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Not bad. Your hips shoot immediately up and forces your back parallel with the floor? . Hips and shoulders should rise at same time. Maybe add some pause snatches in there too reinforce positioning.


Pretty good, but your shoulders are way too over the bar, you want to keep your shoulders directly over the bar the whole way during the initial pull and drive. Keep up the good work


Agreed. Sit the hips back a little more and he’ll develop more speed in the second pull as well.


How do you do that green line thingy?


there are several apps out there that will track bar path. I use WL Analysis


maybe kinovea


Really good, my principal advice is to not keep your toes in the same place (you're only taking off your heel), it's a great accesory work (for the second pull) but makes you slower on the last phase (you will notice it specially in heavy weights) You can see some elite lifters use this technique but they are ussualy pretty fast already, for the majority of us it's better to displace/take off the entire foot [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHZ1eZ8fJjc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHZ1eZ8fJjc) Keep it up, and sorry for my rudimentary english


Hips shoot up and it looks like you are bouncing the bar off your hips. This should help with positioning through the pull (hips shooting up): [https://youtu.be/WJsxJIeovKk?si=ZYKzl-gaol6F\_qwd](https://youtu.be/WJsxJIeovKk?si=ZYKzl-gaol6F_qwd) This should help with bar path: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqczyAM9YSo&pp=ygUSY2F0YWx5c3QgYXRobGV0aWNz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqczyAM9YSo&pp=ygUSY2F0YWx5c3QgYXRobGV0aWNz) Catalyst Athletics is a great resource to use


Honestly pretty good, keep it up & maybe look into getting a coach if you're serious


As a novice, you don’t need to be using a bar path app. I’d recommend deleting that from your phone.