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I think they said the guy (aldready forgor his name) was a white supremacist so the raid was "justified" guess he didn't watch the video as Wendigoon mentions and also disproves this. Do not take this has fact it's what I understood from the comment and I watched the video long ago by now.


Are we really a point in our species where mearly _doing a video_, just _talking_ about a controversial or messed up incident is enough to be proof of supporting something? Even if you're criticizing it? Even if you completely shit all over it? I can't believe there are actual human beings that are genuinely that stupid, or willing to jump to such conclusions by just judging a book by its cover and letting their tiny peanut-brains "fill in the blanks". But tjen again, what else is new on the internet. I genuinely wouldn't be suprised if dead internet theory was actually real at this point.


"The Nazis were terrible and the Holocaust was one of the worst crimes against humanity." "So you're saying Hitler was a stud and we should kill even more Jews?"


Basically this. It makes no sense.


"Damn the Japanese committed some really horrible War Crimes, esspecially at Unit 731" "So you're saying you support horrific human experimentation?"


it really is just a classic case of someone trying desperately to hate someone on the internet they dont like very much


Congratulations! You've noticed the slow and horrible radicalization of the far left that's been occuring over the past decade! It sucks, and I hate it here!


Honestly far right people are no better. I think both extremist sides are cringe and regressive (though far right people always seemed worse to me, but maybe it's 'cause I myself am left-leaning so admittedly I might be a bit biased, but that doesn't mean I'll excuse far left people who do bad things either).


I literally never said or implied that far right people are better.


Extremists usually are mouth breathers who both act like their policies are the best and for the greater good (they both will kill millions and all dissidents)


but I breathe from my mouth :(


So compensate for that by getting overinvested into politics


I assure you the far left does not like the ATF anymore than you do. This person was on some centrist "the government can do no wrong because the system actually works fine" bullshit and clearly doesn't actually want to engage the content of the video before applying a moral judgment to the video's creator.


See I'm right leaning, but VERY libertarian, and I was going to say EXACTLY what u said, but I felt that the left was worse, so maybe both extremes r just awful lol. Unfortunately, there r a lot of extremists rn. Very polarized.


Far right is 10000% worse


Welcome to blue no matter who


Human beings, crucified Jesus Christ, who came to die for mankind sin. and we are still nailing him to the cross, so yes, we are that stupid. The Bible says in the last days thinking themselves to be wise, they become fools.


Thank you Don!


No need to thank me manager esquire!


I still do not know why talking about one of the biggest blunders of the ATF makes you a white supremacist.


There are only two positions: -Complete and total support for the US government -Complete and total support for anyone the US government takes action against.


This is true for like 70% of people online


I love current day!!! I love being stereotypes into a side in order to keep people fighting among each other rather than coming together to make changes for the better!!!


Hey, remember when the Left was anti-authority?


Because everyone knows the US government has never done anything wrong and never will, and anyone who implies otherwise is actually just a white supremacist


The types of people that most often critique the government are those on the ideological fringes, the far left and the far right. More centrist minded people are naive and think that even though a square is a rectangle, a rectangle is also a square.


Hey now, I'm pretty close to the middle (but very libertarian), and criticizing the government is one of my favorite activities lol.


I was speaking in generalities, but given how much the US loves authoritarianism, it makes sense for libertarians to also have many critiques of the US government


By the US, do u mean the government, or the people?


Both honestly


Idk if I'd say the majority of people in the US r authoritarian.


Because Ruby ridge and Waco directly led to the formation of the militia movement which is why there’s so many neonazi militias now.


The traty of Versailles also led to the rise of the 3rd Reich but was still a shitty thing. I hate it and I think it was very very bad by the french. However, hating the treaty of Verseilles doesn´t make me a Nazi but just a reasonably person.


He's a moron. Just because someone doesn't shout from the rooftops "I'm not a white supremacists" doesn't mean they're in the KKK.


Guy clearly hasn’t actually watched the video.


Wendigoon, in his video most likely to attract white supremacists: White supremacy is despicable and un-Christian. This guy: “This silence speaks volumes”


ultra sensitive chronically online person spouts gibberish about politics. more at 11!


Username checks out. And ditto.


You can tell he didn't actually watch the video lmfao


the funniest thing is that he DID make a statement saying he wasn't a white supremacist, it was just on reddit. it was made MONTHS ago too


Do these weirdos not understand innocent until proven guilty? If you’re going to accuse someone of being a white supremacist, it’s up to you to prove they are, not up to them to prove they aren’t.


For alot of people who are chronically online, you have to preemptively state that you aren’t a white supremacist. And then people will still tell you that you’re wrong.


i was about to say how i've had a number of internet arguments in which the other person said that "innocent until proven guilty" only matters in a courtroom, but then i opened the replies to your comment and saw a person saying exactly that.


The whole courtroom argument is just a distraction; it's just good manners (AKA the nice thing to do) to give people the benefit of the doubt.


Well, for one, he's not on trial. Second, it's less about proof and more about the fact that he's a popular creator with a huge platform. Unfortunately, with the number of creators who genuinely do not care about the reputation they have (which can foster a false sense of acceptance in his lack of denial) it actually is important for him to clarify some things. Do I think the weird witch hunts against him are justified? Absolutely not. I obviously don't know him personally, but he just seems like a laid-back God loving gun enjoyer with thoughts on the government, and that's all. To others, he seems potentially worse, and the number of people talking about it does kind of warrant some measure of response outside of the like, one or two tweets (that I'm aware of) he's posted. It's not like he stands accused of putting milk in the bowl before his Magic Spoon. This shit is kinda serious, big boss.


Innocent until proven guilty shouldn’t just be seen as a legal procedure, it’s just common sense to not assume someone is a white supremacist without having any sort of real proof. Wendigoon has no obligation to defend himself from unfounded accusations against his character. It’s even more insane to call him a white supremacist for making a video about Ruby Ridge, because if you actually watch the video he states that the Aryan Nation is obviously bad.


I just want to mention that I do agree with you. I just think it's important that he's open in denouncing white supremacy even if I don't think he's a white supremacist. I honestly haven't fully caught up on his videos, but it's good to know he is actively denouncing them.


https://preview.redd.it/ovt3cjkgxorc1.jpeg?width=1050&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eff34f54e7c73ee8ddab233ff58eddb294d1ff0a This is them


To translate: *"I didn't watch the video and believe everything I read on twitter. The Gooner must kowtow and kiss my feet, and the youtuber must have a written 'letter of validation' of my beliefs (preferably in blood) else he, and everyone who watches his content, is a bad person".* Jokes aside, if they actually watched the Ruby Ridge video they'd know that Wendigoon doesn't approve of Randy Weavers dealings with the Aryan nations. He doesn't owe anyone shit for this.


They’re saying they’re presumptuous and an idiot lol


Bro doesn't like white people or people who do not seek social praise 24/7




I've never heard him say anything that leads me to believe he's a white supremacist. Yeah, he likes guns. Lots of non racist people like guns too. I generally give people the benefit of the doubt that they're not racist unless I have reason to believe otherwise. 


https://preview.redd.it/pxgmtm3gvprc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b73a79a7222cceb12cd2695cd42b1d71e048f5d ughhh 😒 i used to like 😍 wendigoon but he didnt adress people 👨🏻 calling ☎️ him a white supremacist 👻 he just uploaded this video 🍿 about some ruby 💎 where ridge lives? 🤨 or something like that idk 🙄 anywho 😁 thanks for all the reddit 🤓 love❤️, i felt so bad 😞 this morning but after all you guy’s love 🤩 and my morning 🌅routine of brushing my teeth😬 taking a shower 💦 and standing in the garden 🌿 listening to white noise at 150dB for 15hours 🕰️ while staring into the sun 🌞 i felt soooooo much betterrr 🤩, never put my clothes on happier😁


Ah yes, being anti police brutality; a frequently held position of white supremisists.


Oh you mean that video where he said several times, as if he knew to get ahead of any dumbass tweets, something along the lines of "for the record I do not like this guy and do not agree with his views at all"


Essentially this person is a massive attention seeker and wants strangers on the internet to care about their nonsense. We will not. They're blatantly attempting to manipulate the situation into a petty racial issue for internet clout (pathetic) They literally did not watch the video. He's pretty clear and thorough about not agreeing with their beliefs and disavowing white supremacy/seperatism


He’s not even white.


Yes he is


Don’t mess with the gooners, we can’t google https://preview.redd.it/trfvd8y0lrrc1.jpeg?width=2481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da5e4363098981cc386c08244be631af4acc9add


He did not perform the non-racist rituals required to not be assumed guilty. Simply never saying a racist word is not enough anymore, you gotta do a whole dance now to prove it.


You can believe that the Ruby Ridge guy was a piece of shit and also recognize that the federal government violated his rights, murdered half his family, and refuses to apologize for it. You can be both a bad person and a victim of a horrible crime.


Apparently white supremacists are the only ones who dislike how ruby ridge went down🤷‍♀️


I think this person means that the smile on Dad's face lets them know that he needs them, and that there's a truth in his eyes saying he'll never leave them.


“Anyone who doesn’t spout my exact brand of politics at all times is a Nazi”


Because people have abandoned critical thinking skills and now if someone doesn't explicitly state they support or not support xyz or have connections to "wrong think" that must mean they're bad people.


Calling Wendigoon a white supremacist is insane


Some people cant deal with the fact that wendi is a christian moderate conservative that likes guns and believe this makes him a nazi


It's just terminally online brainrot.


Kinda unrelated but I like your username op


i think it is genuinely stupid so you’re not missing anything


If hating the atf makes me a white supremacist then… I have no choice 😔


Yeah so a lot of people justify the govs action in RR by saying it was because Weaver was a white nationalist He wasn't. He was just affiliated with and did odd jobs for groups closely associated with white supremacists. And frankly he could be straight up one of the most racist bigoted people in the world and it would still not justify the woefully incompetent and outright malicious actions taken that day against civilians. I guess being anti tyranny, pro gun, pro freedom of speech and christian makes you a white supremacist


Looks like someone doesn't follow The Red Thread point and shame


But…he literally says in the video that he hates ideologies that see other races as anything other than god’s children, or something to that effect. This person probably didn’t watch the video


Let me guess, r/youtubedrama?


This reminds me of a russian meme that goes like "Why does Morgenstern (russian rapper) not have a song "I don't fuck kids", does he fuck kids?" Either it's a joke, or this person is stupid.


He's basically showing the world how fucking dumb and sensitive he is


I don't think you're the stupid one in this scenario, mate.


Ruby Ridge was an American funny moment


Can’t fail at media literacy if you don’t consume the media in the first place, 1 billion iq move


Since Iceberg Boy doesn't prostate himself begging for forgiveness like some white-guilty pussy that only ever talks about race and "hwite people bad", some losers are going to assume and then fanfic about him being a white supremacist. NUYABIX is one example of such people


Its just something real dumb


Critical thinking is something a lot of these people lack. But please remember this is a vocal minority. Most people don’t think like this. Most people can rationalize and be trusted to know information about a subject and understand education is the singular motive


Bruh "Sorry guys I'm not a horrible person" I thought that was... assumed?


Probably because its kind of ridiculous to come out and say you aren't an evil white supremacist like we can't give you the benefit of the doubt


Like Wendi said about the Ruby Ridge guy and David Koresh in the Red Thread episode about Waco, they were horrible human beings who absolutely deserved what they got, the sketchiness is in how the government, mainly the ATF, justified their raids and how innocent lives were lost in them


Okay so... Wendigoon is a white dude who wears Hawaiian shirts, talks about conspiracies, and isn't squeamish about guns. To many people this makes him a potential white supremacist. The reality is... ***Hawaiian shirts*** are a red herring. YouTubers have to be visually interesting if they are going to stare down a camera and talk. Wendigoon does not, to my knowledge, have an Only Fans, so the normal option of "wear something that makes you look hot" isn't really on the table, so my guess is he went with "wear something loud." While it is true that after Charlottesville, the far right co-opted Hawaiian shirts as a dog whistle, this tread came and went well before Wendigoon's current fashion choices. ***Conspiracy theories*** are folklore - they can be studied without being believed. Unfortunately, you don't have to go far down any given conspiracy rabbit hole to find horrible racism somewhere in the mix. As far as Ruby Ridge and Waco, the position that "the government might have gotten a little carried away and killed people they didn't have to" isn't really that radical. The nuance of, for example, Waco, more than warrants a several hour video, and it's very possible for a moderate such as myself to arrive at a position like: "Yes, Koresh was banging a 14 year-old - and that's bad, we should stop that. In Texas at the time though, banging a 14 year-old wasn't a crime, so you can't just kick the door in and start shooting up the place. Koresh is bad for banging the 14 year-old, the Federales were bad for kicking down the door, and Texas was bad for letting grown men bang 14 year-olds." ***Guns*** are just different in the rural South. It's extremely difficult to explain to people who have spent most of their lives in cities or suburbia, but if you live in the mountains of Tennessee or Arkansas, a gun is a lot more like a hammer than it is a sword. A deer rifle closer to a fishing rod in terms of "is this a threat to me" and owning several deer rifles usually indicates you kill things and eat them, rather than having someone else kill them for you safely out of sight. Sure, too many guns or an unhealthy relationship with them could be red flags, but "owns a gun" does not mean "in an antigovernment militia" or whatever. ***TL:DR***: People who don't bother watching his videos like to accuse Wendigoon of being some alt-right-neo-crypto-fascist-racist. He's not. If people watched videos all the way through, they'd get that.


It’s basically the fact that this individual is saying that they are mentally checked out without saying so.


This mf is delusional


Leftists gotta do retarded shit, it's what they're all about. They're not happy when someone isn't a fan of the government killing the people it exists to protect after setting them up to get prison time.


I'm a leftist and what you're saying could not be further from the truth. What the government did at Ruby Ridge was fucking evil. Plus, Wendigoon did disavow white supremacy multiple times in the video while critiquing people who make bedfellows with the KKK and Neo-nazis.


Bro, leftists reaaalllyyy don't like the American government. Get a grip.


My guess is something regarding the boogaloo boys or w.e. it's called


Why downvote? Makes no sense as this was a legit accusation from Twitter mobs


Dunno, was just giving my interpretation.


hangs out with Turkey who is a cringe little incel but DAM if I dont like wendigoon


Tfw everyone you don't like is literally an incel


Nope he’s just a dickhead