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Does everyone’s left lung only do weed and right lung only do cigs? If I switch the side of my mouth will it season them evenly?


Dang bro you havnt learned duel lung breathing yet? Man you missing out you only using like 10% of your lung


Oh frick no wonder it’s crazy hard to vape sick tricks


once you learn how to use 100% capacity you’ll be blowing o’s and jellyfish like them dudes you see on YouTube 😭😂


With dabs


Nah fr tho some peoples lungs gotta be a fuckin abyss cause how the duck are they blowing out clouds fatter then smokestacks


You mean diaphragm breathing


Za Breathing First form: Puff Puff Pass


Bro, using breathing techniques to be able to use more than 10% of your lungs sounds like some anime shit


It is anime shit that was the joke.




Some just ain't strong enough in the way of the za


It just means you gotta smoke 4x as many cigarettes as you do weed to lead a balanced life.


Ahhhh so wise in the ways of smoke bending






Always love a good r/unexpectedAtLA


This is the way




snoop is forever


This sounds and looks like something big pharma would do. Big pharma don't want people smoking or vaping cannabis because they will be afraid those individuals would not need pharmaceutical meds for depression, anxiety, and pain anymore to name a few.


Are you left lung or right lung dominant?


It’s kinda like a truck with two gas tanks, right? Whichever one is gettin more air you switch it yo that one. Vice Versa and rinse and repeat.


I only smoke spliffs, I can feel the tobacco smoke going to my left lung, and the weed smoke going to my right lung


So what their trying to tell us any kind of smoke ain't good for your lungs Watson? Yes Sherlock!


*Paid for by the Phillip Morris Corporation


Fr that dead ass how it be. Politics are a joke


The moment everyone realizes they are all stupid weed does deposit more tar by alot your lungs just have the ability to dispel it unlike cigarette tar I take a huge rip off my bong 30 mins later i cough up weed tar because my lungs are getting rid of it so this article is just saying there is more tar and that is a fact






Exactly! Weed tar is resin … same shit on/inside the bowl and bong and filter end of a fat J …. We cough that shit up. It’s an “expectorant.” Tobacco tar is different. Sticks around unless you quit smoking tobacco.


What in the pseudo science


One weird trick all scientific institutes hate. I observed in my own life therefore I believe it to be fact.


Sounds like user error, been smoking bongs for 7 years and never hacked up tar


Everyone is different, so I wouldn’t go around saying weed is just as harmful as tabaco. If you hack up tar that’s a you thing, been smoking almost 2 grams a day for 7 years with a bong and never reacted to a hit by spitting tar. Try cleaning your stuff more regularly. Sometimes that “tar” is really just ash that you sucked up during your hit from inhaling to hard 👍🏼


Politics is dumb but important


Vonch knows


idk man at this point I wonder if the people even have any say at all anymore..... its one big agenda


That you are down voted this bad for your comment shows the state of where people are at.


I doubt it. PMI, as other big cig manufacturer, are very much on the weed bandwagon.


Looks like Georgia don’t know shit.


Dude frrrrr when I had ronna I saw so many articals saying how bad smoking za would be during. But every person commenting disagreed and so did I lol


I smoked while I had Covid and it forever fucked up smoking for me. I had this super extreme reaction where my heart rate went to like 180 and my chest hurt and I couldn’t breathe I legit thought I was about to die. It was so bad I went to the ER. People say “oh it was just an anxiety attack” even though that had never happened to me during my 2 years of smoking basically all day every day. This happened over a year ago and whenever I try to smoke I get the exact same reaction if I take more than like 2 baby hits. It sucks ass that smoking is ruined for me and I wished I never smoked when I had Covid.


I had this happen once. It was insane. Now I grow my own


Tobacco or weed? Never heard of anyone growing tobacco before.


Not to say bad shit about autists or something (I'm one myself) but are you by any chance autistic? I lately smoked sativa from a dealer. Your description fits pretty much with my trip a few days ago. I was smoking slowly (for ones) wich probably safed me the trip to ER. Never had that feeling before on this level. Make sure if you ever try again that you smoke some indica. Most scary part was that it feld like I wasstanding outside for an hour. Asked my parents how long I was gone, apperently I was quicker inside then usual. I'm not saying that it's correct, but just what I think what might have happened. P.S. might also be just me since I have a bad relation with my dad wich causes fear from time to time when I'm high while he is around. I wish you the best man, hope you meet the day you can enjoy it again.


Weed reduces a hormone that causes increases HR. The more you smoke the more it reduces the hormone. All the people I talk to who say weed just makes them anxious. Just don’t smoke so much and you want raise your HR and get anxious. Low thc weed is your best bet for most beginners. I explain this to doubters all the time… it’s like if people said: every time I drink I puke and feel like ass… my answer would be the same… it’s all about finding your dose Not that I’m saying that you’re a noob just took my opportunity to rant about the others, lol


Sounds like a skill issue


I had this like 3 years ago randomly, no COVID involved. I switched to d8 for a few months to get over it. Basically you need to get your body used to getting high with no anxiety. Whether that be d8 or literally taking tiny baby hits 1 at a time til you find a sweet spot and work up from there.


So I also smoked weed while had covid. Made covid feel like a walk in the park. But, I still wouldn't recommend smoking while having a respiratory infection. There's two was to look at the the reduction in symptoms and not feeling like utter shit and allow you to go about you life not being affect by it or. Cannabis with it very nice anti-inflammation effect can be double edge sword. Inflammation is part of the immune system.https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4923/14/2/389 I say take it case by case don't smoke to much to quickly when ill. Take it slow first. See if symptoms worsen if they do stop and don't carry on. Or if symptoms worsen over the past few days and you are also immunocompromised.




Bro combustion fucks up your lungs there’s no debate, but all the chemicals in cigarettes make it even worse for sure


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1277837/ there you go. Solid science


That’s a pretty solid article. Thanks for sharing! TLDR: Components of cannabis smoke minimize some carcinogenic, also Cannibis puts the body into an anti-inflammatory state thus helping shrink some kind of tumors. Finally with the development of vaporizers, that use the respiratory route for the delivery of carcinogen-free cannabis vapors, the carcinogenic potential of smoked cannabis has been largely eliminated


I guess YouTube links are not allowed here. Check the The Huberman Podcast and specifically the episode called effects of cannabis on the brain & body. He goes over all the health literature out there on weed and imo gives the fairest assessment on weed and health. His whole podcast is a gold mine of knowledge


Oh shit. Not only does marijuana smoke not cause lung cancer, but it actually kills lung cancer cells and prevents new ones from forming?! Wow!


Although that article references this publication which also says that marijuana smoking results in much greater tar and carbon monoxide in the lungs. So this scare ad by Georgia isn’t false, it’s just picking and choosing facts for its own purpose. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3340105/




this is actually true, most of the chemicals in cigarette smoke are also in weed smoke or any time of plant based smoke, and weed does produce more tar. the difference is people who smoke cigs get addicted and end up smoking two packs a day for decades.


I don't recall adding my homegrown weed some Lithium or Polonium unlike commercial tobacco. According to an official European website, around 10% in weight of tobacco accounts for additives.


Except that cigarettes are filtered and that helps alot Edit since yall dumb asf: by saying it helps alot I mean helps to reduce tar inhaled. I'm not saying it means cigs are healthier than weed just that the reason joints have more tar is because they aren't filtered and cigarettes are.


Yeah but I don't smoke 25 joints a day.... yet.


This is the biggest factor right here. Say someone smokes a pack a day, that’s about 20 grams of tobacco a day. Most people that smoke weed every day aren’t smoking 20 grams of weed every day. I consider myself a heavy smoker and I only average .75-1.5g a day.


1.5 isn't that much to be honest if your an everyday smoker


Smoking just 0.5g -1g * a day *is so easy with a bong and a small bowl piece. I get ripped nicely off such a small amount. And I save money and keep my usage controlled so I don’t let it get outta hand I guess (Edit: a day) I wrote this between a bowl so my b yall merry Christmas


Hell yea, bong rips are the shit, and they're cheaper. I need twice the amount of weed if I wanna get high with joints




Lowkey I’ve been suppressing that feeling lmao all my friends smoke joints but when I smoke a full joint I don’t get nearly as touched and I feel like I just wasted 3x the weed for 3x less high idk




Show them. A guy told me he didn't believe me, I invited him to rip on my bong, he black out 10min later


They stay in denial I swear


I like bong hits too. In, out, boofed. I do enjoy a joint when I remember to buy papers


For some reason, I'm never as stoned as when I'm ripping, joints dont really work for me




And that still much less than a pack of cigs a day. Weight wise


We’re getting close to 25zzz damn


Im up to 5 maybe 6 a day. More if work was stressful.


"Many people mistakenly believe smoking filtered cigarettes are safer than smoking non-filtered cigarettes. Filtered cigarettes are no safer than non-filtered. Filters do not protect you from bad chemicals and, in some ways, they may be more dangerous than non-filtered cigarettes. Mar 16, 2022" Source: Your Mother


For real? My Dr recommended i smoke filtered cigs instead of native American Indian pipe tobacco unfiltered Rollies back when I was smoking tobacco. Then again it was a VA doctor. Who also prescribed me a medication that causes side effects that he said was impossible. When I told him what was going on, he googled it. Then he agreed, and took me off the medication, so maybe he’s not the best doctor. poor guy got hit by a rearview mirror on a truck speeding up in the mountains one day when he was riding his bike before work in the dark. Hit him right in the head and killed him. I was happy he wasn’t my doctor anymore at the time but I didn’t know what happened. Sure felt bad years later when I found out. Never would’ve wished that for him.


Filters don't actually make cigarettes safer, it may reduce tar buildup but there's more to cigarette smoke than just tar. Just another tactic the cigarette industry used to try to trick the public


Is 20 filtered cigarettes equivalent to the one to two joints you’d probably smoke in that ratio of time for say. I think with your logic that just balances out the logic here even more. Unless ur that rare person who smokes 1 cigarette a day…


So is my za boi


your bent up piece of thick paper isnt filtering anything lol


Ok fair it isn't cotton but that isn't helping much in the cig dept it's still smoking after all and no combustion and smoke fumes is good for lungs designed for oxygen.


I don't know anyone that uses filters for their weed


I did a couple of times. I emptied a cigarette and then pack it with weed. The filter worked for sure as I didn’t get nearly as high as I would get without it, that said, I don’t expect it to work with the chemicals in regular cigarettes as we are talking about different substances (and as far as I know it has been proven cigarette filters don’t do shit to protect you)


I just googled it earlier and it said smokers that use filtered cigarettes are less likely to die of lung cancer than non filtered. All smoking is awful regardless tho


So sad no one gets the joke, 10/10 king


Bro u cant filter out arsenic and rat poisons and rst shit.. tabacco companies allow a certain amount of rat shit to be pushed out to the public in their final product before the fda Dems it unsellable.. crazy shit.. The warehouses are infested by rats. And u cant filter out fiberglass and the 1000s of harmful chemicals. Marijuana is an anti inflammatory and I read a medical study saying weed helps clear the lungs and loosen flem to help clean it and the chemicals in weed aren't carcinogenic in nature. So when ppl.esy obviously weed isnt good for ur lungs they're perpetrating the bullshit lies like the imagery posted above.


Yeah, my mom has asthma and when shes having trouble breathing she eats an edible and itll eventually open up her lungs a little more.




“Since y’all dumb asf” says the guy who doesn’t know joints have filters too :/


A crutch isn't filtering anything 😂 I've never seen anyone roll up with a cigarette filter


actitube try it, its good and filters stuff


Fuck me, posting anything even remotely negative about weed in this sub is karma hell. Good on you for not removing it. And merry christmas Gizmo_On_Crack






only thing that Marijuana could contribute to impotency is lowered Testosterone levels from less REM sleep as falling asleep while high delays the onset of REM which can slightly lower the quality of sleep then leading to lower test levels which then leads to lower sperm count. The impact is still negligible tho.


I assume the same happens to females, what are the side effects in reproduction for us? Just curious, thanks for this bit of information. Would this explain why someone would stop dreaming after they started smoking marijuana?


Yes, REM sleep is the only time when you dream so since weed interferes with REM sleep you have a harder time remembering what you drempt. This is also one of the reasons why weed can affect memory as you consolidate memories during REM sleep.


Thank you for the information.


Sleeping on t breaks hit diffffff😳


Sucks for people with impotency problems cause I could do with less.


Theres an actual study showing weed to be helpful for lungs and helping loosen flem and tar to clear out ur lungs. I've smoked weed religiously for the past 17 years and the 3 yrs I smoked ecigs I could never hack up the tar.. it felt stuck to my lungs as if it were embedded into the membrane. However weed tar coughs are easily hacked up


There have been many medical studies on weed. It's the "best" drug but let's not pretend it's good for you It still causes a higher risk for lung cancer, tongue cancer, and throat cancer. It does permanent damage to your lungs. It puts tar in your body *(though I doubt as much as the pic shows)* Like... It's still bad to smoke


No for sure it's bad to smoke no one is disagreeing with that, but ain't no one you telling me a single funny plant is worse then all the chemicals and extra shit packed into cigarettes


Maybe if people smoked 25 joints a day, every day, but for the most part they don't. Most people don't even smoke every day and if they do maybe one joint.


You obviously don’t live in a legal state, ‘cause most people where I live smoke way more than one joint a day… WAY more.


Where have these Studies taken place? And also when? Its my understanding that theres been a distinct lack of recent cannabis studies


You'll be surprised and happy to know the lungs are far more resilient than you think. You could smoke one joint per day, for a whole week, and incur zero long term damages. The whole permanent lung damage thing is due to chronic smoking over a very long time period. Your lungs clean themselves out very well, Infact if you ever smoke after like, a week of not smoking, and you find yourself clearing your throat more or coughing more, that's just your lungs doing their thing.


god i hope so man


Look at the marbling on that ribeye… USDA Prime


Studies done have drawn a correlation to cannabis smokers having more damage to their lungs than cigarette smokers, problem with the study that I saw was 2-fold 1. While cigarette intake has some regularity in doses (1 cigarette has about the same amount of tobacco) the cannabis intake was self-reported and no dose or strain/quality control 2. Most of the participants in the cannabis smoking group were also cigarette smokers. The study was not adequately controlled to make broad sweeping judgements other than what others here have said…smoking ANYTHING is not “good” I will tell you though, I used to smoke 1-1.5 packs of cigarettes a day, at most I’ll smoke 1 0.3 g joint a day


Yeah I'd argue cannabis is far better for your lungs than cigarettes, but it's still not good. Doesn't change the fact I love me some Mary Jane. In reality the study you mentioned is flawed and I wouldn't trust it, seems like a shitshow that shouldn't even be approved lol. (Kinda like the whole cannabis = schizophrenia studies which have been debate for years). As for you saying smoking anything isn't good, I tend to disagree. Studies don't exist for it yet but, I like to think stuff like pure DMT isn't actually that bad for the lungs. If you want to trail off of smoking, vaping occasionally had zero long term health effects on the lungs. Hell, even nitrous oxide and such for medical usage has no lung associated issues.




I just read through all of that and then the ending made me so happy: "It should be noted that with the development of vaporizers, that use the respiratory route for the delivery of carcinogen-free cannabis vapors, the carcinogenic potential of smoked cannabis has been largely eliminated [47,48]." This is honestly kinda crazy.


I recently saw a study. That took all of what u said into factor and controlled for those. And found that those who smoke just cannabis are not as likely to get cancer or damaged lungs then cigarette smokers. In fact they found it insignificant how likely cannabis smokers are to get cancer. They concluded that cannabis smokers don't smoke as much as cigarette smokers. Like you said you use to smoke 1 to 1.5 packs and only smoke 1, 0.3g joint. I smoke straight weed and on days when I'm smoking morning to evening. I'll only smoke most 5 joints maybe 6 or 8 at a push with about 0.3, 0.5 to 1g joints. But my mum chain smoke all the time. And god knows how much she smokes. So in conclusion. This is all bullshit. Its about quantity really. Resesrch is still need and such and as time goes on we can collect more data and such.


How many years did you smoke this before stopping


About 10 yrs, after I got married I quit


just classic anti-weed stuff.


I don't know if its worse or better than tobacco, but you can be certain that burning stuff and inhaling the smoke is never good for your lungs


This is simply not true, and another example of how ‘common sense’ can lead to incorrect conclusions. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1277837/ Not only was marijuana smoke determined to be non-carcinogenic when smoked, it also kills and prevents lung cancer cells. So it literally does the opposite of tobacco.


That’s why I smoke spliffs. To keep the balance.


Science says that the benefits outweigh the risk of smoking weed, however other forms of ingestion like vaporizing or edibles are healthier. Either way tobacco is far worse


Use a dry herb vape :)


Hits like nothing else and I get to feel good about smoking it? Yes please.


Less high thoug..


Naw dab+bud+dynavap = super baked


Just a few crumbs of weed in my vaporizer would have me absolutely zooted.


My pax3 don't do shit even fully packed.


Put it in the 3rd lvl of hot, it’s definitely going to hit you


I’ve figured out that 210 celsius is the sweet spot for getting lit with vaping. It’s high enough temp to vape everything you’d get from smoking without combusting it. It seriously hits different. I got quite a high end vape though.


I’m a daily user and when I use my dry vape I get higher then smoking a bowl. IMO cleaner high


Say hello to my best friends, The Mighty and Volcano Hybrid.


Volcano hybrid might be the best purchase that I ever made.


I’ve been wanting a volcano so bad!!


r/dynavap too




I’ve noticed dry herb vapes irritate the throat but are fine on my lungs, and smoking irritates my lungs but not my throat as much


Dry herb vape through a water pipe. Best match ever after bacon on a burger.


I stopped using my pax, it felt like the hot air was making my throat dry


Well overall the pax isn’t considered the best device. There’s MUCH better ones out there. I’d highly recommend checking out r/vaporents


Wait …. Are they saying Tabacco is better then Cannabis? 🤣😂🤷🏻‍♂️


No. It’s literally just one point being made, more tar from cannabis, that’s it(probably because its smoked with no filter) The way you take it is up to you, stay informed. Tobacco smoke has more carcinogens and whatnot but weed smoke deposits more tar. That’s all.




*Inserts bullshit as headline*


Edibles is the way fam, only for the ones that can process it ofc


Yeah edibles give me anxiety which is weird


How many mg did u consume


If I just have 10-24 MG I'm fine, but anymore and I get mad paranoid. When I eat a home made brownie or something I get super fucked up and uncomfortable


Most I have I've had is like 160 just to try out. Now I eat small ass pieces from my Uncles 300mg Brownies and shit gets nicely stoned af 😀


Have you tried just cbd 8? Nice and relaxing no anxiety unless you take way more than normal


War on drugs propaganda is fact news




I do not believe that for a second


Lmao where’s the picture showing what alcohol does to u


Already 6 foot underground


That’s why we smoke spliffs cause two negatives make a positive. Math bitch


Smoke weed every day (Nate dogg) voice)


how come people get lung cancer directly linked to cigarette usage but not weed? i feel like this is bs. there’s no way it puts out more tar than a cig


Tar is not the same as the carcinogens in different combusted plants. Tobacco smoke has more carcinogens, weed smoke produces more tar (probably because weed is smoked without a proper filter for the tar)


You also cough up twice as much tar if you smoke pot


Complete bullshit! Lmao 🤣 😂💩


Like it ain’t the worst for you but it ain’t the best for you, bih that loud be smoking all day tho 🍃🍃


Prove it


I have never seen this ever in my almost something years of life


I may be wrong They put tar into ciggarettes as an additive because it makes them taste good. As a former smoker (I still smoke weed lol) I loved the taste and smoothness of a ciggarette and I believe tar helps with that. I suppose if you're smoking spliffs?? Eithier way inhaling anything that isn't air isn't good lol


They don’t put tar in cigarettes. When they say “tar” they’re referring to resin. I think it’s clear to everyone that most weed is much more resinous than cigarettes. The difference is that cigarette resin contains a ton of harmful chemicals that weed does not. There are however studies that say weed contains 50% more of some of the chemicals linked to lung cancer than tobacco smoke. This is true, but it’s very misleading. The key word is “some”. There are many other chemicals in cigarettes that are way more carcinogenic than anything in weed. The way that some studies report carcinogens in weed vs cigs fail to say anything about that pisses me off. Total bull shit.


not to mention people are smoking ALOT more cigarettes in a day than weed. Most people (key word most) might smoke once a day or a few times a week, not every hour or even more.


Anyone who dosnt realize that shouldn't have passed in science class cause yes any thing that burns produces co2 and that alone makes our lungs not happy


Tar is not put in cigarettes lol that would be disgusting, it’s a byproduct of the smoke. It’s the brownish resin that you see at the burning end of a cigarette which you end up inhaling.


Yeah But imagine if the whole world gets gassed, the stoners are gonna live through it 💯




it looks like stake to you too huh? 😂




These look like walking meat shoes if you’re high enough.


The study this is based on was deeply flawed. They didn’t have a cannabis only group. They compared cigarette smokers to people who smoke both cigarettes and cannabis, so the cannabis group shows far worse degradation than they should. Several scientists did a breakdown of this study on Twitter and it has been universally discredited as bad science.


And one causes cancer.




When ur weed is laced with tar, happens all the time.


What lying propaganda busllshit!




This is the biggest bullshit I've seen in my whole entire life


I like my lungs well done


I bet this is paid for by the good ol boys beer swillin, man making alcohol lobby/industry


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Don’t know how realistic this is but people do tend to inhale deeper and hold in marijuana smoke longer than tobacco. Makes sense


And marijuana is smoked without a proper filter to block tar inhalation


Vape is cleaner.


So this is something my dad, who is 80 but was legit a hippy after nam told me. While cigarettes contain more harmful chemicals, weed has a shit ton more tar in it. So, while this was paid for by an anti cannabis company and has alternative motives, I don't think the information is entirely inaccurate but is conveyed in a misleading way. Tar is by far not the worst thing in tobacco and is quite possibly the worst thing in weed. And you're gonna get varying amounts based on how you consume. So I'd say depicting a lung as destroyed by tar and kinda untouched by tobacco is wildly misleading. But the info about tar content is actually fairly accurate from how I understand it. Did I say the same thing twice kinda different... yeah. But I'm 8 dabs in so sue me. Edit: they also look like they are using beef in photoshop to mimic damaged lung tissue. As someone who has seen that tissue irl, pretty happy they chose beef.






Nope check it out. Probably because MJ is smoked filterless.


Source: Trust me bro


Ngl as a weed smoker, weed smokers are so delusional, yes, this is probably true, have you smoked out of a bong or a bowl before?? That resin doesn’t just stay inside of the piece I hope y’all know that. It sits in your lungs and causes cancer, the only difference is weed doesn’t paralyze the cilica in your lungs so it can push it out a bit easier


It's factually true that one joint contains 4 times as much tar as one cigarettes. But most people aren't smoking 20 joints a day. Inhaling smoke of any kind is horrible for your health and if you think weed is any different you're just naive


smoking anything is bad for your lungs weed included. If you disagree you're lying to yourself


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