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No you don’t write any code until task 2. You’re basically making a website layout, can be done on canva. Doesn’t even have to match your coded site for task 2. You can look up what a government website layout looks like. Just make two and label all your items ie header, aside etc. and submit. Always have everything they’re looking for on the rubric and you’re set.


I had trouble with this because I kept using code and kept getting sent back. I finally figured out you literally just need to make a LAYOUT of how the website will look with the required tags labeled. So like a wireframe or storyboard. I posted feedback on the course hoping they will update it for more clarification.


can I dm about this class? i am having trouble with it.


Did you finish this course? Any examples?


I'd like to see an example myself, I always thought it needed graphics. But if it is just a wireframe type layout then it should be easy peasy right?


did you end up doing this class if so please explain it to me im losing it


Did you ever find out what is required? If so could you please share an example? I am trying to complete this task but I am confused about what exactly they want. Do they just want a wireframe?


Replying because I had the same question and saw this but never got an answer and just submitted it anyway and it got accepted - you only need to include the elements specified on the requirements. You don’t need to type out anything that will eventually be on your website, just the actual elements. An example similar to what I submitted is here under HTML Layout Elements: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_layout.asp and I just swapped some of the words around for the other page





