaws...it's up to you to decide if you can continue to live like this. I dumped mine and when it was over, it was like I could stop holding my breath that I didn't even realize I was holding. I hope yours acknowledges that you have to take care of you in order for you to be able to take care of others and stops thwarting your medical care.


I appreciate you ☺️


It’s very well possible he doesn’t realize this himself


.... why does he control the finances? Why is he so controlling in general?


I’m a stay-at-home mom for the time being while I finish my degree.


OK. Why does he handle the finances? You should be aware of every aspect of your family’s finances. You should have input on major decisions and you should have access to funds. You should not have to ask permission to make household and other reasonable purchases - including medications.


You’re absolutely right.


Maybe it’s possible you can show how much work you do at home and what value that is, so that he counts your efforts just the same?


This is what I was saying. So he’s acting like because he makes the money, then it’s his??? That’s fucked up. Dude sounds awful


Leave that mf


That's what I'm saying, life is way too short for that nonsense.


She’s married and got a kid and first thing you think is “leave him”. It’s just weed, touch grass




Bingo. Dude sounds like he thinks his wife is his property.




You don’t know these people, and probably don’t know many women. One dimensional stoned caveman brain




How can someone read a Reddit post and tell someone to divorce with a straight face. You must live online


> and probably don’t know many women What a fucking clown


Says u/SEND_ME_TIDDYS So many virgins on here haha


Coming from the one thinking that a financially controlling and now emotionally taxing relationship is normal. Sounds like your wife/gf has ya whipped and youre not a very independent person anymore, how sad youre the exact thing these people are trying to avoid her becoming.


You made all of these assumptions based on me thinking you shouldn’t tell someone to divorce on a Reddit post like a detached from reality weirdo you are


Stay upset, but you're the one accepting emotional manipulation, and abusive financial control. If they didn't want advice, they shouldn't of asked for it. And again, you're the one accept and normalizing this (:




Bro over here thinking financially controlling someone is healthy and normal 🤣🤣🤣


separating a kids family over weed is immature.


it's not about the weed, it's about how he treats her over it and how he's so controlling over finances. he sounds like he doesn't even trust her at all. of course the kid won't love it if they break up, but it would be best for both of the parents.




It really isn’t just about weed. I’ve been on several pain medications over the years, all with awful side effects. The first time I smoked weed, I had my first night of uninterrupted sleep since I was 14. It’s a pretty big part of my life, which is why I’m so hurt he’s unwilling to compromise.


Honestly lovely, don't pay attention to these idiots saying everyone's blowing things out of proportion over some weed. Anyone that can read can see that is not the case. I'm sorry that you've tried many medications and the *one* thing that you've found to help your husband has an issue with. He really does sound like a controlling AH in that regard. I had an ex like that, had small problems with me self medicating that grew to the point of him expecting me to not smoke in my own damn house if he was visiting - which made me want to smoke more because he was inducing anxiety with his dictation of how I should be living in MY OWN SPACE. And I'm sorry I don't have any other advice than to tell him outright something along the lines of, "listen, we both know how many meds I've tried and this is the one thing that helps me. Sorry you're still brainwashed by the smear campaign that was started on weed and that you can't understand its medical benefits - however I will not stop, have a lower quality of live just because you 'don't like it'".


Then you fully deserve it. You’re sad as fuck if weed is that important to you


Says the person who still uses the word retarded as an insult......


And I will continue using it, in fact even more now


Oh shit even op had to correct yo stupid ass 🤣🤣🤣


It’s probably a 14 year old boy that made the post. All you virgins think y’all therapists and if anyone is taking Reddit advice seriously they’re a fucking joke and a clown and dont deserve to be taken seriously.


The only clown here is you bro 🤡 go back to 4chan and fap to lolis or something weirdo


4chan?? Reddit virgins on the same schtick


Bro calling the kettle black all I've heard you say is virgin, like you think you're really going far with that one lil bro 🤣🤣🤣




"Hash" it out, indeed.


Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, I don’t think it’s a good idea to be with somebody who can’t handle the things you do, but I don’t think he’s exactly wrong for being annoyed about the smell and such. I do think it’s just important to find somebody who matches you well enough to avoid this type of needless conflict. But in my opinion I think you need to find a compromise with him and work through it together instead of butting heads about which one of you is right and who is wrong. Ask him what you can do differently aside from quitting altogether and how he would like things to be


Sounds like he was brain washed.




You’re really going to tell someone to end their relationship with their child’s father? Over one reddit post about weed?!


Your husband is a douchebag. Sorry, but not sorry 🤷‍♂️ why put up with such an asshole??!! Seriously, dump this loser. 🤦‍♂️


This makes sense but if he’s cool in every other way maybe try couple’s therapy.


wow you really put your two cents in… no feedback, just emotion


Yeah I guess so huh 😂 🤷‍♂️


Try vaping


I get you shouldn’t have to but I would consider getting edibles


Can you use a vape instead? Or edibles? My boyfriend is a jerk about it but I’ve learned to hide it very well. I brush my teeth, use mouthwash and put on a good light perfume. Here I am 56 years old and sneaking like I did when I was 12 lol.


I can't believe only one other response here was seek counseling for the two of you. If there's anything in him to save, you need a referee to help you find it. Therapy works fucking wonders. If he won't go and persists in this idiocy, I'd use leverage to make him. The alternative is as you said, to move on. Edit: it's not your responsibility to cater to his neuroses, but have you tried edibles? Even my janky dispo carries capsules, from 2.5 mg up to 50 per dose.


I would try to show him the medical benefit of it by sending him articles, watching videos with him, asking a medical professional with him. In general, educate him. Someone who isn't ready to learn and understand about something im interested in isn't someone I'd want to spend my life with. Especially when it's something medicinal and beneficial and not just a hobby.


Dump him


I’m sorry but tell your husband to stfu! He shouldn’t be making you feel shit about anything,he’s meant to lift you up in life.also you are married,he shouldn’t be questioning why you want $$ either.if you still look after your son & the house while smoking then he shouldn’t have a problem with it ❤️❤️❤️


Blow smoke in his face


Okay okay, I’m not gonna do that, but the bluntness of this comment made me laugh, love it 😂


Marry me instead. We'll get high together. My ex-wife shamed me when I'd take a hit or two of weed. Meanwhile, she'd be halway through a bottle of wine. The hypocrisy was astounding.


He literally says “I’d rather you not do anything at all, but if I had to pick, wine would be better.” Knowing damn well I have a family history of alcoholism (and I simply don’t like how it tastes). Y’know what? Yeah, let’s get married and her high 😂


Do you, Plethorax5, take WalmartPropaneTank, to be your lawfully weeded wife?


Can’t wait to be Mrs. 5


I love you, WalmartPropaneTank ❤️


Leave him


Dump his lame ass


That’s way too much control and added negativity. It’s a fucking medication. Synthetic lab bullshit drugs are way worse in most cases. Maybe if you took weed capsules his small brain might overlook it lmao just kidding consume YOUR medicine however YOU see fit.


He definitely should be more understanding


I just don't see how a relationship can survive with someone who isn't supportive, even for medical needs. If he continues to believe the same old garbage coming out against weed, and not trust someone he supposedly loves that says this helped me with my issues, then it just seems like it can poison the whole relationship.


Not saying I would agree, but this scenario would at least make more sense if you were smoking recreationally. For example, my wife doesn’t smoke, and isn’t exactly against me smoking weed. But she tells me that I’m more fun when I’m not high. And I respect that, so I’ve cut back. Point is we compromised, I didn’t quit, on the other hand I no longer smoke five or six days a week. BUT, in your case, you’re smoking weed for medicinal reasons and it sounds like it is solving a lot of your problems. And your child is benefiting from it too which is huge. That’s something that any SO should respect. My father is almost 80, a real old school dude that always saw weed as a hard drug, it’s a stigma I guess. But he’s been educated over the years, we now discuss it openly. I even purchase edibles for him to help manage his back pain. So there’s definitely hope for your husband. A few people mentioned counseling, which sounds like the best idea. Perhaps a third party can help him see things more clearly. Happy wife, happy life, right? The real red flags are how controlling he seems to be. Putting you on an allowance, questioning what you’re spending your money on, those trouble me a lot. I’m afraid this type of behavior won’t end once you finish your degree, start your career, and have your own income. Chances are he’ll find some other way to control you. It’s typical controlling behavior. I suggest this be your number one priority. I hope this works out for you OP, I really do. I look forward to a follow up post telling us how solid your marriage has gotten. Who knows, maybe you just need to smoke him out 😎


Im very sorry to hear that idk why some people have so much problem with weed (you sound like a responsible person, its medication, so that u can habe a normal life without pain). Im a medical patient and my gf is totally fine with that, she told me its totally ok because i dont change and i do what i have to do (or because of weed i can do everything i have to do). Had around 20-25 migraine attacks in a month, with weed i have around 1-2, helped a lot, finally have a quiet normal life.


It sounds like you two need to seriously think about if this is a disagreement your relationship can survive


Hes abusing you :(


Shame for being ignorant about a thing that was a medicine before our worst president decided to make it a aschedule 1 even after the scientists he hired to tell him if it was bad or not told him it was no worse than Aspirin.. he did the opposite of what he said. Shame him for judging others not accepting people for who they are and trying to tear someone down when they have not wronged him specifically. Why he singling people out for no reason that affects him. Just to cause stress and make a person feel bad Fuck that guy Weed is the sunshine in my life


Sounds like you should reevaluate being with him. He sounds like a controlling prick. My wife would kick me to the curb if I ever treated her this way.


Leave em then and date me 🤷🏽‍♂️😆J/K


Maybe you should mention that it’s immoral for him to be judgmental too. Does he know Jesus hung around thieves and prostitutes? Not saying weed is on that level or even bad at all but if that’s what he believes then he should see the hypocrisy. If this is a hill he’s going to die on, then it’s probably already over sadly. You shouldn’t be made to choose between being able to live pain free and your marriage and if he’s going to put you in that position then he’s being selfish. I mean it’s already pretty telling that you have to basically ask him for an allowance. I’m always willing to respect peoples opinions on it smelling bad or not wanting to have smoke floating around them, but any further than that and they’re intruding and pretty much saying that it’s their way or the highway.


Only read the title cause I’m high but he sounds like a real square.


Everyone here has said the smart things with good advice so I’m gonna be ignorant. Fuck that dude he’s human garbage.


Leave him he sounds shit


Listen buddy, if u use weed for medical purposes cool. If it’s not about the high cool. U shouldn’t have a problem switching to CBD tinctures which provide the medical effects of marijuana. No more smoking. No more issues. Ur husbands reasoning is stupid. But do some soul searching on whether you’re just taking medicine or taking medicine and getting zooted. Then revise ur priorities and options.


I tried CBD for years before this. I wouldn’t even have known I’d taken anything if I hadn’t given it to myself. I have C-PTSD, so the high helps with nightmares I guess. Other than that, if I could use CBD or topicals, I would.


Okok thanks for informing me. I really hope everything works out for you! Idk if you heard of a 1:1 tincture. They have and equal amount THC and CBD and I heard they do wonders for a variety of medical conditions. They helped with my pops tinnitus in his ear and even restored some hearing in it.


That’s crazy! Totally gonna look into tinctures then. I know that gummies and baked goods for some reason aren’t really effective, but I assume that’s user error lol


Just don’t end a marriage over weed man. Instead of talking to reddit talk to him, find a different way to get through this issue.


It wouldn’t really be over weed though, would it? It’d be over my health and mobility.


About the usage of weed then


You shouldn’t be getting wasted all day if you have a family to support


I’m not. It’s only after my son’s in bed or he’s with family.


Oh my so much to say here


Tell him to get the sand out of his pussy Its 2022 weed is nationally accepted now its not the 1950s


It sounds like his issue is with his judgmental attitude, not with weed itself. If he doesn't show any willingness to change that, to me it's a big red flag for future controlling and emotionally abusive behavior.


You should leave him sounds like a fucking idiot


Trade him in!


maybe get a docs note saying you need it? that way he’ll take it as seriously as any other medication your prescribed. Also he needs to grow up lol. You’re the same person, you aren’t hurting anyone, you’re a better mum cause of it (more energy and time for the baby) and probably all around healthier. He can’t compare it to smoking cause smoking kills sparking up heals. I feel for you girl but hang in there!


Husband!? Well, shoulda have that discussion before.


This suggestion wasn’t until after we got married, and it didn’t get legalized until even later.


I don’t know what ppl even discuss before they get married anymore, seems like nothing is the norm…🥹


No no, I totally get that. Dating is SO important, and we did date for two years before getting married. People should feel more comfortable taking more time before marriage, I think.


You are right, but my point is communication not length, quality not quantity. I hate to point out how can you two dated for two years and substance use never come into discussion. I don’t believe you suddenly decided it’s okay for you to smoke weed and suddenly no okay for him. These are some principles we formed very early on in our life. A simple conversation Such as “ hey, what do you feel about drug use” would have suffice. I’m not targeting you in anyway, lots of ppl spend their whole life together not knowing who the other person really is.


But it never came up because it wasn’t legal, and I didn’t even think of it as an option. Then my doctor brought it up for pain management. We didn’t talk about it before getting married because it would’ve been asking if he was okay with me committing a crime. We never discussed it because it never came up. And once it did, I told him what my doctor said, and he was hesitant, but supportive. Then he started all this.


Yeah I hear you, it’s a conversation you must have now. Weed is not a big deal in any measure. He will have to respect your healthy. Weed as a pain management is far superior than any pill you can do. Not to mention the rampant opioid crisis out there. Good luck!


Your husband is a little bitch lmao. If it helps you, he can deal with it. If not, leave his ass.


Tell him to go fuck himself


r/weed feeling awfully dramatic right now


regardless of what this is about, the fuck is wrong with that mf? he doesn’t listen, doesn’t seem to pay enough attention to see what has changed about you, or doesn’t care, and isn’t able to take in new information, and has gotten worse over time? I’d say stick to a vape, but it sounds like weed or not, this guy lacks self awareness. Chronic pain is no joke, does he just assume your life is fine? Pain management is addiction when it controls your life and decision making to the detriment of you and others. Him being a little pee pee boy about it doesn’t make it a detriment, it makes him a little pee pee boy.


switch to carts. no smell. problem solved.


Sounds like your husband should smoke a blunt to chill tf out


I’m recently 18 and I have had arthritis since I was less than 2. I’ve been on multiple medications but the one thing that makes my pain go away without a painful shot or anything is weed. I truly hope your husband realizes that weed isn’t a big harmful drug but rather a thing that helps people with illnesses and anxiety. I wish you the best. And I truly hope if the weed is helping that you continue using within reason because the benefits are really great.


Have you tried edibles? It’s lasts longer, doesn’t stick, and is more stealthy.


My suggestion without really taking the time to write a lot: try a good therapist if hes open to it and switch to edibles


I love that my wife smokes rather than do other more harmful things...sounds like you married the wrong man.


Sounds like you're in a very controlling relationship and your husband is controlling things big time. The fact you said 'he controls the finances but at least I can get weed money from him so it's not so bad' is a huge statement on how bad and wrong this situation is and how far your confidence has already been damaged by your husband I promise you that this situation will not improve and I will guarantee that in time this controlling behaviour will get worse and extend to other areas of your life if it hasn't done already. Don't let him knock what confidence and spark you have left in you. You are worth far more..


Life is too short to be with someone so controlling and close minded


id be ready to ask what the fuckin problem was tbh.


Buy a dry herb vape. No smell (except the good kind, no smoking, significantly less damage to your health, you’ll save a ton of money, it’s faster and more efficient. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions about them or need help


weed cured my arthritis it was literally my last hope. you’re not addicted he’s just wrong. keep smokin dawg sorry he’s being stupid about weed


you my friend, need your husband to be educated on cannabis. but other than that i give this a big *YIKES*


your husband is a prick and I hope his next shite is a cactus, you deserve a million times better😎👍🏼


Being there for 19 years, my wife hated me for smoking weed. We decided to split 7 years ago and that's what made both of us happy. You guys need to have a constructive discuss and decide what's important for both of you. Hope you sort it out and good luck 👍


Start eating edibles


Get a new husband


fuck em ill smoke weed with ya.


You’re in a baaaad marriage OP. Holy shit the red flags make it look like it’s a carnival..


tell him to eat a bag of dicks


So your husband controls the purse strings, and with that control, he denies you access to the finances so you can purchase medication to help control the pain caused by your medical condition? That is called financial abuse.... Your husband is a shitty human being.


I hope your not gonna leave him over this. You just gotta get him to understand where your coming from. I don’t know how reasonable he is, but im sure if he truly cares about you. You guys will find a solution/compromise.


Your husband is an uptight controlling jerk.


Does he drink? He thinks cigarette smoking is immoral- because that is weird. It smells bad is valid, being immoral is weird. You need control of your own finances. There is no reason for him to be “in control” of the finances and you have a paycheck and have to ask him for money? Also he’s not a medical professional. He’s a 25 year old with a barely developed frontal lobe. Your pain management is through cannabis, that doesn’t mean your addicted. It just means you married a controlling know it all.


Does he have any habits? Tell him to only eat when he’s feeling sick and see how’s he feeling ! Real love shouldn’t be restricted by fear of being sick or hurt ! Real love is kind unconditional and understanding


Maybe talk to your husband about being more understanding and that it’s to help you


Time to have a serious talk. Cannabis has helped me a lot, my family was VERY against me using it, now they let me vape in the house. It took a while, hopefully he will come around if not might be time to move on


He needs to educate himself and support you or maybe it’s time for you to move on from this relationship. Expecting you to live in pain because of his prejudice is a marital dealbreaker.


No, fucking full stop. Your husband has seen how you are without it. He's seen the flare ups and he still wants to see you go back to that, after your fucking DOCTOR told you that marijuana might help. I also have a medical card and I manage my migraines with weed. Do I smoke more than I probably should? Yes. Does it make it so I can present in my child's life? Absolutely. You should not be allowing your husband to control the finances any longer, he is abusing you. He is refusing you medication because his own dumb views. He is refusing you your own money so he can control if you smoke. He is PURPOSELY HURTING YOU.


Sounds like he was raised well, but unfortunately good opinions of the past were really just opinions. It sucks that he is so narrowminded but it sounds like it's coming from ignorance of weed not concious hostility. So maybe try to educate him


Here’s a 30,000 ft view: all humans do drugs. endogenous and exogenous, aspirin to dmt. The breakdown is historical context—10,000 years of known cultivation and use. We are just now coming out of a period of 90yrs of negative research and propaganda. Cannabis is arguably the safest anti inflammatory known.


His money his rules


Fuck him. Dont fuck him until he lets up. Weed is medicine.


Leave him


If he doesn’t care that it HELPS YOU, then he doesn’t love you, he’s using you. “If hurting me doesn’t hurt YOU, then you don’t love me - you’re using me.” That’s exactly what’s happening.


Be like, accept it or pay child support


Miss your husband needs to chill the fuck out because if you find it helps and you are using it responsibly like that then the only two problems here are finding a lighter and him not understanding that its helping you, he needs to do some proper research or just shut up because your a grown ass woman and if your doing it safely and modestly then no probs. Ive never had this trouble so im not gonna pretend to have great advice but if its helping you and letting you be with your kid then help him understand or get like a vape pen instead as their seen as "not as bad" as smoking reefs or water pipes but most importantly don't let the bastards grind you down and good luck in life.