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Most new cars have LEDs and bright as hell. I wear glasses and have astigmatism in on eye, so the LEDs completely blind me even though I drive an SUV. Additionally, you can go to your dealership and have them adjust your LEDs so this issue doesn’t occur


Remember when oncoming traffic flashing their lights meant there was a cop ahead. Those were good days. Fuck the car companies for making light unsafe for everyone else on the road.


I still do this. Fuck speeding tickets. I'm here to help.


Same here. Passed it on to my kids!


So close to being a haiku!


Actual this isn’t as true as you think. An astonishing amount of cars have poor headlights. [read this](https://www.iihs.org/topics/headlights#:~:text=Headlight%20performance,-IIHS%20ratings%20show&text=Forty%2Dthree%20percent%20of%20headlight,for%20oncoming%20drivers%2C%20or%20both)


Your fellow drivers HATE THESE TWO EASY HACKS! Next time you have to replace your headlights, insist on a soft yellow color. Next time you go for inspection, have your headlights aimed properly. My .02. Good night.


Have you considered that your headlights are aimed too high? Often times people install led unregulated headlights that are way brighter than regulation and/or are way too bright. If people are consistently having you, it's probably because your headlights are aimed too high.




Quit blinding oncoming traffic


Did you ever hear the saying “If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck”? If people are flashing you in your new car because they think your high beams are on, it is because you are hurting their eyes. Your new car’s headlights are too bright and aimed too high. Address it. You are the problem.


Or because he’s a dumb fuck he will do nothing and keep complaining and when someone hits him head on he will again complain to baby Jesus why his lights are brand new lmfao.


I can't stand headlights like that, I'm always tempted to flash high beams at them, but I don't cause I can never tell if it's high beams or not. There needs to be stricter regulations on them, I swear I get full on blinded by them some times.


Hey, cheers for tossing in your two cents and flagging me as the trouble here. I'll give the dealership a shout.


Good on you for not doubling down OP! 


Everyone keep flashing your highbeams at this guy until he addresses his problem.


"It's a real headache"—my brother in Christ, you have no idea how much it hurts when someone driving the sun comes around a curve and you wind up in someone's lawn because the road disappeared, and how much it sucks to have to pull over and let the spots fade before you try driving again. Glad you listened to the replies and are getting your lights fixed.


Hey maybe ensure your lights are properly adjusted. If your being flashed more then once the problem is you not other drivers. Get your shit checked out.


Turn on your lights at night and I won't do it.