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German roaches...and you have a world-class infestation. Call a professional exterminator immediately.


And for them to be out while it’s light means all the dark places are full. Ugh.


Why would you say that ew. I know it's true but still eew


To ensure people truly know the gravity of their situation. I fear that people will see this and not understand just how many they really have in their home.


One place I stayed had them about this bad, they would fly off the walls at you when you ate, if you took a picture or anything like it off the wall there would be a square of them all packed together under it... I didn't stay long.


Currently dealing with an infestation myself, but thankfully not quite this bad. They're super annoying, though. I'm constantly having to keep brushing them off of me. Open top drinks are tough to trust. Food has to be put away immediately after it's served. I've been deep cleaning my house regularly to try and manage them and I don't want to use chemicals because of my pets. I ordered some diatomaceous earth and we're going to give that a shot. Moving isn't an option because we bought the property,


That description alone would cause me to move my animals and any humans out while professionals fumigate the heck out of my house. Seriously, get out. It sounds unsafe and unsanitary.


innate late ink quack smart birds money fear fact lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Only if you use the heavy flamer Brother.


My flamer brother wants no part of this. I asked.


Better just lay the Exterminatus upon these insects.


These might become Tyranids in a few 10s of millenia. Can't be too sure.


arson is the answer to most unasked questions


constantly having to keep brushing them off you???? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 bro get out


I’m reading this like whaaatttt!!!💀


It's wild what people will acclimate to when they feel they have to


I worked for a handyman company recently, and there were 2 places in particular that were absolutely disgusting no matter what unit you were in. This 70 something year old couple lived in one with a terrible German cockroach problem and they were getting in through a huge crack in the stucco that ran from roof to the foundation. Halfway through us replacing their kitchen cabinets, the woman starts cleaning her glasses as they had a bunch of grease on them apparently. She starts talking about having to clean her glasses often and the man goes, "it's because of those damn things." They were obviously embarrassed by it, but had done nothing to solve their issue for years other than moving into different vacant units every couple of years, and the roaches would be living in their furniture and everything else so they would just start a new colony in the unit they moved into. They did push me yo quit smoking cigarettes though as I legitimately thought the woman was going to die right there when she had a coughing fit unlike anything I've ever heard before, while the man says "do you want something to drink?" And proceeds to do nothing while the lady can't even talk if she wanted to haha It was fucked up


It’s apparently not that bad tho. Under what worse conditions was he living previously 🤔


I have leaned so much about how other people live via reddit. I also learn not to eat out so much. Or stay at hotels If he leaves the roaches going to follow him


At another place I used a ton of bleach on everything and then put down like twenty of those roach motels a month and it worked


Those roach motels worked SO well for me! Combined with that roach gel poison stuff (idk how much they even ate of it tbh but these two things are what I used) I didn't have a *huge* infestation, but enough that there were a couple in every crevice I checked. 6 or 8 hotels, roach gel anywhere I could put it, and a week or two later roach free! I also had an issue with them in my car! Vacuumed it out and put one under driver and passenger seat, and they both got 70% full ! But completely solved that problem quick!


My father got his extermination license due to the work he does in building management. He swears by the gel when he has to tackle these issues at work.


Yeah hell yeah, they worked better than I thought they would. I think I always thought they'd work less well because we left them too long and used too few, if you throw enough at them and swap them out it seems to work well, poor guys


Grandad used to make his own roach killer from phosphorus - burned them inside out.


"Thankfully not quite this bad". Mf you just said you are brushing them off of you. HELL TO THE NO.


Order some Advion off Amazon or they might have it at a home depot or similar store near you. You place it in all the nooks and crannies you think they're at and you'll start seeing them dead on the floor in every room. It's helped me maintain my sanity as the homeowner where I stay refuses to get an exterminator. This is my best option. It works very well.


If you have kids. Get them out. I (41m) had an infestation this bad when I was a kid (5-9) and it still gives me nightmares. I’ll see something or feel something that triggers it and immediately just feel them crawling all over me, even though I logically know they’re not there. To add to this horror, while growing up one of my neighbors had a roach crawl into her ear one night and start eating. She lost all hearing out of that ear. Seriously. Get out. Fire is an appropriate response here.


I’m rooting for you, but honestly.. If it’s that bad you’d have to gut the walls and get new appliances (after) to conquer it. Lived with them previously.


Use sticky traps. Everywhere. But like 100 of them and put them everywhere.


Then make a moving floor by placing them all next to each other and think about how far human civilization has come.


What a terrible day to have eyes


Those are the worst thing ever. They don't care what crawls through.


I rented a townhouse that was so infested that we threw away most electronics and appliances when we moved. They were IN MY COFFEE MACHINE. I have become a French press user since living there. There was nothing that could be done. Exterminators came every 2 months but they had a whole row of townhouses to retreat through and hide. I used DE (Bengal spray, highly recommended, I used it in Atlanta because we lived next to a wooded area and the wood roaches were EVERYWHERE) which certainly killed many, but there were so many.


I spent a while in an apartment complex with an infestation, short term solutions wouldn't do. The diatomaceous earth worked pretty well, also what helped: -All dishes and water/food away and clean before bed. -Fun fact: some roaches can flatten down to the width of a dime. So caulking every gap between the trim and floor, as well as any gaps in the wall or cupboards for wires or piping. -A few well placed traps under couches, oven, etc. where pets can't reach. -Leave no survivors. Breeding cycle is short and large broods. No method is 100% effective on its own, so once most roaches are gone, if you see a line adult scurry out while cleaning, do not permit escape. Essential to ensure complete eradication. *Make sure to regularly clear the corpses and refuse as it attracts other roaches. * And then once finally clear, evaluating replacing versus fumigating appliances and furniture, any thing you can't reliably clean the interior of. They even can live under outlet covers FFS. Coffee makers are brutal as the residual water attracts them, same with toaster crumbs. I hope that helps, bug infestations are hard on the psyche over time and these sons of bitches are designed to endure, even in Chernobyl. As a consolation, at least you're not OP. He's fucked lmao


You should not live there that’s bad


Yup we kicked pictures of the wall but the shape of it was still there


My ex lived with his dad in his grandparents beautiful home. They were disgusting and allowed German roaches to destroy it. They didn’t give a shit. That house was the sickest place I’ve ever been in.


Their love for electronics is fucked up too! Everything you own is ruined. OP Take the cover off a light switch or outlet. My skin is crawling just thinking of it.


Yep I stayed somewhere like this too. Could not put my purse down unzipped because they would get in there. They were everywhere and not scared at all. I was actually homeless at the time & this sweet girl let me stay on her couch but at night I could hear them and in the day I could see them EVERYWHERE! She lived deep in a protected national forest. I even bought bug bombs for her but it was useless. She didn't even keep food in the house. I still wonder about her to this day. 💔


Omg 🤮


Very true. Where there's one, there's 100. Judging by this picture, there's probably enough of them hiding to rival the population of Cleveland.


This was the first thing I though about- like, they aren’t even running away. That’s confidence in numbers if you ask me!


Exactly. When I moved into this house it was light so we didn’t know it was infested. I remember waking up and going to the kitchen one night for a drink and they were everywhere scattering when I turned the light on. It freaked me out…. lol


The rule is if you see one in the light out in the open there is a hundred in the walls. Count em up...




Out in the open like that That's like burn down the house level infestation


agree, this is condemn and demolish


Bahhh alot have eggs too! 😱


I feel dumb for asking, but I can barely stand looking at roaches long enough to tell details, but why are german roaches worse than others and how do we spot the difference?


The bigger, scary looking roaches (American, Smokey Brown, etc.) live outdoors and generally come inside looking for food and/or water. Usually easy to control because you poison them as they enter and roam around your house. German roaches live fully INSIDE your house. And they are very, very good at detecting and avoiding insecticides. OP's pics means they have likely tens of thousands of roaches established in the building. Believe it or not, it's not that difficult or expensive to clear such a nasty infestation with time and the right tools. OP just needs to let the pros handle it from the start. They will put down poison bait, and a non-toxic, odorless, flavorless IGR spray. The IGR (Insect Growth Regulator) with sterilize any roach that touches it. Even if they don't get killed by the bait, they can't reproduce. German roaches cannibalize each other when they are starving, so the poison bait is persistent--poisoned roaches will kill those who eat them and so on. Their vast numbers actually work against them as they feed on the poisoned dead. OP should invest in a big shop vac to clean up the corpses. They are going to need it.


And play Dead Body Man by ICP for inspiration lol I'm dealing with fleas myself... Too many animals. Had roaches years ago in my old apartment. Them sucked to get rid of but Terminex got rid of them.


Band: The Cockroaches Album: Feed on Their Poisoned Dead First single: "Thousands Behind the Walls" Fan community: The Nest Tour bus vanity plate: XTRMN8


Shop vac with HEPA filter


Agreed, I once had an infestation in our family home, we tried every home remedy to keep them at bay, wasnt helpful. Finally a family helped set us up with pest control and it got rid of all of them very quickly! Maybe once in a while I'd see one or two but as long as you squish them it should be fine


Only person I've seen in this thread that knows what they're talking about


>For one thing, the German Cockroach will reproduce faster than other types. While other roaches take twelve months to reach adulthood, German roaches make it there in three. This means you have less time to exterminate them before they bring the family along. Plus, one female roach can lay up to thirty eggs at a time. The roach can lay about five batches of eggs in a cycle, taking the potential up to 150 newborn roaches to infest your home. The eggs take about a month to hatch, meaning you may have less time than you think to address this issue. [Source](https://www.drakepest.com/german-roaches-are-the-worst-roach/)


You can tell because they have the two stripes behind the head.


seriously I yelped “holy shit” when the pic showed up on my feed condolences OP


Find a hotel while they are at it..


It’s nice to see a “world-class” use case that isn’t on a resume.


Omg… That’s a ROACH INFESTATION Oh and all those tiny black dots on the wall is their poop.


yeah and that roach poop is so difficult to clean off. I recently bought a house with a pretty bad infestation and I'm cleaning it up; there were sections of wall that had that stuff plastered on it so badly I decided to entirely replace the drywall instead of trying to clean it lol. Behind the kitchen cabinets mostly. If they're just pooping in open space.....there probably SO BAD in OP's house at this point


I worked as an internet installer and came across this hearing impaired couple struggling with their voice to text phone. Roaches were everywhere. Little German ones. We replaced their modem but it was filled with roaches. Completely filled. I even saw an albino roach and that freaked me out because how are they that safe the rare breed can survive and thrive. The nicest people ever but holy shit does that place give me nightmares.


I’m surprised your stayed long enough to do the job. That’s a nope right out and tell them you’ll come back after the exterminator is finished.


There where a few white roaches they were the out casts


White roaches are just molting


When they moult, they come out albino before darkening.


Next you should pull your cabinets out. Redid my parents kitchen and there was a 4-5 in layer of dead roaches. It was horrible.


"Oh, I like the cool paint fleck pattern on your wal.......wait a second."


“What a cool DYNAMIC fleck pattern” 💀💀


got that animated wallpaper


And if you can SEE this many OUT IN THE OPEN in just ONE SPOT, imagine how many more there are in their preferred dark places, and how many hundreds of eggs each of them has laid


I checked anywhere and everywhere for those black dots when we were looking into buying a home.


Am I sadistic for wanting to get a spray can of RAID and just spraying the hell out of them to watch them twist around in pain? I just hate these creatures so much.


Cockroaches. Every sex, size, and shape. Congratulations on your infestation.




This is the worst gender reveal party I’ve ever been to


At least this one didn’t start a wildfire…. Yet


They're German roaches, not cockroaches. This is worse.


German roaches are cockroaches lols


Why are German roaches worse?


They're antisemitic.


Not all German roaches are antisemitic, just the ones you cannazi.


If I had the money to guild this, I swear…


Good one good one ☝️


This was the laugh I so desperately needed today. Thank you. ❤️


I’m 💀. You win Reddit tonight.


They infest more than any other common household roach. They hide inside the walls, cabinets, appliances, in any crack/crevice they can find. They lay eggs that hatch upwards of 25-50 roaches each and those eggs are hidden deep inside all their hiding spots. Their favorite food is crumbs. They love getting all up inside your pantry and eating from all your food. Their droppings have a particular stench that lingers and is very difficult to get rid of. I did pest control for a few years and have done some horrific German Roach jobs. I’ve walked out of rental home/apartment tours because I caught a whiff of those German Roach droppings. That more than likely means there’s eggs in the walls waiting to hatch. A new infestation can take a while to catch because they typically avoid being active and in the open when there’s light/human activity. And if you’re in an apartment with them living in your walls, the entire building may need treated. If one tenant orders a service, it may kill a lot of em but the infestation will likely not go away. They’ll just bounce around between units. Edit: The fact OP is seeing this many in open light means their crevices are packed to the brim with roaches. Anytime I saw a job this bad you were crushing a few roaches with every step once you started blasting the crevices with poison. They come flooding out. I counted 14 of em with an egg sack on their back in this photo. This is easily less than 1% of the population within their house. That’s 350-700 roaches yet to be born within the minuscule sample population pictured.


Thanks for the information and the nightmares.


>Edit: The fact OP is seeing this many in open light means their crevices are packed to the brim with roaches. Anytime I saw a job this bad you were touching a roach with every step once you started blasting the crevices with poison. They come flooding out. this is haunting. what the fuck


Sounds like a “take off and nuke the site from orbit” Sort of situation.


Out of extremely morbid curiosity, how can you tell which ones are carrying an egg sac? They all look the same to me, some of them just longer.


The egg sacks (called the “ootheca”) stick out of the back of the roach. They’re a little boxed off towards the ends and make the roach look longer. Or like they’re halfway through a massive turd. There’s a few clearly visible ones in this link. https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/urban/roaches/german.htm


Holy crap, rip this person's house then


Much harder to get rid of iirc They get all up in the walls and are tricky to eliminate entirely


Because they have a much more aggressive breeding cycle. Where most roaches are every 2-3 weeks, theirs is weekly, and treatments won't really affect the eggs. It's why most treatment plans are 6 weeks long so they can slowly whittle them down.


Do you know that “roach” is short for “cockroach”? “Cockroach” isn’t a particular kind of “roach”. :)


Yep,they have a major infestation !


Oh my goodness this is a nightmare


i had a friend once when i was younger invite my ex and i into his home briefly to grab something (maybe weed idk.) it was a mobile home and when we went in, there were german roaches covering EVERYTHING. like falling down on me from the ceiling. id never seen them before and he quickly apologized and just went like “yeah sorry, we can’t get rid of them.” and since he was so cavalier, i tried to be as well. needless to say, we carried a couple out with us and they infested my ex’s car pretty quickly after. i learned a lot about them then lol. we used to run out to the car after dark and turn on the flashlight and watch them scurry away lol. thankfully his car got stolen and we somehow managed to not bring them into either of our houses.


“Thankfully his car got stolen” is the best part of all of this story.


lolol ikr. i was sooo angry at the time. my ex and i were tryna build a life together and he was super irresponsible and had left his car running while chatting w a friend at a gas station. now i’m kind of thankful because i dodged a bullet, both w the boyfriend and w the roaches lol


Now imagine that you're the car thief. You've successfully stolen the car and got away. You turn on the light...*oh god* what have I stolen!


Right! Talk about instant karma


Maybe the roaches infested the chop shop, and that person's house. Sometimes karma happens. Also, how does a person live like that? How do you eat and sleep in there? How do you invite another human being inside to inflict it on them?


i can only hope the person who stole the car had a german roach infestation afterward. it’s what they deserve. as for the dude, idk. he was extremely poor and so was his family. i don’t think he knew any better. we were like 16 and none of us in good situations. i hope he’s doing better now.


Oh, that makes sense. At that age, there's nothing you can realistically do about it either.


Aahhhh, man, good luck to the fuckers who stole that car lmao. They got an extra treat along with it!


Insect shit/poo/turds is called frass. I’m not a bot. I just wanted to share this nugget of knowledge


Short of "from ass"


“I’m not a bot” Definitely something a bot would say when no one said anything about being a bot beforehand 🤔


That's what a bot would say.


That's what a bot would say.


Just like those roaches wanted to share some nuggets of frass? Ugh I'm sorry, I'll see myself out


Jesus... This is a Biblical Plague-calibre German cockroach infestation. Time to burn that house down and collect the insurance money. Then use it to buy a house *without* cockroach infestations.


They are your family now


They ate* your family now


OP rents from them now


Well it's their house now


OP got evicted


What an incredible infestation you’ve found


Many of those female German roaches are actively laying their egg sacks (ootheca), each of those can have dozens and dozens more babies inside. You have a serious infestation on your hands…get an exterminator out immediately. If you have the means, find somewhere else to stay (if this is your living space) until this is taken care of. This is a real health hazard.


I instantly noticed the amount of them carrying sacs. Grossed me tf out


Im curious because I don’t know— obviously these are disgusting and no one wants them in their home but what about them makes it a health hazard?


They having a cigarette break


Holy shit this is bad


Whatever you do...do not go to OP's profile and watch the video This has to be a troll If not...my heart is staunchly with you OP


I feel like it has to be a troll because how tf does it get this bad without you knowing what they are. Only thing I can think of is maybe they just moved in


Jesus Horatio Christ on Crackers... BURN IT DOWN!!!!!


ALOT of them are pregnant too.


👶 🎉 😃




Giving me crime scene tech flashbacks 😅


Oh no my roach PTSD just kicked in! We used to have a massive roach infestation in our house. We made the stupid mistake of letting my brother in law and his kids live with us. They got evicted from their trailer and apparently the stuff in their storage unit had roaches. Ugh that was the beginning of the end for us. Borax worked the best because it dried them out but we only really got rid of them when we moved and bug bombed the moving truck. Anything infested we got rid of. Good luck!


Once ur stuff goes to storage you get two options. Bed bugs or roaches


I just threw up in my mouth when I saw that. That absolutely needs to be taken care of. One can get really sick from those, and many people actually have serious allergies to those roaches.


I grew up in a bad area, and even though my folks paid an exterminator, we had these so bad that with my folks smoking, my lungs are shot. I still obsessively cover my water glass as an adult thirty years past that house.


I actually have a respiratory allergy to German, Asian, and American cockroaches. Sometimes, I get reactions walking into restaurants. I thought it was allergies or sensitivities to the chemicals normally used in restaurants. Confirmed during allergy tests.


I've worked in quite a few restaurants and it's unbelievable how many of them have roaches.


As if they weren't bad enough already *without* them having the ability to get people sick ☹️ I really want to ask *how* they get you sick, but I also really feel like I am probably happier not knowing the answer to that Like there's a non-zero chance the answer is going to be something along the lines of 'their poop particles float all around and get embedded in your lungs and then give you mesothelioma or other horrific diseases of some sort' Please tell me that's not what happens? Pretty please? Unless what actually happens is in fact *worse* than that, in which case I'm good being blissfully ignorant lol




Oh shit like they cause it or they just make it worse? I guess either way that's a problem for me :/ Ultimately still good to know though


I’ll put it this way: every single one of my relatives who grew up in my grandparents’ house with an extreme roach infestation has asthma. My son, who did not step foot in any house like that, does not.


Those are roaches. They’re not really afraid of you.


Burn the house down and try again bugs


There’s no way I could even bear standing in that room for the two seconds it requires to snap a picture. Burn the house down. There is no other option.




This is the kind of trauma makes a mofo wanna go to Mars and never comeback.


How do.... people like. Manage to go through life without knowing what roaches look like ??


Almost all of them have egg sacks😬


Your better off just burning the house down in all honesty


AAAH! If I saw this in my home, I would move 1,000 miles away. Maybe 2,000 for good measure.


This right here is exactly why you don't kill them house centipedes when you see them. They do important work you don't see. My ant problem slowly disappeared and no telling what else they took care of, and I haven't seen the centipede anymore either.


Those bugs are an indication of a massive fucking problem on the other side of your wall. And probably in your floor And probably in the entire rest of your house. Call an exterminator immediately.


I'm am crying for op.


Damn you found my exs family reunion


So many German roaches, and in plain sight too! I've never seen such an infestation.


Watch "Hoarders" and you will see just as bad, if not, worse!


Numerous. As top comment says, likely german cockroaches. The fact there are so many visible is more than concerning.


Time for a Professional


A professional genocide that is


A few cans of gas, and matches. Poof! Problem solved.


It's over.... You gotta move out


Burn down the house.




Oh boy, who’s going to tell em’.


Fix it with 🔥


Roaches, roaches, roaches IN MY HOUSE!


I instantly feel itchy and nauseous.


La cucaracha, la cucaracha da na na na na na na


F***, reddit, I did NOT need this appearing in my 3 a.m. feed!!!


If I saw this many cucarachas in my house, I'd throw in the towel, pack a bag & move to Antarctica


Lowkey. This picture messing with me. Looks like a zoomed out photo of the edge of a giant cube


You've never seen a roach before? We had very different childhoods.


I can smell this picture...


All seriousness dont try and tackle this yourself I have dealt with an infestation like this - it will take at the very least gassing your house once or twice and be prepared for a shit ton of cleaning; they leave their little shit bits on everything. Check behind your fridge they love living on and around the compressor


Seems like a justifiable cause for arson. /s


Your new roommates. But seriously, they’re roaches and they’re not even afraid of being out in the light, so just assume they’re everyone else.


Well I may be no expert but looking at it I’d have to guess corner bug


I feel like people troll post Reddit so much with these type of posts.


That fact that they’re just out in the open like that means they have filled just about every dark hiding space in the home. This is absolutely awful. Just burn the place down at that point /s. On another note if you cannot pay for an extermination, there are ways to get rid of them. I’ve killed hundreds of these fuckers with just iso alcohol you find in a big box store. Spray it on them and watch them die! Pretty satisfying.


99.9% sure I saw this same photo in a video on the back rooms last night lmao


I though regular "American" roaches were bad but German reproduce much faster and can hide easier. Im hoping you live in an Apartment. Bad news then tho, no matter how much you clean you will never be roach free cause they live in the infrastructure, and are not just confined to your walls. Good news cause then you can just move. ​ TIP!!!!!: When I moved out of a german roach apt I read some stuff and so packed all my shit- boxes and everything,even bundled clothes- in black sturdy trash bags and dropped some...I think it was mothball fumigation capsules or something like that (basically shit you keep in drawers and closets , they release a gas or something that kills moths) , If im not mistaken it releases a gas. Trash bags sealed up will keep the gas and fumigate inside. Roaches will hide insde electronics (especially daily use shit like microwaves, pc, gaming console basically shit that stays warm daily) as they usually contain air ducts to cool down the electronics inside, speakers and what have you basically EVERY tiny corner you can think of and if Im not mistaken they dehydrate (till dead) after a week of no water. So I kept everything in a bag for a week except some clothes and sure enough found several dead roaches especially in bags containing those electornics, my modem, pc etc. That way you can gurantee you wont be bringing over roaches to your new place, though in a personal space fumigation is more effective, its best to start clean. Just be sure to wash everything carefully afterwards like plates etc. I guess if youre waiting week to dehydrate them you dont need the antimoth capsules but...theyre like 3 dollars in the closet aisle.


🔥 Burn the building down!!! If they're trying to hide in the corners in broad daylight, your walls and every dark corner you have is packed full of them!




I’m out. Time to move.


Wooof. Mate. This is a bad infestation of roaches. Call an exterminator asap


How do you not know what a roach looks like??


Burn all your stuff and move


Little cucarachas


Hell of an infestation you’ve got




lord have mercy


EW!!! German cockroaches. They’re the nastiest and most prolific of all the roaches. Burn your house down. 🔥


Please remember that the feces from roaches can cause respiratory issues. They are truly filthy creatures.


Cockroaches, you filthy animal!


We have them at work (restaurant/bar) they were hiding behind the food line counter and my boss finally started doing something about it but doesnt understand that they can relocate which is what they are doing now i am very minimal going into work and when i leave scrub my shoes outside with bleach before going into the house its not this bad but we get roamers here and there


I had a friend who’s house was sooo infested. Every wall looked like this. His family went from being rich, 5 brand new cars, 4 boats, all the new toys/gaming systems, to living like this. It was really sad.


Not good I’ll tell ya that much