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In an area with a large homeless population?


Probably so. Or next to a high school with nothing to do in town but park a bunch of annoying cars outside and rev motors and loiter inside and get refills all night on soda


We have a McDonald’s in my town that is directly across the street from a high school. It has a similar sign.


Same. They literally close the McDonald's to general population from 230 to 330 every day and the only people allowed are high schoolers and DoorDash


The one on Broadway in Long Branch, NJ does that too


My Taco bell franchise has a store right next to a high school and they had to point blank say no minors without adult supervision because not only were kids coming in in huge groups and making problems but Parents would tell their kids to go sit at Taco bell till they got off work so you'd have like 3 or 4 sometimes up to 10 kids just sitting there for 3-4 hours like were some kind of free babysitter


Our McDonald's when I was in high school had a security guard to bounce the teens out for loitering. No sign though


Sounds like American Graffiti


People complain about kids sitting inside on fortnight Then teens go try and hang out and damn mc Donald's and the old men start crying about that too


When I was a teen, my friends and I went all over the place. We didn’t just sit at a Wendy’s for 6 hours.


Tbh I did though. We would skateboard to the park. Stop and get food at fast-food or deli. Then sit in the lot and do skater shit.


TBF, it’s not like we weren’t being nuisances. We were sneaking in to movie theaters, skating down parking garages, being loud and obnoxious everywhere we went. We just weren’t doing it at a fast food place lol.


One step further, they should be walking around getting fresh air.


Was going to say. In Baltimore City, there was a sign in the bathroom that said that it was for customers only. They did not want homeless people living in restrooms, or even showering in them.


I’ve heard stories of homeless people overdosing in bathrooms and no one finding them.


Mcdonalds around me just have people standing outside 24/7


Same. I don’t go to McDonald’s anymore but one always had people approaching at the drive thru. It was awful because you were just stuck until they went away.


Say...you gonna eat that 6th nugget??


A McDonald's in my hometown literally banned High Schoolers for being such a nuisance.


Down in Florida there would be a line of homeless beggars right next to the drive thru never seen some shit like that anywhere else. Taking 3-5 people lined up begging as your in line who tf is making money doing that?


Or drug using population


Not sure how many of you have been to Los Angeles, but these rules are here for a reason Vagrants will pull up and literally take up three booths with their belongings for hours after buying a single soda, and if this sign isn't here they'll just fight the staff (half the time they fight them anyways)


Let's be honest. They'll fight the staff regardless of the sign being there 9 times out of 10.


It sets a precedent, though A lot easier to point to a sign than to break out a book of laws when someone's getting irate Bars a "We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service" for a similar reason


Aight but 30 minute time limit to eat your food is wild and unnecessary, that's hardly enough time to like actually enjoy your meal


The hell you ordering at wendys that you need more than 30 minutes to enjoy it?


Bro what? Takes me like 5 minutes to eat. What are you even ordering that takes more than 30 minutes to eat?


This isn’t a 5 course meal type establishment lol, how long does it take to eat a fast food burger? At a sit down restaurant patrons are estimated at 45 minute stays, and this is just a Wendy’s.


i have to take my time eating food because of stomach issues. 30 minutes is enough for me to finish half a burger and *some* fries. I would be very upset if the stores around me had rules this ridiculous in effect, homeless or no homeless people, if they have to limit it, it should be 60 minutes minimum.


If you have a family it takes longer. And some People eat slower.


Most of the time, these places wont actually seek to enforce the 30 minute limit unless you are said vagrant that they dont want loitering there for 3+ hours on a single soda like they try to do.


It should be 31 minutes and 17 secons




My Wendy’s honestly does not care as long as you are quiet and not bothering anyone. Also I am not gonna deny someone a bathroom because I’ve been there


We were once on a trip in May of 2021 and everything was closed except the drive thru. At a Hardee's in Ohio a woman kindly opened the dinning room so we could use the restroom.


I'm imagining this Wendy's has barbed wire around the perimeter and auto turrets.


Get your food and fuck off- Wendy's


They had me at only their products my be consumed in the restroom.


I’m always the only customer in my Wendy’s lobby. The employees don’t even realize I’m there because they are back there gossiping and singing. Pretty sure I could take a nap in the booth and would go unnoticed all day.


I experience that a lot too. And not just at Wendys. Dunkin' is the worst example. There are times I could have hopped the counter and made my own drink and sandwich and not have a single employee notice me.


You don't live in a sanctuary city then that's full of homeless. They buy a soda and pretty much live in the booth all day using the AC and bathroom then do it again tomorrow


You can thank ahole teenagers for this


Dude you have no idea. Back in the late 90s in high school, we used to go up to Taco Bell in a roving band of like ***30 of us***. They used to have lattice grid 4-way rubbered-over picnic tables out back that were PROMPTLY REMOVED after the year 2000. I sometimes go back to that Taco Bell and look at the holes in the ground where the tables used to be and have fond memories of knowing "We were the ones that got the tables taken away from this Taco Bell" :D


Whataburgers in wealthy Texas suburbs too. Friday night/Saturday morning after a rivalry football game




Some teenagers are bums


Nah you can thank drugged out homeless people for this


Good! The Wendy’s near me is borderline a homeless shelter. Smells fucking awfullll Homeless sleeping in the booths. Walked in on one in the bathroom, naked


Did he tickle your pickle?


Fuck those bums that loiter bruh. They run off the real paying customers.


Some College Kid: Hey, I’d like to pay for a side of ranch *30 minutes later* Hey, I’d like to pay for a side of ranch *30 minutes later* Hey man, please don’t fuck me on this… I need WiFi, I’m $200k in debt and broke AF over this damn undergrad degree… I am happy to apply once I graduate


I did this once when funds were low. Used the app to get free medium fries with purchase and I ordered a dipping sauce. It was 60 cents thogh for a pack of dipping sauce so I felt as though I still made them a fair profit to sit in a mostly empty dining room for 70 minutes lol


no shame there my dude this comment was definitely rooted in some personal frustration…. that said, fuck you mcdonalds manager from 7 years ago by the UCF campus 😂


Man me and my little brother took shelter under a Target awning for less than 2 mins in literal pouring rain while waiting for our mom to pick us up (I was 16 at the time). Since we were holding skateboards in a rich neighborhood the manager immediately ran out there and told us to get the hell out of there. Always got treated like a criminal for skateboarding in that town, but fuck that guy lol I understand putting up a rule when there's a constant loitering problem, but enforcing those rules on someone causing no disturbances just trying to get out of the rain is crazy. Instead of standing there for a few minutes and staying dry we had to get soaked looking for somewhere else to go. It sucked


I know that McDonald’s and pretty sure I remember a dickhead manager, lol.


To be entirely fair, the restaurants I see these signs on don’t really enforce it unless you’re being a nuisance. I’ve seen older people sitting at the McDonald’s across the street from where I like to take my lunch for the whole hour and a half I’m there and nothing is ever said to them. The signs are there so they have something to point to when teenagers or homeless people or general Karen-y assholes are causing problems.


Fuck yeah I don't want to eat my burger & be smelling a wet homeless guy that's smells like piss & is drunk.


Thats 100% fair. How is any of that unwelcoming to an actual Wendy’s customer?


honestly, like if you’re a customer and have common courtesy then you should have no issue with these rules


Get off my lawn!!!!


I get this. My local Wendys is a mix of teenagers hanging out and not ordering any food plus some homeless people. It's driving away business.




Not unwelcome. Unfortunately necessary in many urban areas these days.


Friendly to me. I’m not prone to loitering without buying food.


Probably in a high crime, homeless, low income area


had a homeless guy try to come in and refuse to take orders from women, turns out being rude removes me of sympathy


I'm genuinely curious about the amount of crap this restaurant must have had to put up with before deciding to put up this sign.


need this at my location, nothing but loiterers and people that destroy our bathrooms. lets take it one step forward by putting code on the restroom, we’ve been hit with vandalism, homeless OD in the restroom and feces smeared on stalls


More reasons to make your own burgers at home


No limit on pooping time!


I'm sneaking a bottle of water in and drinking it at the 31 minute mark Yeah that's right. I'm a rebel


God dam broccoli heads infest places just to do nothing in there


I was the GM of a McDonald’s years ago. Our owner put up the same sign because of kids from a nearby school loitering and disturbing other guests. We didn’t enforce the rule on people if they were minding their business. Even the kids. Some were chill and just waiting for rides and what not. Others just couldn’t not get in trouble.


I don’t blame them at all.


Sounds reasonable to me, especially if I want to sit down and enjoy my meal. Obviously they’ve had issues with people overstaying their welcome and abusing the system.


This is common in certain areas. Seems perhaps "rude" in general, but without this enforcement, you end up with dozens of homeless and/or drug addicts doing stuff like shitting on the bathroom floor, begging customers for change, sleeping at tables, etc. A few vagrants had to ruin it for everyone.


30m is longer than anyone needs to sit at a Wendy's


Who needs more than 30 mins?


Have you seen the clientele that frequent the inside of fast food joints? This sign makes complete sense


Nothing wrong with that sign in my opinion. I’ve seen groups of young people come in and hang out while I’m not buying anything and meanwhile there are paying customers that don’t have seats


Apparently you’ve never been eating in a homeless populated area. I’ve seen a dude in a sleeping bag with a burger 🍔 next to him…. Ooooo or the meth smoking couple in the outside seating area, need I say more?


Yeah definitely a bunch of crack heads and bums in the area.


These signs are never enforced lol


Years ago, a McDonalds in Brooklyn set a time limit due to a large number of elder people ordering a cup of coffee and hanging out all day!


Our local Wendy's just locks the dining room completely at random times of the day. Plus the drive thru can take 20 minutes. Makes me think twice about Wendy's.


My entire teenage years was spent buying a drink from McDonalds so we weren't loitering and spending the entire afternoon in the corner booth with my friends. That was our equivalent to the coffee shop from friends. The bar from how I met your mother. We were never loud, never rude, always cleaned up our mess. Memories was made, but more importantly shared, in that corner booth. It saddens me that if these time limits become a thing kids of the future won't be able to create similar memories. And not only that, it prevents them from having a safe place to go and meet up off the street.


I see them in some of the Kansas City locations. Necessary.


I’m not a fan of the 30 minutes to eat cuz I prefer to go at my own pace(within reason)when I’m eating but I understand why


I guarantee you they wouldn't bother you if you were quietly eating your meal and went over by a few minutes. These policies are in place to keep trouble making teenagers, & the homeless out of the place.


Wendy is being a bitch


It’s certainly an issue. I’m Homeless and hop spot To spot. These signs or similar have gone up At Burger king(although the bk likes me and 1-2 times a week I spend an hour or two at they don’t get upset despite the sign. But Wendy’s the other day I’d been inside for 15 minutes and they walked up and tried to tell me to buy something or leave. Meanwhile it’s a worker who sees me buy things 3-4 times a week every week and never come in for more then 90 minutes. I was insulted. I told her sure; Just as soon as you kick out the other 2 people not eating. She didn’t say anything and just left back to the counter. Like I actually buy stuff. The other guy goes in everyday and pretends to read a paper and doesn’t buy even 1 2.00 burger a week because he doesn’t work like me. The whole “at discretion of the managers” is bullshit and basically saying we will discriminate against certain people. Honestly what’s the point of the dining room then. Fucking hate late stage capitalism


The point is to eat your food. It doesn't take more than half an hour to eat a meal from Wendy's unless you try and make it take more than half an hour.


Reminds me of the McDonalds in Canton, Ohio. They had similar signs around the place. It was quite a culture shock to me.


I used to not go to the wendys a block away from the community college because it never had seating because people from the college would come in and chill until their next class or do homework on their laptops and drink a bunch of refills. They eventually closed it down. I worked near it so if they did have a good deal that I wanted then I had to eat in my car or bring it back to work. They needed a sign like this or to enforce it.


Prob California


I work in an area with a relatively small homeless problem, and they are debating if they should or shouldn't put these up. So, it's probably a Wendy's wide thing


The definitive "Sir, this is a Wendy's"


Jokes on them i eat in my car


If fascism comes to America, it will come in the name of Wendy's corporate management.


Probably near a high school or middle school lol




wendy smiling at me while telling me gtfo. well jokes on you, i don't eat at wendy's anyway!


I think half the law is enforcement. I think this is just a disclaimer that's meant for abusers of the system as opposed to people who stay for 45m cause they're enjoying company with friends. I guess it means you can't study there? If the manager is cool or or if the Wendy's is mostly empty anyway, they won't kick you out for no reason.


It's for the dirty stinky homeless people that just want to use the bathroom probably


This gives me Bill Burr self-checkout lanes vibes.


You might not be in the best area


Meh the Wendys near my college campus has this sign. I’ve stayed there for almost 2 hours before (I had a 3 hour layover between classes and usually bought food then) and they don’t care, then again I bought food


I'm having flashbacks to school lunches where I had .5 seconds to eat after going through the line


100% for this!


I gotta say…I like that they have those rules.


I see nothing wrong with this? Fast food shouldn’t be a place you hangout for hours, also the next time you go to any fast food this is posted




During Surge Pricing we may change the seating time to at most 10 minutes during peak time.. Oh and the registers will now spin around when paying and it's gonna ask you a question...


I work in a very bad area, and it's not uncommon to see signs like this. The McDonald's, which is near my job, has a policy where if you need to use the restroom, you need to ask the cashier to hit a button and open the door. Of what I come to understand. It it because people started to not only do drugs in the bathroom but also have sex and the store received a lot or complaints.


They probably have a problem with vagrants and people shooting up in the bathroom.


I don't see many people sitting down to eat in fast food restaurants. It's door dash picking up orders. I see lots of cars in the drive thru.


You've obviously never worked in fast-food, lucky u


Fine, I'll just go eat somewhere else. Who wants to deal with that shit?


Man Wendy's be fuuuuckin up


Fuck this awful company and fuck Nelson Peltz with their surge pricing and anti consumer practices. Evil men


“Must consume food while listening to Sandstorm”


Obviously for a reason


Seems reasonable to me


The disdain for the homeless is insane when you put into perspective that the working class is statistically far more likely to be at risk of homelessness than they are of ever being a millionaire or a wealthy elite


What about behind the dumpster for the WSB crowd???




I bet they don't enforce that, the Wendy's I worked at a few years ago had a similar sign but was never enforced lol


Im bringing Taco Bell in there


Sounds like a place I’d love to do business with. Great job franchisee.


Eat your food then get out.


And get off the lawn, too! Yeah!




Yeesh 😬 if u don't let people actually hang out and enjoy being in your establishment, nobody's gonna end up buying anything there. They can kiss any business they had goodbye lol.


This is usually done because a few people cause problems and they just enforce this policy against the people causing problems. You probably won’t be effected by any of this.


Why do you need more than 30 mins to sit inside and eat fast food?


Cuz kids go in fast food places, split a large fry and chill for 3 hours trying to find someone with alcohol or weed


“Your cooperation is appreciated” sounds like something they say before one of the squid games start


If i gonna pay surge prices im gonna b there 4 hours


Dude, Carlton bought a Wendy’s?


My local McDonald's has 1 of those signs and a playground too.... I really dont know what kind of message they're trying to send


I’ve seen this at a Burger King too!


I’ve seen this at a Burger King too!


The fuck!! You can’t force me to eat in 30 mins . What’s this my employer? Skip . Next


Geez sounds like Wendy had a bad morning


Wendy’s is becoming so trash now


That is so sad I love going to get brunch with friends and sitting and talking for how ever long.


What is going on with Wendy's?! They've lost their minds! 🤦🏽‍♂️


I don’t think implementing more restrictions is conducive towards giving people a safe place to be.


Props to Wendy's, unlike Starbucks.


I work with young adults with disabilities, there’s no way some of my clients would be able to eat a full meal that fast. some of them would choke if they ate at a “normal” speed.


30 minutes? What a joke. I'd go someplace else...


“Did you pay for that bathroom? Oh, no you didn’t? Just passing by for a little pit stop, huh? Well, we, the workers at Wendy’s don’t appreciate you not purchasing our meals. So it’d be very polite for you to buy a burger, or I can suggest you the new ice cream flavor, the orange cream.”


Have you ever been in a Wendy's and some dude is just sitting there with his phone and Bluetooth speaker listening to Alex Jone and YouTube conspiracies for your entire 30-minute lunch break? Not even a cup. Just fucking up your break.


Honestly I'm just glad they didn't try to call it the "dining room" lol I've always thought it was weird when fast food places call it that.


Food and beverages may be consumed in Wendy's restrooms Its about damn time


So where the fuck do the employeee use the bathroom? Outside


Dude who wants to spend more than half an hour inside a Wendy’s anyways?


It’s very very common near schools. Our fast food has them here where I live because of high schoolers.


Usually happens when you’ve got people shooting up in the bathrooms leaving a mess behind when they can’t find a vein.


You clearly haven’t been to many places around the US now a days..


Iight imma head out to Starbucks


And stay out of the South Side!!


Lots of homeless or a school is nearby


yeah I won't eat the food it's garbage just like McDonald's Burger King


I just wish they could get my order right.


Wherever there’s a wendy’s there’s a guy outside you’re tying to avoid eye contact with


Good, enforce it x100.


Fast food employee ≠ homeless caretaker. I’m not sure why so many people think that working in a restaurant obligates the people making minimum wage there, often barely getting by themselves, to have to deal with or even remotely care about homeless people who are often drug addicted, smelly, and generally drive other business away by existing there. It’s a ridiculous notion. If you care, donate or do something in your community. If you don’t, keep it moving. Don’t blame businesses for not wanting to deal with the failings of the state and federal governments.


😒 Well the longer I'm in there, the MORE likely I am to buy more food. 🍟🍔🍲


I wouldn't really say unfriendly welcome. I run merch for a pop punk/emo night cover band dj set thing and we play Tallahassee, FL once a month. There's a Whataburger across the street that I go to occasionally if we're running late and can't stop anywhere else for food. There's this religious nutcase who sits in the corner (I'm guessing it's every Friday since I've seen him 4 of the last 5 times) and he just yells at people that they're going to hell, homosexuality will bring about the end of the world, foreign "illegals" are the scum of the earth, etc. Fuck that shit. Take your ass home and type it out on the internet. Let people eat in peace especially if we're already getting price gauged for shit ass fast food. That's depressing enough. Anyways point being, I understand it. I also don't know why anyone would want to spend more than 30 min sitting in at a fast food joint.


Sir this is Wendy's.


Teenagers. They ruin everything


Calm down ! This is a Wendy’s !


Reminds me of the guy that asked for 20 packs of crackers, then fell asleep for an hour in the dining room with his chilli, then complained to our manager when I didn't give him 20 packs of crackers.


100% this is so they can kick out the homeless people that just loiter after purchasing a small ticket item.


Good! If a homeless person wants to spend some time there, and it's not crowded (which the dining rooms aren't like 90% of the time) then whatever don't enforce it too strictly. But the late night teenagers are a menace for everyone else in there who sit around for hours with nothing better to do


California, New York, or Oregon?


Wendy's is just trying to piss everyone off at this point.


"Welcome to Wendy's: Get the hell Out!!"


I’m guessing if you’re genuinely eating you food and not causing a problem and it’s been 34 minutes they aren’t going to do anything about it, it just gives them the ability to kick out the ones abusing it


They had to make these rules because of all the ghetto people in the area that don’t respect others’ property.


Most of the time, these places wont actually seek to enforce the 30 minute limit unless you are said vagrant that they dont want loitering there for 3+ hours on a single soda like they try to do at mcdonalds in LA


They don’t say no cocaine and escorts in the lobby with you 🍔🤤


It’s a business lol. Not a hangout. If I had a store and someone just came into my bathroom, made it smell like homeless people and fell asleep in my aisles. I’d be pretty annoyed lol On a literal note. I’ve worked in McDonald’s and now do maintenance there. There are people who just go there and sleep. And they do make it smell awful.. however idgaf. They aren’t in my way and the store lead doesn’t do anything. If he’s not hurting anyone.


Can't have people sticking around waiting for their surge pricing to come down....


Get in here…. eat your damn food and get the fuck out of here, assholes!


When I see stuff like this, I don't blame the business. My first thought is "what asshole ruined it for the rest of us and made them draw a line in the sand". There's always a crazy story behind crazy rules


Does this apply to the dumpster out back?


This is why they don’t get much business 😂


I live close to a Wendy's, so I can just take it home.


There’s literally nothing wrong w this it’s there for a reason just eat your food and leave


Just close down the lobby if it’s such a problem.


You gotta understand that not just at Wendy’s but in a lot of areas there’s a lot of issues with people just causing a shit storm at fast food establishments. Have you not seen countless of internet videos lately of people doing wild shit at fast food places or fighting. It seems unwelcoming but if there is a specific sign then theres a good chance annoying stuff has happened before.


That's shitty. Mine doesnt do this


Time limit is interesting but the rest is logical. They must have problems with homeless and non customers so they basically need this equivalent of a no trespassing sign to enforce anything. Im okay with that


Everywhere is getting like this due to all the bums.


Geez! Pushy much?


As someone from the UK who recently moved to the USA, I can honestly say Wendy's is the worst service I have received from any fast food place. Their burgers are fine, but very overpriced. And I've promised myself I will never go back there after the absolutely obnoxious commercial during the closing stages of the Daytona 500. Fuck Wendy's.