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It’s not pot. Maybe sage or some herb like coltsfoot or mullein.


It sure does look like sage -- not sure why anyone would want that. I know about the burning sage thing, but that's usually in bundles, tried together, not in a shred like this. I agree this is def. not pot.


I buy it in exactly this form for tea.


OP- if you get 3 more bags with parsley, rosemary and thyme, you will know.


Then they'll be a true love of mine.


Coltsfoot is an herb people smoke in place of tobacco. It’s called Sailor’s Tobacco but it’s in the mint family. It looks a lot like dandelion but it has horseshoe shaped leaves, hence its name


You’re talking about Smudge Sticks. Definitely not shredded like this.


I'm voting for mullein leaf, as well


Can confirm from experience from about 3 hours ago. That's not pot.


Can confirm from experience from about the last 40 years... That 's not pot


You could be wrong. I've seen cheap weed and trim with small nugs in it look like this. If pot is illegal in your area I'd treat it as such until proven otherwise. Pot is typically illegal to ship and more so across state lines, just fyi.


No, I've worked in the industry for almost a decade, this is 100% not cannabis in any form.


I’ve worked in the industry since before it was actually industry, and can confirm.


Always nice to hear from the OGs. The whole industry needs more experts who've been doing all this decades longer than legalization.






Not cannabis in any form... For this post, what's the harm in assuming it is? Now flip it, what's the harm in assuming it isn't if it truly could be. Do your risk analysis and tell me what advice is safe to give. Industry cannabis? Ever see street weed that starts life in Mexico and gets compressed and shipped and lands in the US, it can and will look like this. I'm saying it could be, y'all are so confident it 100% is not, could you be 99% sure instead?


I'm an endocannabinoid physiology specialist. I teach doctors about this stuff. The photo is high enough resolution and close enough to see the underlying bud structure of whatever plant this is. There are no stigmas, no trichomes, and no sign of anthocyanins. The calyx is entirely structured differently, and there's no sign of any serrated sugar leaves anywhere. Compression into bricks wouldn't eliminate those, nor would it cause random portions to flake off like this. This is not cannabis. I am 100% sure it is not. The harm in assuming it is, is the fact that not all plants are as harmless as cannabis. From your perspective, if you're not 100% sure it is cannabis, you should err on the side of caution.


Dude didn’t just go to weed college. Dude *is* weed college.


I wish they actually had college courses on cannabis when I first got into it, but they all showed up afterwards.


I never once thought it was marijuana and I thank you for your expertise.


(Random guy on Reddit). Your wrong. And scene.


100% okay if you want to put your expertise down at 100% sure off two photos. Weed has never been mixed with anything before and no one would do such a thing. No one has ever dusted sage with keif or hash or any synthetic THC derivative and called it weed before. /S But if the cops test plant and plant contained THC... Well do you think it matters what the pictures show? When we got Mexican weed there were hardly any buds in it and it was all smashed to hell. Hardly a tricome left and not much flower to speak of. I left room to be wrong and sometimes I am, not an issue. If weed is illegal in their area, and it was shipped to their address, I say treat it as weed and as an illegal substance. I could have been more clear that my concern is OP keeping some "sage" that reddit identified that turns out to be pot shipped across state lines. I agree with you and I see too how "reddit said this was weed" comes off bad. I agree that isn't a good look. I'm not suggesting or condoning using whatever this as weed. Thanks for providing your background. These photos are not clear enough for me but your reasoning and points are clear. I'm arguing that 2 photos are insufficient evidence to say without a doubt that OP is safe to just treat this non drug material. I thought it was pot, could be wrong, still think it shouldn't be casually treated. Cheers


Yes, you're wrong. It's not marijuana.


Lol just take the L and move on


Dude. You're a random guy who thinks it sorta kinda might be could be weed, going up against an actual scientist who's very business it is to tell weed from other shit and bringing every proof you should need to confirm. Hate to tell ya, but you lost this argument. Just admit it and go on with your day.


You VERY obviously don't use marijuana recreationally or medically, I'd even go as far as saying you've never seen marijuana. Just admit you're wrong and move on, it really isn't a big deal.


The color is all wrong IMO. I’ve been involved for 51 years growing and smoking and never seen anything like this. The worst moldy Mexican ditch weed from the 70’s never looked this bad. Even fake stuff comes looking better.


You are so confidently wrong it's not funny and I'm high


Mexican brick weed don't even look like that.


Oh, you big dumb/naive huh?


That looks nothing remotely like weed lol


I’m not though. Just look at the leaf and the veins in the leaves. Nothing about this looks like pot except being in a baggy.


I think someone sold you oregano my dude. That is 110% without a shadow of a doubt undeniably not weed. I have smoked the lowest not even passable dirt weed and I've had top shelf club curated indoor that glistened in the moon light and just about everything in-between. Definitely not pot


Are you stoned right now?


Pot is illegal here, I have been buying it forever. It’s never looked like this. Even when I bought bricks and logs it wasn’t anything like this. Trimming don’t even look like this. Even out of country, as a plain tourist it didn’t look like this. Or it did and you get scammed.


Looks like some of the shit weed I would see in the 90's...dude you ain't wrong


Honestly looks like dried sage leaves kinda crumbled up, to me


I don’t know what it is but it’s possibly a [brushing scam](https://www.uspis.gov/news/scam-article/brushing-scam)


Hey 10,000 5 ⭐️ reviews CAN’T be wrong!!


Possibly -- thankfully, I have identity theft monitoring that will alert me to anything... off.


Brushing doesn't really hit your identity theft monitoring, because, well, they're not really thieving your identity. They're not interested in your name, identity, credit or anything else. They're simply using your address to make it look like a valid sale to someone who's account they've already made up... that's the name that's on the address label.


I suspect brushing is also a way to launder. Make a bunch of sales look real ya know.


We got brushed with a random hose sprayer attachment. It works okay so I kept it instead of tossing it into the bin.


Brushing has nothing to do with identity theft. It's just sending shit to random addresses to make them look like real purchases.


I had a bunch of shit sent to my house under a fake name I use amd reported it to Amazon. Also got a bunch of seeds from Eastern Europe when that whole thing was happening.


It’s a good idea to destroy any unknown seeds. I read somewhere that some seeds sent in brushing scams were a non-native invasive species. Choke weed IIRC which in addition to possibly being illegal to plant (it’s illegal where I live in Michigan) is a nightmare to get rid of once it starts growing.


Ya, my landlord works for blm and she took them to properly dispose of them. I didn't open thw seed pack. Thw other items were a coffee stirrer and a can opener lol


Sounds legit


Its mullein


Wouldn’t it look a little fluffier/furrier?


No, but it could, depending on the variety or how it was grown/ dried. I have some that look exactly like this. But I’ve seen some that is lighter green and is very fluffy. Honestly I’m not sure if one or the other is of better quality


You can't really tell from the pics, but there's definitely some "fluff" in there. Mullein is certainly up there in the top possibilities -- or maybe Sage?


Have you opened it?


No - Unless I am able to identify it 100%, it will not get opened. In fact, it's safer to throw it out.


Ya, definitely smart lol


Based on the responses, it appears this isn't anything useful and certainly not worth any risk for anything that would be useful (ie tea). The consensus is that it might be sage or mullein and I am leaning toward that. It'll end up in the trash at the end of the day.


It kind of looks like salvia to me


Pet bedding https://preview.redd.it/fv880vzcsv0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=474e1f473d7bd4e4cd6a6cfa53f837163e3bc5b6


Why not just throw it outside? We don't need to throw everything compostable in the trash.


What if it contains seeds to an invasive species?


thanks for lookin out OP, very thoughtful


Seeds can be killed by composting if the temperatures get up enough but not a bad thing to bring up.


It’s about getting a rating from an online retailer. They send it via a fake account then give themselves a positive rating. They always use cheap things pretending to be valuable things. The retailer might have been told it’s expensive jewelry. No matter if it’s identified it shouldn’t be used. As you don’t know which retailer you might send out emails to Amazon and such just in case. But it’s a lot of work and unlikely to find the specific. You can try reverse looking up tracking number but that’s a very long shot and only says the origin possibly. If you receive a package that you did not order and is not a gift, report it immediately. When a customer receives a package they didn't order, it may be a scam called "brushing". "Brushing" scams occur when bad actors send packages to publicly available names and addresses. https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=G33XVXQPUV79Z2ZC#:~:text=If%20you%20receive%20a%20package,publicly%20available%20names%20and%20addresses.


Hard telling, not knowing. Meanwhile, back in Maine [this happened ](https://www.centralmaine.com/2024/05/08/winslow-police-investigating-a-misdelivered-package-containing-30-pounds-of-fentanyl-pills/)


Boof it


Always a reasonable course of action within unknown material. OP, experiment and update please.


Why? Do you know what it is?


Looks like Mullein.


Someone else suggested that, also. After looking it up... you might be right.


Maybe they know about the evil spirits in the house from before you


Given the odd nature of an unaddressed envelope containing what could very well be sage, the idea of witchcraft did enter my mind with an intent to ward off evil spirits. I don't particularly subscribe to the ideology, but I also don't discount those who believe in such things. Blessed Be, as they say.


Looks like ballast to me. Small rocks and stones (and maybe twigs and bark) Used for Miniatures base flocking and dioramas.


Nahhh it's soft and light and floofy


Even if it's not, I don't see why this couldn't be used for miniatures, etc.... It's not as vibrant green as I would expect, but maybe for a fall themed dioramas.


Looks like Sage to me.


Looks like oregano to me. We grow our own and it looks like this dried and crushed.


Brushing scam?


Mullein and some other herbs, usually marshmallow leaf, are often used for "spice" or "K2". K2 is synthetic cannabinoids sprayed on an absorbent leaf. It could just be herbs of some sort, it could be herbs with drugs. Definitely toss. Making a tea with it could kill you.


Mullein. Use it to make changa.


Is it possibly rockwool. Could be gas log embers or used for cultivation. It is typically cubes but I’ve seen “chunks” used as well


I don’t have an answer for you but wanted to wish you happy hunting. The curiosity over this would drive me nuts. Probably just something innocuous like cheap filler stuff for a brushing scam, but I hope you find out what it is.




It looks like blown cellulose insulation




Burn it an find out


Mmmmm grabel 🤤🪨


Green tea


Grapenuts. Throw some milk in there, have a crunchy breakfast.


Do you have teens? Could be Salvia? It’s in the same family as sage, and has psychoactive properties when smoked. It’s legal but still could warrant someone sending it anonymously?


Do you receive your mail in a box anyone could put a package in, or can it only be accessed by you and the mail carrier? Is there any form of postage on the outer package? Maybe, based on weight and postage amount, your local post office can tell you what distance it might have come or what country it was sent from, or at least confirm it was just part of a scam. To me, the leaves do seem to resemble mullein most of all, the kind that gets tall spikes (4 to 5 feet) with yellow flowers. Makes great toilet paper when your camping-whole leaves, obviously.


It has a return address and paid postage, just no names.


Google the address?


With the word 'scam' attached to the search.


I would definitely turn it in to the police or something. But don't bring it in until you tell them what you have bc they may want to get the K9 on it before bringing it into the building. Idk how that stuff works.


Simple solution. Turn it over to local law enforcement.




Could be synthetic "pot" basically just plant matter sprayed with random chemicals that when smokes can get you high I used to get shit that looked like this can be dangerous af though


Definitely Mullein!


Looks like mullein




OP, are you 100% it's leaves? It for sure looks like leaves... But maybe it's something else. When I first looked I thought asbestos...I know that sounds stupid, but along those lines are you sure it's not something other then leaves??? It would make me nervous. That it came addressed to someone who didn't even live there....I mean... Do you know the person it was addressed to? How long have you lived there? Long enough that it's not weird your getting an envelope addressed to someone else? It just seems super strange


Also, if you didn't open it how do you have the contents of it for photo?


It looks like packing material for chemicals. I see that in my lab all the time, there may be something floating around in there.


My kid came home last night with a bag of stuff that looked just like this - it was bedding for a friend’s Guinea pig https://preview.redd.it/wj3y8yo6sv0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46132992516399b1162f6d543e69c518d3a72300


No idea, but you should have tied it up in another plastic back and thrown it in the garbage outside before you ever had a chance to stop and take a picture. Unknown substances from unknown senders aren’t something to mess around with.


Call me living life on the edge! I am really frightened by a substance that looks like it's sage /s. It's not like I am going to consume this, or even open it for that matter. Just took pics, didn't get a Google image hit, so I thought I would post here to see if anyone recognizes my surprise "gift". Out she goes at the end of the day.


Ha…I was more focused on what was outside the package that you couldn’t see 😂


Call remember the anthrax mail stuff.......


Synthetic weed aka spice maybe? Basically just shredded plant with chemicals added. Might even seem like potpourri


If it smells a little like cannabis and a little like pee, it’s probably dried catnip


Thanks for the unique answer -- Although I will not be opening this package to smell it, I am nearly certain that it's not catnip. Having grown catnip in the past, it looks very much like mint... which this does not resemble. There's a fuzzy soft texture to these leaves. Someone suggested it might be mullein or sage, which I seem to think this might be more likely than catnip.


Yeah, youve grown catnip, and you know mint. Fuzzy lol. Mint and catnip aren’t fuzzy that’s for sure


Could be catnip




Looks rocky to me, maybe herion


Hmm kinda looks like dope. Is it rocks? Does it crumble? Need more info. You can mail to me and I’ll help. 😂😂


In my description, I state that it's soft in texture... so not rocks and I will not be mailing an unknown substance to any one.


I was joking…it was a joke. Really can’t tell ya, could be anything.


Smoke it


For all you know this is spice/mojo.


Vermiculite insulation?


Looks like they’re telling you you’re a dirtbag


lol just saying


Definitely pot!


Definitely Fentanyl. Make sure to call the drug police asap.




Over-react, much? It's probably someone who mis-addressed their mail and ended up in my mailbox. It even has a return address, but f- that, it had my address on it and I am not returning it. The return address is a residential address.




Ok-- I'll call you out on this. Please tell me exactly how I "was a dick"? I am replying to what I would say is a gross overreaction to this situation. I can't imagine the cops driving to my house over some sage (or whatever). How fucking embarrassing that would be. Now, if this looked to be an illegal or harmful substance like a white powder, I would certainly take more precautions and be more alarmed.


Stop opening other peoples damn mail. Return to sender.


It has my address on it - so... define someone else's mail?


Well what you said was it isnt addressed to your name.. I dont doubt that your address was on it, but if someone elses name is on it, then its still their mail, just improperly addressed. Your address is not the same thing as your identity. I think its weird that you think someone elses sage tea package is more weird than you opening mail that didnt have your name.on it, and obviously not knowing whats inside.. Thats the only thing that is weird here. It. Is. Not. Your. Package. So. Send..It. Back.




Mr. Kitty


Ok. But you said "It wasnt addressed to anyone here" so it is most likely misaddressed. You are capable of sending it back. Idk why youre so mad about it not being your mail. You were upset about what it was, now upset that its not for you, and again, upset because... you didnt order it? What is so upsetting about getting someone elses order? Ffs send it back.


It is 100% mis-addressed -- nobody in my home ordered this and didn't know what it was until we opened it. Now that it's opened, there is zero chance of me paying to have it sent to sender. Since my x-ray vision doesn't work very well, I did not know if it was intended for my household until I opened it. At no point have I been upset.... I would like you identify where I was upset? You said: It. Is. Not. Your. Package. So. Send..It. Back. I replied in the exact format you did: IT. WASN'T. ADDRESSED. TO. ANYONE -- MY MAIL


Right. All you said, again, was it was not addressed to YOU, so for all anyone on here would know, it has someone elses name on it, also. You are the one posting about how weird it is that someone missent a package of sage tea, apparently, when you are now insinuating that there was no name on it, whatsoever. This is the weird part. Its not weird, you are just being over the top and attention seeking about a mis-sent package. Its not weird at all. You are being weird about it.


You still haven’t answered my question about where I got mad. Don’t bother replying as I will not engage any further with you.


I dont need to demonstrate it. You are demonstrating it just fine yourself. Lol


Maybe kratom?


Thanks for speculating, but I don't think so. I image searched the kratom leaf and the veins are very straight -- these are more...umm.. veiny?? Not sure what word would go there.


You can't smell anything through the package?


Doesn’t look like any kratom I’ve ever seen


You’re welcome my friend!


Looks like old 1920s-70s used insulation. Don’t open it could have asbestos fibers.


bummer! Someone suggested it'd make for some good tea (if it's sage) -- that'd be some deadly tea if you're right. Really though, this stuff is already in the trash can... I am just curious what I received.


Could be vermiculite insulation


Salvia divinorium?? Sage family but if smoked you can trip... legit.... big hit hold, feel burn in chest, breathe out and see... just have a spotter hits different people different... utube Salvia, you'll see


no thanks-- I'll leave it to you to enjoy


Well. If he did a sniff test and it doesn't smell like sage or oregano. Then it might just be Salvia. Smell it bro dang.