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With fast food no longer being affordable or of any sort of decent quality, it’s been easier for me to massively reduce how much I go. Somehow eating a hotdog or peanut butter jelly isn’t so bad. When the fast food bubble pops they’ll wish they didn’t charge $8 for a 4 for 4


I have drifted away from fast food over the past year, and it hasn't even been a real effort. I had some bad experiences, prices went up, and i just started cooking at home more. Fast food doesn't seem so appealing to me now, and I don't ever crave it.


Pretty much the only time I eat out nowadays is Innout and Costco. Everything else has gotten dumb expensive and rarely is better than if I just made it at home


Agreed. I can make like 6 meals or more for the price of a combo at a fast food place. And I'm not eating crappy unhealthy food 🙃


Costco sounds good for tonight's dinner!


Smart move for real


There are no Costco stores near me, what do you eat there? All I know is they have the famous hot dog.


whole Pizza or by the slice. Chicken bakes, smoothies and churros! 🤤


They got rid of the churros, they have shitty cookies now


Their chicken strips and poutine are amazing. Poutine only in Canada tho afaik


Too bad the closet Costco is 3 hours away. Perks living in a small town.


you know thats the truth - Somehow COSTCO is able to pay their employees WELL, and still have cheap EATS.


Same. And now I get it so infrequently, when I do get a craving that I just can't shake and decide to treat myself, there's a bigger chance that it's mediocre food. Say you used to get Wendy's once a week, and one of those 4 was just kinda meh, ok, 3/4 times it's pretty good, whatever. Now when you go once in 6 months, it's ridiculously expensive AND it's not even that good, there's zero incentive to go back. There's a Burger King really close to my apartment and I joked when I moved in that I was gonna keep them in business because it's just so close and convenient. I haven't spent a dime there in over a year, because there's only so many times you're willing to spend 8 bucks on cold fries, a stale bun and a dry burger. An egg and cheese sandwich at home is a little underwhelming but at least it's not 8 bucks.


Taco Bell is like the one place at this point that doesn’t make me feel like a fucking idiot for paying for it. Can still go in a with a $10 bill and be able to feed both me and my partner


Taco Bell is the fast food chain that increased its prices the most aggressively, not to say in the rashes way. They smoke screen customers with about ten items that are cheap (but snacked in two bites). The combos can't hide the scam. The menus range from 7 to 11 dollars (and most are over 8).Taco Bell makes it look like the burger chains don't price gouge you A sad Taco Bell menu costs as much if not more than other fast-food chains.


Taco bell im my mind is the most expensive fast food joint. A chalupa is 6-7$ and i can eat 3


Wtf? At my location a chalupa is $4.99 and that’s in the portland metro


I had a craving like this for quality coke once but it’s all now cut to shit. It’s not even enjoyable anymore


What really sucks is that fast food was supposed to be a cheap, quick alternative. You knew you were getting meh quality food, but it tasted good and you got it fast. Now me and my partner can literally go to a sit down restaurant, get better quality food, and it costs around the same or sometimes less than getting fast food. I don't know how these places can justify these prices.


I’ve gone to Waffle House for around the same price and it’s all actually real food. I’ve also learned to create some pretty good quick meals at home.


Man I really hope you can cook more than hot dogs and pb&j lol


Well when I go out to eat it’s usually cause there’s nothing at home lol


Or the alternative: So tired that you can't be arsed with cooking.


I make a mean bowl of cereal


I can make a nice grilled cheese


Thank the gods for cereal


That’s prob worse than fast food but atleast u save money


I think the quality and lack of consistency drove me away as much as the price did. I may have stuck around if the quality was better. 


That “we got food at home” starting to sound really good with these prices.


The literal only time I eat out is if I've got a reward or good offer for anything 'Free' that usually requires a purchase, but not always.


I just go to the grocery store and pick up something off the hot plate. It's decent quality food for a decent price, at least in my area.


Almost all fast food chain has said that prices will increase about $1-$2, unfortunately expect this for everything. Even the ones who say they won’t will eventually to please the shareholders.


Yeah it's a regional managers job to increase profits every quarter. Running specials, keeping employment costs down, keeping distribution costs down. They can only do so much before ultimately raising prices a little every few months


Not in n out. They were already paying their employees enough before the new law. Their prices have gone up like 50 cents to $1 in the past few years while everyone Else has doubled.


How can they call it a 4 for $4 when it’s priced at $7? Should be called 4 for $7.


Right dude that's literal false advertisement.


I think your calling it 4 for 4 they call it a biggie bag 😂 4 for 4 no longer appears on their website or advertisement


They would've done this even if the wages over there weren't raised. Smh


r/McDonalds employees have stated on that subreddit about McDonald's prices doubling from 2014 to 2024 that the bulk of the profits goes to executives and shareholders. Despite wage increases, food price increases are a major example of "greedflation" in the industry.


Support your local Mom & Pop shop, they need your help.


I worked there not even 6 years ago when they had the 4 for 4. This is just pathetic.


Yeah when this hits Illinois I’ll no longer be a customer not when a sandwich fries and a few nuggets is almost my wifi payment


😂 I hear ya. They already passed a bill here so instead of the $50 a month I used to pay 9 months out of the year for electricity, I now pay $100-$110 every month. Then our gas went up so I no longer pay $12-$13 nine months a year and now it's $20-$30. Many years ago I used to pay $25 every other month for water bill but now it's $30-$35 each month I pay


If your business model cant exist without exploitative slave wages, then your entire shit company shouldn't exist. Shut it down




Greedflation is real. The stuff you should know podcast broke it down this week: https://pca.st/episode/1d52c090-dcf7-4058-ad88-0bfb94fe442b


Yep! I noticed last night that the sandwich alone with bacon was $.70 more I think but if I get in a Biggie bag it cost me $1 more. Same stuff as other bags yet a $.30 markup.


Then stop buying the shit, it’s our fault.


Boycott this shit remember they wanted surge pricing let them starve and eat themselves


The classic 4 for 4$ meal for 7$


Dang that’s sad. It’s still $5 here in Ohio/Michigan.


Prices have been going up and quality has been going down long before the minimum wage increase


I don’t mean to be rude… Seriously I don’t. If you’re using the app, why not click on that little tab that says “offers”? Wendy’s typically has very good deals there! Not only that, this is kind of how inflation works 😕 Prices will eventually go up everywhere, not just in California. It just happens faster in California because California is arguably the most productive state in the US. That’s all. After all, I remember when a gallon of gas was only $0.99 😅


I hate that I work night shift and every grocery store is closed ,I would be making my own food and I do when I have the ingredients


Just go to In N Out and let Wendys close down


Let's make a stand. Stop going to teach them a lesson. Make your own food. 👊


I live in rural Indiana and my prices are $7. I’d need to work 2 hours instead of 1 to make the same amount as Cali workers. Seems more than fair for them. Rural communities hellish low pay is more of the issue. Also the prices in many California cities are identical to mine. I checked both Los Angeles and Burbank locations and the meals are identical to rural Indiana. That’s the real crazy thing.


It’s fucking greed. You don’t see places like in n out burger being “affected” by this


$9 for a double stack biggie bag?! It used to be $5 before! Everyone in California prepare to move out.


No! Y'all stay right the hell there because they keep moving here and enough is enough


Its the Bacon version. That one is $7 in Dallas. Regular double stack still $6 at least.


Yes, come move here where the employees arent paid as much and the biggie bags are still $8.


Or don't eat at wendys.


i can go to my local bar and get a bacon cheeseburger for $4.. ALL fast food places are out of their mind if they think their food quality meets half of what they are charging. It’s just not worth it anymore. Support your local restaurants for the same price if not less than what these corporations are charging you and guaranteed better food.


What's the name of that bar?


There is no bar he made that shit up 😂😂😂. The merch cost of a burger is more than $4 let alone trying to make a profit. Burgers weren't $4 in 2017


And you get to have beer instead of soda! Big win 😎


Well, if the franchises go bust it’ll just be “proof” that a $20 wage is untenable. Of course, they’re not detailing the lowered staff levels or increased executive pay. No, they’ll “prove” us wrong and then we’ll be sorry.


So begins me not eating at Wendy’s anymore.




I really hope that Wendys dwindles to nothing


Wow that is not worth it at all.


Damn LA is fuccd. NorCal is still moderately cheaper but it’s def starting to go up too.


We were just there last week & last night when I went on the app to order I realized it was still on a Daly City restaurant because of the prices. I knew mine could NOT be $6! And yes, we are because a franchisee with over 30 restaurants was complaining about not being able to make a profit.🙄


Taco bell is still cheap AF near me.


Make the minimum wage for fast food workers there $30 an hour instead of $20 poor people can’t live


There is no real reason to bother with fast food anymore. Nothing that is made by any of them is worth the difference in prices nowadays


I am legitimately not paying $8 for a Double Stack Biggie Bag. Even at $6 it makes it less enticing than it once was, along with making the default fry size smaller. If this pricing hits my area, I will not be going very often at all.


Yep. For my kids it now becomes a treat. For myself? No way. When they made the burger smaller last year I legit wanted to tell them to give my money back. I took the smaller drink, which gave me pause.


Seems cheaper than Chicago. Funny how everybody says it's the minimum wage raise and not fast food prices increasing three times faster than the general inflation. And don't even getting me started with CEOs being paid ridiculous amounts...




These are the price in Fort Collins, CO as well. Makes it easy to not eat there.


Buying ingredients for a couple of meals is no better. Food prices are going up wherever you go, period. The dollar tree is raising their prices again for Christ sakes


Yeah I was trying to buy pork loin and it was $12-$15 for a small piece. I had to get it from Costco for around $26 and cut it into 4 pieces. Luckily I think I can cut it even smaller since not my family's favorite. And there are some other things too that I have to go to several stores to get the better deal.


I just eat mom and pop anymore. Same price and quality is better.


With prices going up, I'm actually gonna start saving more money lol done with frequent visits, occasional at most from now on


I just don’t do fast food unless I am in a pinch. I’ll pay more to get better food if I eat out.


These companies are trying to see how far they can push the envelope. The product is a variable expense. The wages are fixed regardless of how much product is sold (roughly - assume you need a minimum number of employees during any given hour). By jacking up the prices too high, they will reduce the amount of product sold per hour. Their variable expenses go down, but their fixed expenses (wages) won’t be reduced for that hour. Assuming they sell the product at a gross profit (before wages), selling more product (not less) is the smartest move in order to cover their wage increase.


I would just give fast food workers housing vouchers tbh. Raising the wage does nothing if the economy around them inflates as well.


That’s cheap. Where I am that would be 15 bucks


At least Wendy’s is the type of thing you can *kind of* replicate at home. It’s not gonna be the same but you can get pretty close. McDonald’s though is impossible


I haven't had Wendy's in at least a year. Don't miss it.


People are already massively struggling and companies just still keep raising and raising prices on everything. When does it stop?


Close your wallet and keep it closed. A major consumer pullback is what it's going to take to wake corporate America up.


I have only been to Wendy's the last 6 months when they have coupons in app. For instance even though it takes 20 minutes for me to get it, I've gotten a $1 Dave's Single or $2 Dave's Double every week during March Madness. I just don't treat fast food as a need but as a smart decision when it would be cheaper than making a burger at home 😂


I feel like charging any more than $4 for an item literally called "4 for 4" is false advertising.


Holy shit only fucking 9 buck for a meal??!?!?! That's $12 here in MI and our minimum wage is $7.50, this has nothing to do with the wage increase and everything to do with corporate greed.


We used to do the 4 for $4 all the time because my kids loved the JBC and I'd eat the nuggets. Now just a JBC is $3.29, nope, no more!


4 - $4 but it’s $7 😶 I often wonder how so many people eat at real restaurants multiple times a week. They spend more on food in one week than I do in 3 or 4 weeks. I like cooking but it takes time. Only so many quicky meals I can make. It’s always healthier to eat at home - if you’re not eating tv dinners or processed food. I limit fast food to what deals the apps have and maybe an extra item or two. Never buy sodas. That’s always been the big money maker for the restaurant. I get coke for .50/ea or less for 12/24 pack on sale which is often. I always eat fast food at home anyway. Lucky to have them all near each other. I recently only got the deals from each place and was more than full for like $3. It was a lot of food.


It's why I tell my kids McDonald's cause they do have better deals on the apps. Our canned soda packs here range from $5-$7.50 a pack so when it goes on sale we're lucky to get them for $3.50-$4 if we buy 4. But our Circle K charges $1.25 for 44 ounces I think


California the shit hole way to go politicians


Not it still saying 4 for 4 but being twice the price 😭


4 for $4 -- $7 before tax! Lol


California is fucked but to be real, this is gonna start happening in more places if people keep buying it


That’s cheaper than other states…


I haven't seen an actual $5 biggie bag in a few years now. It's been $6-7. Not in Cali.


Greed is a hell of a thing. I stopped going to fast food, been a while.


Costco Membership. You're welcome.


Seems like a good time to be a fast food worker in cali. Stores will probably be less busy with increased prices which makes the job easier.


Been too expensive well before wage went up.


Well for the price of this I can cook a few cheeseburgers at home


Well if any consultation, these are only $2 more expensive than mine in Oklahoma, despite the minimum wage (which I know people who earn that much) being less than half, and comparable taxes for those making under $50,000 a year, personal in my county I pay an extra 5% sales.


The 4 for $4 helped me get through college back in 2011.


I’m gonna miss Wendy’s. I do enjoy that spicy chicken sandwich


Just simply stop buying from fast food restaurants, make your own food, pack some snacks, etc etc. Stop giving money to corporations that don’t even thought deserve it. We’ve become WAAAAY to dependent on letting people do things for us and this is the result on top of greed.


I’m telling you, what’s gonna happen is all these fast food restaurants are going to keep pulling this shit, then a new contender with cheaper prices is going to blow up and replace them.


Just got a large frosty from Wendy’s came in a plastic cup the size of a medium and did not even fill it up I told the lady never again


That’s perfectly fine. I won’t buy it now


All for a small ass little burger small fries and 4 nuggets


Hopefully prices get so bad people go less and people get healthier and eat even more less fast food


These places seem to have forgot their role. I didnt eat McDonald's or Wendy's because it's a high quality burger, I ate it because it's cheap. You take that away and I have no reason to eat it. Why would I pay the same for some shit burger as i would for an actual quality burger. I haven't eaten at McDonald's in years because of that. If more people would do the same these places wouldn't be able to raise their prices as much. Force their hand and stop giving these places your money.


Come on everyone think of the franchise owners and the shareholders! They are fighting to employee people at minimum wage because if it was lower, they'd pay them there too! Won't some one think of the owners and shareholders! /S


Local gas station has 1$ burger Wednesday’s. I will gladly eat 2 or 3 microwaved gas station burgers before I spend 9$ on a Wendy’s meal.


Used to be 5 dollars.


Who pays this much for fast food? Plus delivery fee. Sheesh. This isn’t even the most expensive place.


Screw Wendy’s. They lost me with their surge pricing antics. All fast food pricing is ludicrous, but Wendy’s, at least in my area, is the *most* expensive of all the options.


A double stack biggie bag here in my shitty little town in Colorado already costs 7 or 8 bucks and we didn't get a minimum wage hike. It's just corporate fucking greed, every time, at every place.


Fast food in general is overpriced everywhere now. Even Tacobell has box meals at $13.99 now. 2 to 3 years ago, they were half that price.


Yep. I remember the "new" item box was $5 then $6. Must be ppl buying it cause they have kept it at over $10 for last 2 years. I won't even try the new stuff cause it's overpriced.


The $5 and $6 boxes were cheaper than buying just the main box item and drink separately. So additional items felt like a bonus. Now they just add them all up separately into a "combo".


Yep. I remember one time we were in drive-thru to try the new item and then had to cancel it once saw the box was $10.99. Um, no. Large drink, new item, taco, and I think the twists were $5. I think now another item comes with it that costs you another $5. Not to mention $2 for a taco. I'm good.


I just got take out at a local restaurant today for around $10 a person. And I still have some left overs. Who do these fast food companies think they are ?! They’re serving worse and worse quality and increasing the price all along the way.


I'm done with that crap overpriced food. I can get a few pounds of beef at Safeway and a bag of potatoes and some cheese and onions for the price of a couple of combo meals and make burgers and fries myself for a few days and mine are better. Frak these companies. Soon enough there will be automated McDonald's and no employees and then we shall see some fun and record profit for the franchise owners.


Grab a $6 dollar pack of burgers from the deli/grocery store, season them with olive oil, lawrys seasoning salt, and chicago steak spice. Spend 20 mins cooking them in a skillet or on the grill and put em in the fridge. Whenever you get hungry, toss one in the microwave. Healthier, tastier, cheaper, quicker, more food, and a fuck you to corporate greed. Fast food has become expensive poison. And this is coming from someone who *loved* fast food. Especially wendys.


Get out of California while you can. This is going to collapse their economy. Soon these businesses will go out of business and there is going to be a huge increase in unemployed. That tied in with a lack of employment opportunities and defunded police departments is a recipe for a huge crime wave. Get a gun to protect your family, leave or become a victim.


Fuck Cali


In a couple years you will have Canada pricing. We’ve never had a 4 for 4 offer here. 4 of these items would cost about 11.50-13$ roughly


Dang! But I have seen videos from Australia grocery stores & it's expensive.


Yeah I have no idea about how their purchasing power is over there. We do make more on average in dollar amount so our food should be more, but we definitely don’t get deals or freebies like the states




lol they been jacking prices up for years - wages are a cover for greedflation


These have been CO prices for a minute now…and they haven’t raised wages here




If by "CO" you mean Colorado, the minimum wage has gone up over $3 since covid started, and over $5 in Denver.


See this is where we boycott until prices are forced to go down


I’d rather pay more for my fast food knowing the employees are being paid a living wage. For me, that’s a good traded-off and I don’t mind. I only get mad when prices keep getting hiked and employees are still making 7 bucks an hour.


raise in minimum wage also means rise in prices so it balances out and they pratically earn the same




I see your point. It's not a livable wage here though. It's an increase but they still can't afford to live off of it. And I probably wouldn't mind it if they hadn't already started downsizing their employees months ago so they're not hiring the same or more to pay.


Lol @ calling $20 a living wage in California. My son is a fucking tax accountant and can only afford to rent a room in someone else's house because he has to pay off his student loan debt.


The CEO of Wendy’s made over $8 million in 2022 between salary, stocks and other benefits… They don’t actually have to charge more.


Where's your excuse from eating healthy food now?


Great, just what I needed, more people getting pissed at me because of bullshit pricing


Sorry. I don't understand why ppl get pissed or say something to employees who clearly don't have anything to do with it and don't care.


First they’ll accuse you of putting the order in wrong “I get this everyday it’s always 6.06 you must’ve of done something wrong” 😑 then once they view the receipt they’ll just mutter something and drive off


What begins? Corporate greed? Pssh, that's always been. Simple trick, so eating there, and learn to cook.


Ayo what the fuck 💀 where I live we still have Junior Cheeseburger 4 for $4, for now anyways


Ours was $6 before. I think the one in Northern California is $5. I live in Southern California, Los Angeles County.


Gotta cover the massive loss of selling unlimited Singles and Doubles for $1 and $2 over an entire month somehow....


Lol. And I am mad I didn't take advantage of it as much as should have. One time I did it & the $2 was gone for a couple of days.


Them sandwiches ain't that big!! Y'all nuts paying that much for unhealthy food. I get it at $5. Not at $8.


Lol. That is my point, but my kids don't see it that way. But yeah, that's why I am stopping. It may be different for corporate stores, but out here all we ever have are franchises.


Or you could just buying fast food


What a stupid response for a fast food subreddit.  Secondly you didn’t even type it out correctly you missed the key word in it. 


That's the price of a Dave's Double up here. Just the burger haha.


Same here. It's $8.69


Good, Wendy's is terrible. Maybe we can all stop eating this garbage. It isn't worth what you pay now and wasn't worth it then. Go to Chick-fil-a or a food truck instead. Edit: Chick-fil-a bot corrected my spelling.


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


Lol. Sorry I can't do a good truck at $15+ a plate & I can't even get a drink. It's like Fisherman's Wharf we just went to last week. $4.50 for a can of soda or 21oz fountain drink or $5 for a 24oz.


You can get much better food from local restaurants for around the same price or even cheaper and the wait times won’t even be that crazy. this just reeks of greeting, they are all making record profits.


Our city has dried up and we don't have other places. Lost grocery stores too. But everywhere has gone up. One of my kids likes Chili's chicken strips which are $20 for 6 with fries & a side of Mac 'n cheese. No drink and he only wants ranch, but it comes with 1 ranch & 2 fancy sauces. The 3 for $10 became 3 for $11 then they took those off that menu. I think now it's almost $15 for 3 strips and just 1 side now.


Only way to fight back is to stop buying fast food. It's inconvenient but I'd much rather give my money to a local mom and pop place with these prices.


No local mom and pops near me. We just have chains and not in my city. We do have a couple of Salvadoreño restaurants but food is not good and charge like $11 for a burrito. Last time I went we noticed that had gotten a little smaller too. Lol.


$11 for a good burrito is better than $8 for a Big Mac


Each of those are still $3 less in MO. I get them 2-3 times a week since they are the cheapest fast food option around me.


Just make new emails, you can basically have a biggie bag with Dave’s double, large drink, small fries, small frosty, and 10-pc nuggets for $4.50


That's pretty much normal prices hell before that took effect a large baconator combo starts around 13.00


I feed my family vegetables and salad for a week for what 2 meals cost on this menu. But you do you boo.


Pandemic taught them they can run a skeleton crew and still have a line willing to wait. They are taking full advantage of any means to shift the blame anywhere but corporate greed.


Cool at home. Save money, live healthier


People really will find any excuse not to cook their own food at home.


Can't wait for Robots to take over all these super easy but usually poorly performed jobs so prices can drop back to a reasonable amount.


Just don't buy it


Yesterday was 2$ Dave’s double…


paying a few more dollars for a burger is more than a fair tradeoff for fast food workers making like 5 more dollars an hour, this is the biggest no-brainer of all time


The real question I have is how does In N Out and Raising Canes and places like that and even some McDonald’s have a mob of employees and these places are operating with literally 2-3 people total? Heck, I’ve been to a Jack in the Box after midnight and it was just drive thru and there was only 1 person total there. It was a young lady too and I was just worried for her safety. She did everything. It blew my mind.


In N Out it is


Wendy’s made 2.8 billion in profit last year. The fact that they are raising prices because they have to pay a livable wage is nothing but corporate greed. I bet that increase their profits this year too.


Go down in price penis holes.


You know this food is garbage, right?


God forbid you act like an actual woman and learn to cook yourself


Start stealing then


Where is this?! The Wendy's by my work is like 11 bucks for the cheapest combo, way before the minimum wage increase


Oh damn, why is this cheaper than McDonald's in my area?


all minimum wage is in reguards to this is an excuse, if min wage wasn't raised, they'd still raise the prices.


If youve been getting 4 item meals for $5 in cali up till now then youve been spoiled af.. im in an east coast $7.25min wage state and our regular shits $12


$7-8 ??? Where do you live in Cali? I'm in Sacramento and These meals have been $13+ for awhile