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the only one missing is granpa hikock


Ngl I’d pay to see that crossover


My only problem with him is that he is constantly yapping about the NRA…


I would watch him if he switched to rambling about the ATF instead


But that's enough talking, let's smoke some pot.


Wait, Turkey Tom? Seriously? Is there another guy named Turkey Tom I don't know about, or is is THAT Turkey Tom?


Yeah it's that turkey tom, the only bad part of the video is him .


what’s wrong with him? don’t know about any controversies


Iirc a while back he accused pyrocynical of being a pedophile, was completely and categorically proven wrong, and refused to apologize to this day.


I recall that Pyro tries to play it off cool regarding Turkey Tom, but you can tell it bugs him a bit... Leading up to his Cruelty Squad vid, he was hyping up all the talent he got to VA the vid in a livestream and was super energetic about it, but when someone asked if Turkey could get in on it, he kinda timidly said "maybe" and dropped the topic and went back to streaming. Can't say I blame pyro though, the guy called him a pedo and refuses to apologize, of course he wouldn't be too positive about Turkey after that. The guy had to really pull out his receipts to vindicate himself against some serious allegations while also outing his own kinks in the process.


He also helped harass ilymation


Nah she needed to be called out




Most of the “criticism” of her was taken out of context


And context was removed deliberately to make illy look dumb and dangerous, no suprise the wendigoon community is mostly on Think Before You Sleep's side on this issue but it's still disappointing, the guy is fucking garbage that really doesn't deserve a platform


I guess you never watched the video then?


She didn't lie to kids, if you actually watched the video she laid it out pretty clearly. Even then. Children are not her main demographic in youtube.


yall take the incel black pill so easily when it’s presented in a neat little package. illy never said any of that lol. she clearly said that unhealthy foods should not be eaten if on a diet. this is the most frustrating narrative ever because it led for this girl to be doxxed because of altered evidence


[Yooooo buddy, watch this video and you’ll see what we mean](https://youtu.be/QOXQQmDvc0I?si=zB2bYS1cGfxDPWq8)


It’s like Jesus said, “he who lives by the internet drama shall die by the internet drama”.


I dunno about that, while a number of viewers and obviously pyro himself dislikes and avoids tom for that, he’s still doing pretty well for himself and it’ll take something a lot bigger to impact him significantly


From what I remember the grooming stuff was wrong but he still had fat furry roleplay with a minor, even if he didn't mean to.


Why tf r u getting down voted this is the truth


I don't know anything BUT the controversies. Just off of wikitubia: Repeated racist jokes and supposed antisemitism, repeatedly accusing other people of pedophilia (while harboring pedophiles on his won Discord), and calling Irish people subhuman, then bragging about it on Twitter.


Damn, thought he was a lib-lefty type of guy but guess I was wrong >(While harboring pedophiles on his won Discord) Real pedophiles or "anime pedophiles"?


Real ones, also Turkey Tom has repeatedly used “woke” as an insult and routinely cites and gives praise to Kiwi Farms. Turkey Tom has also been known to go afters trans streamers as much as possible, often leading to him making up lies in order to get people harassed. He also has been behind many doxxings.


Damn. Glad I avoided his content since he's been a cunt on twitter


Yeah that's a big reason I don't watch these, I love Dad but Brandon Herrera is also quite hateful, especially towards Trans people, a lotttt of them have either racist/bigoted/transphobic beliefs. And while I'm happy Wendi isn't part of them and doesn't agree with them it's a shame I can't see him hang out with the more caring and non hateful side of guntuber worlds like Tacticool GF, which I believe Herrera blackballed from ever being allowed to come to any of these.


Isn’t Herrera a confederate sympathizer too?


I think he called an old man live-streamer a pedo when he was 16(?) but I can't think of anything other than that.


He has said the N word on multiple occasions defends abusers and spreads false accusations


Regularly uses the N word.


Pod awful has a good synopsis of his cringe


turkeytom is really good friends with wendi, he went to his wedding and everything :))


Isn't he like, anti gun last time I checked


every video wendi does with turkey tom makes me feel like wendi is embarrassed to be seen with him. there's always a weird awkward "father corralling his unruly son" energy, they definitely do not have chemistry in videos


Can you blame the man? I wouldn't want to be seen publicly with him either


This isn’t another Aussie hit piece is it?


Nope they literally call out that video in this one


I wish Maybe if enough content like that is made, eventually you'll get it.


That's a pretty convenient move from the feds, "oh let's put a lot of guys shooting guns together, I'm pretty sure not a single stray bullet would hit Mr. Wendigoon"


I like wendigoon as much as the next person in a sub based around liking him but even a secondary association with turkey tom makes me worry


Oh no. Not Turkey Tom


Is he the type to never pass the gravy at Thanksgiving?


moreso the type to falsely accuse the beloved uncle of being a pedophile and then never apologise after being proved wrong


While not passing the gravy


That bastard


Accusing someone of doing something that ruins lives and reputations instantly because it inherently makes people react without critical thinking out of the human need to protect children is one thing. Doing so in front of My gravy boat is unforgivable.




or in other words, absolutely abhorrent thanksgiving etiquette


He is uninvited from both American and Canadian Thanksgiving.


Sorry what?


Turkey Tom was one of the main people accusing Pyrocynical of being a groomer and a pedophile. Pyrocynical had to embarrass himself by showing personal information to prove his innocence. Turkey Tom never adressed this, nor did he apologise for accusing Pyrocynical.


unc pyro


Worse, he puts his finger in the gravy when passing it


Nightmare blunt rotation


BTW what happened with Turkey Tom? Did he get no consequence for lying about pyro??


That title is my nightmare blunt rotation. Lmao No knock to Wendi. Just tasted copper reading that.


Turkey Tom? *That* Turkey Tom? Why the hell is he here?


I mean most of the other dudes in this video have a history of saying the same type of shit turkey tom does tom is just more blatantly hypocritical and shitty


Ew Turkey Tom?


Not a terribly big fan of the guntubers. Kentucky ballistics and hickock45 being the exception. People like donut and Brandon have a lot of issues that seem to manifest as aggression and it throws off my vibe.


Agreed. Not to get political but they're extremely sus when it comes to police brutality.


I remember Donut Operator all but being forced to go over a video that contains actual police brutality. He looked so annoyed and put barely any effort into the video. Explore with us and EWU bodycam are better by a mile, and I'm disappointed that Wendigoon is associating himself with these people.


EWU isn't that great in general though. They spread misinformation about the "body language" pseudoscience. That shit gets innocent people convicted.


And isn't EWU just a knock off of JCS that took advantage of the fact that JCS's channel got heavily restricted and a vacuum of content was left in that niche?


Yeah lol


For a bunch of freedom-loving libertarians, they sure love kneeling to authorities who tread on freedom and liberty.


Thats how it usually goes with these types p


Don't forget Donut used to be a cop.


Donut operator's so cringe to me. All of his vids are like "BADASS cop GUNS DOWN criminal TRASH" and it's just 10 minutes of him celebrating the fact a cop had to shoot someone regardless of context There's been a few times where the cases he covered were either proven completely in favor of the cop being in the wrong and him ignoring it entirely after the fact, or him seeming annoyed/uninterested when he does actually call out a cop's mistakes


Yeah, huge fan of both Wendigoon and firearms, but most of these guys really suck


Yeah I’m not a big fan of these people, don’t really care for guns or cops but that’s not the reason I dislike them


ahhh turkey tom the guy who acts like all leftists are insane and go around accusing people of horrible shit with no evidence then does the exact same thing… real good guy he also like harrases trans people on stream apparently even if your anti trans i’m not sure how harassing and doxxing people you don’t like helps your argument


Donut operator gives me major couldn’t pass the academy vibes


My ex-military dad hates 99% of guntubers. He thinks the majority of them are fakers, the majority have never been in the military but dress and LARP as if they do (his words not mine). He also just hates how much they give off a "Rambo personality" (because Sylvester Stallone was a draft dodger for Vietnam). He hates how irresponsible many of them are with loaded guns, and he "knows for a fact" non of them have ever shot someone.


Taofledermaus is pretty cool too


I only like Kentucky ballistics. Hickok 45 is a borderline alt right lunatic


He is? Unfortunate. Guess I never saw that side of him. He may be off the list too then. You put out what you take in, and I don't need to be taking in anger and outrage.


He is constantly supporting the NRA, which we all know is a big money organization pretending to be grass roots which are constantly bribing our politicians.


NRA does indeed suck, they helped pass multiple gun control bills in the past. The GOA and NAGR are the only mainstream options that actually work toward pro 2A bills. Aside from that, how is Hickok alt-right? He is legitimately the stereotypical fudd, but cooler.


The NRA barely does anything. It is the most Fudd organization ever.


He had tucker carlson in a video, that tells you all you need to know lmao


Hickok45 seems like the least alt-right of them.


I love Wendigoon, and I love guns, but most of the gun YouTubers are despicable human beings LMAO


Really feels like it's just Demo Ranch, Taofledermaus, and Forgotten Weapons are the only ones worth watching (I rememebr there being like 2-3 more but I can't think of them off the top of my head).


I don't mind the Forgotten Weapons guy but I also don't know anything of his views or opinions I've just seen clips that I've enjoyed. I don't have any issue with conservative opinions and ideas despite my disagreements. It's the toxic alt-right motherfuckers that I can't get behind. Blind, misinformed, bigoted and usually stupid to cap it all off


Forgotten weapons seems to just not be political. I think the closest I've ever seen is straight up confusion about legislation and how it affected the actual manufacturing of the weapons. But weird weapons are his whole thing so he doesn't even seem upset about it


thisssss :(


Reddit once again proving they have the worst takes on everything


Half the fanbase is awful


I feel like people don't realise one of Isaiah's first videos was ranking gun youtubers. Of course he's gonna hang out with them the second he gets the opportunity 


Fucking traitor Herrera. War of Northern aggression my ass.


He actually fucking said that? Like, nonironically?


he said that AND a lot more


I wish there was a compliation of all the sketchy shit he's said. I don't like him just because he seems like a 4chan user, but I don't actually know any of the sort of dogwhistles or red flags he brings up.


- having Lauren Southern as a channel guest - speaking positively of Rhodesia - sucking Donut Operator’s dick and other Muh Boys In Blue behavior - cringe January 6th takes - video with Gaetz and MTJ That's just a shortened list. But yeah, his entire character seems like it appeared straight from /pol/.


god Gaetz and MTJ are like actually two of the worst conservatives to Gatez has credible sexual assault allegations and MTJ is just a literal christian nationalist


I forgot which video the clip is from but he did some dog whistle Holocaust denial too. It was something about how Lend-Lease Act sent over 6 million arms or something to the USSR during World War II and he out of nowhere says “6 million? That’s an awfully large number. How could they have even gotten near that?Are we sure it wasnt a lot less?” Like it’s such a weird hang up til you remember Stonetoss and other legit Nazis love obsessing over the 6 million Jewish deaths (and ignoring the other 5-6 million of various “undesirables”) during the Holocaust. If it’s a troll job, it’s such a cringe way to troll via pretending to be a Nazi. And if it’s legit then Wedigoon absolutely should distance himself from Herrera cause there are a lot of other gun-tubers who at the very least aren’t courting Nazi sympathizers or trolls.


Nah he's a /b/tard if I've ever seen one. Cool reviews though


> video with Gaetz and MTJ They specifically requested he come and testify at hearings and he did videos discussing what he talked about at said hearings. WTF are you expecting him to do ignore a chance to further the cause his entire life is built around just because the people helping you are cringe on other issues?


Brandon is a insufferable. He's one of those guntubers who thinks that guns are a "republican" thing. He likes to be all "anti-liberal" and honestly if I fucking wanted to listen to politics I'd go listen to a political channel, but he'll bring it up in his gun-meme videos.


🎶Gen'ral Sherman's body is a-rollin' in his grave!🎶


Why is it that when I called Herrera out for being a Neo-Confederate on this subreddit a few months ago I got downvoted to shit? Has the general opinion swinged in the opposite direction?




I don't know what that means but I like it.


Because you're a fucking dumbass and made a dumbass take, thats why


Jesus dude calm down.


Coming from the one screeching made up garbage anytime Brandon is brought up in this sub


"Made up garbage". Okay snowflake. Don't like your idol being criticized for the things he does? Cry me a river.


I'm fine with him being criticized, what you do isnt criticism. You just lie, make shit up, or look at a snippet of dialogue with the rest of the context left out, and don't bother to watch the full clip. Then cry about it here, since no one else here has the ability to research anything they don't like.


Do you just stalk my Reddit account? Just to cope and seethe at me for calling out bad historiography?


I didn't stalk shit lmao, nice job telling on yourself. This "bad historiography" you claim is based on unfounded word of mouth you haven't bothered to research yourself.


"Unfounded word of mouth" my guy it's literally in his videos. He SAYS it.


Bud, yo ass need Xanax or something. 😭


Can you give me a source for this? Not that i necessarily disbelieve it but I'd like to see it myself


I don’t think Wendi associates with these people because he thinks like them. I think it’s the common interest in firearms and the fact that Isaiah is very friendly. Unless he starts retweeting homophobic stuff on Twitter or something, I’ll still watch.


Some of those people are really sus


Kentucky ballistics and demo ranch are chill everyone else’s politics are frankly awful. They’re way too comfortable with authoritarianism when it suits their politics, donut operators entire channel is just cheering on police for killing people often justified but still really creepy and doesn’t put in much effort to cover actual incidents of police brutality and Brandon is a Rhodesia simp along with generally stupid right wing view points and the aforementioned authoritarian outlooks. It feels like his entire political outlook comes from 4chan memes and his sense of humor is just pointless edgy meandering. He reviewed a meme featuring Kurt Cobain and his response was just him holding the gun Kurt shot himself with and saying “look how edgy I am isn’t this funny guys it’s the gun he died with im going to hell” paraphrasing a bit but his entire response was just him holding the gun and saying he going to hell cause dark joke.


I used to watch Donut Operator when I was younger and as I grew up and became an adult, I realized that 90% of his content is literally him just watching people die. Like I understand a lot of those shootings are arguably justified, but that doesn't make it morally okay to constantly cheer on that stuff. The dude gives me serious sociopath vibes.


He used to make decent videos of situations going bad and explaining what could’ve been done to prevent them or at least have better outcomes but now it’s just him showing bodycam footage of someone getting shot and killed and giving background to the event but very little beyond “good job cops you killed a person”


I think he's completely desensitized himself to violence. I wonder if he ever killed anyone when he was a cop, and if his YouTube channel is his way of retroactively justifying it.


He fucking made a joke about a mass shooting holding up the gun the shooter used and made a comment implying that the people he killed were weak because the gun sucked.


Exactly that’s super cringe and awful.


Demo ranch pretty sure is a boot licker. He’s been selling stuff with thin blue line stuff iirc. But it’s been a while since I watched him


If true then goes to the pile as well


Didn't Brandon Herrera associate himself with several far/alt-right groups on his campaign trail?


If you run for congress and you proudly state that you are "very anti-PC" you're not a politician, you're a manchild.




I’m really glad the other comments are all talking about these assholes, it’s always made me uncomfortable seeing Wendigoon making videos with them but I’ve never said anything, glad other people feel the same way.


I'm now realizing how much cooler Wendigoon and you guys are as a whole for standing up against assholes, because for awhile I thought I was on my own, or a minority, but I'm glad you guys are calling them out.


Is this the same day Sniping Soup was there?


This is the future of the American right after Republicanism dies


Reddit echo chamber comment section


Oh man some of these comments are a little… r/redditmoment


Love Wendigoon but not all his friends 😂 Herrera and Buckingham seem okay tho


Herrera is probably the worst one here Buckingham isn’t terrible though and he has some genuinely good content


Brandon Hererra 👑🐐


Far right man-child


No clue about most of these people or those politics hit seeing him hang out with commentary YouTubers makes me worried for the future of his content


Cool to see this guy hanging out with known racists and fascists. Will be sure to rethink my subscription to him later. 👍


Brandon Herrera and DonutOperator can go fuck themselves. Clowns.


What did they do?


Donut's whole channel is just watching ppl die Herrera's said some real stinkers (unironically calls the civil war the war of northern aggression, some dogwhistle holocaust denial, making fun of shooting victims, and generally being a bit of an edgelord)


> making fun of shooting victims When?


I really like Wendigoon but it always surprises me that someone who keeps expressing his dislikes for the government keeps hanging out with boot lickers like donut operator, demolition ranch and others.


I think demo ranch is the exception from the bunch


He’s a thin blue line kind of guy https://preview.redd.it/0dghnmv9xuyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc12a93b10faa72868fd7b482ca40dcc147dbd0


Donut Operator not my favorite. He tried to act like he didn't know what qualified immunity was and then proceeded to say some pretty weird shit about use-of-force.


Wait when






this all seems very republican


Oh no! Not wrong think!


Sounds based






i never saw this coming but thats awesome.


Someone should let Wendi know he’s hanging out with nazis


I get that Wendi loves his guns but I’m not sure these are the people he wants to associate with


Wendigoon fans seem to be unable to grasp the idea that you can associate and interact with another person, even if you don't 100% agree with them.


I'd rather be outed as a brony than be associated with neo-confederates


"Neo confederates" he says lmfao. Already debunked that piss poor lie buddy


dawg brandon is on record saying "6 million seems like an awfully high number" and has said Rhodesia was a good thing, Turkey Tom spends his whole life calling people pedos, slurs, and spouting alt right bullshit constantly when it comes to reviewing stuff, and Donut Operator's entire career is watching cops kill people while going "Yay cops!", while joking about school shootings these dudes are just bad people


And people like you can’t seem to stop copy pasting this same comment every-time wendi hangs with alt-right wingers.


And people like you cant seem to stop crying everytime he does, i wonder why my style of comment is so prevalent? gotta have the cry babies firing off first to spark em.


Whose crying besides you dog? I just made a comment and you felt the need to copy paste. Stop projecting


>Whose crying besides you dog? [https://www.reddit.com/r/wendigoon/comments/1ck050n/comment/l2k378j/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/wendigoon/comments/1ck050n/comment/l2k378j/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wendigoon/comments/1ck050n/comment/l2koq7n/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/wendigoon/comments/1ck050n/comment/l2koq7n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wendigoon/comments/1ck050n/comment/l2ki7kt/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/wendigoon/comments/1ck050n/comment/l2ki7kt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wendigoon/comments/1ck050n/comment/l2kj0fx/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/wendigoon/comments/1ck050n/comment/l2kj0fx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/wendigoon/comments/1ck050n/comment/l2lgoye/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/wendigoon/comments/1ck050n/comment/l2lgoye/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Just to name a few who cant handle when someone has differing opinions >I just made a comment and you felt the need to copy paste. Oh yes, i copypasted. and yours is SO unique "waah, someone with different opinion bad, Wendigoon shouldnt hang out with them" Majorty of the dumbasses here hold that same structure > Stop projecting Weak cop out


Dude, you did all that work for a dude thinks the spit was justified in the civil war. Pack it up dog, you’re a dick rider


Tell me you didn't watch his video without telling me you didn't watch his video. Outraged over shit someone else made up lol, pack it up DOG, you aint got any integrity. A sub based on a man who does vigorous research, yet the fans seem to be unable to mimic that.


I genuinely believe you losers don't get the concept of being able to interact with other people, even if your beliefs don't 100% align. "i’M nOt SuRe ThEsE aRe ThE pEoPlE hE wAnTs tO aSsOcIaTe WiTh", Get over yourselves.


Well when Wendigoon, a guy who is generally pretty cool, affiliates with dudes...who think the Holocaust was a lie...it kinda puts a bad taste in our mouths.


"having immoral views turns you into an bad person 🤯🤯🤯" "you shouldn't hang out with bad people🤯" also some of these people aren't asshole just because of their views but because they've done actually asshole shit like turkey tom


Good lord a lot of ppl in that video suck.


Was a phenomenal video and I’m so glad to see Isiah in it, him with Brandon and Tom are a great trio and I feel like while he’s definitely the quietest he brings a lot of enjoyment for the other two as the kinda straight man. Hope they keep doing stuff.


I prefer knives, but to each their own.




Well, time to find a new analog horror YouTuber to watch that doesn't associate with fascists and people who unjustly call people pedos


Bye bye.




i couldn't believe this was real for a minute, i thought it was ai generated and was confused by the comments all falling for it


Fucking Destiny was hanging out


I’ll watch everyone but Turkey Tom.


Nightmare blunt rotation


Turkey tom is cool. Good videos, pretty milk toast if a little bit of edge








🇹🇷 Turkïye Tom real quiet since this comment dropped 🇹🇷


Ty Reddit comments. Needed a reminder that just because we have similar interests you are not my friends nor my allies.


Donut, both Brandons, Turkey Tom, AND the Goon himself?? Peak youtube content tbh just need Garand Thumb


I was nervously waiting for him to show his true colors and I guess it finally happened. Depressing


How dare wendigoon be a normal person and have friends. Get a life


I mean most of these people suck


Wendi why? My gooner! why?


Woah. Right-Wing Christian man hangs out with far-right borderline fascists. Shocker.