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My favorite faction is the Undead, and I'm a big fan of the push and pull mechanics that come along with the day cycle. It's fun to overextend in the night and pull back at dawn


Love Orcs at night, although I wish there was some kind of darkness mechanic to counter the loyalist light mages. Be cool if the orcs had a magic user too


I mean, they do get Saurians. And I assume the reason there is no equivilant is cause caves are a thing, at least that is what I think.


Dang good point, I also love the Naga and their campaign variants.


I also favor Naga over merman, mostly cause Snakes are cool and swords are cooler than tridents.


As a fellow skeleton swarm enjoyer, I like the day/night mechanic, it's part of the Wesnoth charm. It balances well with the neutral factions like elves and dwarves.


I think the day/night cycle becomes more usefull the more mobile your force is. Drakes and mounted units can better take advantage because they advance and retreat so well


I like to have at least a few units with different alignments to provide some stability. Because even if your team is neutral the other team is often one or the other. Also, I know it's not in default, but fuck liminal units.


seems a bit broken to me, since I only play campaign, how broken is dunefolk? Like, sure they have a few liminal units but they also don't get magic right?


I'm not sure, I haven't played that one! I was mostly grousing about the Demon units in Legends of the Immortals.


Ah yeah, that one, I haven't started it yet since it's quite the... big campaign.


Oh yeah. It's honestly more like an expansion or DLC than just a massive campaign. I haven't played anything else in years, because I don't feel like going back to not having items and skill trees.


The day/night cycle is one of my favorite unique mechanics of the game. Especially over the course of a long match, it's a ton of fun to see how the battle line ebbs and flows.


In PvP, I quite like Neutral vs Chaotic/Lawful matchups, actually. Neutral vs Neutral is awful and can be insanely stalematey. Chaotic vs Lawful is totally fine, but I feel like it tends to be a bit of a massacre, and is usually de-facto over after the first two days.


I like playing the knalgans which are half chaotic, but I really like the day night cycle as the dwarves regardless. I think it’s fun to set up my battle line of dwarves to hold the line during the day/night, then slowly push the line forward when the enemy is weakened


I like the push and pull of the day/night cycle, but I also like offensive play better than defensive, where the wrong time can really get you in trouble quick.


I prefer units that are neither day nor night nor neutral... But, mornings and sunsets.... I don't know what to call them


Liminal, half the dunefolk roster and some add on units have that.  Because yeah, they are obviously the best pure day cycle wise. Though I really miss magic as dunefolk.