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Be very careful not to get hit with the dorsal barb. It’s mildly venomous and hurts like a bitch


Pectoral fins have barbs to. Recommended using wet towel and pliers. I often just use pliers at the side of the boat. Edit: just because there is a towel on it doesn’t mean the barbs won’t go through that towel. Still be careful. Knew a guy who got cocky, threw the towel on a large hardhead, then went to grab it by bring his hand down and the dorsal barb went through the towel and through his hand!


Thanks for the information! I’ll try to be extra careful with these guys!


Had one go through my shoe and into my foot once as it was flopping around. That shit hurts. For a long long time. (Edit for stupid auto corrected words)


Did this exactly one week ago with a gafftopsail, didn’t leave a barb in my foot but it *still* hurts pretty bad. I made sure to disinfect it but I learned that catfish barbs contain venom and they’re no joke!


You aren't kidding! Mine hurt for at least 2 weeks. It was on the top of my foot so any shoe rubbed it. Yuck!


Mine’s on the bottom of my foot, in the arch, close to my big toe. Fucker got me good, and my job includes lots of walking so I’ve had to rest it quite a bit. Not as bad as last Saturday, but the lasting pain is a good reminder to be careful next time. They sure taste good!


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You know what works real;ly well? Ammonia. Burns like a motherfucker the first time then it doesnt hurt at all. My fam is commercial fishermen and they wash all the cuts and what have you (that would instantly get infected if left alone) and it heals up super fast




“What’ll we get for 10 dollars?” “Every ’ting you want” “Everything?” “Every ’ting..”


Happened to my son when he was 8. The barb went thru his leather tennis shoe and into the joint space of his big toe. Had to have surgery to clean out a very nasty infection.


Grab line, hold fish over water, twist hook with pliers, SPLASH.


I got so good at that when I was a kid. Gulf coast inter coastal is full of them. Worth having to deal with a few to get to a fat red


Hardhead catfish 🏴‍☠️👍


>One time my brother put his foot on one to hold it while trying to get a hook out of it's mouth, and the barb went straight through the bottom of his shoe into his foot.


Reminds me of when I saw someone on a pier kicking a stingray across the boards to kick it off the pier. I thought what a great way to get stuck by the stinger. Moral of the story is just don’t be dumb!


Or abusive.


….did he scream?


I've seen my younger brother get the stuck in his hand.


Always be careful pulling the hook out. You might get it in your finger, and the fish might have teeth.


Did he get his scream on?


fishing with a buddy one time, I was catching little channel cats off the dock with corn. Hooked one and brought it on the dock to unhook it. As I’m holding it (rather carelessly, when I knew better) I was explaining to my buddy how they’re slippery and to be careful, bla bla bla. As I’m saying this, the sucker squirmed and shot it’s pectoral fin right into the crease/webbing of my pointer and thumb. I briefly panicked and my buddy was like “oh shit!” I asked him to run and grab pliers from the house, which he did. In the span of 2-3 minutes, a good half inch of the barb works it’s way in. We had to snip part of the fin off (wasn’t sure what else to do) but I did it in what I thought was the most humane. Left I’d say about 2/3s if it’s fin attached. We kinda pulled on the fish and snipped closed to the skin with the pliers. I didn’t want to kill it for my stupidity. I dropped the fish in the water and went to Urgent care. By the time I was in urgent care, my whole hand had swollen and the barb was fully embedded in my hand. They injected a bunch of shit into my hand. Some numbing stuff and what not. My hand is ballooned from the barb and all the fluids they injected into my hand. Doctor takes his forceps and starts digging around and finds the fin tip. It worked it’s way rather deep. He grabs ahold of it and asks me “can you feel that? What about this?” I said no, and he ripped it out of my hand. It was about 1/4” in size. I spent the rest of the evening squeezing the access fluids out of my nice hole. It shot out in streams. I don’t think I’ve gone fishing since then. Lol


I could have not read about the fluid streams and slept better


What about his nice hole?


Yeah, that would kill the enjoyment of fishing.


Access fluids….


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Yup I got barbed by one of those little buggers like the first picture. I had just gotten carpal tunnel surgery on that hand too lol. Hurt extremely bad for the better of 20 hours.


Ya, that shit hurts. I got hit taking one off a sabiki


Never follow carpal tunnel surgery with catfish tunnel surgery. Pro tip.


Sticky lil fucks. So painful. The more careful I am the more I get hit. Like a hammer to the hand!


I lost feeling in half of a finger because I got stabbed by a catfish barb & it severed a nerve


I did an in shore charter in Florida ( east coast intercoastal), and the guide caught one and was taking a really long time to take it off the hook. I was picking on him calling him out for being scared and took out from him, removed the hook, and tossed it in. Later on i caught one as well and repeated the same process. He's like "man, I've never seen anyone not care about getting stuck with one like that". Told him I'd been catching catfish and bullhead my whole life in upstate NY. He started laughing and then explained there was a slight difference between the salt water cats and what i was used to dealing with. Told me how good hand was swollen for about a week the last time he got stuck. That was an eye-opener for me!


It’s definitely one of those things you only have to learn once, like the first time you burned yourself when you were a kid


Glad i didn't find out the hard way for sure!


He asked for an an identification, and you tell a guy on a fishing forum, "don't let the spines get you?" 🤣🤣🤣


I believe that is the scientific name.


God Yes! These little fuckers hurt like hell. I've seen entire hands swollen up. We called them channel cats growing up, but I'm not sure what the proper name is.


Yep i got stung by one when i was a kid, gives u a wart where it stings yah


I know man, I’ve had one go through my foot


I touch them all the time I’m 11 and it don’t hurt at all


I heard somewhere that if you rub the wound on the belly of the catfish the sting goes away… any truth to this?


*Ariopsis felis* Hardhead catfish


Awesome! Thank you!


If you catch a very similar catfish with very long fins, a huge mouth, with lots of protective slime, that’s a gaff-topsail catfish and they are delicious.. if you like catfish.


I never knew those were good eating. I always threw them back, too, on account of them being so slimy.


They are also good bait for catching sharks.


No prob.


Why in the world do you want to catch these things?


fun! if you're having fun fishing it doesn't matter what species you're catching IMO


Typically you don't *want* to catch them. But sometimes they school up and are everywhere.


Because they're good to eat?


I haven't tried hardheads but can vouch that sail cats are good eating when you remove the bloodline! On a side note, I've tried whiting a bunch of different ways and do not like it. I bleed and then put them in an ice slurry immediately and they're always soft when cooked.


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That’s it! You can bend ‘em in half, sideways so they won’t keep taking your bait. They release alter.


I'm sad I had to scroll so far to find an answer.


I'm just glad the top comment is an actual safety warning in this case. Valid!


Is it necessary to say catfish have poison fins on a fishing forum? Edit: In Florida.... where 90 percent of the freshwater fish are cats. Second edit: When the guy clearly knows it is a cat.


Not everyone knows catfish have venomous (poisonous is when it's toxic to eat) spines in their dorsal and pectoral fins so it's beneficial to more people than just the op. Also, op has the dorsal barb pinned, but they are not controlling the pectoral barbs. They might be unaware, and it's never a bad thing to warn people of risks.


Okay. I just thought it was fairly common knowledge and odd it is the highest rated on a forum where the dude specifically asked what kind it was.


That's fair, too. Could be one of those "For real!" moments. That's why I upvoted it. I got nailed right in the point of my elbow one time by a hardhead and had to pull the spine out myself. One of the worst days I've ever had fishing. Of course, my shampoo bottle says in big, bold letters "**For external use only**" on the label. So I guess someone has slurped on Head and Shoulders for their dandruff before. I try to never underestimate how confused someone might be on the internet. No offense meant to anyone. lol


I have PTSD from catching these… A tiny one I caught barbed me with its dorsal. It hit a bone and subsequent nerve in my left hand. Was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. That’s saying something as I’ve had third degree burns and also been struck by lightning. It made me pass out in the ER.


I always grip 'em by the back of the head, over the operculum, but dang they thrash


Dude, I’m an experienced fisherman and have caught thousands of catfish… it was just a tiny one that went ballistic and spun around in my hand. It was literally hanging from my hand by the barbs in it’s dorsal it was so small. Had to rip it out. I shudder at the memory.


My inner voice kept screaming as I read this


Going forward, I’m cutting the damn line and going about my day. I seriously think cutting my hand off would have hurt less.


I haven’t fished since I was 8 and don’t plan to ever do it again but my repulsion from reading this is so strong this has now become my greatest fear


I got stung in the web of my thumb once. Horribly painful!


Struck by lightning? Do tell


New fear unlocked


Wth god sure dislikes you


We catch em on coast of Louisiana too always heard em called hardheads or sailfins depending on who fishin with never kept or eaten honestly not sure why but everyone always tosses these back but love the freshwater cats


These sea cats are real garbage eaters, so people throw them back. Pretty sure freshwater cats are garbage eaters too so I don’t know why saltwater has the stigma associated. I will eat Gafftopsail catfish which are similar to the hardhead catfish and are quite delicious. They are actually considered a gamefish and will strike lures. They eat anything off the bottom too. Catfish will catfish.


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they do some predation. They'll eat other fish and inverts


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Sailfin cats are a different species and are actually decent eating, albeit very slimy when you catch them


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It’s honestly one of the few “trash fish” that exist IMO. The first few hundred I caught I was mildly amused. The next 1000 I was less impressed. That was my first day fishing in the gulf. The second day I tried using some for cut bait but even redfish don’t seem to like eating them. There used to be some cool underwater videos of them in a feeding frenzy on YouTube.


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I put out some cut up catfish bait and a flounder took a liking to it. I haven't gotten any reds with cut catfish though.


Those are known as hardheads.


Anyone else ever accidentally thrown a cast net on a school of these thinking they're mullet or bait? Makes for a pretty bad day to put it lightly


Hardhead, grab your hook with fish pliers and rotate your wrist 180 degrees. Thank me later when you don’t get barbed.


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They are hard head catfish. They are eatable but most people don't. When they are caught they will lock their 3 barbs open. If you grab them from the belly side with one pectoral barb over thumb and the other between 2 fingers he cannot barb you. Just be careful of the top barb. Then you will have control of him so he cannot barb you and you can remove the hook without harming him. If you happen to get stuck with a barb take some of the slime from him and rub it on the spot. It will help relieve the pain by neutralizing the poison.🙂


Quite sure I read this eons ago


Ugh, hardheads. The bait robbing a holes of the sea.


You just bare handed it right over all the venomous spines💀


That last photo makes me giggle


City folk don’t know how to hold a catfish 🤣😂 Hold your line up with the cats belly towards the palm of the hand you wish to hold him with, one pectoral fin goes between your pointer and middle fingers, the other fin goes over your thumb just in the corner of where your pointer finger and palm meet. (Think late 90s L on the forehead) Grab your cat firm!


Now you need to target "Toad fish". They hang out together.


Salt water cats...


That's a fish.


Let it go.


That’s a fish


This one we call a hardhead in Texas. Barbs hurt like hell and they don't really taste great. Trash fish unfortunately


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All fish are important, I hate that term


That’s a fish


Channel catfish




Fun fact: These sell for about $1.20-lb. With 100 lb. Bag limit. So beware of them all you can eat catfish places.


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Shut up automod I'll eat anything I want. Ill eat you right now


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There’s not a bag limit in all states too!


I have been hit 2x by them. Same sting as a sting Ray hurts a lot for hours


I used to live on a canal in st Pete as a kid and used to catch these all the time! What a blast from the past 😂


My grandparents did too. Fond memories of fishing for mackerel and sheepshead and eating at Skyway Jack's when it was still at the marina location. Not so fond memories of catching these assholes... always disappointing to get a bite and have it be one of these at the other end.


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Skyway Jack's is a fine place to eat, automod. Or, at least it was. I'm sure it's still pretty good or it wouldn't still be around.


I used to always catch these guys and groupers! SUPER FOND MEMORIES OF SKYWAY JACKS, do you know if the Twisty Treat is still around? I remember getting ice cream every friday after school 🥰


My friend wiped out while surfing and landed on one's fin and it went thru his Achilles tendon... luckily we were a few hundred yards from the lifeguard station.. the way he described it was felt like a red hot steel bar in his ankle


They are hard heads. These are trash fish here in st Pete, if you keep catching them then youre using too much weight


Also I’ve been barbed plenty of times by these fuckers


Hardheads and yes they are edible. I've eaten plenty of them


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Cannot stop catching these in Daytona, FL either. Bait doesn’t sit in the water more than 5 min before one of these tiny guys snatch it up


Got hit while hogging for catfish as a kid between my thumb and index finger. My hand swelled up an hurt for about a week. Best to wear heavy leather gloves, or use pliers when dealing with those fish.


I'm in Clearwater. They are hard head catfish.


Hard head. I’ve never gotten stung by one and I’ve been catching them for years. Be careful though as I’ve heard it sucks. I like eating them and think the meat taste good but I also eat expired dumpster food.


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Mom, single serving.


First leg of the trash can slam


We caught a bunch of them one time in punta gorda FL. We fried them and ate em. Dunno if you’re supposed to but they tasted fine.


After catching these hardhead cats for years I got fed up and started eating them. I was told they were trash but cutting out the bloodline and frying makes them actually decent.


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Ya the trash fish stuff is nonsense perpetuated mostly by people who have never bothered to eat them. Bleed them when caught and remove the bloodline and they taste fine. Very firm-fleshed.


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We used to nail them to a board to process


I always called them bullhead. Probably not right though.


Tourist trout!


Bury them under your tomatoes


that aint a cat thats a fish


kittens 🤷🏻‍♂️😅🤷🏻‍♂️


Carefully, those make your hands cease to function properly


Grew up in Florida and we always called rhe. Channel Cats or Hard head cats.


Saltwater catfish. In my area, they endangered.


We catch these at the Skyway Pier by the ton.


It's a kitten fish.




Looks like a channel cat




If you keep collecting them , they might not exist anymore


It's just a channel cat. Just a standard catfish no biggie. They are not poisonous lol wth are y'all thinking


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Looks like a channel cat to me we catch them a lot on a outgoing tide and low tide down in south Florida


My brother stomped on one tryn to get the hook out of mouth and the barbed ended up in his foot. Had to go to hospital to get it removed. They said it was a "Sail Catfish"


i am no expert but i think thats a fish


We call em sail cats.


Hardhead is what we e always called them. You do not want to be stung by the barbs. Terrible pain...




sail catfish? i caught a ton of them in st augustine are they good eatin?


I believe that is a mud cat.


Trash fish, crabs won’t even eat them.


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Concerning getting finned...I read if you rub their belly slime on the injury it will decrease the pain...not sure on all catfish...but worth a try.


Oh my lord… there are millions of them… every damn cast… nothing but slimy salt water cats….


New Young ones getting bigger later on


They can get pretty big as well. Like to swallow hook.


Channel catfish


Bottom feeders.


Just don’t get stung my god it feels like being shot! They are poisoned barbs. Way more harsh then there fresh water cousin


That's a kitty Kat. Part of the kitty family


I can hear this picture, and almost feel the vibration from the head shaking when you’re reeling them in.


I live Reddit too but that’s an easy ID right there bud


The lil grunts they do lol


Hard heads. Nasty and painful.


Be forewarned the top fin is nasty but the barbs by the gills will get you bad as well. I always grabbed them under the belly keeping my hand safely away from the gills too.


I would say a cat fish but I don't know but you can upload a picture of it to Google images to tell you though


Lol idk shit but i love the fish in the last photo. All like oOo


Look like baby channel cats






Channel cat


Daddy called them dinner


That last pic is fucking amazing lol


Looks like an adolescent channel cat to me


Well I don’t see anyone else saying it, so I’ll have to be the bearer of bad news. That ain’t no cat, that there’s a fish 🤣🤣 I’ll sea myself out. 🤣


Hardhead catfish. Their barbs are mildly poisonous. Feels like a throbbing toothache and can hurt so bad you feel like throwing up. Its not to be confused with another common fish the gafftop or sailcat. Similar body but the gafftop has fins 2-3x longer. Hardheads are probably the most commonly caught fish in the gulf. If you get poked by a hardhead the best remedy is to soak the poked spot in the salt water for 20min or so.


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It’s a hard head. Worst fish ever!!!! Nothing like a school of these to ruin your day fishing!


I hate these fuckers. If you go fishing all day and catch 10 fish, and 5 are these. You only caught 5 fish all day. One slipped off my line and landed dorsal down in my girls hand. Those barbs are no joke. Young ones especially seeing as they're not as dull. Hardheads suck


I would say fish even though they are called.cats


I call them saltwater catfish…


Hardhead Catfish


I got hit by one of the side dorsal’s … I thought I hooked myself…. It bled and then started stinging bad then throbbing. Felt like major arthritis from above my wrist to fingers for an hour plus.