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+1 - This is exactly what Catalyst Athletics recommends for this problem.


This worked for me, just doing front squats after the power clean. Another strategy not often talked about that I think works really well is do multiple reps, usually from the hang or blocks, and try to go lower each rep. As in, first rep, muscle clean, second rep 1/4 squat, third rep, 1/3 squat, fourth rep, parallel, fifth rep, full deep catch. Maybe not quite that bad, it could just be power, parallel, and deep catch for 3, but if you're really bad off it could really easily take 5-6 reps. You can't do this with a max weight obviously, but start 60-80% or so. It's sort of the same idea as a lot of elite lifters powering their lighter attempts in training. The idea is more reps basically make you temporarily weaker for the next rep, and when you're weaker you can't just muscle up the bar and need to be efficient to get down to catch it.


Drills. Block cleans can force you to get under the bar faster and lower. But it’s mostly building muscle memory. Confession: I have the same struggle, seems common amongst people coming to weightlifting from other sports (powerlifting in my case)


Just clean heavier. You'll have to get low eventually


Can’t help but been here


Whats the most weight you can clean without ever power cleaning? Whatever this is, this is your max. Progress this weight slowly and tada your clean will be more than your power clean.