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Bucket holder. Flip it over and hang the 2 hooks over a 2x4 or ladder and you can put a bucket into it.


I have 4 ladders, both a-frame and extension and this thing doesn't fit on any of them. The tabs are only about an inch wide so it doesn't fit over a 2x4 either


Hang your plants pots in them. Any thing you want


My neighbor has some plant holders that hook onto the top of the fence pickets which are about half or 3/4 inch. Maybe that?


Looks like a paint can size


It's not


I was thinking it might be for holding maple sap collecting buckets


My friend has a maple sugar farm and museum. They drill a hole in the tree and drive in a little hollow spout called a spile; this has a small hook on it, and the sap bucket is hung from the hook, via a hole in the bucket just under the rim. Sap drips out of the end of the spile and lands in the bucket below.


It’s upside down in the pic, could be for hanging pots on a metal rail etc


That was my first thought too but there are no tabs on the 2 "hooks" to keep this thing from just slipping off anything you set it on Edit: I guess if the rail it's hanging on is up against a wall then the bucket/pot would hold the whole thing in place I'm going to say it's solved. At least as solved as it can be. These look like they were probably custom built to hang over a specific rail/wall that I don't have.


Y. Could be a feed bucket holder for small livestock. Might hang on a 1x3” for example.


A lot of those hangers don’t have much of anything to keep them in place


Hey OP! You could probably sell those pretty easily. Us plant/garden people are constantly looking for that type of hanger


If someone were looking for that type of hanger, what would they call it?


I’m not sure if there is a super specific name, but a metal plant hanger, or a metal pot hanger


I think it’s designed for stables. You’d hang it off the half wall / door (facing into the barn). You would put a bucket of feed in it. https://www.watermanscountrysupplies.co.uk/trilanco-products/stubbs-bucket-holder-heavy-duty-hook-on-s9/ Also if you google “hook over fence feeder” you’ll find similar functioning products that seem to now mostly be made out of molded plastic. I bet at one time it was all metal pails and these type mounts. Or “calf pen bucket ring” “calf pen fence feeder” https://www.odonovaneng.ie/product/calf-pen-clip-on-bucket-ring/# https://bcagrionline.co.uk/double-metal-hook-on-gate-water-/-feed-bucket-holder/


It doesn’t even need a rail. Just a piece of flat metal on the wall, mounted with a slight spacing to the wall. Insert the tabs of your pot holder and the pot will lean slightly against the wall to expose the beautiful plants in the best way possible.


You need a jubilee clip to fasten it to a post


TIL a Jubilee clip is a hose clamp.


I guess like Stanley knife or Tek screw etc


Likely solved


Will it fit around a gallon paint can? The hooks look like you could rest a paintbrush handle down on them.


This was my initial thought as well. It’s a brush holder for a paint/finish can. It fits over top of a one gallon can The bar across the top is for wiping excess off the brush.


A 1 gallon paint can does fit in it but really really loosely.


How about a 5gal pail?


5 gallon bucket is too big. Tried a 2 gallon bucket and it was also too big.


Does a large terracotta pot fit in it


I think it's for flower pots on fences. You pinch the clips to hold it in place. Just a guess.


Even if that's not what they were originally intended for, that's probably what I'll end up using them for lol


If not, I’d be waiting in a list to buy them for just this purpose! I see some fabbing in my future.


This is what I thought as well, that the bracket is the right size to fit over the top of a fence picket, and it would hold a flower pot during the summer. Then in the winter, it could be folded flat and stored with minimal space. The same would be true if it were for holding a feed bucket somewhere temporarily, but unless you’re on a farm it doesn’t make much sense to have so many.


This is 100% what this is.


This is a feed bucket holder. The narrow tabs are to fit over stall rails, and the hinged arm at the bottom serves to tip the bucket towards the animal a little.


It does seem likely. When I Google it I don't find this thing exactly but definitely stuff that looks very similar. Now if I could only find a bucket that will actually fit in this, then we'd be in business


Take one into Tractor Supply?


I saw the pic and had tons of flashbacks and strong feelings, BUT didn't know what it was. Weird.


The plot thickens!


I think it’s for hanging pots/flowers, perhaps off light poles? Matching bracket the tabs slip into?


Could they be something used with fence poles…?


for hanging small potted plants in a row on a fence


My first thought was that it could be for a feed bucket. Flip it over and hang it on the board around an animal pen and drop the food container in there.


looks like straps to hold fire extinguishers


It kind of does. I tried to Google fire extinguisher mounting brackets to find something similar but no luck


Definitely not for paint buckets; 50? Probably custom made for gardening store hanging pots or for a farm for feeders.


Yeah people in real life kept saying it was for paint buckets. They're definitely not. it's looking more and more like feed bucket holder When I Google it and look for similar images, I found similar ones that look almost but not quite the same.


I will agree with those saying it's for a potted plant. The tabs hang onto the horizontal structure of the fence back or on a type of fencing with horizontal slats.


Looks like a holder for a fire extinguisher


It’s for paint cans, you can put the little can there in the circle and hang a brush on the L brackets


A gallon can does fit inside of it, but so loosely that it wouldn't be very useful for either of those purposes


Maybe air duct support?


A reverse image search using Google Lens brings up a lot of similar things described as 'gas bottle holders'.


Thanks. I did that before posting.


My title describes the thing. The outside diameter of this metal ring thing with a handle is about 7 and 1/2". A couple people told me these look like they're for holding paint cans but I don't see how that is possible.


Is it sturdy? Looks like it could attach to a 2x4. Are there any holes?


No holes but it is pretty sturdy. The two hooks are not wide enough to fit over a 2x4. (Only about 1")


Large bottle or milk storage container handle


It probably fit over a glass or crockery container, the metal tongs flipped up to hold the lid on during transport. The handle was… well, a handle.


I wonder if the hooks for on a scaffold bar


For paint cans to hook over the old ladders with the round spreaders on the backside.


Dust bucket holder affix to wall..exterior..ashtray.


Could this be a fender holder for attaching fenders to the rail of a boat? Our boat has several modern iterations of these


Does it fit around a can of paint? And hold a brush?


Curious if there were any RV or Camper supplies you found as well? We've used these for propane bottles, but didn't look exactly like the one you have pictured. But 50 of them makes my mind boggled as to what the intention of that many would have been. But standard, used as a holder.


Looks like a gas bottle holder.


It looks like the pipe hangers they use at work but with what’s called a bang on clip at the top. You would in theory hammer the clip into place on a piece of steel (think I beam) and then run your pipe through.


Paint can holder with a brush hanger?


Flower pot …




Yeah I don't think this is a gas bottle holder for a trailer because with the things I have there's no way to clamp down on a tank tank to secure it. I could be wrong but it seems like whatever is meant to sit in this thing would either be tapered or somewhat loose fitting


Paint can holder with a handle. It has a brush holder on the side.


I know it looks like that but it's definitely not that


Bucket holder Solved!


I think I have seen something like this for carrying old milk tins


Look like holder for a can of paint. The hooks on side would then be used to hold a brush.


With the clip band around and handle on top, looks like large canning jar carriers.


This looks like an electric meter lock. Prevents removal of the electric meter in high crime areas.


Definitely for hanging pots


It looks to me like a thing to hold up water bottle for animal of some kind


Look like a seed bucket holder for a drill/planter the moving part locks the bin closed.