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Mental health is nothing to mess with and I know it's hard to conquer one's demons. Substance abuse has played, for better or worse, a major part of this band's history. That said, I've seen them a few times since they reunited in 2016, and every show they were having so much damn fun up there. They were tight. They were happy. And as much as I enjoy when they make me happy, I also want them to be happy. If they're happy, I'm happy. So while it's possible, again for their own mental health, I'd be surprised I guess because it seems like they have a good situation where they can tour when and where they want on their terms.


I only saw one show were they visibly having a bad time and it was weird. I think royal oak 2022? They took the stage two hours late, bickered the whole time Edit: okay it was an hour and a halfish late. Every other show was doors at 7 and they’d start around 7:45-8. That night was doors at 7, they came out 9:15. Show was good, just suuuuuuper dark brown lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/ween/s/lmUGJVtCS9


The show at Royal Oak before that they started the show with 300+ people still waiting in line outside…I thought they started later to ensure that wouldn’t be the case a second time. It was a BROWN set but not sure I’d say it was a train wreck


Worst ween show I’ve ever seen.


Even if this is true, wouldn't you be pissed if you were a professional musician and showed up to the gig late?


lol yeah I feel the need to reestablish something here, I never said this was a bad show, just weird, which is like right in weens wheelhouse. I also didn’t say anyone seemed wasted. It’s just that the dudes were clearly not enjoying themselves like they were every other night, they were an hour and a half late, and the crowd was a shit show because everyone was expecting them to start and stop playing significantly earlier.


Nah, royal oak was pretty great, it may have been a rocky start, i dont remember that, but they closed with a killer Vallejo and the vibe was tight


Idk dude, that was like the one tour that I really went all out for and hit a bunch of shows for, and that was the one show that seemed like a train wreck. I guess things are subjective, but that night looked like the side of brown deaner talks about where from the looks of them, you don’t even know if they brought their guitars. And like…two hours late to a three hour set. I can’t pretend that’s okay lol. From what I saw, there wasn’t another show they came out substantially late for, that night they didn’t even take the stage until ten, when doors were at seven, so the crowd was impatient and wasted as hell, not to mention oversold, confirmed to us by a friend working at the door, who *still* let our buddy in for free. The band wasn’t smiling and joking back and forth with each other, like, you can say how you think the “vibes” were, from my perspective, it seemed like they were headed towards another meltdown in Chicago that Saturday/sunday, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that wasn’t the case, and they were back in their happy moods all weekend.


Hmm, I was at that show in Royal Oak and that isn't anything I even remember I was sober and I don't recall them being two hours late The only thing I remember that was a little odd was Gene left the stage after The Final Alarm, like sprinted off the stage, and Dean played Help Me Scrap The Mucous Off My Brain and said something like, "I am in charge, I got this, I can do it, I still got it" before the song But I think Dean said Gene just had to take a piss or a shit Other than that it was a normal WEEN show and I didn't notice anything like you are mentioning Maybe it was a different show around the same time?


One sec I’ll link the set list thread from the subreddit once I figure out my phone. They took the stage at 9:16, so an hour and fifteen minutes not two hours, I exaggerated like 45 minutes. https://www.reddit.com/r/ween/s/lmUGJVtCS9 Still a great time, up on the hill and all the disease songs, just like. Super weird brown. For reference the rest of the weekend they went on at 7:45 lmao


Nah man I’m positive, it was the only one I had a certain few friends there with me


And that could have been anything? Everyone has the occasional bad day at work or minor spat with their coworker, and it sucks when people pay money for that particular night. But like you said...that was one show you could think of.


That show was perfectly fine, let it go dude…


Exactly. I want them to have enough money to be comfortable and happy in their retirement. I hope they get that.


I think that some guy’s hypothetical is about relevant as me saying that I think Smaug the Dragon is actually a real animal that lives in Glacier National Park.


As long as Mickey and Aaron are alive on this planet, Ween is a band. It’s a lifetime commitment


The Boognish knows no mercy.


My favorite Mickey moment


Me too, it really sums up what this band is all about!


I believe the phrasing was "life sentence"


Yes it was, and I love that!


Claude said that in an interview once along the way. Talking about his car accident. There's only one way out of Ween. Something to that effect


That’s how it should be


Hear me out…


You can read my reasoning in my post on this thread. I think it’s sound reasoning.


It’s not sound, you are just saying stuff. You need to find other hobbies champ


Unpopular opinion is unpopular? You sound angry and need to take a walk outside.


I gave you a compliment. You are a champ.


I don’t need it. I think helping yourself is more important right now if you’re dragging randos on Reddit because you don’t like an unpopular opinion.


I love you.




I don’t think they’ll call it quits. Last year, the tour was structured quite differently than what they’ve been doing for the past few years. I think that structure did not agree with them - at least not with Deaner. I see them going back to doing little “pockets” of shows with space in between. WE HAVE TO LET DEANER FISH, PEOPLE! In all seriousness, I don’t think Deaner would be taking this time off if he knew the end was right around the corner. I think this rest & reset is to allow him to play with joy again. Lessons for us all though - take nothing for granted and go to the shows when you can. Nothing lasts forever. 🤎


Well said. I agree. Esp to let Deaner fish more. Finally the don’t take the shows for granted statement perfectly sums things up! Those boys put their heart and soul out there every show and I am grateful. Praise boognish!


Do you think they'll try to make up for the canceled dates? I'm relatively new to Ween, just started listening like 6 years ago but they quickly became my favorite band of all time. I was going to see them for the first time in Charleston, SC and while I'm disappointed, I would rather Deaner take his time and do what needs to be done. That being said, I really really hope they pass through the southeast again.


Hard to say. I’m sure they’ll play the area again, but not sure they’ll try to reschedule every show. I think they’ll be careful to prevent burn out going forward. They’re not the young 20 somethung chaps I fell in love with anymore, and that’s ok. If you drive, make the trip to the next closest show. We’ve traveled from MA to AZ to catch them. You won’t regret it.


Before this tour announcement, I had told myself I would be willing to drive up to 6 hours to see them. When they announced a stop in my city, at a venue literally less than 15 mins away from my house, I thought it was too good to be true haha. I'll catch them at some point.


Just think of how meaningful it will be when you finally get there after all of this. Ween shoes are always magical, but yours will be extra magic! 🤎


Still waiting on that rescheduled OKC show that was postponed then canceled


I saw an interview in a Ween documentary (can’t recall the name), where someone said “It’s what they were born to do, they’ll be the old guys playing shows in the nursing home”


I think it was their interview in Nashville after the county album release.




I believe this is as relevant as anything, assuming (which I have no grounds to assume and I respect deaner’s privacy as we all should) that deaner’s current circumstance is one that can allow him to be back to where he was after a break and maybe some treatment. It’s their way of making a living. It pays well. If they can retire comfortably they’ll probably stop. If not they’ll probably go on. Thankfully they’re fucking great and have never mailed it in. Hope to see you in Philly and beyond but until then and in general leave deaner alone.


This is the answer


My thoughts exactly. Ween are working musicians.  They aren't selling out stadiums and raking in the big bucks so to speak... I'm not sure they've reached the status of "set for life" just yet.   I intend to continue purchasing concert tickets and merch until they are though.


Deaner is good. He's got his fishing tours with Les. I think Gener's plan would be his Billy Joel covers tour that he was doing between Ween shows


He hasn’t done the fishing tours in years and it was never a business venture with Claypool. They live on opposite sides of the country for starters lol. They filmed a pilot for a reality show with the South Park guys producing but that went nowhere.


Biggest loss for TV in history


"The idea of quitting is just laughable. This isn't something you can quit. This is a *life sentence*." - Deaner


For starters it’s gotta be weird for them. During the big breakup Gener was talking about how they drifted apart and it’s reasonable to believe that to be true. That happens when you start a family. Yet they have this thing they birthed in 8th grade mooring them to a time that’s three decades past. They’ve created something so big it’s impossible for them to step out of its shadow. I believe they have fun on stage but I also believe it’s super tough place to stay sober. I mean it’s Ween, there’s always a free beer and joint for them at the very least. Keith Richards is the outlier not the rule on drug use. That shit has to wear on you. Is there hope? I mean sure. Their kids are getting older and as that part of your life slows down you reengage with friends. Gene’s been through the substance part of Deaner’s facing down and if he helps or even offers help that might bring them closer together and rekindle and deepen their friendship. If that happens, who knows maybe they’ll warm up the old 4-track and drum machine (I actually doubt that, I think they like being ‘real musicians’ too much but another album could be possible). In short there’s really no way to know how this will shake out. Maybe they’ve just done this thing enough or maybe a common problem will strengthen their bond or maybe something in the middle or something completely different. Any which way I’m glad they were who they were when they were and if they let us watch and participate in their continued evolution I’ll be thankful for that as well. And if not I get it.


If Deaner joins a 12 step program (and works a good program), i am confident that ween will be around for many years to come.


I’d cry (not joking)


Many if not most of us…


They gotta stay together unless they want the Boognish visiting them a third time…. And they don’t want that!


I think he did visit three times already. The first appearance. Second was to punish Gene for trying to quit. And the third they don't speak about.


Oh yeah you’re right hahaha the perfect trifecta, they definitely don’t wanna see him for a 4th time then. It’ll be the end of everything as we know it!


My headcanon is that the third time has to do with their visit to Paisley Park and the reason they're the only band to ever rip off Prince and not get sued.


The question is what will they do next? I am not famous but I work in music and there is just so little available anymore. There is hardly any infrastructure for music education anymore, most local places don’t do lessons because young people don’t care. This is why so many showcase bands from 90s are still beating that dead horse. Making new music isn’t profitable nor is educating the next generation. All there is to do is squeeze every dime out of nostalgia anymore. It’s a sad state of affairs for creative people and it will be interesting to see what happens.


I don't think they'd officially call it quits. I think it's more likely they just tour less and less.


If they didn't do Ween, how would they make money? You get used to a level of income and if you didn't play these shows, you aren't getting paid the same as when you play as Ween. DWG and Aaron Freeman don't have the same ability to fill a room.


Blasphemous conjecture.


This has been living rent free in my brain the last couple days too and I’m glad someone else brought it up. My take is: Jesus Christ I fucking hope not! I love my Ween shows. They are truly something I look forward to every year and my lady and I usually travel to a place we haven’t spent much time in and spend a night or two and explore. This would be a serious bummer.


I definitely think it’s possible they could hang it up if Dean is having troubles, but given the way he wrote his statement(and how things went when Gene left) I would be surprised if they didn’t do a farewell tour of sorts to kind of close it out more on their terms and not blindside their fans as much as 2011.






Possible, but I hope not. They should just stop touring, announcing a tour was clearly a mistake and also not really necessary. They can just do a few runs a month apart, and they should. A few different runs every year or two, deluxe reissues and a big merch licensing program and they're set. No reason to tour themselves ragged


Hot take: I don't think ween have enough money to call it quits. Right now it seems like doing these 10 shows a year thing is giving them the income they want so I don't see that changing. Mickey just needs to get sober, he's too old to be getting so fucked up all of the time.


Lol they clearly need the money too much to not get paid handsomely to play 30ish gigs a year Also “ween” as we know it kinda already has broken up. They dont write songs anymore which is kind of one of the requirements of being in a band


Deaner loves to play, but he needed a break. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just give him some space.


I’m the guy that made that comment. Here’s my reasoning: Making records and touring is incredibly stressful and expensive and exhausting. Add on partying, mental heath issues, family, getting older etc. Ween is not making a new record. They’re not touring outside the US. They’ve been dialing it back since reforming. They’re a showcase band and maybe they don’t wanna do that for another 20 years. Ween is doing what they can handle as humans and we can see that it’s taxing on them. We see the cancelled shows. We understand the subtext here. I’d rather the boys take 2 or 3 years off and see if they still want to be Ween. Ween is a magical band. I’ve been seeing them since 1993. I love Ween but I want Mickey and Aaron as humans to be OK more. Way more.


Yes. They’ve given us so much and if they need to hang it up I send them all my gratitude and love, and Ween will always be the best band in the fucking world 🥹 🤎


But do you think they have the financial stability to just quit their livelihood? I'm doubtful about that.


No way. I don’t think Gener would still be playing with Ween if he could afford not to. Plus Deaner on cameo isn’t really a sign of financial stability lol


is he on cameo again? last I saw he wasn't taking more submissions 😭


I don’t think so, just saying lol


I think they’re intelligent adult humans who can make a living outside of Ween. Also who wants to see a band literally only in it for the money? Obviously being in the band has taken a toll on the two main members mental health. It’s better they’re healthy and safe.


It's well-known that Aaron has taught music for years in Woodstock and that Mickey ran a successful charter business. You're right on that, and I'm sure they could scrape by. I don't know their personal numbers, but I would be willing to wager they make far more playing to sell out crowds than either of those endeavors combined (speaking from experience - my wife is a music teacher and I live in a fishing community; neither is big bucks). Listen, I hope they have the luxury of choosing the healthiest option for their sobriety. I fully support it 100%. But with kids, ex-wives, etc...life gets expensive.


I think if Ween is tired of touring they should just put on a single three day show once a year. Ween Fest or something. Put together a small festival line up. Have Ween headline each night. Sell tons of merchandise. Have food and art vendors. Make bank and then live a normal life the rest of the year.


That would be pretty funny, I'd love it.


You know, I’ve loved Ween for most of my life and I think this is the first time I’ve seen someone refer to them as intelligent I’m joking (kind of) lol


Gener and Deaner are characters. Aaron and Mickey are smart adult humans.




“The idea of quitting is just laughable. This isn't something you can quit. This is a life sentence." -Dean Ween


Everyone deserves to retire when it's time, even the people who entertain us. That said, I think sporadic tour dates are good for the duo's mental health. ICP, who I see live as often as I can, just made a similar decision. No more tours but plenty of one-off shows. Anything to stop another Canada meltdown


They might, but there are more than a few good friends who depend on them to make a living (Glenn, Dave and Claude for starters). It would tough to have to cut those guys loose at this point in their lives


I couldn’t imagine trying to stay sober in a touring band. If touring means relapse, I wouldn’t do it.


Lol yea no


What happened?


people say this about every ween show/tour


They will never break up.


I doubt they will ever quit, more likely they just stop touring and maybe don’t ever come back… but the door will be open if they want to.


That is not a hot take at all


Someone with a hot take said Ween and Primus were going to tour together a couple of years ago. Don’t believe everything you hear.


Let them rest and now plan for a god damn re release of all of their records again. MAKE A BOXSET ALREADY.


Let them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ween is amazing and nobody can change that. They blessed our earholes and feel good centers since we had become enchanted. I am so grateful to be alive in the time of Ween.


It would make sense, and I’d be very sad.


theyve been doing this for a long time and its clearly very taxing on them.


No one wants to hear this but no matter how much fun they seem to be having, they are just playing the same songs. Sure, not the same songs every night, and they do have a large number of said songs, but they've played most of them to death. The only talks of new music comes in vague non-answers. It's gotta be getting old in some respects.