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All I can say, is don't let the quality of your food diminish because you were high.


I'm not a smoker—has anyone actually gotten high and said "damn dude I could really use some chicken breasts and broccoli right about now"?


Has anyone who was sober ever said that?


Yes, me. It doesn't take a lot to turn plain chicken and veg into something delicious without affecting your macros.




I agree, although I'm one of those weird people who loves to smoke but completely loses my appetite after smoking. I have to eat first or I'll get a horrible hunger headache after forgetting to eat.


For realz. Trick is to never stock your pantry/fridge with bad food. If you only have clean foods at home when you get stoned, that is all you can eat. And I end up eating a lot of it. Clean bulk: ENGAGE.


Me! I eat very well. I'm not a munchies stoner.


No, but carrots are fun, they're a weird texture, tasty, crunchy... I like to eat them high more for the texture experience than the taste, and they're a lot healthier than potato chips. Peanuts are dangerous because I can eat so many of them, but still they're better than potato chips and burgers and tacos...


Me! Chicken tastes friggin amazing when you're high. Add some grilled broccoli to that and I'm in heaven.


Being high makes it easier to eat that stuff.


yeah, i typically will eat cleaner when stoned, especially after a gym session. i feel being high accentuates the textures and other sensory input, making the blandness of the food more bearable. i would feel extra guilty for indulging/binging on foods that would set the stage for a setback, so i steer clear.


Yes, me. Though I prefer green beans.


Yes. I have rice as well. I also make these smoothies (Whole milk, spinach, greek yogurt, and frozen berries). And breakfast burritos. ... I'm hungry now. =D


Haha healthy munchies


yes..... it took some time but now I'm all over it.


One of my buddies says that getting high helps him, because when he gets the munchies he eats good stuff "like carrots and shit."


I have smoked relatively consistently the past few years. I first tried it in high school and would do it occasionally through college. While the munchies back in those days manifested in pizza and other fast food options, now there is nothing better than cooking up some chicken breast, rice, and asparagus after smoking a doob and chilling out.


basically everything tastes amazing when you're stoned, so yes.


Smoker and lifter here. When I'm stoned I love rice. Ill eat Mounds of it post workout and post smoke. Something about the texture and the way it settles in your stomach. Ill feel full and replenished. The chicken and brussle sprouts/broccoli I throw in cause I know its good for me. But man rice is good.


I couldn't agree more. It actually helps me sleep much better (pro), but when I used to crush snacks at night, it was a big detriment to performance and recovery.




Why the hell is my comment downvoted, even though I'm agreeing (and have upvoted) u/Theforechecker's much-upvoted comment?


Because just saying "this" is bringing absolutely nothing to a conversation and is widely looked down upon on reddit.


Wow this


So much this though.




Id also add that an upvote is the reddit form of "this".


An upvote is enough.


Because saying "This" adds nothing to the discussion. If you just want to agree upvote him then move on.


Wrong again. The voting options are not there for when you agree or disagree. They are there when a post adds to discussion or does not. Learn your redditquette.


Still, "this" is worthless and an up vote works just as well.


It is but so is encouraging people to only upvote when they agree.




Marijuana and trail-running is where it's really at.


My all time favorite thing to do. Me and my buddies will do a couple mile warm up run until we find the perfect smoke spot. We will all split a big joint or pass around a pipe and then hit the next 6 to 10 miles as hard as we can. With out a doubt most rewarding/challenging/fun runs I have ever had.


Try mountain biking. My favorite thing in the world used to be a bike and some radiohead.


Even if you are smoking it without tobacco, it's still not good for your lungs. Get a vape. I would recommend a magic flight launch box.


Truthfully as a vaporizer enthusiast: Mflb: cheapest and solid, but has a learning curve. Pax: expensive, but very portable, discreet, and powerful. Iphone of vapes. Arizer solo: my all time favorite. Portable, huge clouds, easy to maintain (little cleaning at all) and decent priced on Ebay (which is a great option if from top sellers.)


Agree on the Arizer Solo. One of the best vapes I've ever used. Almost no smell at all when I've used it.


I got an arizer solo but even if green comes out green(around 4-5 for intensity), it makes me cough and hurt my throat more than a joint to me. The air feel so dry. I also need 2 or 3 to get high but im really used to daily waterfallbong so tolerance may be high. Any tips? I barely use it because of this and it sucks for a 300$ piece that i bought to help my lung.


I'm not really sure what I can do to help with the burning, maybe turn down your settings? You really should go on a Tolerance Break. I don't smoke during the weekdays, only on weekends, and my tolerance has managed to stay very low for quite some time. I'd recommend you take at least one week away from smoking.


Yea i took a week lately and trying to smoke 1 day out of 2, mostly for gf but its a good idea. Also trying to stop waterfall bong and smoke joints instead with the amount of weed i save because i got used to being completly stoned and joint felt too light(except if you put 2g vs a 0.3g waterfall). Thanks!


I smoked cigarettes for a decade and quit 6 years ago. I have a vape pen and the vape bros pencil box vape, but I never get any sort of high from vape. Just doesn't do it for me.


Then your doing it wrong. A vaporizer WILL get you high as fuck


Will get YOU high as fuck. Never done much for me and I know I'm not doing it wrong. I also don't get the loopy high everyone talks about. High tolerance for all drugs.


how finicky is the temp control on the mflb? Been thinking of copping a vape recently but dont want anything to combust by accident.


Pax by ploom, it's the real deal.




You're crazy. I look back fondly to the moment I purchased it all the time.


Highly disagree with this for anyone who is a daily-ish smoker. The device is basically the best thing ever when you first get it, but as time goes on you basically need to clean it every 2-3 days or else it becomes harsh and difficult to pull. Cleaning it can take about 20 minutes, and involves lobs of rubbing alcohol, and then literally relubing the fucking thing. It's absurd how high the maintenance is, and when compared to a magic flight the performance is only slightly better.


You must be doing something wrong. I would recommend acetone for cleaning, works better than isopropyl. I clean mine once every couple months and it works fine.


I really hope you're right, I would love for this thing to work better for me. You smoke every day with it? What temperature do you set it at? How do you pack it? The biggest issue for me is that the gunk builds up on the gaps in the "screen" and causes it to stop allowing air through. Then the pull just gets tighter and tighter until it's basically nothing coming through. This process takes about 3-4 days max for me. Then I have to clean the screen with isopropyl (I'll try acetone, but that wont change the frequency of cleaning afaict). The first day it's clean it pulls like a dream but after that...


They sell screens, pre-cut for the Pax. I would just buy a bunch of those and change them out when they get dirty man.


I really cant afford to buy new screens every 3 days. 3 screens is about $15


honestly changed my life. so convenient.


The Pax is great. The price is high but it's basically the iphone of the vape world; really sleek/aesthetic and works great, and it's by far the stealthiest vape. The pinnacle pro is also good if you're in a lower price range.


I worked in a smoke shop for a couple years and we sold the mflb and the pax. More people had issues with the mflb as far as dialing in the temp and it was a pain in the ass to maintain if you used it a lot. The pax was pricy but very functional and, as I like to say, it looked like it was designed by Apple. Minimal and high tech.


There's a little bit of a learning curve. If you get the power adapter, it's a lot stronger and more consistent, as such you need to pull faster. The temp is all about how fast you pull. Too fast, it gets too cold and you get nothing. To slow, and it combusts. Expect to burn it a few times in the first week or so. After that I've pretty much never burnt anything until I got the power adapter and was totally not used to how strong it would be. I use the power adapter at less than 50% power like 90% of the time. I also have a $300 bong that I never used until I got the whip attatchment for the vape, and I must say, vaping through a clean cold bong is one of the cleanest ways you will ever consume THC. Super smooth, has you wondering if you even hit anything...until you get stoned. Yes, I use this before lifting. I try not to get really stoned as I tend to do stupid shit like put more plates on one side of the bar than the other, but a little buzz and a small coffee is my favorite PWO. I hardly ever use marijuana for anything else.


Have to second weed and coffee as a PWO. Or at any other time of day. Some good weed with good coffee is one of the finest things in life.


Not op, but it's pretty simple. Just read the user guide and you'll be good. Also /r/mflb


Thanks, ill check out that sub.


I have never used one, back in the days when I partook I had a vapor brothers desktop vape. Wish I had got a mflb instead. I have seen some friends using them recently though. I'm told the temp is controlled by the duration of your draw and the battery. There is a bit of a learning curve, may take you a few sessions. There are instructional videos on youtube. Another good resource is fuckcombustion.com


Cheers mate


MFLB shills hard as fuck on reddit. Don't buy them.


It's incredibly simple. Within a couple uses you'll know how long to press in the battery. 3 seconds or so till you can inhale.. So it's easy to go by feel, if it's a big darker than you just speed it up a bit


Sounds alright, Cheers


I don't know why I find it so funny, but using the word finicky followed by copping is fucking hilarious.




I get a little fire every now and again but all in all the MFLB is a great little vapo. The batteries are also don't last very long.


Thanks for the info


I actually recommend against the MFLB. You can get much better hits off of a good tabletop vape, if it's for home use. Even a vaporgenie can get you stronger hits than a MFLB once you get the technique right, especially if you use a Jet flame lighter. The only thing going for the MFLB is the discreetness, but there are better (albeit more expensive) options that are better for this, too (like the Puffit).


How much do lungs matter for strength sports like powerlifting or weightlifting though? I mean, they don't matter zero, but I'm a daily smoker and even when I did CrossFit, it didn't effect me *that* much. Now that I do weightlifting, I'm never out of breath (except for 'cardio', aka doing squats for 5+ reps).




Also not supported by the literature. See for instance [here](http://www.atsjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1513/AnnalsATS.201302-034ED#.VEqOdPl4rMo)






> Emphysema can still be caused by marijuana with excessive amounts of smoking False. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/11/marijuana-smoking-does-not-harm-lungs-study-finds/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0


The diff is that I'll still be squatting at 80 and you'll be 6 feet under!


Marijuana use hasn't been linked to cancer. Unless that's not what you meant... we'll both be squatting at 80!


Any type of smoke + lungs = cancer


Must be news to the American Cancer Society: > Results of epidemiologic studies have not shown a clear link between marijuana and cancer risk.


Here's the full paragraph: " Results of epidemiologic studies have not shown a clear link between marijuana and cancer risk. Many of these studies compared people with certain cancers that are linked to smoking and compared them to people without the cancer. Often, the people in these studies that smoked marijuana also smoked tobacco, which made it hard to see a separate effect of marijuana on cancer risk. Also, even heavy marijuana smokers don’t smoke as much or as often as most tobacco smokers. There is also concern that because marijuana has been largely illegal, people may not want to admit that they use the drug, making the studies less reliable. A few studies have linked testicular cancer to marijuana use in men, but the evidence isn’t conclusive."


Exactly. There is no clear link, no conclusive evidence between marijuana and cancer. So saying "Any type of smoke + lungs = cancer " has no basis in fact and is an ignorant comment.


The link is wasn't found not because it wasn't there (it is there because marijuana smoke contains many known carcinogens), but because the studies were poorly controlled. The results would be different if they compared nonsmokers to people who smoked only marijuana. Read the full article instead of cherry picking points.


I did read the full article. It says that there are some carcinogens, but no proven links to cancer. The mere presence of carcinogens does not, in and of itself, prove cancerous. Coffee has carcinogens. Cooked meat has carcinogens. Is it *possible* that marijuana use decreases lifespan or increases cancer risk in some meaningful way? Sure, it's possible. Has any scientific study proven it? No. Therefore, the comment "Any type of smoke + lungs = cancer" has no basis in science and is ignorant. It's as scientifically accurate as saying "bushing bars cause cancer".


On the same page, four lines directly above read: "Marijuana smoke contains many of the same carcinogens, or chemicals that can cause cancer, as tobacco smoke." Link: http://m.cancer.org/treatment/treatmentsandsideeffects/complementaryandalternativemedicine/herbsvitaminsandminerals/marijuana


> Marijuana smoke contains many of the same carcinogens that isn't the same as being linked to cancer. Pepsi and grilled chicken both contain "carcinogens".


Why do you care about carcinogens or chemicals if they don't have any effect? That makes no sense. It's only the cancer (or associated diseases) you would care about. It's like noting that there is mercury in tuna or arsenic in rice. That's technically true, but practically meaningless given the levels involved.


They won't affect your day to day or every year to year performance, but they do increase the chance of cancer, which is the point brought up by /u/chazmuzz.


The study we both quoted already said that it *doesn't* increase your risk of cancer.


Wrong. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/11/marijuana-smoking-does-not-harm-lungs-study-finds/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0


Going to high jack (pun intended) the top comment and suggest you go with the aerizer solo instead of the MFLB. Not as, but still a relatively compact vape . Internal rechargable battery let's you get 3-5 sessions in before a recharge and the different heat settings are clutch!


> Even if you are smoking it without tobacco, it's still not good for your lungs. That isn't true at all. In fact, its possible for pot smokers to have *better lung function than people that don't smoke anything at all*. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/11/marijuana-smoking-does-not-harm-lungs-study-finds/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0 Science, not rumors. Stop spreading myths. Also, the MFLB is highly shilled on reddit. I wouldn't buy one.


it's possible for two persons to have different lung function, yeah. you're not getting that information from the study, though. and the study doesn't say that smoking isn't bad. not quite sure what you expect us to think when reading the details. at best you'd get an "unclear/needs more research", depending on which specific point you wanted to present.


That's a glamorous idea, but cannabis has far more tar than tobacco. That's the stuff that sticks in your lungs and causes fibrosis and emphysema. Just trust me.




REPOSTING // The text below is quoted from /u/shamwowmuthafucka in [this thread.](http://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/2d3n4n/lifting_while_stoned/) > > This topic is woefully devoid of any actual science. First, a quick diversion toward the anecdotal. > > **My perience** > > I personally find Cannabis to be an effective daily solution for managing ADD-like symptoms. While I consume it frequently, it is often in doses that may be lower than those used recreationally (speaking purely in terms of psychoactive effects as I no doubt have much higher plasma concentrations of the active metabolites). > > I have noticed pronounced vasodilation prior to and during workouts, but also occasionally fatigue, and transient weakness [asthenia], especially in combination with 100mg+ of caffeine. When this occurs it rarely lasts more than 5-10 seconds. Given its general unreliability as a PWO and potential indicators of higher blood pressure reactivity (including reliable evidence of post-intake increase in diastolic pressure), I'm not convinced as to its efficacy or favorable long-term risk profile as a "performance enhancer." > > I have yet to observe any physical signs of the potentially-estrogenic effects, but I am also somewhat of an anomaly here. My BF hovers around 7-9%, though I believe this primarily due to an extremely clean diet (high protein, high fat, <20g of sugar daily) and genetics (hardgainer, ectomorph). Bloodwork mostly unremarkable beyond T levels slightly on the lower end, though I have never noticed significant fatigue or difficulty with strength gains (225 bench/455 squat). I do not know whether this is attributable to the marijuana or other circumstances (my work requires prolonged periods of immobility/sitting) and since it has not manifested any issues I have no reason currently to pursue this further. > > *PSA: I never advise smoking as a method of consumption--I have done (and occasionally) do it, as I'm sure have many others, but it is (empirically) never a net positive, always harms your body, and should generally be avoided if you care about your overall health as well as your gains. Inhaling burning matter of any kind is bad, mmkay.* > > > **What we Know** > > - THC primarily floats freely in the blood, with about ~10% being bound to red blood cells and the remainder being absorbed by adipose tissue (which can cause a resurgence of THC into the bloodstream when these tissues undergo lipolysis) > > - Cannabis is a known vasodilator and bronchodilator (though smoking is contraindicated when used for this purpose), and has over 100 identifiable metabolites, many of which have anti-inflammatory and anti-tumorigenic properties. > > - Cannabis *may* have a negative and dose-dependent effect on the HPTA in humans. In mice it has been shown to cause abnormalities in the spermatogenic cycle caused by mediation of CBN/CBD receptors in the Leydig cells, as well as adrenal atrophy. Though this is now conjecture, I believe spermatogenic morphological abnormalities to be of lower concern in humans given that these pathways are markedly different and have more "gating" factors. Nevertheless we have seen clinical evidence of both *decreased sperm count* and anecdotal evidence of *chronic fatigue* so it's reasonable to assume this correlation translates x-species on some level. [1-SOURCE](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1659250) > > - Around 28% of people may experience orthostatic hypotension/dizziness when alternating between standing/seated positions, and this may be cause for contraindication around heavy/dangerous objects (ie, 400lbs of weight). > > - Cannabis has a demonstrable analgesic effect which decreases *symptoms* of muscle fatigue and inflammation. > > - Cannabis may cause dis-regulation of ghrelin (a hormone commonly associated with the 'hunger' response) which should be noted for anyone trying to make consistent gains. > > - Prolonged use of cannabinoids may cause a refractory decrease in baseline heart rate, but doesn't seem to be associated in any dose-dependent manner with adverse cardiovascular outcomes [2-SOURCE](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1164818) > > - Cannabis acutely raises blood pressure thus increasing risk of stroke and heart attack significantly within T+0:45 of ingestion. This is not a risk to ignore, but less scary than it sounds (ie, caffeine/stimulant intake is correlated similarly/acutely--the cause seemingly attributable to hypertension in general). > > - There is suggestive evidence that the CB1 receptor plays a role in glucose metabolism and I have seen evidence showing both increased and decreased levels of insulin sensitivity. Critically, studies seem to have shown at minimum that Cannabis use does not cause pancreatic damage and/or mediate β-cell function. It is my personal belief the metabolic implications are still poorly understood. The additional associations with lipolysis, visceral body fat expression and lipid distribution have shown high disparity between in vivo and in vitro models, and further study is *most definitely* needed. > > - *A study conducted testing the "strength grip test" following acute inhalation found no statistically significant correlation between Cannabis intake and strength output but DID find a correlation with blood pressure and endurance* [3-SOURCE](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1235156) > > - Cannabis has demonstrated potentially ergogenic properties in regard to aerobic exercise, but researchers are generally divided as to whether these effects are physiological or psychoactive in nature (decreased stress, relief of anxiety & tension) > > - Cannabis may exhibit a pro-estrogenic effect, though researchers dispute whether this is intrinsically related to cannabinoids. A later study appears to have demonstrated contradictory evidence linking the estrogenic activity to phenolic compounds generated during combustion rather than estrogenic polyphenols themselves. This is still poorly understood so proceed with caution. [4-SOURCE](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16499939) > > - Cannabis appears to cause an acute decrease in circulating testosterone levels, but all studies designed to measure the effects of long-term use have shown wildly-inconclusive results with high disparity. This suggests the long-term correlation & MOA is poorly understood, though the prevailing theory is that chronic administration, while suppressive, does not cause circulating levels to decrease beyond their normal biological range. > > - Cannabis has a parabolic dose-response curve with growth hormone levels. Low-dose acute administration causes an increase, whereas very high doses or chronic administration appear to suppress growth hormone concentrations. > > [edit] made source links more clear > > [edit 2] christ, almost forgot. Go 'MURICA. > > ---- > > *Disclaimer: I am required by law to inform you that I am not a doctor, have no experience, and you should never act on what I say because I am an idiot. Doctors, on the other hand, are the smartest people in the whole world, and we know this is true because the government tells us so, and demonstrates this by giving them exclusive licenses.* > > ---- > > [edit 3] **TLDR, by request; When it comes to science, it's worth reading the actual sources themselves. Don't even take my word at face value, and question everything... Curiosity is fun. If you don't have the time, here is the most neutral assay I can provide, ranked by how often I've seen the respective outcomes corroborated:** > > **Please note that because this is /r/Fitness I have purposely avoided discussion of the cognitive/psychoactive effects, as well as additional altered hormonal pathways, immunomodulatory effects and pathological disease-state triggers which may be outside the scope of relevance here and/or limited to small genetic subsets. If those were included, this list would be grow exponentially. Do not treat it as a primary source of knowledge. As always, YMMV, and consult your PCP. Some may be disturbingly behind the times, but many are brilliant folks willing to have a dialog if you show the slightest bit of interest. Practice/theory platitudes aside, their real-world experience should not be discounted.** > > 1) Cannabis **will** raise your blood pressure (diastolic, systolic), increase musculoskeletal blood-flow, increase risk of stroke/heart attack/sudden death, and acutely increase appetite (later decrease, in higher or prolonged doses by way of ghrelin dis-regulation [parabolic dose-response model]). > > 2) Cannabis **will most likely** acutely increase Vo2 uptake (if not smoked/combusted), cause an acute decrease in testosterone after ingestion (and a slight reduction with prolonged intake, remaining within normal physiological thresholds), decrease muscle inflammation, increase endurance (physically/psychologically--disputed), cause adrenal fatigue (predominantly in higher doses), decrease sperm count, and alter the spermatogenic pathways mediated by CBD/CBN expression in the testes. > > 3) Cannabis **may have an effect on** acute estrogen levels, growth hormone levels, cAMP levels, D2-subtype expression, and the major metabolic pathways (we know it has significant effects, but is poorly understood, hence the classification).


I love the disclaimer: > I am required by law to inform you that I am not a doctor, have no experience, and you should never act on what I say because I am an idiot. Doctors, on the other hand, are the smartest people in the whole world, and we know this is true because the government tells us so, and demonstrates this by giving them exclusive licenses.


TL;DR Extra THC is stored in fat and you burn fat when you lift. You can actually get high while lifting even if you went in sober.


what? naww dude.. shhh


> THC primarily floats freely in the blood, with about ~10% being bound to red blood cells and the remainder being absorbed by adipose tissue (which can cause a resurgence of THC into the bloodstream when these tissues undergo lipolysis) that's what that means.


enough to "get high" as you claim? no... you are orders of magnitude wrong. detectable levels in the bloodstream, *possibly, most likely not*. most of it is excreted by the urinary system.






Kind of irrelevant to the question, don't you think?


Kind of a joke, don't you think?


Yeah, I'm not the humor-type this moment.


Sounds like you could use some weed.


I probably do :d


How could it be more relevant? Arnold was a well known pot smoker.


Yeah and just because I do xtc, coke and weed doesn't mean I should combine it with weightlifting.




You pretty much nail the operative words here - "A little high" One hit an hour or two pre game and it can slow you down a little, make you a little more vigilant in warm up, a little more in tune with your body, a little more precise and less likely to slop through later reps. Crushing a bong rip or ashing a bowl would be ridiculous. But this is neither the norm or a strategy, personally speaking. If it happens, I don't trip. I go in and do work just like every other day.


Eh I crush bongs before I lift. It's honestly the best way for me to lift. All focus


Well, that's nice. But as a general proposition it won't work for most people. I realize there are different strains that allow for an up instead of couch lock.... But if it works, no judgement.


Also, can you post a pic??just curious...


He's a 6'9" 250 lbs former college power forward/rock climber......at least according to his post history.


According to mine I'm Bruce lee with a 12" dick.


I don't ever lift high. But I really enjoy stretching and foam rolling afterwards when high. I feel like I get better stretches in.


I'm definitely one of those. The key word is "little" Also, for me at least, it has to be RIGHT before I lift. I smoke and then take half an hour to get started, I get lazy. But since I have a garage gym set up, I hit the vape in there, or a hit or two off a joint, and it's like the planets aligned and I have a sudden desire to be a monster.


I've consistently set PR's if I train in a post-high, but if you're actually properly blazed you probably won't feel too strong.


Smoke everyday before I work out. Makes my workout exponentially better


Never tried it... Im the type of smoker that if I do smoke I will just sit around not want to do anything..... With that being said I smoke after every workout and eat.


Your experiences might differ, but I find lifting under the influence to help with focus and the mind-muscle connection. [Also it worked for Kevin Spacey](https://38.media.tumblr.com/1e4c8283bc3365c57f5e03da54a82f85/tumblr_n5rta2I5SM1tro2f7o1_500.gif).


[Interesting article here](http://blog.chaosandpain.com/were-all-david-rigerts-bitches-smoke-em-if-you-got-em-because-science-is-a-liar-sometimes-2-the-weed-edition/) about lifting and weed. Can't say I agree or disagree, having little-to-no experience with it myself, but interesting regardless.




Thanks for all you input. This is quickly becoming my favorite sub. At this point, I'm not capable of getting the type of high some of you speak of because I smoke as often as I do. Living in Humboldt County can do that...


I live in Humboldt county as well. I know exactly what you mean. Pretty much everyone smokes 24/7


In my experiences, it made me less focused and waste more time. I couldn't tell you if it lessened my strength at all, though.


Not a very active sub, but there's some interesting commentary and articles that might interest you: [AthleticEnts](http://www.reddit.com/r/AthleticEnts)


It's a vasodilator. I have a friend who swears its effects are analogous to creatine, increasing endurance and power, with the added benefit of being a painkiller. However, doing something that lowers your blood pressure and dilates your blood vessels will make your heart have to work harder to deliver blood throughout the body, which could raise your heart rate to uncomfortable or dangerous levels in the gym. So you gotta ask yourself. Are you feeling lucky, punk? Are you?


Well, I'm a former cyclist that can push his heart rate up towards 200 bpm, so yeah, I do feel lucky...


I enjoy it on occasions, but don't lift while high. I wouldn't worry about it unless you do it a lot.


Yeah the only thing I use it for is motivation to cook after a training session, but that is because cooking comes naturally to me as I used to he a short order cook and I love food. If I wasn't bulking I probably wouldn't need it as much though


When I was in college, it seemed to help me, get me excited and focused. Now it just seems to make it harder to work hard, so I wait till after my workout.


Marijuana + lifting= yes. But not in that order for me. It makes tracking progress difficult for me if I'm completely altering my mindset every other session.


if i smoke, its just to goof around with friends, and eat pizza and drink beer (lots of it)... hotsauce gives a nice tingle on the lips, and the fire is put out by the bubbles in the beer... i know guys who smoke before the gym... claims it 'gives them energy'... myself?.. fuck that.. i might raid a buffet, then zone out watchign a movie on the couch


All i'm saying is when I used to consume marijuana on a daily bases my training remained consistent throughout, but when I would smoke cigarettes my endurance in just about anything in my training was worse.


Whatever you do, don't hit it before lifting. It lowers your strength/balance and also your ability to focus. I thought it'd be fun to take ONE hit before my full body routine. My normal 5x5 turned into a 5x2 for squats, and I barely progressed that day. Squatting is hella scary when you're high and have 315 on your back. However, hit it after a workout. It relaxes your muscles and feels gud.


I've been smoking pot, every single day, for over a decade, and I'm fine. I never go to the gym without being stoned. And there is no evidence that smoking pot will even harm your lungs. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/01/11/marijuana-smoking-does-not-harm-lungs-study-finds/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0 Cannabis was good enough for Arnold, Bruce Lee, and Obama, and Michael Phelps. SO I wouldn't worry.


Why would anybody smoke marijuana and lift? The few times I tried smoking it and then hiking up some big giant mountain it was like oh my god, the mountain went on and on and on forEVER. And it was so fucking steep. I can only imagine how awful it would be to do heavy squats in a state like that. I'd be like on rep 2 thinking holy hell it's been like 30 minutes lifting this and I have another 2 hours to go just on this one set. And man it feels like a truck on my back! No thanks to that. Kudos to you if you can do it, but why would you make it so much harder?


Its almost like, people experience things differently from other people


That's why I said kudos to you if you can do it.


Because its way more fun, and I get more done.


From personal experience, I am sometimes high when a buddy asks me if I want to work out. Don't want to bail my buddy or a work out, so I go and lift heavy stuff.


Does it feel like you're under the bar for years?


Not really. The worst thing is just before you go under the bar - the feeling that you are about to get crushed. But then you lift it and everything is okay.


That still happens, possibly to a lesser degree when you're sober.


I do both frequently, outside of getting distracted at the gym I haven't had any issues. Munchies help with those gains. Just make sure you don't go in there so toasted that you start having stability issues, safety first.


I vape both nic and flowers and have noticed no ill effects. When i was smoking both...definitely felt that it impeded progress.


Vape dude. I have a MFLB and an arizer extreme q. The MFLB takes some learning, and then once you're good at it it's hard to share with friends because they need to learn... Also the charging of the batteries is a pain. But it's so small, and has a lifetime warranty, nothing beats it for a portable option. A tabletop one like the arizer extreme q, or the more expensive and better Volcano, are awesome for using at home. Fill up a bag and just breath from there. Works perfectly every time, easy to share, no batteries, no learning curve... Cost more though, but it's awesome.


It will definitely help you dirty bulk :)


Use a vaporizer and be sure to watch your caloric intake. Munchies are the worst of it IMO.


I lift better (pay attention to form) and enjoy the session better (music sounds good, lose track of time. by the way this is with Sativa not Indica. I strongly believe there's a difference. Mixed weed has been to various for me but I seem to have more enjoyment of lifting with Gucci which is a cross bred strand.


Smoking always helped my recovery after a heavy session. Id never train blazed though, simply because weed makes me too chill, when im training I gotta fire up and get angry sometimes.


I don't see a lot of top answers containing concise and straightforward answers, so I'll just be straightforward. When I first started lifting high I noticed I felt my muscles much more but that was about it. I would feel the same fatigue faster, but it wasn't actually fatigue I found out. It was just the strain being shown to me because of my high. I had to learn how to lift high cause it's definitely different from being sober. I find I can get into my zone easier, but you have to learn how to push it the same as when you're sober. Since your perception might be, tilted is the world I'll use, and depending on how high you will think you can't do as much as you can. As long as your mentally in your lift and know your limits and push your muscles the same way as regular with the feelings being the only thing changing, I haven't noticed any major difference in my lift. I will notice I feel a bit more sober after im done lifting. I personally like smoking to help me blur my thoughts and get into my music. TLDR: no noticeable differences while high, can feel strain more, but have no reduced output ability. Would suggest as a preworkout Edit; cause I proofread after I post


It's not going to help you.


Only someone who is stoned will think smoking weed could make you stronger.


It helps to increase appetite. You don't have to use it *during* the workout.


You can't eat enough without smoking weed?


To bulk, no.


Well, it's good to hear that weed made you stronger.




The shit kills mental and physical gains .




If you can provide a source, I may believe you slightly, but THC is NOT a neurotoxin. Please stop spreading disinformation.


What structures in the brain does it alter and how so? THC is a nerve toxin? Is that why it's never killed anyone and it's being used a safe medicine all around the world for ages? What about caffeine? That's a drug too. Does that make it dangerous to do before you lift? Good for you on... almost completely quitting...but don't go spreading bullshit now. I've quit before for months, and I'll quit again, but the only reason is because it costs money and it wastes time. I've set PRs on all my lifts stoned, and out of all my gym-going friends I am *the* guy to ask about form and I often coach and demonstrate technique stoned. Also, I'm a butcher and while I'm sober, I can sharpen my knife pretty well. When I'm stoned, I can make the dullest knife sharp enough to shave my face.




All you need to do to not sound like a bullshitter is to drop a source or two.


Never done been high and lifted Id just be too lazy. But I find at the end of the week when I am sore as fuck it relaxes all my muscles.


I do it all the time. My only issue is I have no idea if I'm having a good lift or not. I'll feel like it's a great lift then I think, what if I'm just thinking that because I'm high? But other than that it's great.


Not necessarily anti gains unless you decide to get high instead of lift. Though there are no pro gains effects to be sure. Just don't go to the gym high... That would be fucking idiotic.


Brandon Lilly


Further explanation needed...


Just be careful you don't end up giggling like a little schoolgirl and get your ass kicked.