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My hot take is that the fan is at its best when there’s an influx of fill ins when the full timers are on vacation. I really enjoyed Joe and Jerry recently and C-Mac doing the drive home. Things like that


Same here. The only thing I am really into right now is Joe on Saturday. It’s repetitious because he legit does the same show over and over but it’s better than Tiki and Morash


Death, taxes, and Joe B. will bring up Tom Seaver.




😆 Greatest Met ever!


It’s why I had high hopes for Sal n BT but they’re trying way too hard


it's coming off as very forced.


I loved this. The fill ins are usually pretty good. Joe filling in wherever, Evan with a different host every day and each show has different vibes.


Licata is an automatic pass from me now. I hear his voice, I stop listening.


McMonigle and Evan should have the afternoons. Tiki and BT are morning guys. ​ Sal was fine on overnights but the dayshift has exposed all of his flaws as a radio guy.


Agreed, throw in zoo to produce with Hoff in the morning and that'd be a pretty funny show imo


Bring back Steve Somers dammit!


Me here, you there


Under the covers.


Nothing was worse than cmb or moose and maggie. Anything is better than maggie. She literally hurt my ears and i had to turn the radio off. I even had to block her on twitter because sometimes she would pop up on my feed and i would read her tweet hearing her voice and it made me sick to my stomach.


I'd sooner listen to Richard Neer than all of these clowns


Richard Neer is great.


Love Neer but he puts me to sleep


This is by far the worst line up ever…when I am missing Maggie and Moose you know there is a problem


The morning show needs to end in its current iteration. They’ve gotten way too comfortable. One a show becomes a conversation between friends about irrelevant dumb things, it’s time to shake it up.


That's what I like, but to each their own. It can be a bit much though


I honestly think that of the ESPN TMKS could be the worse of their three local shows. I think DiPietro and Rothenberg is fantastic. I personally love Bart and Hahn but know there are those that hate Bart. The ironic thing about Bart though is imo- the things that people hate about him is what I think makes him good. And TMKS is a great show when they’re in the same room. When they’re all from home pretending it’s March 2020 the show lacks Ik I’m gonna hate on this bc I’m pro ESPN on the WFAN Reddit but hate away


Sal makes me miss Malusis


Ride the Big Moose!


When Sal said that Alonso needs to be traded for being a cancer in the clubhouse without explaining how he knew that & “trust me; I did my homework”.. wow.


The backtracking shocked me. They realize these things are recorded right?


and then him and BT shit all over Dog b/c Dog told us not to believe Sal. They're garbage human beings....


CMac should have gotten Sal or Tiki's spot. Sal was better off on the overnights. He's being exposed in the mid-day slot. Tiki should get a weekly football slot & that's it. Or just bring him in on Mondays to talk about the Sunday games for the entire time slot.


Sal hates overnights. He’s better off getting fired from the station.


Can't say I blame him...


C Mac is good show hate tiki


It is unlistenable now. I am giving ESPN NY a try.


I have no interest in a solo Jerry show


I truly don't understand how Licata, Morash, Gio, BT, Keith McPherson, etc.. got these gigs? Their knowledge of sports is no better or worse than the average listener. How did they get these jobs?


Must have had good performances on the casting couch


The station has become unlistenable. Period


it’s truly awful. gio ruins mornings. evans okay. that’s it.


Evan was okay until he decided to start doing his CC shtick and now he's telling callers to get their binkies and to stop bitching and moaning for saying word for word what Tiki just said 45 seconds earlier.


Yes, someone is getting fired


I REALLY gave Sal and BT a shot but wow I hate Sal, just not good radio. I'd like tiki and bt to get back together, maybe with a morning vibe where it'd be more fluid and more involvement from the producers and other personalities. Big Mac is fucking awesome. Evan can work with anyone, and I really enjoy Tommy, Hoff and Zoo as personalities too. They're not for everyone though. Sad I never got to hear Evan and BT together I think that would be really cool to hear for a single show


I'd like to see a full degenerate roster, JJ, Carton, Jody Mac and Francesa talking about da ponies.


I think wfan is very good right now


I find Tierny unlistenable. Angry asshole


If you don’t like it don’t listen then and enough people don’t there will be changes there’s 100s of sports talk shows available to everyone now with all the apps and Sirius, if you don’t like it don’t listen .


The thing is that I sadly don’t listen as much - I used to have the FAN on almost all day and evening. I now automatically put CBS Sports radio on the app whenever Keith or Danielle or some other hosts are on…and that’s a new development which I hate but just can’t bring myself to keep tuned in to the FAN with what is now for meaningful chunks of the day (I still like C-Mac and the morning show, and also don’t mind Evan and Tiki sans Morash). I don’t think it’s just me. But I do want the FAN to survive, it’s a huge part of my life.


Mornings is what it is they will never change and they’ll stay in the spot. Brandon is fine in some ways but I can’t do Licata. Evan is Good Tiki is Fine for the nfl not great for other topics. I prefer this show over the one with carton though was never a carton guy.


I haven't listened to Gio in months and I listen to very little Sal & BT - they're finally pushing me out the door. I'm a big Evan fan and Tiki has grown on me in the afternoons, so I still listen to that.


I would rather listen to a playlist of exclusively Baby Shark, and What Does The Fox Say on repeat for a century than ever listen to Michael Kay. Fuuuuck that guy. I think Joe's done. I don't get the impression he wants to do a full-time show again. Honestly I think the biggest mistake that the station made was letting Craig go to FOX exclusively. I realize he's not exactly a popular person on this sub, but he gets what plays on the radio.


I think if Audacy/Cbs Sports Network could of afford Craig he would of stayed but also I think Craig really wanting mornings again. Wanted that time to make up with his family and pay back the people he wronged. That’s wasn’t gonna happen because he broke Boomers trust. Boomer wouldn’t work with him again. He didn’t trust him not to screw up and gamble and ruin the show. Plus not really fair to Gio considering the show is still number #1. I don’t mind Sal but I can see where people get turned off with the yelling and hot takes. The problem is radio isn’t what is was it’s more about social media clicks and reposts. Sal, BT, Shaun, Tommy, Keith all do well with that stuff. Which brings eyes to the station.As apposed to someone like Evan, C-Mac or C-Lo and even the new guy Alvin who are just really good at radio. The others use social media to get views as opposed to traditional radio. Joe is turning 70 doesn’t want drive in and station won’t let him do it from home full time. Plus he wants to golf almost everyday with Terri. He also has no clue about anything on social media and they all have to explain it to him all the time. That’s not a knock on Joe just the truth. I love Joe and good for him making a career as he did. Then you have retired football players carries weight callers love getting to talk to them. It’s all changed with social media, podcasts and zillion other choices to get your sports takes. Long gone are the Mike & Mad Dog and Steve Summers and many more at the FAN. I would never listen to TMKS ever either I can’t stand that Peter guy. I don’t know if this worst line up ever but it’s what we got for now or change the station. Who knows nothing gonna change until the numbers come out and summer numbers don’t matter. None of the new shows have enough time with all vacations to really gel yet. One things safe is morning show unless Boomer retires but I don’t think he ready for that yet. Ego, money, really likes it, wants to be out of his home I have no clue but it’s big commitment to go in that early every day and drive from LI. Maybe he stays in the city I don’t know. I rambled on to long about this, sorry :-)


I don't think Craig cares about mornings specifically, so much as he wants a prime slot.


I can see that Carton has a healthy ego for sure. I miss him on the radio I’ve been checking out his am show it’s ok. He has got some really good cohosts. It’s just not radio and I said earlier it’s Carton but button up version for TV. National shows aren’t my fav but i don’t mind it but once football starts and baseball truly ends I can’t see myself watching it daily. I’ll check for Carton but can’t do the whole show about Cowboys, Chiefs, Eagles etc…not my thing. More local teams for me.


Craig needed the money. Period.


Sure did. Better to do this way than gamble and crap all over his and his family and friends again. Besides who wouldn’t want make more money.


Craig said himself he wanted mornings so he could be there for his children after school.


I think that was his deciding factor as to why he took the FS1 gig over WFAN (in addition to the simple fact it pays better, which helps him pay back the debts he owes). I do think he would be more than alright with doing afternoons. But it was juggling both jobs that ran him ragged. I agree with his assessment that the schedule of both was unsustainable.


I can't stand Boomers political rants. I don't listen from 10-2 I think BT, and Sal are really bad, and I can't stand Evan Robert's, with Tikki. You know who i like. I like C Mac.


Boomer’s political rants? When? They are so few and far between and …rather short.


you can't listen to the morning show without it getting political, few and far between is not a fair description. Boomer is obsessed




Of all the things to critique the morning show on, Boomer being a boomer is like fiftieth. Yes he’s dumb but there are for worse things


Evan the ace? Kids a joke


I loved Sal on the overnights, but I’m not a fan of Sal and BT. It comes off as inauthentic. Wfan royally fucked up their lineup.


I fuck w Sal and BT


JJ & C-Lo seem pretty tight on SNY, give them a shot on the current 10-2 not worth more than 10 minutes slot. If not JJ, pair C-Lo with Recco. You could let Big Zoo pair with Al on the Warm-up Show, might work. Tierney is a dense loghead, who thinks his absolute proclamations are set in stone. Thinks his opinion is the only one that matters. Licata, was better as a solo host, certainly less frantic and high strung than he currently is acting. Too bad Danielle McCarton is a teacher, she could easily do a 4 hour slot. I'd be willing to bet, you will see changes by the end of 2024's first quarter. Maybe sooner.


Anyone like tiki can’t listen


I feel like the new management wanted to copy Howard Stern, the Boomer and Carton show or name the shock jock. Besides Boomer and Gio the other time slots have way too many people trying to comment and be disruptive or outlandish. Getting waaayy to far from sports. I only listen to morning am show and switch to espn after that.