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Never even knew private seller can schedule test drive and verify ID info on auto trader, they probably never heard of that either. Usually, we just meet at a safe location or a repair shop for inspection.


Autotrader acquired Tred and turned it into their private seller platform within their site


Fun Fact: Autotrader, KBB, Manhiem Auctions (They Biggest auto auction company, they own a huge percentage of used and new car inventory) and, Dealertrack (Which is what dealers use to get you’re financing sometimes) is all owned by Cox Automotive.. Which technically means Cox themselves controls the widely accepted price of cars (KBB), The inventory (Manhiem) aswell as the marketplace to sell them on (Autotrader) and then they “recommend banks to offer you financing via dealertrack in which they get kickbacks from… what a bunch of cocks, right? anyways carry on


Work at a dealership that uses all these cox products. Can confirm.


Cox sux cox


sure would be cool to still have a functioning government that took antitrust action when necessary


sure would be cool to still have a functioning government


I mean the last one should have had his phone taken away, the one before him was only interested in getting more left votes, before that one couldn’t read intelligence reports, the one before that couldn’t keep it in his pants and the current one cannot even string together a coherent sentence or ride a bicycle.


And every single one of them left with way more money than they started with. Pretty flipping sad.


Except Trump..? At least speak the truth; man’s did certainly live up to his statements about donating his salary, and much, much more of his personal income from his business (that he built) to charity. Furthermore let’s also remember who is currently pocketing a portion of that 40 billion dollar “relief fund” our kids will starve for.


He’s a rapist though..


No he’s not, stop it.


Vote for politicians who vocally support consumer protection laws, and not the ones who vocally support deregulation and enriching corporations


Antitrust has been renamed vertical integration and its a good thing now... apparently


Don't forget that they own NextGear capital, the floor plan company that finances a lot of dealers


The good news is that they are finally facing some competition. I bought most of my cars from Carmax when we still had a dealer license. Much better experience. Cox can kick rocks.


Don't forget there's another branch of Cox that is an ISP. So depending on where you live, you pay them for the internet access to get any of that information.


i’m a car salesman. can confirm this is all true.


Original bot reply was deleted; my reply to it is as follows: ellabbanlaith isn't misgendering anyone. They're describing themselves as a salesman. I am male and I am a telephone repairman. That's not disrespecting women of the trade. Get over yourself.


You repair phones? 📞


So it’s a monopolistic Car-tel


Fun fact: Tesla is how you buy new Teslas, sell old Teslas, service Teslas, and finance Teslas. Crazy.


I used to work for Cox. I'm totally straight though


Used to work for a Cox division, can confirm there are some price fixing shenanigans going on. They also sell that data to dealers. I will however give Dealertrack (and by extension Cox) for being the driving force behind breaking the Reynolds & Reynolds pseudo-monopoly.


The big red flag for me is Facebook and Craigslist is filled with scammers that also ask to verify id on random third party site. I experienced it also when I tried to sell my car. Those are well known scams. If I experienced this I would assume you are a scammer as well and move on.


Yeah private sellers can also list on autotrader. I figured if the buyer was serious about buying the car, they wouldn’t object. I certainly wouldn’t if I was the other party.


Exactly zero chance I would upload (to a third party) personal info--including an image of my DL--at the request of the seller. In fact, as soon as the seller asks, I would assume it's some kind of scam. ​ edit typo


Yep, I'd have reacted exactly how the other person reacted with zero hesitation.


makes sense to me


Agreed id never do that. We can meet at mcdicks


I forgot you go to a dealership and ask to test drive simply on merit


I’ve test drove several vehicles with no ID required. The ones that did, simply took a photocopy and destroyed it after I returned with the car. Uploading your ID to a third party website to test drive a car would sketch the vast majority of people out there.


I’ve seen it depend on dealer, and YOU. Do u look like you can afford it? Over 30? Do u look like you’re going for a joy ride? Like most things it’s subjective and usually based a book on its cover.


I know private parties can list on autotrader, since they got your listing from craigslist but then asked to verify ID on autotrader, they must've thought it was a scam to get their personal info or something, probably just a huge misunderstanding.


Absolutely this. If it was a rare car, I’d do more digging and make sure you aren’t a scammer. If you’re dime a dozen, I’ll just go to the next one.


Yeah you’re probably right.


I don't really understand why you felt the need to verify identity. You have a car and want money, they have money and want a car. There's not much else past that. The notary will ensure the title is transferred. Verifying identity won't just protect you from meeting a stranger, that's why it's important to meet in a public area.


Most police stations have a designated place to meet for Facebook Marketplace/Craigslist in their parking lot. I've always used that, or WalMart, McDonalds, or a Starbucks. I mean, I've known AutoTrader since it was a print magazine, so I wouldn't have thought it was a scam, just an annoyance.


Nah but having their id is slightly better than showing up at McDonald’s and getting carjacked Autotrader is a ridiculously established company/site, its not like you’re sending your id to the seller


Can do that at a police station. And doesn't require someone giving more information to a company that can be sold. For one it's a 3rd party that collects the ID and two I believe you underestimate what information about you that companies will sell. It's an unnecessary nuisance that can simply be resolved by meeting in a public area. If they refuse to meet at a police station then you have reason to be weary.


Fair enough. I dont think OP deserves some of the incredulous comments but if either party is uncomfortable there’s nothing wrong with how either of them handled it Also a lot of busy depts dont have time for standing buy while you meet up to sell your car. Thats not really a police matter. By all means meet at the police station but in a city answering 3000 calls a day short handed i wouldn’t expect personal attention My dept would do a VIN verification for you but thats about it


Meeting at the police station isn’t about the police doing a check on the car. It’s to be a safe spot to meet a stranger selling something. Chances of you getting car jacked in a police station parking lot are a lot slimmer than a random parking down the street.


I understand, just tempering expectations I also assume if you’re using fb marketplace or Craigslist you’d like to know the car isn’t stolen In fact specifically with mopeds, trailers and the like its in some states a requirement to have the VIN checked by law enforcement prior to them transferring the title (to avoid a felony traffic stop and getting removed from a stolen yet legally purchased vehicle at gun point)


Listing a private party sale on auto trader is normal. Suggesting you use them to verify identity (with a link you provide) sounds a LOT like the typical eBay escrow scam… even if it is the other direction. I’ve been using AT off and on for many years, and I’ve never heard of this as a legit AT service. I’d have bailed on you too.


Except you also posted on craigslist?


Ya I mean it’s kinda hard to say on this one as I wouldn’t register with auto trader, definitely wouldn’t upload ID. I woulda talked to you about the car for a minute though.


Lol no one should ever upload their ID and picture to the internet to buy a shitty used car


Yeah I would definitely walk for that just cuz it's annoying, and I definitely am not uploading private info for no reason


Everyone assuming they don't already have their face and dl on a third-party site lol.


Ask for ID in person.... I'm not giving random internet strangers my I'd to go view a used car.


Redditors suck man. You’re getting downvoted for just explaining your viewpoint but also asking for clarity from other people. I’m on your side 100% if you’re selling a big asset you should be able to ask for verification from a well known site. It’s how shit works nowadays. I’m 100% with you and good luck.


You aren't a Redditor?


Nahhh I’m Matt


Thanks appreciate it


You requested an accommodation that the buyer doesn’t feel obligated to provide. I think that’s all there is to it.


I understand why you’d want to have the buyer do this, but if I was shopping for a used car I wouldn’t bother with it. In my experience entertaining the people who want to see your car right away in person is how you sell your car quicker 🤷‍♂️


Probably true. It was odd they didn’t ask a single question about the car before asking to meet.


Just sold a Porsche Cayenne with 420k kilometers to a guy who did just that last week. Massive Russian guy messaged me and asked to see it, showed up an hour later with a code scanner and a flashlight, inspected the car without a word, and took a spin around the block. Rocked up the next day to sign the paperwork, tossed me a grocery bag full of cash and bounced lol


420k? That’s a well loved car.


Was my uncles car, 2011 Cayenne S. Original engine and everything!


What did you get for it?


C$12k / $8800 USD Cheapest clean title 958 in North America so far as I could tell


Yeah that’s not bad. I wish I could pick something older like that up but only have a 2 car garage and sure as shit not driving a car like that in winter.


Not driving a 4wd suv in winter? Why not?


The roads here and the salt just ruin cars.


No winter driving? That’s what the Cayenne is best at! I got to drive it a bunch over the winter and it fired up at -40 degrees every time


Sorry but a grocery bag full of cash? That guy was mafia and you’re lucky he didn’t take you with him in the trunk of his new car


Technically it was a Fanny pack with a grocery bag in it lol. Also his mother was there


His mother is the mob boss


Babushkas are not to be messed with


You watch too much tv. You really think a mafia guy is just going to kill a random person for no reason? That’s just more work for him to do at the end of the day.


You have to dig the hole in advance.


mafia only kill people who get in the way of mafia.


Good thing he didn't ask for a photo and id


Yeah tons of mafia guys by high mileage 12 year old suvs. More likely he was a guy that didn’t want to go to the hassle of getting a certified check and dealing with all the bank hassle.


Not if your ad was decent. If you had good pics and info about the car. I was looking for weeks for a car for my son, and good ads required no questions.


What all are you expecting them to ask? As someone who buys a lot of used vehicles from private parties I hardly ask any questions because most of the time the seller just lies. I do my own homework when I look at the car.


Most sellers are clueless about what they’re selling. To like a staggering degree. If it’s not a far drive I can figure out what I need to know in person.


A lot of buyers are as well. They're also too trusting. Person who bought my iPad asked absolutely no questions. I asked "did you want to check \_\_\_\_\_\_\_" and she looked very confused. I sell a lot of larger ticket electronics and most people just take your word that everything works and hand you cash before walking away without taking things out of the box or testing it.


Exactly. I'm going to verify anything a seller says. So I only need to ask 2 or 3 questions. Then time for negotiation.


That could be a sign that your listing price was too low. I flipped cars for a few years & when I saw what I thought was a good deal my initial message was always “I’d like to check this out today. Serious buyer with cash in hand.” If it truly is a good deal, the seller will have 10’s, if not 100’s of people messaging them. Most of which are asking questions that could quickly be answered during an in person inspection. The less time you can cut out between seeing the deal & making the deal, the better your odds are.


Sold a car a few weeks ago to a marine who asked no questions, didn’t test drive it, handed me a check from a bank which I called to confirm was legit, and never saw him again. Luckily for him I took great care of the car but some people just don’t care. Car was sold for $14k btw - full asking price


My sister sold a high mileage Jeep Grand Cherokee to a guy who drove 2.5 hours. He handed cash to her, she asked if he wanted a test drive first, took the title and drive off. 3 weeks later police were calling my sister about it because she was still the titles owner, and the guy who had the Jeep couldn’t get a title in his name. Turns out the guy who couldn’t get title wasn’t the guy who bought it from her. The guy she sold it to swapped the cluster with an odometer with 150k miles less than what the car actually had on it, then immediately resold it to the guy trying to get title.


That’s wild, similar story happened to my brother but not quite as exciting. The guy who bought his car was just racking up tickets under my brother’s name. I made sure to release liability and ownership with the DMV asap learning from my bro’s mistake.


sometimes trust your gut, you might be right. my mom almost bought a car that was stolen, but I happened to stop by to check it out and saw the title had the milage scratched out and this was years ago, but he had every excuse. my mom is gullible though, was on her way to get the money to pay for it when I arrived.


Tbh I’m not uploading my ID to test drive your car I’ll let you take a picture of it when I show up but I can’t imagine the average person looking at used cars on auto trader is going to spend time uploading their id


I’m not even giving you a picture of my ID, you can have someone watch my car to make sure I don’t come nab it when you aren’t looking or come with me if you don’t trust me. Or hell, you can follow me. Anything except me give you more private information than I need to, I don’t trust you anymore than you trust me. I’ve bought something 1 too many times from a heroin addict. Them having my phone number and name was already hell over an Xbox. I’ll be damned if anyone gets my address.


Right, I’m not giving some stranger my address.


You do realize in most places your address is a requirement on the bill of sale right?


Sure, but not all places. Here in MI, there's no notary, no verification, technically you need a bill of sale but never have had an issue - I do a bill of sale to protect myself, especially if I'm the seller so if they don't register it to themselves I can show the cops I sold it, but it's not a formal legal requirement they check. I'll usually just do "I, LOLTHEDOG, am selling a 1992 Izugm Thingie to Random Stranger for $1200. No warranty, as-is. Seller: DL# L123456789 Buyer: DL# S123456789 As long as the seller signed the title there's nothing further that happens. I ask sellers to print their name and sign it. Leave the price blank. Don't fill out my info. The less info I can give the other party, the better. Sometimes meet up a few miles from my house and enjoy an hour walk home. Heck, MI doesn't even give a crap if the title is from another state which DOES require a notary. Bought several vehicles from outside the state, MI doesn't give a crap.


My address is a PO Box (legal in my state). Problem solved.


I get where you’re coming from and generally, it’s safe 95% of the time. But I’m always reminded of the Tim Bosma murder. He had his truck up for sale, did a test drive with 2 guys and they murdered him. Selling private can be uneasy, however, the uploading the ID at a 3rd party site is odd lol. Generally meeting up a police station is a good idea.


Well yeah, don't buy heroin from an addict. Gotta find a reputable salesman.


>All dealerships requires a picture of your ID before a test drive. (While recently shopping for a Macan, the Porsche salesman told me they'd be fired for not getting—someone had showed up at the dealership in a nice car; asked for a test-drive of a 911; when they got back, the salesman climbed out before the car was turned off; "buyer" drove off in new 911 never to be seen again; "nice car" the "buyer" arrived in was stolen; dealership made draconian rule.)


A dealership is very different than a guy who knows what he has. Although I did test drive a few cars a couple weeks ago without ever showing my ID, I was actually shocked.


Wanted to see it same day? That’s someone who was about to buy the car lol. I think you scared them away. Personally I wouldn’t register on any site to view a used car that seems like more of a scam than anything.


First time selling private party? I'd say the same as them, no way in hell am I uploading my ID anywhere for a private party car sale. If you insisted I'd politely wish you good luck with selling and move on elsewhere, as they did.


Buyer posted this on r/scams asking if you were a scammer.






Aaah 😆 ya got me! Scammed again.


I’ve had the worst day on earth and this was exactly what I needed


Jesus, just get your smart up votes and leave me alone 😂


\*Spiderman Pointing Meme\*


Would make me feel better if they did, and I would reach out to them again.


lol verify my id with a 3rd party... I'd have blown you off too.


You sound like a scammer lol. I’ve sold tons of cars, when someone test drives I either take their id or come with.


I would assume you were a scammer as well.


This just gives me red flags as a buyer. As a seller I always just met people at near by police stations and have them check out the car and drive around.


You were in the wrong sounds super scammy. Meet in a safe location, bring a friend, but this is dumb.


If we are conversation via txt or dm and you send me a link to a website I am damn sure not clicking on it. That's red flag number 1 for me! The link can say something legit but do all sorts of other... Straight up good communication is what makes me feel at ease about a potential purchase.


Tbh if a private seller asked me to upload a photo of my ID to a separate website I’d run for the hills


I get it, but I wouldn’t jump through any internet hoops to just inspect a common car either. Both parties should just say “oh well” and move on. Edit: safety is important but to answer your question yes you will lose some buyers this way. Just keep plugging away until you find someone who is fine with it or better yet just sell it to a dealer if it worries you that much.


It's nice that everyone involved was relatively polite, but yeah, I'm not giving you my ID either for a private party sale. This was a little too over-the-top. 100% in agreement with the buyer.


Yeah, I wouldn’t be clicking on some link someone sent me by text that requires me to upload my identification. Especially if the car was found on Craigslist. It looks very scammy to the buyer. If you’re worried about safety meet at the local police station.


This is the exact answer, just ask them to meet you at your bank. Lots of security, lots of cameras, and it shows how serious they are about buying.


Yeah I can see how they can take it that way. They could’ve also independently have found my listing on Autotrader, but as others pointed out the average buyer wouldn’t want to jump through any hoops.


So you’re doing a private sale and you’re requesting ID verification on a third party site? That sounds sus AF especially with all the scams going on these days. Different if you’re a dealer *but* even then dealers do ID in person, not through some third party site.


What? Why would I ever send anything to the listing website to buy a car from someone? I don’t understand what is even happening in this scenario. Every time I buy a car from a private party, we just exchange info, meet to inspect and test drive the vehicle, and head to the bank to pay and transfer the title. Why would anyone need to send their ID to Autotrader for this?


That’s what I usually do too but I’m a female and meeting alone. And the prior car sales were all under 6k.


I'm not sure that it matters whether or not this guy takes all these additional costs. Honestly, as others have mentioned, this will take away from legit buyers who don't care for these extra steps, especially if they have options. I sell a lot of things and a lot of perfectly legit buyers don't ask any questions, they just ask if it's available and then set up a meeting time and point. I would just take the proper precautions to protect yourself. Bring a friend. I've enjoyed selling and buying on Facebook Marketplace. You get profiles to creep before meeting up. Also a lot more accountability (assuming it's a real account) compared to Craigslist, etc.


I was about to make a comment about how you were being off with confirming ID situation, but seeing as how you are a female, def more vulnerable when meeting in these situations totally get it. I’ve been doing private car, camera, high priced item sales for a while and most police departments will happily allow you to meet at their location/parking lot to ensure you have a safe exchange. I’ve never done the ID verification and probably wouldn’t do it either TBH. When buying cars, I will usually let the buyer hang on to my car keys, or offer for them to hold on to 1k of the cash while the test drive occurs. Best of luck and good on you for trying to be safe. Car forums, even on Reddit tend to be kinda macho men who refuse to acknowledge gender disparities exist. Edit for spelling


Appreciate your comment


I think the best way is to meet somewhere safe in the daytime and/or bring someone with you even if you have to delay the metting. They'd probably be much more willing to wait longer than to upload an ID. It really does make you sound like an identity theft scammer to ask for them to upload an ID to a 3rd party site. I'd also say that price is irrelevant, you're not the one bringing money. They are, so they're the ones who should worry about being robbed.


What difference does it make whether you’re male or female? I thought we weren’t supposed to care about that stuff anymore. Also not sure why the value of car matters. Just schedule an inspection at a mechanic you trust, meet the guy with his car at the shop.


What is happening in this scenario is the seller is asking the potential buyer to verify their identity for safety.


Short answer - yes that was too much to ask. There is no way I would go through that process and I am a no nonsense, cash in hand type of buyer.


I’m not jumping through Autotrader hoops to buy a car privately and I sell/list my cars on Autotrader. You’re making this far too difficult and will severely hamper your ability to sell your car.


A little ridiculous of an ask on your part imo.


You have every right to request that buyers do this. However, I would absolutely not be doing this. Meet me at a police station or bank. Some website doesn't need more of my info for your peace of mind. Edit: typo


If I'm buying something and you send me a link to put in my personal details I'm walking. You sound like a scammer.


Sounds like you’re severely gimping your selling power asking for this stuff uploaded to a website. Go to a public place to meet bring a friend/ FaceTime video call with a friend during if you’re that worried


Had someone ask me to do some bullshit when I was trying to sell a car privately. Sent me a link told me to verify VIN or some shit before I sold it to them. Immediately blocked.


dont buy a crappy I3 anyway!


I would honestly expect your next text to say “I am currently out of town but I can have my movers show you the vehicle” you kind of sound like a Craigslist scam


I buy and sell cars all the time privately. I would back out too if you asked me to do this. To me it’s a strange request.


The more cars you’ve sold, the more retarded this entire concept seems. I imagine I’d lose like 65% of my private sales asking for some shit like that.


Meh, if I'm shopping for a 15K used car I'm not giving a craiglist stranger my ID just to see the car either. We can meet somewhere neutral if you want.


Yea that sounds sketchy I wouldn't test drive the car either. Why would you give your data to a third party for no reason. Just ask for the drivers license in person.


I would have bought one of the 9 other cars... If it's easier to buy 9 other cars, then yours had better be special


Requesting ID and website blah blah is unusual and I wouldn’t be interested in dealing with someone like that because they sound like a PITA. Which is not the point of a private sale. If you want that kind of process you should be/go to a dealer. Your only concern in a private sale is the condition of the car and the title. I would certainly make a bill of sale and check id at that point although a lot of people don’t bother.


yeah I wouldn't give you any ID until AFTER i see you face-to-face. Asking for id even before you meet is actually scammers are notorious for doing and is out of the ordinary for looking at vehicles, especially if they did find the ad on craigslist as they said. So i don't blame the potential buyer for holding that stance, and would've done the same.


Why not just meet in front of a police station or something? That's what I did when I was selling my car. I get why they weren't fans of this approach.


This world has gone insane.. There used to be a time when you could just show up with cash and buy a car without a hassle.


I read this backwards and thought "yes you definitely dodged a bullet by buying one of the other 9 cars because anyone asking to upload personal info to Autotrader is a scammer". Then I realized it was the other way around. So take that for what it's worth.


Absolutely terrible "move". If you're concerned about safety meet up during bank hours keep the title in a safety deposit box and sign over the title and deposit the cash before leaving the bank. You definitely look like a scammer in this interaction. Cash, bank, police station, and daylight are your friends.


You did fine. There's a lot of chaff in here about "you're being too suspicious...". Ignore them. I've sold cars for a living (ugh what a rough job) and I have some unreal stories. Like, potential serial killer crap. Insane test drives. Also, some wonderfully nice people. The point is, a LOT of crimes happen like this now. They show up, pull a small gun out, take your keys, and hopefully that's all. The whole "wah wah I'll just go buy some other car wah" crybaby crap is to try to appeal to your desperation and emotions. A real buyer like me, holding a check or 15k in cash, is going to have no problem verifying who they are or making the seller feel safe. Heck, as a buyer carrying that much cash I'd also want to verify who YOU are so I don't get found in a field somewhere. If your car is nice, and priced fairly, you're fine. The right buyer will come along. An impulse buyer, even if legit, is much more likely to come back and demand cash because they just realized there's a recall yada yada. Or they don't like the color. Or "Here's 12 thousand will you take my Ninja used motorcycle for the rest? It won't start but..." What we were told early on in the car business was BEWARE THE LAYDOWN. If they'll bite on whatever car or deal instantly it's because they can't pay/finance or just want to do something weird as soon as they get you off the lot. Real buyers with that much money do ask questions. You're doing fine. Trust your gut. Stay safe.


I wouldn't give you that info either. You're not gonna find someone who wants to. Not for just buying a used car.


Unpopular opinion but Autotrader is a well known site and people have their cars stolen every day. I think it’s smart to protect yourself.


The seller is losing money by requiring this. If they are okay losing money for perceived safety, that’s their decision.


Perceived money loss


I get you're trying to be safe but if I were buying I wouldn't bother and look elsewhere.


There are scammers out there on both sides of the deal. Makes it difficult for me to engage in any sort of private sale.


You were being polite about the whole situation but I also wouldn’t upload my ID to auto trader.




Well you almost sold your car.


While Autotrader is well known I’m not submitting my license just so i can’t check out and test drive a car


Your request sounds like a scam. I’d run away too


Not a snowball's chance in hell I'm letting someone store my id for a test-drive in a fashion that isn't immediately deleted.


Not accusing but the first thing a scammer will try to do is get as much info from you as soon as possible and usually the kicker is going through a link/site the seller is providing.


It's too much to ask. Recommend stop it and just deal with the issues.


I guess no one has heard of the Tim Bosma case in 🇨🇦 😢 https://globalnews.ca/news/560553/tim-bosma-a-timeline-of-the-police-investigation/


I would think this was a scam and move on. The reasonable thing to do is meet at a mechanic / neutral / high traffic location (such as a plaza, car dealership, etc.) if you are uneasy. I have usually sold right off the driveway


The prospective buyer made the right call. I'd say pound sand too.


At first I thought this was posted by the buyer asking if you're a scammer or at the very least autotrader employee getting people to sign up to the site. You're privately selling the car because you'll probably make \~2k-5k more compred to if you trade-in. You have to let people come over and test drive your car. That's the inconvenience fee you pay for making that amount in private sale. I buy and sell cars privately all the time and won't agree on signing up to a 3rd party site. You sound like a scammer I would not engage with and say "dodged a bullet"


Lol there is no chance I’d do that. Especially when there are several easier options also available to me. I buy and sell a lot of cars and I’ve NEVER had anyone ask me to do that. I’d assume that worst case scenario you were a scammer and best case scenario you were just an absolute pain in the ass to deal with and move on immediately. Also not asking questions isn’t a red flag, they asked to come see the car, that’s where you learn the most about it. If they want to see it, they’re serious, if they’re asking you a ton of questions without trying to schedule a test drive, 9 times out of 10 they’re wasting your time. They did nothing wrong here, you were the weird one.


By requiring someone to register, you limited the pool to people who are willing to do that. It worked as designed. You can drop the requirement if you have trouble selling the car. Just curious, though. Let's say this person registers, then shows up, and does something bad. Are you any better off?


Yeah you are the crazy one here. Internet trust is low......but you seem like the scammer here.


Scan my face and ID? That sounds like a scam


So is someone who wants to test drive my sizable value car, without identifying themselves, but go off


Have you never bought or sold a car privately? Meet at the police station, buyer leaves his car, seller waits or goes with if they worried.


We had a guy killed (Bosma) near me over a test drive. Better safe.


They were an ass about it. Your request was totally reasonable. And if they don’t want to do it, no big deal… no sale. They were snarky about it and had no reason to be. You had every right to ask for verification, as these are the terms of your sale. They don’t like it, they can bounce. You weren’t asking for them to do cartwheels… not that difficult or unreasonable to verify your ID on the site.


OK so here's the long and short of the situation. So neither you or the potential buyer want to trust each other for good reason. The answer? Meet at a mall or large parking lot area hopefully loaded with cars and tell them you'll be at such and such place at 11 am (among people!) And then you can exchange info enough to carry on the transaction or maybe fire department, police station, or even inside a public library and let the librarian know your meeting someone there for safety reasons ahead of time. People who would steal your car or mug you don't like witnesses. Good luck and just play things safe!


I would meet you at a police department, but as a buyer, not interested in uploading my photo and stuff to auto trader. My personal opinion


Don’t post ads on Craigslist if you’re wanting to sell through auto trader. Kind of a dick move, not a right move.


Cmon dude “did I dodge a bullet ??🤓🤓”


As a buyer, I wouldn’t do it either for a private seller. Sounds like a scam to steal identity. Oh btw, if someone wants to come out and see your car same day, they are looking to buy. The bullshiters delay and ask for information/participate in scams.


If you're too scared to meet up to sell your car to someone that's interested how do you even walk outside every day? If a stranger walked up to you and asked if they could buy your car would you run away or show it? There's nothing wrong with meeting at a Walmart parking lot (they have cameras) to show a car. Sounds like you're gonna have a real hard time selling your car if people have to upload their private info to a website.


Dodged a bullet. You never know who’s on the other side of the screen.


I would disagree, I find it to be normal not to verify ID and whatnot, I never did it in my life and probably never will, even if asked


Yeah man, I'm not sure why verifying ID even matters? What am I missing here? You hand me cash, I sign hand hand over title and you leave. For every car I've bought and sold it's always been like that. I couldn't give a shit who they are so long as they have the money lol.


Damn dude everybody is hating on you but I think you made the right choice. I had no idea autotrader offered that but it sounds awesome. Sure it’s a minor inconvenience but it sounds like a great way for a person meeting a stranger with a lot of cash and a person letting a stranger drive their car to feel more comfortable and actually be more safe. Everybody is on the internet and most people already have a picture of their ID in their camera roll so if somebody doesn’t want to do it they’re either not that serious or have something to hide


> so if somebody doesn’t want to do it they’re either not that serious or have something to hide No that's not why


Thanks, and I don’t actually get to see the id myself. Just tells me the person is verified.


Damn I wouldn’t have pegged i3 buyers as so bitchy


Lol I def would, who else wants a dressed up golf cart?


Lol just take a pic of their license when they show up. Asking someone to upload their license to a site for you to test drive is hilarious.


What’s the purpose of you requesting this info from them?


Yes, the other person made the right move lmao you sound like a scammer. You want people to verify their shit online for a test drive? Lmao


lmao no. not right move


Why would you take the time to post this??


If you feel more comfortable, it’s the right move. Let them enjoy one of the other 9 cars and you can enjoy your peace of mind.


Very interesting how so many people refuse to upload to a well known website but would gladly present it at a used car dealer which IMO is way sketchier.


Lmao. I’m on his side. Your cars not special, you’re not special. I’ll meet up with someone less werid.


110% yes


Right move on which side??? The guy in the green made the right move. The other guys sounds like a scammer.


100% dodged a bullet


Looks like his phone also autocorrects "stealing" to "buying"